You,Under My Name

Chapter 249: 249

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There was a pile of expired newspapers on the shelf. Chu Xingchen used the newspapers to ignite the coal easily. The more the coal burned, the more prosperous it was. In a twinkling of an eye, it began to burn.

Watching Li luoran put the iron on the fire, Bai Qingwan's breathing almost stopped.

It's very quiet in the warehouse.

Everyone, including Lu Shaochen, stared at Li luoran, and Li luoran's tiny hand, which was just used to hold the dagger, but now holding the handle of the soldering iron.

The fire is burning.

The iron was soon red.

Li luoran said indifferently, "star, help me to pick up the clothes of Bai Qingwan."

The white pure Wan of double eyes round stare sends out a low startle to cry.

“……” Chu Xingchen awkwardly touched his cool oversized earrings,

"sister-in-law, I don't know what you mean, can you speak more clearly? How do you want me to dial Bai Qingwan's clothes? Where do you want to poke, where do you want to expose? "

Li luoran glanced at Bai Qingwan lightly, and a thin and cool arc was drawn between the corners of her haggard mouth



"All right! ok I will always stand on the same front with my sister-in-law. Even if my sister-in-law kills and sets fire, I will be your accomplice with no complaints like you

Sighing, he went to Bai Qingwan.

"You No

"Don't you come here!"

Bai Qingwan looks at the "kill Matt man" who is getting closer and closer to him in horror, his voice is hoarse and trembling,

"little brother, Li luoran is crazy, but you are not crazy, you should not help her, you should persuade her to stop, I see that you are a good boy, you should not be with her..."

"Shut up Chu Xingchen interrupts her coldly,

"who is your little brother? If there was a sister like you, I would have been ashamed to commit suicide."

Unexpectedly, the cute boy in front of Li luoran immediately turned into a fierce look when he spoke to himself. He looked at him in despair and didn't dare to say a word more.

The zipper of the White Pearl skirt that Bai Qingwan was wearing was at the back.

Chu Xingchen didn't have the patience to untie the zipper for Li luoran. Instead, he picked up the dagger that Bai Qingwan had thrown on the ground and roughly separated a 40 cm long cut on the Pearl skirt.

In this way, the large area of skin from Bai Qingwan's chest to abdomen will be revealed.


See the Chu star of white pure Wan skin not from stay.

The skin on Bai Qingwan's face is beautiful and delicate. Chu Xingchen thought that the skin on her body was the same as that on her face. However, to his surprise, the skin on Bai Qingwan's body was covered with many bruises.

Of course, he doesn't know. This is because Bai Qingwan was whipped by Xiao Qianhua's Sanming clients when he went to accompany Xiao Qianhua's clients last night.

"Enough of that?"

Li luoran's voice came from behind.

Has been staring at the white pure Wan's skin, the Chu star, this just realized that Li luoran has already walked behind him, now he is blocking her way.

"Ha ha, sister-in-law, please, please ha ~" Chu Xingchen busily gave up his position in front of the pig cage.

Li luoran walked forward immediately.

Although the iron in her hand had left the flame, it was burning hot. At this time, it still showed a shocking red color.

Bai Qingwan was in a daze with fright. His eyes were scared to see Li luoran, and his lips were shaking.

Li luoran looked down at her,

"this time, for brother Yingye!"


Bai Qingwan body a violent shock, too late to say a word of mercy, Li luoran has the iron firmly pressed in her chest.


The shrill scream seemed to overturn the whole garage.

After absorbing the heat from the skin, the fiery iron gradually turned back to its original black and gray color. The scorched skin made a sound. Bai Qingwan's body was stiff and trembling, and the scream was gradually weak until she fainted.

From beginning to end, Li luoran's hand did not tremble.

Clearly in the market to see the butcher killing the scene will be thrilled, she personally to Bai Qingwan do such a cruel thing, in the heart did not have a trace of pity and fear.

On the contrary, it was unusually calm.

Just seeing Bai Qingwan so miserable, he felt that this revenge was not enough for Bai Qingwan

Until the iron cooled completely, she moved away from Bai Qingwan.

The part of Bai Qingwan's heart that had been stabbed by her was now branded with the word "bitch". Each word was as big as the thumb nail plate, and the color was scarlet, which was particularly eye-catching.

"Cheap, woman..."

Li luoran silently read these two words in his heart.

In the past, she always felt that these two words were a great insult to women. She also felt that no matter what a woman had done, no one else had the right to brand this kind of insulting words on her.However, for Bai Qingwan, she could not help doing so.

Lu Shaochen and Chu Xingchen stood aside.

Li luoran looked at Bai Qingwan in a trance,

"wake her up."

Chu Xingchen can only do it.

Not far from the garage, there is a pond. Chu Xingchen runs to get water.

Liluoran went to the tempering furnace and reheated the iron on the charcoal.

Lu Shaochen just looked at her silently, from beginning to end, without stopping or disturbing her.

Before long, Chu Xingchen went back with a bucket of water.

At the end of autumn, the water in the pond is icy cold. Chu Xingchen pours this bucket of water on Bai Qingwan. Bai Qingwan suddenly wakes up.

"Wu -"

with a painful groan, Bai Qingwan slowly opened her eyes.

The next second, I saw Li luoran coming to her again with a hot iron.

Bai Qingwan took a breath, "Ranran, please don't, please..."

"I beg you..."

Warm tears and cold water spread on her beautiful apple face.

Li luoran just looked at her silently, "this time, for Su Yan!"

Bai Qingwan's mind was buzzing, "no!"

"No more!"



This scream was more painful and shrill than the previous one.

Because he had just been splashed with cold water, this time, the sober Bai Qingwan was not in a coma, and could only bear the pain from beginning to end.

When liluoran removed the iron from her body, her whole body overflowed with a layer of sweat. The intense pain made her eyes red and her face not a trace of blood.

The haggard and pitiful appearance of Bai Qingwan made people feel pity.

But Li luoran did not give a trace of sympathy.

Instead, he turned around and refused to go by the tempering furnace and put the iron on the fire again.

Staring at this scene, Bai Qingwan's breathing seemed to have stopped.

She'd rather pass out by herself!

Before long, the iron was red again.

Li luoran, with a cold face, like an unintentional killer, came back to her again.

At the moment, Bai Qingwan has no strength to say another word, and can only look at Li luoran with begging eyes.

Li luoran opened his lips, "this time, for myself!"

Voice down, without a trace of hesitation, red iron pressure to sensitive skin.

"Ah ~"

the pain was beyond one's tolerance. Bai Qingwan trembled and fell into a coma.

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Li luoran didn't let Chu Xingchen wake up Bai Qingwan. Instead, he left the iron beside the cage and walked out of the garage without looking back.

Bai Qingwan's chest was printed with three striking marks.

The hatred for Bai Qingwan is also deeply branded on Li luoran's heart like a badge.

There is still a way to remove the mark on the body, but the mark on the heart will accompany people for a lifetime and will never be removed

Today, Li luoran is just a small lesson to Bai Qingwan.

The price she has to pay for her innocence is a hundred, a thousand, a thousand times heavier than that

Sooner or later one day, she wants Bai Qingwan to truly realize the feeling of being unable to live and repenting!

Standing outside the garage, Li luoran looked up at the starry night sky. When she just executed Bai Qingwan, her hand was firm and steady, but now she was shaking.

Lu Shaochen stood side by side with her, looking up at the same sky she was looking at,

"are you in a better mood now?"

Li luoran's haggard corners of his mouth forced him to smile, "Lu Shaochen, thank you very much."

Lu Shaochen picks eyebrows, "this is what I should do."

Then both fell silent.

After at least ten minutes, Li luoran, who was calm, turned and looked at him, "Lu Shaochen, you should know that this is not right."

"Well ~" Lu Shaochen's lips are curled, his eyes are clear and doting,

"whether I forcibly catch Bai Qingwan here, or you Lynch her, it's a violation of the law. Frankly speaking, we are all committing a crime."

Therefore, Lu Shaochen knew that it was against the law and did it for her sake -

when he thought about it and thought that he almost killed Bai Qingwan, Lu Shaochen didn't dissuade her. Instead, he said that if she really killed Bai Qingwan, she would try her best to protect her. His heart was even more moved.

She looked at his face bathed in the gentle starlight in a trance,

"you always indulge me like this, aren't you afraid to indulge me in lawlessness?"

Lu Shaochen laughs,

"I know your nature, you will not be lawless." Li luoran's chin was caught by her well-defined fingers. She raised her small face and looked at her four eyes,"You know, girl, I don't care about Su Yan's death, but after knowing that Bai Qingwan killed Bai Qingwan and killed you last night, I can't help killing her personally. People like Bai Qingwan should have died. Since the law can't punish her, if you really killed her just now, it's acting for heaven."

Li luoran's eyes were full of tears,

"so, do you want me to kill her myself?"

"Of course not!" Lu Shaochen resolutely vetoed it,

"in any case, you are not the executioner. I hope that no matter how much you hate someone, you will never take the step of using violence to control violence. I want your hands to be clean forever, and you will stain yourself if you kill bad people, understand?"

Li luoran nodded.

Of course she understood.

This is the reason why Li luoran wanted to kill Bai Qingwan out of control after he got the dagger at first, but later he threw away the dagger after he regained his cool.

She wants to kill Bai Qingwan more than anyone else.

However, once she does that, even if Bai Qingwan deserves to die, she will become a "murderer" because she has killed people. In the future, she will always live in the nightmare and shadow of her own killing

Bai Qingwan is really not worth it.

She can't ruin the rest of her life for revenge.

"Promise me you won't do such stupid things again, will you?" Lu Shaochen's magnetic voice and warm lips fluttered on Li luoran's haggard face.

Li luoran rolled his lips and said, "well."

Lu Shaochen took her and walked back to the main building with her.


Li luoran didn't sleep all night last night and didn't feel sleepy all day today.

With Lu Shaochen by her side, her heart became more stable. After taking a bath, she lay in bed and soon fell asleep in Lu Shaochen's arms.

The next day, Li luoran got up and called his father Li Qingtian.

Li Qingtian was also shocked when he heard that Su Yan had left Su's family to him.

After all, it was su Jinnian and Gu lianyue who conspired with Li Qingtian to take away the "Li family" - the later Su family. Therefore, Li Qingtian did not refuse to take over Su family. Li luoran and Li luoran decided to meet Zhang Luyao this morning to discuss the takeover.

Lu Shaochen insists on going with Li luoran.

After breakfast, they were about to go out when a clear voice came out of the door,

"Shaochen and Ranran, are you going out?"

Hearing this sound, Li luoran's mood suddenly became very bad.

According to her reputation, Jin Xintong comes into the door with elegant steps. The golden morning light is pouring in through the French window, and it is casting on her body, which makes her charming posture and extremely beautiful face more eye-catching.

Lu Shaochen is also surprised that Jin Xintong will come, and his ink eyes are slightly surprised.

However, the next second, his eyes turned into irony,

"are you here to save Bai Qingwan?"

"I knew you would think so ~" Jin Xintong gently shook her head and looked at Lu Shaochen's eyes with a soft smile,

"Shaochen, if I didn't ask you to ask Ranran to help Bai Qingwan clean up, Bai Qingwan would not be so popular as now, but would be ridiculed by fans. I don't think the tragedy of the night before yesterday would have happened."

Lu Shaochen sneered, "so?"

"So I've come to explain it to you." With these words, Jin Xintong has come to Lu Shaochen. She looks at Lu Shaochen's eyes from a distance of less than half a meter,

"you know better than anyone how much I feel for you. Therefore, although your mind is no longer on me, I still don't want you to have any misunderstanding about me. The night before yesterday, Xiao Qianhua and Bai Qingwan joined hands to catch Su Yanhe Ranran, later, the crazy woman Bai Qingwan killed Su Yan and almost killed Ranran... "

Then he looked at Li luoran apologetically and said with a kind smile,

"sister Ranran, I'm really glad you're safe."

Li luoran knew that this was Jin Xintong's hypocrisy, but he didn't tear it down. He said sarcastically, "then I really want to thank you ~"

"we are the same sisters born by mother. You're welcome." Jin Xintong's eyes turned back to Shaochen's face,

"Shaochen, after the accident, although Bai Qingwan had evidence of absence and the police confirmed Bai Qingwan's innocence, I believe that Ranran is not a person who makes trouble out of nothing. Since she reported the case, it means that what she said must be true, so I went to Xiao Qianhua for confirmation at the first time. Sure enough, everything was like what Ranran told the police..."

Lu Shaochen has no expression all the time, "then?"

"And then I was angry!"

Jin Xintong takes a deep breath,

"to be honest, I know Xiao Qianhua loves me very much. He always does something I don't want to happen without telling me. Just like last year, she acted with a woman who is very similar to me, creating misunderstanding between you and Ranran. This time, he did it for me."

As if helpless, Jin Xintong sighed bitterly,

"Shaochen, what I want to explain to you is that I didn't know about it in advance, and I don't want to see it happen. I hope you don't misunderstand it."Li luoran admires Jin Xintong's thoughtfulness.

Lu Shaochen already knows that Jin Xintong and Xiao Qianhua are very familiar, and that Xiao Qianhua loves Jin Xintong very much. If Jin Xintong kept silent or pretended not to know about it after what happened the night before yesterday, Lu Shaochen might doubt whether it was related to Jin Xintong

And Jin Xintong takes the initiative to find Lu Shaochen to explain, will make Lu Shaochen feel that she is aboveboard, this matter has nothing to do with her.

Lu Shaochen will certainly believe Jin Xintong.

In Lu Shaochen's mind, Jin Xintong is an irreplaceable goddess.

Sure enough, Lu Shaochen said, "I believe you. You don't have to explain." If jinxintong will also participate in this matter, how bad jinxintong is!

Jin Xin Tong shrugged, "now that I'm at ease."

With a bright smile,

"sister Ranran, you must have been greatly frightened when something like that happened. Alas! Last year, it was probably this season that song Zilu was shot in front of you. This year, Su Yan was killed in front of you. You can be so strong. I really admire you. Take care of yourself. "

Li luoran looked at her sarcastically and did not speak.

Jinxintong's beautiful eyes flow, Yingying looks at Lu Shaochen,

"Shaochen, please take care of yourself."

Fall this words, graceful turn around, want to go.

Since Lu Shaochen has taken away her trace, he is still looking at her in the white cage

Jin Xintong stops, but doesn't look back,

"I owe Xiao Qianhua a lot of favor. In order to make up for this favor, I can only ask you to let Ranran help Bai Qingwan clean up. Then I find that I made a big mistake. If I had expected Bai Qingwan to do such a vicious thing, I would rather have been in debt to Xiao Qianhua than help Bai Qingwan. Now I regret it very much If it's too late, she should be locked up in the pig cage. Let her be locked up! "

“……” Lu Shaochen has no reputation for jinxintong's figure. Although he always shows indifference, his eyes like black gems are moving.

The more moved, the more sorry.

For Li luoran, he owes Jin Xintong too much.

Standing beside Lu Shaochen, Li luoran catches Lu Shaochen's eyes. Although she is helpless, she is not surprised at all.

Jin Xintong's words are so moving that even she can't help but be moved, not to mention Lu Shaochen?

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