You,Under My Name

Chapter 248: 248

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Li luoran returns to Lu Zhai.

It was past ten o'clock in the night and the yard was empty.

Recently, the temperature dropped sharply, and a large number of leaves were withered. Although the cleaners had just cleaned the yard before work in the afternoon, only a few hours later, the yard was covered with withered and yellow leaves, and the orange red lights poured down. The luxurious black cars were driving steadily in the yard in this picturesque scenery.

Li luoran was surprised that the car did not drive directly to the main building as before, but drove to a garage in the east of the yard.

When the car stopped, Li luoran looked at Lu Shaochen in bewilderment,

"what are you doing here?"

Lu Shaochen lightly picks the ink eyebrow, "gives you a surprise." The voice dropped and got out of the car first.

Li luoran followed him out of the car.

Chu Xingchen uses the garage key as big as a chicken leg to open the lock and winks at Li luoran, "sister-in-law, you should be psychologically prepared. Don't be scared to pee for a while ~"

Li luoran, "..."

Chu Xingchen also wants to continue to tease, Lu Shaochen looks at him fiercely, "concentrate on opening your door!"

"Er ~" Chu Xingchen scratched his exaggerated wine red explosion.

All right! Make complaints about what extreme pettiness of character

is to treat his sister-in-law.

The garage door was opened.

It's dark inside. Standing outside, Li luoran can't see anything. He only hears a series of screams from an unknown location,

"who are you?"

"Why are you arresting me?"

"Let me out of here!"

"Let me out!"

Recognizing that the owner of the sound was Bai Qingwan, Li luoran was stunned outside the garage.

With a crisp switch sound, the lights in the warehouse were turned on, and the inside became bright.

Li luoran's eyes were stabbed by the bright light, and then she could see the scene clearly after she got used to it -

now Bai Qingwan is being put into a pig cage, which is exactly the one that an Jiaren used when she used "family law" on Li luoran a year ago.

Bai Qingwan kneels on his knees in the pig cage, because his hands are tied to the pig cage and his legs are firmly tied to the pig cage, so he can only kneel all the time.

Only those who are familiar with Bai Qingwan can recognize her.

Because, a black hood over her neck cover tightly, can't see her face.

"Sister in law, this is my surprise for you."

Chu Xingchen is proud to show off,

"how about tying her up like this or my idea for you? Do you feel very artistic? "

Li Ran's thumb to Luo Chu.

In a word, many of Chu's ideas for Lu Shaochen make Li luoran feel extremely unreliable, but this time, Chu's ideas are very good.

It's not too much to deal with such a person as Bai Qingwan!

"You call her sister-in-law. Are you a family? I tell you, I'm a popular star now. If anything happens to me, it will cause a huge sensation. No one can afford to provoke me. You'd better let me go now, or... "

"Or you'll kill me like Su Yan?" Li luoran coldly interrupts Bai Qingwan's words.

Hearing this sound, Bai Qingwan seemed to be strangled by others, and fell into silence instantly.

After at least two seconds, the voice of panic appeared under the mask,


Li luoran didn't come back. Instead, he reached into the pig cage and took off the mask on Bai Qingwan's head.

There's light in front of you.

Hearing Li luoran's voice, Bai Qingwan was scared enough. Seeing Lu Shaochen standing next to Li luoran, Bai Qingwan was even more scared, as if she were out of her wits.

"Mr. Lu, it was you who caught me here."

Lu Shaochen's face was expressionless and his eyes were cold.

Lu Shaochen is a dignified man. When he doesn't smile, he looks like an iceberg that never melts. It gives people a strong sense of oppression. Standing outside the pig cage like this makes Bai Qingwan even more frightened.

She looked up at Lu Shaochen begging,

"Mr. Lu, you and I have no injustice and no enmity. There has never been any intersection between us. You must have some misunderstanding about me. As long as you let me go, I promise that nothing has happened, and I will never pursue your violation of my personal freedom, OK?"

No reply, Lu Shaochen still just looked at her coldly.

If Lu Shaochen speaks well, such Lu Shaochen is more frightening than saying tens of thousands of extremely horrible words.

Bai Qingwan trembles with fright and looks at Lu Shaochen in a panic and dullness.

At the moment, Li luoran said coldly, "you say Mr. Lu has misunderstandings about you, you just explain what your so-called misunderstandings are."“……” After Li luoran mentioned this, Bai Qingwan, who was so scared, remembered to explain,

"Ranran, Mr. Lu must have done this for you. You must have said bad things about me in front of Mr. Lu, didn't you?"

Just want to hear what Bai Qingwan said, Li luoran doesn't cut in.

Bai Qingwan's eyes turn to Lu Shaochen's face again,

"Mr. Lu, you know Ranran and I have a grudge. She has been upset because I separated her from Su Yan. Today's uproar about" Su Yan was killed by me "is a lie made up by Ranran in order to revenge me. Mr. Lu, you are a man who distinguishes right from wrong. You must not believe her."

Lu Shaochen's face was colder and his eyes were deep and frightening.

Li luoran can't laugh or cry.

Chu Xingchen was also shocked.

Seeing that Lu Shaochen was moved, Bai Qingwan thought that Lu Shaochen believed his words and continued to add oil and vinegar,

"Mr. Lu, if you watch TV, you should have seen my image in the eyes of the public. I'm a kind and good man. Although Ranran married you, she has always been in love with Su Yan, so she will often speak ill of me in front of you, she said I want to take advantage of you to get back at me, Mr. Lu. You should see the truth clearly and don't be cheated by her again. "

Lu Shaochen's thin lips were shallow and his face was thin, cool and ironic.

Li luoran and Chu Xingchen were also silent.

Bai Qingwan didn't understand why Lu Shaochen's reaction was like this, "Mr. Lu, can you say something?"

"Mr. Lu?"

"Mr. Lu..."

"Poof!" Chu Xingchen, who has the lowest smile, can't bear it any longer. He holds his wine red head in his hands and almost pulls it out with a smile,

"ha ha ha! You're so special, you're so special, you're so special, you're killing me! "

"Ha ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

Bai Qingwan looked at this handsome but strange looking "kill Matt" in surprise. After he stopped laughing, he asked,

"what are you laughing at?"

"Your jokes are so funny, shouldn't I? Poof ~ "now I think of it, Chu Xingchen can't help laughing, he also forbeared,

" is that how you used to speak ill of your sister-in-law in front of Su Yan? Well, no wonder Su Yan will believe you. You are so eloquent and affectionate. I'm afraid even ghosts will be cheated by you. Unfortunately, my master is more intelligent than ghosts. Your move is useless in front of him. "

Bai Qingwan even thinks that she can alienate him and his sister-in-law.

How confident is she in herself?!

“……” Although Bai Qingwan was shocked, he was unwilling. His "sincere" eyes turned to Lu Shaochen again,

"Mr. Lu, I swear that every word I say is true, I am innocent, I..."

"Enough!" The impatient Lu Shaochen pointed his finger to the left rear,

"let me hear another bad word from you, and I'll cut off your tongue immediately."

Bai Qingwan's expression seemed to be poured a basin of cold water.

Looking in the direction Lu Shaochen pointed out, he saw the air-conditioned dagger on the square table, and his face turned pale instantly.

At the same time, Li luoran also saw the dagger. She went straight to the table, picked up the dagger, and then turned back to Bai Qingwan.

Looking at Li luoran's action, Bai Qingwan's voice trembled. "Ranran, all conflicts can be solved peacefully. We have something to say. Killing people is to pay for their lives. You Don't mess about

"Is it?" Li luoran sneered,

"when you killed Su Yan, did you give him a chance to solve the conflict peacefully? When you killed him, did you ever think that you should not act disorderly, that you should pay for your life when you killed him? "

Say words, also slowly squatted down the body, the dagger in the hand stabs straight to the heart of white pure Wan.

You are reading story You,Under My Name at


Bai Qingwan screamed, but he didn't know where the strength came from, and even the man with the whole pig cage retreated back nearly 10 cm.

The dagger pierced her luxurious white pearl skirt, and pricked a wound about two millimeters deep on her heart skin. Enchanting blood instantly flowed out and dyed her white skirt red.

Bai Qingwan was also scared.

One eye bead son stares to roll round, see Li Luo dye's eyes like looking at the devil.

"I-ri -"

Chu Xingchen, who couldn't believe his eyes, stroked his heart with his right hand and looked at Bai Qingwan and Li luoran. Except for this "I-ri", he couldn't make any extra sound.

Even Lu Shaochen, who had always been on the top of Mount Tai but had not changed his color, was obviously alarmed in his black Qu Shi like eyes at this moment.

Li luoran just stabbed Bai Qingwan to death.

If it wasn't for Bai Qingwan's flash, this knife would have penetrated her heart deeply. Now Bai Qingwan might have become a corpse.

Sure enough, the girl's hatred for Bai Qingwan has reached the point of killing Bai Qingwan with her own hands!At the moment, Lu Shaochen did not stop him.

It's just a light reminder,

"I just want to tell you that if you kill her yourself, I promise to protect you at all costs, but you think clearly that if you kill someone, even if the person you kill is heinous, your life will be full of shadows in the future, and you will become completely different. You make your own decisions."

Li luoran still stares at Bai Qingwan fiercely. He can't see any emotion except indifference, just like a cold-blooded killer.

"Ranran, Mr. Lu said yes, he said yes!" Bai Qingwan seems to catch a life-saving straw. She looks at Li luoran outside the pig cage in panic,

"Ranran, I know you hate me, I know I should die, but once your hands are stained with blood, you will spend the rest of your life in a nightmare. Ranran, I'm not worth your nightmare forever for me. Ranran, don't kill me!"

Li luoran is not only unmoved, but the knife in his hand approaches Bai Qingwan again.





Bai Qingwan screamed hysterically and tried to retreat.

However, at the moment, the wall of the pig cage behind her was close to the wall, and she could no longer move backward. Under her struggle, the pig cage could not stop shaking, and the pig cage was pounding against the wall.

Therefore, despite her efforts, she could only watch Li luoran's dagger approach her heart inch by inch.

When the cold tip of the knife touched her skin again, Bai Qingwan completely collapsed,

"Ranran, please don't kill me! I beg you! I beg you

"Ranran, it's all my fault. It's not easy for me to become a star. My bright life has just begun. There are countless splendor and wealth waiting for me. I don't want to die, don't Ranran, don't kill me

"I beg you, no!"

"Don't Woo


Looking at Li luoran pitifully, he burst into tears.

Li luoran's face was expressionless all the time, and his right hand holding the dagger didn't tremble at all.

Li luoran had never thought that one day she would become so heartless. When she faced a person, she clearly thought about the consequences of killing her, but she still couldn't help but firmly wanted to kill her

Therefore, Li luoran didn't hesitate to stab Bai Qingwan.

Even though Li luoran thought very clearly before, she wanted to let Bai Qingwan get what she deserved under the premise of preserving herself. She even asked Jiang Xiaojing to swear not to let him be impulsive.

However, in the real face of Bai Qingwan, Li luoran completely lost control -

just thinking that this knife would avenge all his revenge.

With this knife, everything will be finished.

This one knife, let those who kill in vain Qing Wan die in peace.

“……” Li luoran took a deep breath and poked the tip of the knife into Bai Qingwan's skin. As long as he exerted more force, it would penetrate Bai Qingwan's heart,

"I ask you, where is Su Yan?"

"Su Yan?" Bai Qingwan, who was still in shock, was slightly stunned,

"do you mean his body?"

Hearing the word "corpse", Li luoran's eyes clearly emerge the scene that Su Yan is stabbed to death by Bai Qingwan, and his eyes are even colder.

"Ah! I said, "don't do it. I'll tell you everything I know!" At this moment, where does Bai Qingwan dare to hide? He explains in a trembling voice,

"after su Yan died, Xiao Qianhua asked someone to send you away. He told me that he would deal with Su Yan's body, and then let me leave the scene. As for how he dealt with it, I don't know."

Li luoran felt a pain in his heart. He didn't feel that the tip of his knife pierced Li luoran's skin.

"Ranran, don't get excited!"

Bai Qingwan was so scared that she turned pale,

"don't you want Su Yan's body? I heard that he left all his property to you. You want to hold a funeral for him, don't you? Ranran, I promise you, I will help you to ask Xiao Qianhua for his body. Don't get excited, ah -- "

the knife stabbed deeper, Bai Qingwan almost broke his voice,

" Ranran, if you kill me, you will never find Su Yan's body. After he died, even a funeral can't be held. Don't you want that? "

"Ranran, don't - no!"



No matter what he said, Li luoran was indifferent. Instead, the dagger in his hand stabbed deeper and deeper into his skin. Bai Qingwan cried bitterly, and his eyes closed in despair.

Over the years, she has tried every means to achieve her dream of becoming a star.

However, in the end, he just realized his dream and died in the hands of Li luoran before he could enjoy it!Suddenly good regret!

I regret my madness!

Since after death, everything is empty, what money and fame are gone with the wind, what is her crazy pursuit of glory and wealth for?

The pain is spreading in my heart.

Endless fear is spreading.

Then it all stopped.

Li luoran suddenly pulled out the dagger from Bai Qingwan's skin and threw it on the ground.

Bai Qingwan slowly opened her eyes, and the feeling of the afterlife made her ecstatic.

Lu Shaochen and Chu Xingchen were also quietly relieved.

Li luoran said in a cold voice, "what the mirror says is that it's too cheap to kill you with one knife. You can't be cut too much."


In Bai Qingwan's eyes, the joy suddenly disappeared before it fully bloomed, and the hysterical panic was like a shadow.

Chu Xingchen, who was already in a cold sweat, cast his eyes to Lu Shaochen, saying clearly that he wanted Lu Shaochen to stop his sister-in-law.

Lu Shaochen shook his head slightly.

Although he didn't want Li luoran to do bad things, he didn't want Li luoran to be too melancholy.

Li luoran has always been able to distinguish right from wrong. If she really wants to kill Bai Qingwan herself regardless of everything, it can only show that she has already hated Bai Qingwan to the point that she can't do without killing Bai Qingwan. If he blindly stops her, he still doesn't know what Li luoran will look like in the future

Lu Shaochen also prepared for the worst.

If Li luoran really "executed" Bai Qingwan today, he would cover up the truth in his way and never let Li luoran be implicated.

With the sound of slow footsteps, Li luoran went to a disposal rack beside the square table.

She took down the iron.

A year ago, an Jiaren tried to enforce the "family law" on Li luoran in the Lu house. Li luoran was put into a pig cage and poured cold water. In addition, an Jiaren also prepared a soldering iron to mark Li luoran as a "slut". After an Jiaren left, the tools used to enforce the "family law" were stored in this garage by the servants. This soldering iron was exactly what an Jiaren wanted to do for Li luoran The iron with the brand

Not long after entering the warehouse, Li luoran saw the iron.

The stove was not far away, and it was full of coal.

Li luoran, with a cold face, pointed to the coal and said, "star, can you help me light the fire?"

Chu Xingchen, who guessed what Li luoran was going to do, didn't dare to promise. He looked at Lu Shaochen with a look of help.

Unexpectedly, Lu Shaochen nodded.

"OK ~"

helpless, Chu Xingchen can only go to ignite.

Looking at this scene, Bai Qingwan was paralyzed. If she had not been tied to the pig cage, she would have collapsed on the ground.

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