You,Under My Name

Chapter 244: 244

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Seeing Bai Qingwan's dejected appearance, Su Yan couldn't help laughing, "some people have no bottom line, even can't bear to look directly at themselves?"

"You..." Bai Qingwan was so angry that he stopped talking for a while. The next second, he sneered and responded,

"Su Yan, I didn't expect you to laugh at me when you were so passive. Yes, I'm licentious and have no bottom line. I'm even more casual than miss. But so what? At the beginning, you didn't sleep as well as I was. Did you love me as a chaste saint?"

As if he had been beaten hard in the face, Su Yan was as handsome as a prince.

There's nothing to say but spit in hatred,

"bah! I think that Su Yan should have slept with a woman like you. I really want to castrate myself, but fortunately, after sleeping with your simple and beautiful sister, I finally found some balance. "


Bai Qingwan completely lost control, raised his hand and threw it on Su Yan's face.


The loud voice spread far away and reverberated in the open warehouse for a long time.

This time, Bai Qingwan Mao's whole body strength, after beating Su Yan, he also shook violently and fell to the ground.

Even though his face was burning with pain and the corner of his mouth was overflowing with blood, Su Yan still didn't show any pain, but looked at Bai Qingwan, who fell to the ground in embarrassment,

"is that all you can do? Was it the three men who emptied all their strength? "

Bai Qingwan, who has already become angry, is even more out of control. She doesn't care about her image. She gets up and slaps Su Yan again.

However, this time, before she could touch Su Yan's face, Su Yan's heavy head was in her heart.


With a low scream, Bai Qingwan took two steps backward, then fell to the ground again.

The man's strength is so big, and Su Yan uses enough strength, hysterical pain makes Bai Qingwan cover his chest and curl up on the ground, shaking all over.

Su Yan gently licks the blood at the corner of his mouth and looks at Li luoran.

Li luoran shook his head silently.

She saw that just now Su Yan deliberately said malicious words to anger Bai Qingwan, the purpose is to lead Bai Qingwan close to him, and then knock Bai Qingwan down.

Li luoran knows that, but Su Yan's doing so is just venting his anger.

Now he was tied so firmly, which annoyed Bai Qingwan. He couldn't get any advantage at all.

What Li luoran doesn't know is that Su Yan hates Bai Qingwan to the bone. Since the moment Bai Qingwan appears in front of him, Su Yan's teeth are itching. As long as he can make Bai Qingwan look good, he would rather ignore all the consequences




Bai Qingwan, curled up in a ball, groaned in pain.

Four people, including Xiao Qianhua, were standing in the same place all the time. They seemed to be afraid of dirtying their hands and refused to help her.

They just watched the enchanting "goddess" writhing on the ground like a white lotus.

At least two minutes later, Bai Qingwan, whose pain was relieved, struggled to stand up.

Bai Qingwan originally had a pure face, which looked gentle and kind. At the moment, this face was twisted and ferocious because of excessive shame and annoyance.

Regardless of the pain in her legs, she took a big step to Su Yan again, biting her teeth. This time, standing at a safe distance from Su Yan, she made every effort to fight Su Yan in the face.


A cold and majestic voice suddenly came like a cold current.

Bai Qingwan dare not disobey, can only helplessly take back the hand, so stand in front of Su Yan, hate to look at him, hanging on the waist of the hands can't help shaking.

Xiao Qianhua continued, "I asked you to come here to solve problems like an adult, mature, rather than fighting like a child."

The well-defined finger pointed to the mobile phone that Bai Qingwan had just dropped to the ground,

"you also saw that video. In the final analysis, it's the grudge between you and Su Yan. Let's say, how do you want to solve it?"

Bai Qingwan looks at Su Yan coldly, a pair of eyes that used to show good intentions in front of people are full of fierce light,

"if I say I want to kill him, will you agree?"

Xiao Qianhua pointless pick eyebrows, "I said, this is the grudge between you, how you want to solve is your own thing, has nothing to do with me."

There is deep disdain in the black gem like ice eyes.

Although Bai Qingwan can sell her dignity and body for fame, Xiao Qianhua doesn't believe that she has the courage to kill.

"Very good!"

Bai Qingwan's expression was ferocious.

A masked man had a military dagger pinned to his waist. Bai Qingwan came to the masked man, pulled out the dagger, and then stepped back to Su Yan,"Su Yan, you have also heard Mr. Xiao's words. You are dead today. If you have any last words, let's talk about them now."

The bright dagger swayed in front of Su Yan.

The bright light of the fluorescent lamp came down, and the sharp blade released the cold light. Li luoran felt cool all over.

Su Yan was not afraid at all, but laughed sarcastically,

"first, I know you can't do it, not because you don't want to kill me, but people like you are always cautious, though you are like a snake and scorpion. You will only hide in the dark like you ordered Yingye to kill my father. Even if you want to eat me alive, you will never dare to do it yourself; second, you will never dare to do it yourself Even if you really dare to do it, you will be restless, because even if I am a ghost, I will haunt you forever. "


Bai Qingwan's face is ferocious,

"then, I'll show you if I dare!"

With these words, he raised his dagger, and the tip of the dagger was inch by inch close to Su Yan's face.

Su Yan looked at her indifferently, never blinking.

Li luoran couldn't see it any more. "Bai Qingwan, what's your nerve? Xiao Qianhua has got the mobile phones of Su Yan and me. As long as you delete the videos taken by Su Yan and me, you will have no worries. What else do you want to do? "

She also doesn't believe that Bai Qingwan will really fight Su Yan.

Bai Qingwan is the most insane person li luoran has ever seen, and also the least cautious person li luoran has ever seen. It is precisely because of this that Bai Qingwan can hide his true side so deeply.

Therefore, Li luoran is sure that Bai Qingwan never dares to take the risk to fight Su Yan himself.

However, in case, Li luoran opened his mouth.

"Ha ha, Li luoran, are you distressed?" Looking at Li luoran, Bai Qingwan's ferocious eyes were filled with resentment,

"as expected, I haven't guessed wrong. You have never been in love with Su Yan."

“……” Li luoran can't laugh or cry,

"Bai Qingwan, you are crazy!"

"Yes, I'm just crazy!" Suddenly out of control, Bai Qingwan pointed a dagger at Li luoran's face and yelled,

"Li luoran, I hate your face. How beautiful your face looks, so many men are crazy for you. From this moment on, if you dare to say a word, I will destroy your face beyond recognition first!"

Li luoran was not afraid and immediately wanted to reply with sarcastic words.

Su Yan's voice rang out before her, "this is the grudge between us. It has nothing to do with Ranran. Just come to me!"

"Our enmity? oh Ha ha

"Our enmity, ha ha ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

As if to hear a big joke, Bai Qingwan suddenly kept laughing, how also can't stop.

It was as if the expression of the ghost was still grim and howling

At this moment, even the ink eyes of Xiao Qian's paintings, which are extremely emotional, are slightly different.

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Bai Qingwan smiles all over, and the dagger that she held in her hand falls to the ground.

She finally stopped laughing and looked down at Su Yan, who was close at hand, with tears in her eyes. "Su Yan, I really pity you. Unfortunately, she's already Lu Shaochen's wife. What's the use of your deep love for her?"

The most painful scar in the heart has been uncovered. Until now, Su Yan's face is as handsome as the prince's for the first time showing pain in front of Bai Qingwan.

To his sad eyes, Bai Qingwan smiles more and more plaintively,

"Su Yan, don't think I don't know, you hate me to the bone, although it's also because I let that fool in shadow night kill Su Jinnian, the most important reason is that I originally designed to separate you and Li luoran, right? Although Luoli and I thought you had no chance to recover happiness, I didn't think you had any chance to recover it

Su Yan's Adam's apple slipped and his lips trembled.

Even at the moment when the knife in Bai Qingwan's hand almost stabbed his face, he could still keep his face as steady as Mount Tai. But when Bai Qingwan mentioned Li luoran, Su Yan's heart seemed to be cut open. Countless regrets and hysterical pouring out made his eyes tearful.

Li luoran.

This girl he loved and missed is his lifelong regret.

If he really wants to make any last words, what he wants to do most is to say "sorry" to Li luoran

For Xiao Qianhua and the three masked men, Su Yan is just an insignificant existence.

However, at this moment, why even they feel sad because of Su Yan?

Bai Qingwan picked up the dagger that had fallen at her feet,

"have you ever loved me?"


No one thought that Bai Qingwan would ask such a question. Everyone was shocked.Su Yan sneered, "now what's the point of asking such a question?"

"It may not make sense to you, but it's different to me." In Bai Qingwan's clear eyes, resentment and sadness coexist,

"Su Yan, apart from the dead shadow night, you are the best and favorite person in the world for me. I really want to know, when you were with me, were you in love with me or were you just like other men because you were greedy for my body?"

I don't know whether it's because of disdain or pain. Su Yan closes his eyes and doesn't look at Bai Qingwan any more.

At the beginning, Su Yan's true love for Bai Qingwan was from the heart.

Otherwise, Su Yan will never cheat Li luoran to have a baby with Lu Shaochen for the sake of Bai Qingwan.

Before seeing the true face of Bai Qingwan clearly, Su Yan wants to grow old with Bai Qingwan. Therefore, he is obedient to Bai Qingwan and has no mercy on spending more money for her.

However, Su Yan did not expect that in the end, this "chaste lady" who has been regarded as a treasure by herself is not only a lustful girl with no limit, but also the initiator of killing his father

"I see..."

Although Su Yan did not give a positive answer, his expression had already given the answer. Bai Qingwan's ferocious face showed a smile,


"Su Yan, tell me, now you really only hate me, just know that I stole many men and I let shadow night kill your father behind your back, and your love for me is gone?"


At the moment, a masked man couldn't help laughing.

Li luoran was also stunned.

"Ha ~" as if hearing a big cold joke, Su Yan laughed very ironically,

"can a person with many selves say such a thing? As my girlfriend, you are loyal in front of him and have sex with countless men behind him. You pretend to be as kind as a living Bodhisattva, but you ask another man who has slept with you to kill my father. You say, "just like this." ha ha ha, what a "just like this"... "

Su Yan opened his eyes and looked at Bai Qingwan coldly, as if he wanted to kill Bai Qingwan with his eyes,

"so, do you think what you have done is not enough? Do you think I should be like shadow night, knowing that you are a rotten woman to the bone, will I still be loyal to you? Bitch

So excited, the last "bitch" has been a hysterical roar.


Bai Qingwan is scared to step back by Su Yan's beast like appearance, and then sighs a little,

"brother Su Yan, to tell you the truth, although I'm close to you because I want to marry into a rich family, I haven't loved you at all."

Su Yan disdains don't open handsome face.

Bai Qingwan looked at Su Yan's delicate side face in a trance,

"you know, brother Su Yan, that night, after we broke up in the shallow house, you didn't allow me to live back in the villa you sent me. I had no way to go. That day, it was raining. I was walking on the path in front of us. The rain soaked my whole body. I thought of the past You always take an umbrella for me. I'd rather you get it yourself than let a drop of rain fall on me. I suddenly regret it. "

Su Yan's ink like eyebrows locked, "everything is for you."

"Yes, I know. There is no regret medicine to buy in this world. I suffer everything by myself..." The dagger in Bai Qingwan's hand trembled slightly with her hand,

"later, my experience became more bumpy. In order to realize my dream of becoming popular, I had to sell my body and try to please those ugly and dirty men. Many times, I can't help thinking that if I didn't do those bad things, but always cherish your feelings for me, you would never be happy You will not turn against me, you will spare no effort to make me popular, and I will never end up in such a mess as I am now. "

Thinking of her current situation, Bai Qingwan's eyes were full of tears,

"brother Su Yan, I really regret it. I hate myself."

With words, tears fell down.

Although Su Yan didn't face Bai Qingwan, he could still see her tears in the corner of his eyes.

Looking back at the beginning, once Bai Qingwan shed tears, Su Yan's heart seemed to melt, and immediately he would panic and coax her.

Now think about it, which time Bai Qingwan shed tears in front of him was acting, which time was true?

Who knows if she is acting this time?

Su Yan said sarcastically, "you're holding a knife now, aren't you? Since you hate yourself so much, you can stab yourself now. "

“……” As if to be splashed with a basin of cold water, Bai Qingwan beautiful body obviously a stiff.

The next second, the trembling lips uttered a painful voice,

"Su Yan, you are so heartless!"

Su Yan disdained to return a word.

Xiao Qianhua, who has always been watching the play in silence, can't help turning his lips.Xiao Qianhua has met many selfish and self-centered people. They only think about their own people and never ask themselves what they have missed. It seems that how they have hurt others, others have to forgive and treat them unconditionally. If others don't forgive and treat them well, he (or she) resents others' unfeeling

But Xiao Qianhua had never seen anyone as selfish and self-centered as Bai Qingwan.

Su Yan is not right, Bai Qingwan is so unfeeling!

As long as you are a normal person, who can be betrayed and "killed" by Bai Qingwan and not be "heartless" to her?

"In that case, let's make a deal."

Bai Qingwan's voice sounded again,

"brother Su Yan, you are in a passive situation. I can kill you now, but as long as you agree to my terms, I can not kill you."

"Oh?" Although Su Yan could not make a deal with Bai Qingwan, he only asked with the mentality of delaying time,

"what conditions?"

Wan promised me to marry you


The bottle of mineral water in a masked man's hand that he had just opened fell at his feet, and the clear pure water gurgled out, but he would stare at Bai Qingwan and ignore to pick it up.

Su Yan is like a petrochemical, unable to say a word.

"Brother Su Yan..." Su Yan turned to the left, and Bai Qingwan moved half a step to the left, facing Su Yan's face,

"although I ordered Yingye to kill your father, Zhinian also died because of you in disguise. Even if the blood debt is paid, we are clear, and our gratitude and resentment can be written off."

Su Yan just sneered.

Bai Qingwan continued, "brother Su Yan, you know that I am a man who does things without future trouble. Although I was caught by Mr. Xiao by chance when you secretly photographed me today, if I let you go back, you will certainly try every means to do such things to destroy my reputation in the future; and you are also a man who can do what you say. If you promise to marry me and spoil me as before, and love me as well If you try your best to support me, you will do it, and I won't worry that you will destroy me any more. "

Li luoran never dreamed that Bai Qingwan could put forward such a condition.

How confident does she have to be to think that Su Yan will spoil her and love her as before?!

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