You,Under My Name

Chapter 251: 251

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"OK ~"

Zhang Luyao respects and adores Lu Shaochen,

"Mr. Lu, according to your opinion, the current Su family is a mess. If Uncle Li takes over, he is likely to be in debt. Is it necessary to pick up such a mess?"

Lu Shaochen said, "the current Su family is a mess in the hands of some mediocre people. If we put it in the hands of genius, it may turn waste into treasure. So, of course, we need to sign."

Although Lu Shaochen didn't say it very frankly, everyone could tell that he meant Su Yan by "mediocre person", and of course "genius" meant himself.

Sure enough, the rumor is not groundless. Mr. Lu is a narcissistic maniac!

After several people had talked about some matters, Li Qingtian signed the company's transfer contract.

Later, Lu Shaochen and Li luoran accompanied Li Qingtian to inspect Su's headquarters for a day. It was evening when they left Su's headquarters.

The setting sun slants on the water blue business building, reflecting the surrounding scenery.

Standing under this magnificent building, Li luoran recalled that she always wanted to take "Su Shi" back from her father. Now, "Su Shi" is returned to her father. Instead of the pleasure of satisfying her wish, she is disappointed.

Look at the wrinkled dad on one side. One day, although he always keeps a smile on his face, this kind of smile is purely a polite professional smile. He is not happy from the heart.


In life, career is important, but family and love are more important.

Most people struggle hard not for themselves, but for the people they love. If a person no longer has family and love, even if he is successful in his career, what is the significance?

Li luoran thinks that this may be the reason why his father knew that he was cheated by Su Jinnian and Gu lianyue, and he could leave "Li Shi" in his name, but he finally gave "Li Shi" to Su Jinnian with one eye closed.

This is also the reason why Su Yan didn't devote himself to his career after he took over Su Shi (formerly Li Shi).

Dad lost his love.

Su Yan lost his father and love.

They have lost the most important things in life, they have no intention to work hard in their career.

Li luoran is losing her mind, and a satirical female voice comes from below,

"Oh, it's really a turn of fortune. Look at the father and daughter who used to be down and out. Now one of them has become a big star, the other has taken over his company and become the president again. It's really eye-catching."

Hearing this sound and looking at the beautiful woman in rich brocade, Li luoran's mood suddenly became very bad.

As before, Li luoran mercilessly rebuffed him,

"Su's predecessor was Li's. my father was the president originally. You and Su Jinnian colluded to cheat Li from my father's hands. Now it's just that the property is returned to its original owner. You are the least qualified person in the world to say this kind of gossip."

"Oh?" Gu lianyue sneered sarcastically,

"I just said this casually. Why are you so nervous? oh You don't have a ghost in your heart, do you? "

Li luoran sneered, "what ghost can I have in my heart?"

"Let me guess..." Gu lianyue looks like she's absorbed in thinking and suddenly comes to realize, "by the way, although Su Yan has no immediate blood relatives, he still has some cousins and cousins. You and he are neither husband and wife nor brother and sister, but he leaves his property to you. Is it because you break up with him in the open, but secretly they are underground husband and wife?

"You -"

Li luoran, who was almost angry, wanted to say something excitedly.

Li Qingtian gently pulls her, "Ranran, don't talk to your mother. Don't say a few words."

Although Li luoran is wronged, he doesn't want to make his father angry. He can only stare at Gu lianyue angrily.

Standing beside Li luoran, Lu Shaochen is not able to participate in Li Qingtian's family affairs, and he can only keep silent.

"Ha ha ~" Gu lianyue glared at Li luoran triumphantly,

"let me be right. In the past year or so, have you slept with Lu Shaochen and Su Yan?"

Lilo trembled with anger.

Gu lianyue's eyes turned to Lu Shaochen,

"do you know that your wife steals men behind your back?"

Lu Shaochen is not angry, just cold pick eyebrows, look at Gu lianyue's eyes like a clown.

Li Qingtian sighed deeply, "Yueyue, Ranran is your daughter who was born in October. You clearly know that she is a good girl. Is it really comfortable for you to humiliate her maliciously?"

Gu lianyue sneered,

"you're right. I'm really comfortable to humiliate her. Seeing her well, I'm very upset."

Li luoran's body trembled violently and felt as if he had been strangled by someone.For many years, her own mother always treated her as an enemy, and hurt her very much. She thought she had been immune. However, every time Gu lianyue said this kind of decisive words, the scar of "lack of maternal love" in her heart was cruelly uncovered, which made her sad.


Although Li Qingtian also feels heartache for Li luoran, he can't bear to blame Gu lianyue. He only looks at her tenderly,

"no matter what you say, I believe you still have feelings for Ranran, otherwise you won't be here today."

"Of course I didn't happen to be here..." Gu lianyue pinches her willow waist in one hand, which makes her look like a beautiful 18-year-old face with heavy makeup,

"but I have to clarify that I don't have any feelings for your daughter, I just know that you are going to take over Su's family, and my heart is very unbalanced."

Su Jinnian sighed silently, and the look in Gu lianyue's eyes was still affectionate.

Gu lianyue laughs even more ironically,

"Li Qingtian, you know very well that Su Jinnian was your best friend. At the beginning, I found him and asked him to take Li as his own. Sometimes, he refused to sell you. In order to achieve the goal, I did not hesitate to tempt that fat and ugly guy with my body. I had sex with him so many times, and finally, he decided to give up I've decided to sell you, and I've made it. "


Li luoran couldn't believe his ears.

However, at the moment, her father's painful expression told her that every word Gu lianyue said was true.

Dad never said a bad word about Gu lianyue to Li luoran. In the past, Li luoran always thought that Su Jinnian, who was forgetful of profits, colluded with Gu lianyue in order to take Li's family as his own, and then betrayed her dad with Gu lianyue

However, the fact is quite the opposite!

It's Gu lianyue who actively seduces Su Jinnian!

And Gu lianyue called Su Jinnian a "fat and ugly guy", which means that Gu lianyue doesn't love Su Jinnian!

Luoli's mind is blank with such facts.

Gu lianyue continued, "I didn't expect that in order to destroy you, I tried my best. After 20 years, the Li family came back to you, Su Yan! Ha ha, if Su Jinnian can survive and know that his son has done such a stupid thing, he will be angry again! "

Thinking about those unforgettable past, although Li Qingtian's heart is like a knife, in the face of Gu lianyue, he is still as gentle as water,

"although Su Jinnian betrayed me in those years, I also transferred Li to him out of my own free will, because I knew that you wanted Li to return to him, so I gave him what you wanted. Yueyue, for you, I am willing to give up everything. It was like this in those years, and now it is. After all these years, my heart for you has never changed. If you are willing to come back to me, I am willing to give up Lishi for you again. "

I don't know if it's because I'm moved. The delicate lips of Gu lianyue tremble slightly.

However, the next second, her eyes are even more ironic,

"even if I am a person, do you want to pay?"

Su Jinnian's voice is hoarse because of excessive pain, "Yueyue..."

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"Ding ~"

there is a crisp metal sound from the lighter. Gu lianyue lights a cigarette and inhales it gracefully. Her graceful posture moves with the wind in the blood light of the setting sun,

"Su Jinnian, do you know how many men I have slept with in these years? Do you think all the gossip you've heard about me is false? no Su Jinnian, that's true. Over the years, I'm afraid it's just the Cuan Quan Tao that I used with different men that can fill your bedroom. As for you, I've heard that you've been widowed for me all the time. "

Su Jinnian's heartache is like a drop of blood, with tears in her gentle eyes, "I don't care about your past, as long as you are willing to return to me, I will regard it as the greatest favor from God."

Hearing this, Li luoran couldn't help but shed tears.

"Ouch, you are very affectionate to me. I'm so moved. Hehe..."

Gu lianyue laughs teasingly and spits smoke on Su Jinnian's face in shame.

"unfortunately, your love is like dirt to me. It's not only worthless, but it makes me feel sick."

Li Qingtian's fingers trembled violently. Under the setting sun, the red circles of his eyes were reflected more clearly.

Liluoran's fingers were shaking like dad's.

"Li Qingtian, it's been 20 years. I haven't had a chance to tell you why I had to let Su Jinnian steal the Li family you created. Now, I'll tell you myself!"

Because of her emotional excitement, Gu lianyue left her cigarette on the ground after only a few mouthfuls of smoking. She stepped on and crushed it with the heel of her high-heeled shoes as if she were crushing Li Qingtian,

"because in my eyes, you Li Qingtian, a beast in clothes, should not be prosperous, rich and powerful. I just want to destroy your career, make you lose your fighting spirit, and be a poor and powerful man all your life The lower class. "Li Qingtian's face was painful, and he couldn't say a word more.

Gu lianyue turned and looked at Li luoran, "and you, Li luoran, don't you know? When you and Su Yangang were together, Su Jinnian didn't object. He even thought highly of you, but after I kept saying bad things about you over and over again by his pillow, his attitude towards you changed. "

Li luoran was shocked.

When she and Su Yangang were together, she and Su Jinnian met for the first time, and Su Jinnian strongly opposed that she and Su Yan were together -

Li luoran always thought that Su Jinnian was totally incompatible with her.

Su Jinnian had already died. If Gu lianyue didn't say it today, Li luoran would never know that her own mother was the one who made Su Jinnian oppose her.

"Now think about it, if I hadn't said so many bad things about you, Su Jinnian would have held a wedding for you and Su Yan, and you and Su Yan would not have experienced so many frustrations, alas!"

Gu lianyue sighs falsely,

"Li luoran, don't ask me why again. Just because you are Li Qingtian's daughter, I just don't want to see your father and daughter. So, four years ago, after you had a car accident, even if Su Yan knelt down on the ground and asked Su Jinnian to help you, I still advised him not to spend money wrongly and meddle in his business, because you are mine Shame, when you die, I will live more at ease. "

Li luoran, who used to fight against Gu lianyue, felt as if his heart had been gripped by a merciless hand.

She only looked at Gu lianyue with trembling. She could not make any sound, and even stopped breathing.

Gu lianyue turns around gracefully and walks gently along the marble steps.

"There is no love or hatred in this world for no reason. Why do you hate Uncle Li like this?"

The extremely magnetic baritone, even though it is as cool as the wind, is very clear because of its unique recognition.

Gu lianyue was surprised that Lu Shaochen would say this at this time.

She turns around slowly, and when she sees Lu Shaochen's loving eyes when he looks at Li luoran, she suddenly understands something,

"you don't want her to continue to get hurt because of me, do you want her to give up on me completely?"

Lu Shaochen, who looks like a crown of jade, "you can understand this way."

"Ah ~" Gu lianyue raised her eyebrows sarcastically and turned her eyes to Li luoran,

"Li Qingtian must not have told you how you came here?"

Li Luo was confused, "what?"

What do you mean? How did she get here?

Isn't everyone in the world born from their mother's belly?

"Ha ha, Li Qingtian, a man of good looks, will certainly maintain a tall image in front of his daughter. Of course, he won't say that he is a bird in clothes..." Thinking of the past, Gu lianyue's sarcastic eyes became painful,

"Li luoran, the reason why I don't love you at all is that I regard you as my shame, because you are not the product of parents' love like other normal children, but you are the evil breed born by me

As if to hear a bolt from the blue, Li luoran's mind is empty.

She didn't know how she turned her eyes on Li Qingtian.

Li Qingtian doesn't deny it, but helplessly looks at Gu lianyue, "Yueyue, I admit that I have moved strongly to you, but how can you say such words? It was our wedding night

"Wedding night! Wedding night! Wedding night! You have the face to say it

I can't recall the past. The graceful body of Gu lianyue trembles in the blood red sunset,

"Li Qingtian, you know better than anyone how that wedding night came!"

Li Qingtian felt guilty and could not speak.

Gu lianyue glared at her bitterly, "that night, it should have been my wedding night with Haige. My innocent body was originally for him. He and I should have lived happily together. However, in order to help him escape your clutches, I could only be forced to marry you. On the wedding night, I hated you so much, but you tore my clothes, She was the product of that night

Gu lianyue's trembling fingers pointed to Li luoran.

Li luoran's strength seemed to be emptied, and his body shook violently. Fortunately, he was helped by Lu Shaochen and didn't fall to the ground.

"And after that night, I never met Haige again. I never saw him again. I knew that after I married you for him, on the night when you forcibly robbed my innocent bridal chamber, Haige was lying on the track, and the train ran over him. I would never see him again..."

With words, the tears of pity month fell down.

In Li luoran's heart, Gu lianyue is a woman with a heart of stone. She has never been indifferent to herself. This is the first time Li luoran has seen Gu lianyue shed tears.

Li Qingtian looked at Gu lianyue in pain, and his voice was hoarse and disordered. "Yueyue, at that time, I did so extreme things because I loved you. The death of the sea was completely accidental, and people could not come back to life after death. He was gone after all. Why do you always remember him? Why do you always torture yourself like this? ""Yes, people can't come back to life after death. The night Haige died, I also died. Since then, I've left this body dirty by you. My heart will never live!"

Gu lianyue's face, which was made up with tears, was full of pain and satire.

"since that night, my only purpose in life is to revenge you, Li Qingtian. I know how much you love me. I know that you have been thinking about me ever since you were forced to divorce me. I just want you to watch me go to bed with any man, no matter what Beautiful and ugly, rich and poor, old and young, any man just give me money, no! Even if sometimes they don't give me money, I'll sleep. What I'm tormenting is not myself, but you! "

With these words, he tears off his coat and reveals almost all of his upper body.

The eyes of the passers-by were quickly attracted.

Gu lianyue laughs enchanting,

"Li Qingtian, do you see that I am so licentious and cheap? I just want everyone to see my body that you forced Bao to do."

Li Qingtian's whole body trembled with tears, "Yueyue, don't do this..." Take off the suit to cover Gu lianyue's body.

"I don't need it!"

Gu lianyue pushes Li Qingtian away.

Li Qingtian was pushed back out of two, his back firmly hit the cold ground glass, his suit fell to the ground.

Gu lianyue's eyes turned to Li luoran, "little bastard, now you know why I'm so cruel to you?"

Li luoran was speechless.

Gu lianyue turns back to Li Qingtian and points her middle finger. She just opens her arms and walks in front of her open car in people's eyes.

When she got to the car, her upper clothes had been taken off clean by her, and she left them on the side of the road at random. The innermost hood was hanging on the rearview mirror of her car.

When the car starts up, the beautiful woman shows up in this way and flies away against the light of the setting sun. Her black wavy hair and the hood fly in the wind

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