You,Under My Name

Chapter 233: 233

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Lu Shaochen opened his mouth first,

"so, you are the one who ordered the killer to kill song Zilu?"

Xiao Qian's face was as steady as a rock, and his expression did not change.

At this moment, Li luoran felt as if he had been poured a basin of cold water.

Song Zilu was shot in front of him, and the scene clearly appeared in front of him again.

Just listen to Xiao Qian draw light way, "hire murderer to kill, but light then go to jail, heavy then pay a life of felony, Mr. Lu takes such a heavy charge to add to me, how can I bear?"

The meaning of the words is denial.

The playful tone and provocative eyes are clearly incomparable affirmation.

Lu Shaochen, with a cold face, "why?"

Xiao Qian's smile was awe inspiring, "can't Mr. Lu understand people? I don't admit that I hired murderers to kill people. Why? "

Voice down, elegant light a cigarette, and walked out of the corridor with elegant steps.

It's close to 10:30 a.m.

It's the sunny moment.

With Xiao Qian's paintings getting closer to Li luoran, Li luoran also saw him more clearly.

Li luoran remembers that Lu Shaochen has a small black spot the size of a grain of rice on his skin under his left ear. Because this small black spot is extremely inconspicuous, it can only be found in strong light. Li luoran is surprised to find that Xiao Qianhua has the same small black spot on his face

Seeing this scene, Li luoran can't describe his mood at the moment.

"Well, let's talk about you and Xiaojin." Looking at the perfect figure of man and himself, Lu Shaochen's eyes are cold.

At this time, the cars of Lu Shaochen and Li luoran (actually belong to Lu Shaochen) were parked downstairs, and a black Maybach was also quietly parked at the right rear of the two cars no more than two meters away.

Xiao Qian's painting leans lazily on the Maybach while smoking,

"you mean the misunderstanding a year ago?"

Lu Shaochen's face is dignified -

remembering that Li luoran had been cheated for a year, but also ignored himself for a whole year. His Adam's apple glided violently and his hands clenched at waist level.

"That's right. I deliberately played that scene for Li luoran, just to make her mistake you as a" fickle man "and a" fickle man ". How about that?"

Looking at the furious Lu Shaochen, Xiao Qianhua takes a cigarette with satisfaction,

"people in the circle say that Mr. Lu, who is as cold as an iceberg outside, is a ridiculous wife lover at home. Tut tut ~ you must be very concerned about your wife's attitude towards you, right? As a result, I just directed and acted in a simple good play, which made your wife neglect you for a year. Alas, I can't say how happy Mr. Lu must have been this year. "

Lu Shaochen breathed heavily and looked like a raging beast.

Although I've heard how terrifying Lu Shaochen is, Xiao Qianhua continues to stimulate him playfully,

"take it as a follow-up visit to users, Mr. Lu. You might as well regard the scene I played as my service for you, and evaluate it. Are you satisfied with my service?"


Lu Shaochen's eyes are so deep that he seems to devour everything in the world. He has strong self-control, but he can't bear it.

"go on, why do you do this?"

Xiao Qian draws a string of smoke rings between his thin lips, which are light brown.

"you don't have to ask, you know I'm for Xiaojin."

Sure enough

In Lu Shaochen's cold eyes like black gems, a trace of disappointment passed silently.


as like as two peas in the initiator of evil spirit, Lu Shaochen was reminded that last night, when he heard that there was a man who was exactly the same as himself, he thought that all the initiator of this was Jin Xin Tong.

The reason why he wants to ask Xiao Qianhua clearly is that he has only one last hope for Jin Xintong, but he doesn't want to accept that the image of "goddess" he once loved in his bone marrow has been completely reduced to ashes

Ha ha.

How ironic!

The woman he has loved for ten years.

In the end, he was also a "white lotus" and "scheming bitch" like Bai Qingwan.

"However, I made my own decisions and did it without telling Xiaojin. Xiaojin didn't know about it and didn't participate in it." The sound of Xiao Qian's painting is ringing now.

Lu Shaochen as like as two peas, the empty eyes turned to the handsome face that was exactly like himself.

Shuxinshuang is shocked.

Chu Xingchen, who has been sitting in the car, is relieved at the moment -

in Chu Xingchen's mind, Jin Xintong is synonymous with "Jiao Jie", "no time" and "perfect". Therefore, just like Lu Shaochen, he mistook Jin Xintong and Xiao Qianhua for acting together to deceive Li luoran. When he heard Xiao Qianhua say that, he was very sad Let it go.

Sister Xiaojin is as kind and beautiful as her sister-in-law. It's impossible for sister Xiaojin to do such a shameful thing!"You lie!"

Li luoran can't keep silent any longer. She excitedly points to Xiao Qianhua's face,

"that day I saw it clearly. You and Jin Xintong cuddle together in the rest room, and I will never admit it."

"Is it?" Xiao Qian draws his lips calmly,

"Lu Shaochen can admit his mistakes even when he's sleeping and pressing you every night. How can he say that you can't admit others?"

Li luoran was speechless, but his cheeks were as red as fire.

After all, it is also an indisputable fact that she mistook Xiao Qian's painting for Lu Shaochen.

Xiao Qianhua's eyes turned to Lu Shaochen,

"Xintong is a simple and kind girl, she is also very silly, she loves you deeply, just want to see you happy in silence, she would rather be wronged than do things that make you unhappy."

With these words, Xiao Qianhua pressed the cigarette end out of the window of the Maybach car and threw it on the top of the car.

"I was with someone else in the play, and this person was close at hand."

Voice down, Xiao Qian painting originally holding a cigarette in the right hand more than a car key.

The well-defined finger presses the unlock key.

Accompanied by a light mechanical sound, the door of the Maybach car beside him opened automatically. The next second, a tall woman stepped down gracefully from the car.

"Sister Xiaojin?"

Chu Xingchen was the first to scream.

The woman followed her voice and looked at Chu Xingchen. She waved to Chu Xingchen, "handsome boy, how are you!"


Chu star didn't answer again, but stare at the woman's beautiful face, deeply fell into silence.

Looking at this face, Li luoran, Shu Xinshuang and Lu Shaochen are all silent -

Jin Xintong is an extremely rare beauty in the world. The beauty is amazing and natural. Even if some beautiful women with good foundation try their best to have plastic surgery, it's hard to reach her.

Although the woman walking down from the car is not as beautiful as Jin Xintong, her face is at least nine points similar to Jin Xintong, and her figure is very similar to Jin Xintong. If you don't look carefully, it's easy to be mistaken for Jin Xintong.

As expected.

Everyone was shocked to see the woman's expression

There was a trace of satisfaction in Xiao Qian's black gem like eyes. He stretched out his long arm and held the woman in his arms.

"baby, explain to Mr. Lu what happened in the rest room of the star commercial building last year."

"Well ~" the woman's eyes turned to Lu Shaochen,

"Mr. Lu, at noon that day, I acted as Miss Jin and Qianhua and played a very intimate play in the rest room. That day, I hugged Qianhua as I do now. In fact, Qianhua and I both knew that Miss Li was eavesdropping on the outside. We pretended not to see her. Every word I said with Qianhua was intended for her. ”

Lu Shaochen was slightly relaxed.

Li luoran lost control in an instant. "You lied. The person who painted with Xiao Qian that day was not you at all. I'm sure it was Jin Xintong. It's true!"

"Miss Li, I know you are jealous of Miss Jin, and I fully understand the fact that you want to blackmail her when you seize the opportunity, but I swear that it was really me that day."

With a proud smile, the woman turned her eyes to Lu Shaochen,

"Mr. Lu, you are better than anyone else. Miss Jie Jin is a good girl who keeps herself clean. She will never harm others, and it is impossible to hug any man except you. As for whether I am lying or Miss Li looks away, I think Mr. Lu has already made up his mind. ”

as the voice fell, Lu Shaochen's eyes were drawn away from his face, and his slender fingers gently lifted Xiao Qianhua's face,

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"Qianhua, people have been waiting for you in the car for so long, so why don't you get on the car and accompany them?"

Xiao Qianhua, with deep vision, pinches her on the woman's proud stand,

"darling, I'll make you cool enough in a moment."

"Well! I hate it

The woman twisted willow's waist and got into the car.

Xiao Qianhua opens the driver's door and wants to get on the bus.

Lu Shaochen came to explain to you that he didn't have a big leg

Facing the car door, Xiao Qian's back is facing Lu Shaochen, and the door shining like a mirror shows his charming eyes,

"I have said that I love her for Xiaojin, just as she loves you; I love her as silly as she does; and I'm willing to do everything for her without asking for anything in return!"

At this point, Xiao Qian's painting, which has been playing evil before, now appears on his extremely handsome face.

Lu Shaochen eyes color deeper, "so, you help her revenge me?"


Remembering the fact that Jin Xintong loved Lu Shaochen deeply, Xiao Qianhua felt more pain in his heart, and his voice was even colder,

"Xiao Jin loved you to the bone. In those years, he drowned himself in the river for you, and fortunately recovered her life. After recovering her memory, she came back to you immediately, and then she lost her fertility for you forever. What about you? How do you respond to her love? "Lu Shaochen's thin lips opened slightly, but he was speechless.


Lu Shaochen is always blaming himself. It's because he is sorry for Jin Xintong that he gives the moon to Jin Xintong. However, compared with his failure to Jin Xintong, this compensation is far from enough

"Since you don't want to say it yourself, I'll tell you!"

Xiao Qianhua turns around and looks at Lu Shaochen coldly from a distance of less than half a meter,

"when you return to her, do you ignore her love for you; do you know how sad she will be when she sees you with other women, or do you take the trouble to show her love in front of her; do you still ignore her feelings when you see Li luoran's cruel hurt her again and again, He favors and covers up Li luoran. "

Although Lu Shaochen felt guilty, he was firm.

"Ranran is my wife, and it's my duty to protect her."


"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha!"

Xiao Qianhua laughed angrily,

"yes, Li luoran is your wife. It's your duty to protect her. Compared with her, what is Xiaojin? As long as you can protect her, what is Xiaojin's life and death? "

Thinking that Jin Xintong clearly knows that he is not as important as Li luoran in Lu Shaochen's heart, and still tries every means to get Lu Shaochen back, Xiao Qianhua angrily grabs Lu Shaochen by the collar,

"how cold-blooded people can say such heartless words? Lu Shaochen, don't forget that Xiaojin saved your life. You are a heartless, cold-blooded and merciless bastard. You are not worth her love at all! "

Lu Shaochen, who could easily push away Xiao Qian's painting, let Xiao Qian's painting grasp without any resistance.

Every word Xiao Qianhua said was like a blade in Lu Shaochen's heart.

Li luoran, who has been watching this scene not far away, has a look of panic on her delicate face.

Lu Shaochen's relationship with Jin Xintong is an untouchable defense zone in his heart. Therefore, Lu Shaochen seldom tells Li luoran about his relationship with Jin Xintong. It's not until this moment that she knows that Jin Xintong is not only Lu Shaochen's first love, but also Lu Shaochen's life-saving benefactor

That's why Lu Shaochen can't let Jin Xintong go.

A warmth came from the cold right hand.

Shu Xinshuang, standing next to Li luoran, holds her little hand tightly and suggests with affirmative eyes that Xiao Qianhua is right. Jin Xintong really saved Lu Shaochen's life


Xiao Qianhua released Lu Shaochen and opened the door.

Before getting on the bus, Xiao Qianhua suddenly stopped,

"I forgot your question. You asked me why I helped Xiaojin, because I simply can't stand you, a heartless bastard, ignoring Xiaojin, and when she is sad and secretly wiping tears for you, you are carefree and happy with your beloved wife."

The figure of Xiao Qian's painting on the ground can't help shaking,

"so song Zilu died, so I let Li luoran down on you when I acted. I just let you dogs and men never find your children back, and I just let you be restless!"


The door slammed on.

The luxurious Maybach drove away quickly, leaving Lu Shaochen with a cold face standing in the pungent exhaust.


the black Maybach drove out of the community at the fastest speed. After escaping from Lu Shaochen's sight, Xiao Qianhua stepped on the brake, accompanied by a harsh brake sound, and the car suddenly crossed the middle of the road.

Can no longer suppress the resentment, the man's hands heavily patted on the steering wheel.

The next second, the collapse of lying on the seat, a heavy sigh clearly reverberated in the silence of the car.

The hands with red and swollen palms are shaking under the waist.

Lu Shaochen!

That's the person Xiao Qian hates most in the world.

hate, because as like as two peas, her face is firmly in the same position as that of Kam Xin Tong, which makes her ignore other men.

Lu Shaochen is nothing more than the man Xiao Qianhua wants to be.

He wished he was Lu Shaochen.

If he is Lu Shaochen, he can love his little Jin all his life!

"How are you, Mr. Xiao?"

Guan Qinglin on the co pilot's seat looked weakly at the painful man.

Then I remembered that there was another person in the car. Xiao Qian's painting gradually changed back to his indifferent face. "You just saw Lu Shaochen with your own eyes. Who do you think is better between me and him?"

Guan Lin Lin as like as two peas and smiles. "Of course Mr. Xiao is good. Though Lu Shaochen looks exactly like you, Mr. Xiao's temperament is not what he can match."

"Is it?" Xiao Qianhua didn't believe it,

"you don't have to please me, just tell the truth."

"This Ok... " Guan Qinglin shrugs helplessly,

"from the bottom of my heart, as a girl, I prefer Mr. Lu's type. Although he and you are like the same person in body, voice and appearance, I can't say that he is different from you at all, but he seems to have a kind of charm that you don't have, which makes any girl unable to extricate herself."Recalling the moment when she saw Lu Shaochen, Guan Qinglin's cheeks were slightly red and her eyes were shining.

She was so obsessed with the beauty that she didn't notice Xiao Qian's dangerous eyes.

"Alas! Mr. Lu is really famous. Do you know, Mr. Xiao, at the first sight of him, my soul is almost taken away by him. I almost can't help walking towards him. I'm really good... "


Xiao Qian suddenly interrupted Guan Qinglin with a cold voice.

Guan Qinglin looked at him wrongly, "Mr. Xiao, did I say something I shouldn't say? You asked me to tell the truth

Xiao Qianhua closed his eyes in pain.

When he opened his eyes again, his loss had been quietly digested by him, showing only thin cool and quiet cold,

"I have contacted the plastic surgeon for you, and it will still be the plastic surgery hospital at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

"No! Mr. Xiao, I'm very satisfied with my appearance now. And after my last facelift, the plastic surgeon told me that the beauty level is the limit for my face. No matter how it is, it can't be as beautiful as Miss Jin. "

Guan Qinglin touched her face with her fingers.

Her original appearance was totally different from what she is now.

Just because her figure and voice are very similar to jinxintong, Xiao Qianhua specially finds her and tries to make her look like jinxintong.

Li luoran is not easy to cheat. Therefore, a year ago, Jin Xintong was the one who acted with Xiao Qianhua in the break.

Xiao Qianhua's purpose of turning Guan Qinglin into jinxintong is to help Xiao Qianhua cheat Lu Shaochen. Guan Qinglin doesn't understand. Since she has just helped Xiao Qianhua get over the lie, why does Xiao Qianhua want her to continue to have plastic surgery

Xiao Qian coldly opened his thin lips, "you misunderstood me. This time, I want you to destroy this face and make another face."


Guan Qinglin felt cold all over, "Mr. Xiao, why do you treat me like this? Is it because I just said something I shouldn't have said? "

Xiao Qian's eyes are dark and evil, just like Satan, "it has nothing to do with what you said, just because this face belongs to her alone, and no one deserves to have the same face with her."

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