You,Under My Name

Chapter 243: 243

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Li luoran's eyes were black.

She couldn't see anything. She just felt that she was forced out of the car by a pair of powerful hands and pushed into another car.

The car started.

All the way bumpy, Li luoran can feel the car driving very fast.

I don't know how long it took for the car to stop.

"Miss Li, it's time to get off!"

Accompanied by a low roar, Li luoran was pulled out of the car, and she was dragged along in the dark.

Finally, she heard the sound of the iron door being pulled open.

The iron door was closed, and after a long walk, the voice said in a deep voice, "sit down!"

A big heavy hand was on her shoulder.

She couldn't help sitting down.

There was something cold around her hands, which made her wrists ache.

It was not until this moment that the cloth bag covering her face was pulled away.

Suddenly, Li luoran, with bright light, adapted to the pain in her dark eyes. After a while, she found that her place was a huge warehouse. Now she was sitting on a chair, her hands tied to the back of the chair, and her wrists tied to the two legs of the chair.

Su Yan, who was tied up like her, sat face to face about three meters away from her.

Four men in black stood around them.

Just now, it was the four men in black who made the accident and forced Li luoran and Su Yan to come here.

Su Yan looked at the four masked men coldly, "who are you? What do you want to do? "

One of them said faintly,

"if you think about what you have done, you won't not know why I want to arrest you."

"Ridiculous Su Yan is not afraid at all. He laughs playfully and sarcastically,

"I su Yan do many things every day. There are countless people who have offended me, and there are not a few people who want to revenge me. How can I know who you are?"

The other three were silent.

Only the person who just spoke continued, "since you pretend to be stupid, I might as well remind you that tonight, you and Li luoran went to the places you shouldn't go, saw the pictures you shouldn't see, and took the videos you shouldn't take."

The man's words are understated and traceless.

Li luoran seemed to hear a bolt from the blue.

Tonight, her and Su Yan's actions are very secret. When they were secretly taking videos outside the landing window, she also carefully observed that there was no one around.

And the person who spoke seemed to follow them all the time, making their whereabouts clear.

Su Yan was as shocked as Li luoran, but he pretended to be silly and sneer,

"where should I not go? What shouldn't be seen? What video should not be taken? I can't understand you at all

"Ha ~"

men sneer.

No longer quarrel with Su Yan, but make a gesture to another man in black beside him.

The masked man in black who got the order immediately went to search Su Yan.

As Su Yan and Li luoran are tied firmly to the chair, there is no room for resistance, so they can only be searched.

In the twinkling of an eye, the man in black found his mobile phone from Su Yan.

The man in black respectfully handed Su Yan's mobile phone to the man in black who spoke before.

Looking at this scene, Su Yan is not angry but laughs,

"it's so stupid. Anyone with a little common sense should know that all business people's mobile phones will set complex passwords. No one can unlock my mobile phone without a password."


The masked man was silent for a moment, and then his dark eyes showed a trace of evil,

"he is worthy of being the president of Su's company. If you are someone else, you will focus on how to force you to say the password. However, no matter how hard you are, you can't say it. In this way, you can keep procrastinating Until someone comes to save you

Su Yan was secretly frightened, but he didn't know the color of the voice on the surface.

The masked man walks up to Su Yan with steady steps,

"but I'm not someone else, and I'm not so easy to be cheated by you. You want to turn my attention to the password, which just means that there are other ways to unlock your mobile phone. There's a quick way to unlock your mobile phone, which is called face brushing unlock. I wonder if President Su's mobile phone has also set this way to unlock it?"

No longer able to hide, Su Yan handsome as Prince's face can not help showing panic.

The man holding Su Yan's mobile phone in his gloved hand, drew the screen inch by inch to Su Yan's face.

Sure enough!

When the mobile phone screen is close to half a meter away from Su Yan's face, the mobile phone will automatically unlock.

Enter the camera interface.

Among the saved video files, the first one is Su Yan's "hot and sweet" video of Bai Qingwan and three men

The man turned on the play button.At this time, the other three people in black also gathered around, looking at this wonderful and hot video, some people couldn't help sighing.

Su Yan knows that since these people are arresting Bai Qingwan and Li luoran to help him, they will definitely delete the video he took from his mobile phone.

But Su Yan is not worried.

Just in case, Su Yan uploaded the video to the encrypted folder of his own network disk as soon as he took it. These people can delete the video from his mobile phone, but they can't delete the video from his network disk.

At the same time, Li luoran's mobile phone was also searched from his pocket and unlocked by the man in black in the same way.

Li luoran doesn't know as much about the Internet as Su Yan, nor does he know how to upload it to the Internet disk for backup.

So, Li luoran, who thought that as long as the videos in her and Su Yan's mobile phones were deleted, all previous achievements would be wasted, was very excited. She looked nervously at the masked man,

"you must help Bai Qingwan for money. This video doesn't matter to you, but it's very important to us. As long as you don't delete this video, no matter what Bai Qingwan gave you I'll give you double the amount you pay. "

"Oh? Double? " The masked man pauses the video, slightly bows his head, and looks at Li luoran with a pair of black gem like eyes,

"Oh, when Miss Li says that, I suddenly remember that Miss Li took several hundred million yuan from wangzimo, and now she is a real rich man."

Li luoran could not help but be frightened.

The masked man seems to know a lot about her.

Under the headgear, the corners of the man's mouth evoke an arc of fun, "unfortunately, I don't do it for money. No matter how much money you give me, it's useless."

Li luoran said, "so, are you purely for the sake of Bai Qingwan?"

Is this masked man, like the shadow night brother, a silly man who knows exactly what kind of woman Bai Qingwan is, but still loves Bai Qingwan and is willing to be used and manipulated by Bai Qingwan as a chess piece?

"It's not worth doing things for another girl."

Then the man slowly took off his head cover.

A handsome face rushed into Li luoran's sight.

At the moment of seeing this face, Li luoran, who had mixed feelings in his heart, could no longer say a word.

She also instantly understood who the "other girl" was

"Lu Shaochen?"

Su Yan couldn't believe his eyes. He was shocked and relieved.

"are you having fun like this? Let your men untie me

"Lu Shaochen" just looked down at Su Yan, his eyes like watching a play.

"Lu Shaochen, what are you doing?" Su Yan is speechless,

"I know this is your prank, but this kind of prank is not fun at all. I have something important to do and I don't have time to play this little game with you. You should untie me now."

"Su Yan." Li luoran tries to interrupt Su Yan.

But Su Yan decided that the person in front of him was Lu Shaochen. The more Lu Shaochen turned a deaf ear to his words, the more excited he was.

"Lu Shaochen, are you listening to me? I warn you that there is a limit to my patience. It's too late for you to let me go now. "

"Lu Shaochen" is still silent, only to see his eyes more banter.

"Lu Shaochen, what's the matter with you?"

"Let me go!"

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

"Let go!"

"Let go!"

"Lu Shaochen, are you crazy?"

Su Yan struggled excitedly, and the chair that was tied with him shook violently, and the legs of the chair kept beating on the ground.

"Su Yan!" Li luoran raised his voice,

"stop making noise, he is not Lu Shaochen!"


As if he had been splashed with cold water, Su Yan suddenly calmed down.

Su Yan, who had been so excited, seemed to have turned into a sculpture. In this way, he looked at the man with the same face as Lu Shaochen.


Su Yan is as like as two peas in Lu Shaochen's face.

If you tell Su Yan that this person is not Lu Shaochen or Li luoran, Su Yan will never believe it, but Li luoran will not cheat him.

Looking at Su Yan's appearance, the corner of the man's mouth evoked a proud smile,

"Miss Li, don't you introduce me to President Su?"

Li luoran breathed a sigh of despair. "His name is Xiao Qianhua. He is the" black king of hell "that people in your circle often compare with Lu Shaochen."

At this moment, Su Yan felt as if his whole body was cold.

The reason why "black hell" is so famous in the circle is not only that "black hell" is as rich and powerful as Lu Shaochen and covers the sky with only one hand, but also that "black hell" is a completely opposite existence to Lu Shaochen——What Lu Shaochen did was all aboveboard business. He accumulated today's wealth empire through proper means.

"Black hell" does most of the dark business such as Du goods trading and Jun Gang's going to hiss. In addition, "black hell" also controls most of the entertainment industry. It is said that many stars are used by him as a tool to please customers

In any case, Su Yan never thought that the two people who controlled Jiangcheng's economy in the open and the dark had the same face.

"I finally understand..." Su Yan collapsed and leaned on the back of his chair,

"at the beginning, I tried my best to drive Bai Qingwan out of the" Shengshi imperial concubine "crew. At the beginning, the heads of the crew heard me say that as long as they successfully drove Bai Qingwan away, I was willing to give each of them three million yuan, and each of them patted his chest to promise me, but later, they all changed their mind. It turned out that Bai Qingwan was close to me You're backstage. "

Xiao Qianhua, "to be exact, I took the initiative to ask Bai Qingwan to come next to me."

"Why?" Su Yan was puzzled in her clear eyes,

"you should know what kind of woman Bai Qingwan is. You have many female stars who are more innocent and potential than her. Why do you favor her?"

According to the statistics of authoritative media, the investment cost of "Shengshi HuangFei" exceeded 800 million, but it only created more than 700 million box office. Apart from the share of the cinema and other participants, about 200 million were allocated to the investors -

that is to say, "Shengshi HuangFei" made Xiao Qianhua lose 600 million!

If it were not for deep-seated reasons, Xiao Qianhua, a businessman who is interested in profits, would never make such a loss voice.

Xiao Qian sneered, "I have too much money to spend. I like to hold Bai Qingwan, a whore like that. How about that?"


Su Yan trembled with anger.

Of course, he can't know what Xiao Qian painted for.

But Li luoran, who is tied opposite Su Yan, knows.

The moment Xiao Qian's painting takes off the mask, Li luoran's heart becomes clearer than the mirror -

all Xiao Qian's paintings do is for Jin Xintong.

Xiao Qianhua loves Jin Xintong deeply, and Li luoran is Jin Xintong's rival. Therefore, Xiao Qianhua will support Bai Qingwan against Li luoran at all costs.

"In this case, I have nothing to say. You tied me and Ranran here just because we took a video that was not good for Bai Qingwan. Now our mobile phone is in your hands. Just delete the video and let us go." Su Yan looks up like a prince.

Xiao Qian shook his head,

"I'm afraid it's not so simple."

Su Yan's eyebrows locked, "what do you want?"

has the final say. Xiao Qian has the same voice as Lu Shaochen, magnetic and penetrating, but it is different from Lu Shaochen's cold and evil.

, "after all, I am just a play. This is a grudge between you and Bai Qing. What she wants to do is she has the final say."

Hearing the name of "Bai Qingwan", Su Yan sarcastically said, "she is busy pleasing three men in turn now. I'm afraid she doesn't have time to solve the grudge between us."

The expressionless Xiao Qianhua said, "she will be here soon."

Su Yan will not reply.

Only in the heart sneer -

then, let him and Bai Qingwan do a thorough end!

Xiao Qianhua turns his back to Su Yan and Li luoran and doesn't say a word.

The three men were always wearing hoods and never making a sound.

The silence in the huge warehouse is suffocating.

I don't know why. After learning that Bai Qingwan will come, Li luoran has a very bad feeling. Bai Qingwan is the most timid person li luoran knows. Now Li luoran and Su Yan are bound, and they don't have any fighting power. Li luoran can't imagine what Bai Qingwan will do to them.


before long, someone knocked on the iron door of the warehouse.

Xiao Qianhua waved his hand.

One of the masked men quickly opened the door.

With two heavy iron doors on both sides, a beautiful shadow appears in Li luoran's sight.

It's Bai Qingwan.

She was still wearing the pearl white skirt that she wore when she went to accompany the three men. The bright light shone on her like a pure white lotus.

Because she has just been brutally treated by three men in turn, although Bai Qingwan mended her make-up afterwards, she still can't completely cover up the fatigue on her face, her neck, arms, legs However, the skin that is not covered by clothes can be seen everywhere with blood marks made by whip

In particular, the secret area, which was wantonly abused by three beast like men, was extremely red, swollen and painful. Therefore, Bai Qingwan could only walk slowly with her legs turned out. It was a distance of more than 20 meters in a twinkling of an eye, but it took her a long time to arrive.

Xiao Qianhua glanced at Bai Qingwan faintly,

"the customer you accompanied sent back feedback information. He is very satisfied with your service and looks forward to playing more exciting with you next time. You should be psychologically prepared."Recalling that purgatory like hour, Bai Qingwan's fingertips trembled slightly, seemingly as if nothing had happened,

"as long as your customers are satisfied, I don't care."

As Xiao you, you can enjoy the dark eyes


Bai Qingwan savors this poisonous word.

She admits that she is really a woman who is hard to meet physically. Her expectation on this matter seems to be much stronger than that of a normal girl. Even when she was with Su Yan at the beginning, even if Su Yan sometimes gave her three times a day, she would not be satisfied and would go to meet other men behind Su Yan's back.


No girl wants to be treated in such a rough way by three men as she did tonight.


Bai Qingwan knew that it was a double humiliation to her body and personality, trampling and abusing her!

She hates being treated like that!

However, Bai Qingwan has to admit that as she experiences this kind of thing more and more times, she dislikes and repels it. At the same time, she gradually likes it.

Sometimes, when Bai Qingwan is lonely in her spare time, she even looks forward to Xiao Qianhua asking her to accompany those customers who like to play with excitement.

The excitement, the images of being bullied, whipped and bullied wantonly, the feeling of pain and countless other feelings intertwined together, like a storm pouring towards her, disgusted Bai Qingwan, repelled her and yearned for it.

It's as if a person who is addicted to drugs doesn't know how to stop

Therefore, although Xiao Qian's painting is sarcastic, Xiao Qian's painting is right - she can really enjoy it!

When Bai Qingwan is absent-minded, a mobile phone is handed to her,

"this is the video taken by Su Yan and Li luoran. Watch for yourself."

Bai Qingwan's thoughts came back to reality.

The video only played for less than two seconds. Bai Qingwan screamed "ah" and pressed the stop button in a hurry.

She was terrified.

Having experienced that scene herself, she certainly knew how ugly the scene was. At that time, she had no idea that the scene had been secretly photographed by Su Yan and Li luoran. She also knew the reason why Su Yan and Li luoran did so. If this kind of video had been sent online by Su Yan, everything would be over for he

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