You,Under My Name

Chapter 252: 252

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After Gu lianyue left, Li Qingtian became haunted.

Li luoran was worried that something might happen to him in this state, so he insisted on taking him back to the land house.

Nanny Zhao Haixin prepared a big dinner. Like before, Lu Shaochen and Li Qingtian had been drinking and chatting until early in the morning.

No one mentioned the topic related to Gu lianyue.

Because that topic is too heavy, like plague, is also the scar that Li Qingtian and Li luoran can't be touched. Everyone is afraid to avoid it.

When Lu Shaochen and Li Qingtian are still drinking, Li luoran lies down early.

Although nearly six hours had passed, she still did not come out of the scene of meeting Gu lianyue, her soul seemed to be lost there, and her ears echoed Gu lianyue's words again and again like a magic spell.

Once upon a time, she really hated Gu lianyue.

Hate Gu lianyue for not giving her a day of maternal love;

hate Gu lianyue for being cruel and merciless to herself, just like an enemy;

also hate Gu lianyue for being uninhibited outside and losing her reputation

However, after knowing why Gu lianyue is so cruel to herself, Li luoran can no longer hate Gu lianyue.

Li luoran doesn't know what happened between her father and Gu lianyue, but from Gu lianyue's words, she can piece together the past -

Gu lianyue once had a man who really loved her, and she called him "Haige". She had made a private life with him, but her father, who was deeply in love with Gu lianyue, used an unknown way Gu lianyue was forced to marry him on the day when Gu lianyue was supposed to marry Haige.

On the wedding night that should have belonged to Gu lianyue and "Haige", her father plundered Gu lianyue's innocence, and "Haige" committed suicide by lying on the rail. Gu lianyue was disheartened and had a deep hatred for her father. Since then, Gu lianyue began to revenge her father by all means

In the past, Li luoran really thought that Gu lianyue was a dissolute woman.

It was not until the moment she learned the truth that she realized that Gu lianyue was once a loyal and devoted girl. The double pain of losing her lover and being robbed of her innocence by someone she didn't love made her become a self-discipline without limit -

in other words, Gu lianyue did it for her father's sake!

It's an emotional debt.

As Gu lianyue said, Li luoran is just a product of hatred and a "sinful son".

Although Gu lianyue is innocent, Li luoran also knows that her father must love Gu lianyue so much that she can take her for herself in such an extreme way.

And in such feelings, their child, liloran, must also be an innocent victim.

Li luoran thought that he should not have come to this world.

Since he came in this way, he was destined to be hated by his mother.

For other things, a person has a choice, but no one can choose what kind of parents they have.

This is her life.

She has no choice!

No matter what she does and how hard she tries, she can't change her life!

She has no way but to complain or hate who, can only accept the reality.


"still up?"

The cold and magnetic sound came from my ear.

It's Lu Shaochen.

Just now, Li luoran has been thinking about something, even when Lu Shaochen walked into the bedroom and lay on her pillow.

Hastily gathered up the sadness, she rolled her lips and chuckled, "how about talking with my father?"

"He never mentions the matter of taking pity on the moon, and always pretends to have nothing to do with it. But I can see that he has a lot on his mind. Your father, like you, belongs to the type of self-reliance and silent digestion when he encounters something." Lu Shaochen, who has just taken a bath, has dark hair and fan-shaped eyelashes stained with tiny drops of water. The way he hooks his lips and picks his eyebrows is breathtaking.

Li luoran looked at him in a daze.

Lu Shaochen's slender finger belly gently ran over her delicate lips, "I think, your father and your mother will never be possible. Instead of letting your father keep your mother in such pain all the time, it's better to help him find a more suitable partner, which is also good for him."

Li luoran said, "ha ha, it's so light."

My father is more stubborn than stone. He has a special love for Gu lianyue. Even though Gu lianyue has been out of China for many years, he is still infatuated with her.

In the past 20 years, there have been many heterosexuals who have taken the initiative to show their love to him. However, he has never moved his heart. How can it be so easy to find a partner for such a person!

Lu Shaochen, "what do you think of my mother?"


Li luoran's eyes were round.

Lu Shaochen said with a smile, "my mother hates you because your mother separated her from my father. Moreover, according to my observation, I always feel that my mother has a special feeling for your father. My mother has lived alone for so many years and is in the same situation as your father. They are very compatible. If they can make a couple, it will be a good thing for them, and my mother's hatred for you will be naturally resolved."Yes!

If Lu Shaochen's assumption can really come true, her father will no longer be depressed because of the love that she can't touch every day, and an Jiaren will really regard Li luoran as her family. What a wonderful family scene


Li luoran shook his head. "They can't do it."

Lu Shaochen, "how impossible?"

Li luoran said with a bitter smile, "they knew each other more than 20 years ago. If possible, they would have been together long ago. If there was no emotion between them, no one could force them."

"It depends on whether the people who want them to come together will do anything." Lu Shaochen's smile is evil and charming, and his bony fingers come quietly from Li luoran's pajamas.

"as far as I know, my mother and your father are both very traditional and face conscious people. If I try to make them sleep together and have real behavior, and let many people witness the scene of their raw rice cooking, they will naturally become husband and wife."

Oh, my God!

If Lu Shaochen used this method to deal with others, it would be all right. Li luoran never thought that he was so black that he used this method to deal with his mother

However, if you think about it carefully, even though it's a bit "mean", it's worth trying if it can really save dad and Angie from pain and hatred.


Li luoran's sudden abnormality made her chant uncontrollably. For a moment, she blushed, "you What are you doing? "

Lu Shaochen's ink like eyebrows were slightly raised, and he looked as if nothing had happened. "Nothing."

The well-defined fingers are still reckless.

Li luoran was short of breath, and her whole face seemed to have been put on fire. Her white skin was pale and crimson.

"Now you know what I'm going to do? Well Lu Shaochen's face is like a crown of jade. His eyes are like black gems. His hot emotion turns into a wisp of wine red light in his eyes.

Li luoran didn't dare to look at him, his shy eyelashes drooped, and his voice rose and fell with him, "don't do that..."

"Oh?" Instead of letting her go, Lu Shaochen became more presumptuous, feeling her trembling, her voice full of emotion,

"don't be duplicative, wife, you welcome me very much, don't you?"

Lu Shaochen rolled over and hugged her, her thin lips gently kissing her forehead,

"dear, get ready for my kiss!"

Liloran was shaking his breath.


Lu Shaochen's lips were imprinted on her lips, and wild kisses came to her.

At this moment, the sea of Li luoran's brain became empty, and the troubles that had been bothering her before seemed to be no longer important.

Li luoran found that at first she didn't want to, but later she seemed to be controlled by Lu Shaochen and became involuntarily.

This man named Lu Shaochen not only controlled her heart, but also seemed to control everything about her.

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Like a brave general, Lu Shaochen is always tireless.

Originally insomnia Li luoran also because was hollowed out the strength, soon fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, Li luoran was awakened by a knock on the door.

As soon as he regained consciousness, he heard Zhao Haixin's voice outside the door. "Mr. Lu, Mrs. an and Miss Lu are here. Should you get up?"

Lu Shaochen told them that the sound insulation effect was very good

"Yes, Mr. Lu."

Zhao Haixin's footsteps gradually faded away.

Li luoran looks at Lu Shaochen in surprise.

Lu Shaochen gently pinched her face and kept a secret smile. "Give your father a surprise."

Voice down, has been wearing baggy pajamas, long legs to the door.



The door was opened and closed by Lu Shaochen. In the twinkling of an eye, Lu Shaochen's figure had disappeared in front of her eyes. She was still staring at the door which was closed by Lu Shaochen. She couldn't recover for a long time.

Last night, when Lu Shaochen told her that he wanted to make a match between her father and an Jiaren, Li luoran really just thought Lu Shaochen was joking. She didn't expect that Lu Shaochen actually invited an Jiaren.

Oh, my God!

Lu Shaochen will not like what he said, let father and Anjian sleep together, right?!

Thinking of this, Li luoran got out of bed in a hurry. He couldn't care to change his clothes. He was wearing the wrinkled pajamas ravaged by Lu Shaochen last night, and hurried out of the door on the shoe holder.


just after 6:30 in the morning, the bright morning light shines on the luxurious living room through the open curtains, and everything is dyed with a layer of clear silver light.

At the moment, an Jiaren and Lu Wanyue are standing in the silver light.When Lu Shaochen, who was wearing a nightgown, appeared in the revolving stairs, Lu Wanyue turned her mouth and said, "Ma, he's coming."

An Jiaren's eyes looked in the direction Lu Wanyue pointed out, "sure enough, people will interact with each other. Are the family rules and family precepts of diligence and early rising in our family empty words and decorations? I see that you have been sleeping with that lazy woman surnamed Li all the year round, and you have no ambition to be assimilated by her. "

Lu Shaochen, "..."

An Jiaren stared at him bitterly, "look at what you look like now. What's the difference between you and the ruffians on the street? What's the big president look like?"

Lu Shaochen just grinned.

It's not surprising that Mrs. an complains. In fact, Lu Shaochen is used to getting up early. Last night, he had a lot of wine with Li Qingtian, and then he and Li luoran went out of their way tirelessly. His handsome face was a little drunk, and he hurried downstairs when he knew that Mrs. an didn't have time to take care of himself. His hair, which was always in perfect order, now looks like a bird's nest The same top in his head, and he has always been meticulous image is very different.

Lu Wanyue did not stare at him.

Although she is still a virgin who has never experienced the relationship between men and women, according to the "adult teaching film" she has seen from some small websites, Lu Shaochen must have done a lot with Li luoran last night -

imagining the sweet love between Lu Shaochen and Li luoran, she is extremely jealous

At this moment, with a rush of footsteps, like Lu Shaochen, Li luoran, dressed in pajamas, disheveled and tired, also ran down the revolving stairs.

Seeing Li luoran's appearance, Lu Wanyue was even more angry. "Mom, look at her. Did she just climb out of the bed with my brother? Do you really doubt that they were doing such shameful things when we came here, but our time was too bad to disturb their good deeds? "

“……” Li luoran can't laugh or cry.

Don't say Lu Wanyue wronged her.

She and Lu Shaochen are legal husband and wife. Even if they do that thing in the morning, as Lu Wanyue said, it is a normal couple's life. It is not "indulgence".

It's not good for a man and a woman to have sex?!

An Jiaren looks at Li luoran with hatred,

"hum! There's nothing to make a fuss about. The daughter of the fox spirit, of course, likes to pester men to mate like a fox in heat


Li luoran didn't get angry when he thought of the purpose of an Jiaren today. He just sighed in his heart.

It has been more than a year since she met Anne and Lu Wanyue.

Li luoran once said more than a year ago that as long as she didn't have her permission, she and Lu Wanyue would never be allowed to enter Lu's house. Lu Shaochen would go to an Jia's house to see her every week, but because she hated Li luoran, she never took her.

Li luoran thought that after more than a year, no matter how angry she was with her, most of her anger would be wasted by time. However, she did not expect that after seeing her, she would still immediately sneer at her as before.

Mrs. an was surprised that Li luoran, who had never been angry with her in the past, swallowed her words like a quail this time. She looked at Li luoran more suspiciously, then turned her eyes to Lu Shaochen, who had already walked in front of her.

"well, what's the matter with me coming here early this morning because of the news I sent in the middle of the night yesterday?"

Lu Shaochen said, "I miss you."

"Ah ~" where does an Jiaren believe it?

"you just went to my place the day before yesterday morning. Besides, like Lu Wangyuan, who is a fickle bastard, your soul has been taken away by the fox spirit. What's my mother like in your eyes? You miss me? I don't believe you miss me. "

Lu Shaochen laughed brightly and wickedly, "Mom, I said someone missed you. It doesn't mean that the one who missed you must be me."

"Oh?" Anne's eyes are confused.

Lu Wanyue disdained, "cut! Brother, are you brained by the door, or did you crash your brain too hard when you were sleeping with fox spirit last night? Who else can be in this family besides you may be thinking about mom? You can't say it's Li who misses her mother. Ha ha, of course she misses her mother. She should always want to strangle her mother with her own hands. "

Li luoran was speechless.

People are not plants. Who can be careless?

There have been so many bumps and bumps between Li luoran and an Jiaren. She can't bear no grudge at all. In the past year, she occasionally remembers the bitter past between her and an Jiaren. Although Li luoran doesn't like an Jiaren, Li luoran doesn't hate an Jiaren either. In Li luoran's heart, as long as an If she doesn't take the initiative to provoke her, she won't take the initiative to ask for her trouble

When is it going to be?

Growing up in a single family, Li luoran is more eager to have a warm and harmonious family than a girl born in a two parent family. The relationship between Li luoran and her mother-in-law is so cold, which is not what Li luoran wants.At this moment, Li luoran suddenly thought, if Dad can really walk with an Jiaren, how nice it would be!

"What the hell are you doing?"

An Jiaren couldn't bear it. She looked down at Li luoran coldly,

"Shaochen, don't forget that at the beginning, someone was biting his teeth and calling me names. They drew a line with me and warned me that she would beat me out if I didn't step into Lu house without her permission. I didn't have the shameful habit of staying in other people's house. If you have nothing to do, I'll leave If you hadn't invited me to her house, I would have disdained coming! "

"Mildly, let's go!"

I'm about to leave.

At the moment, there was a clear sound of opening the door not far away, followed by a thick baritone,

"lady, are you going to leave now?"

"Optimus?" An Jiaren stops in an instant and goes along with her reputation. She sees Li Qingtian standing at the door of the East bedroom. Her cold face becomes calm in an instant.

"Qingtian, when did you come?"

Li Qingtian light looking at her, "last night came, I sleep in this bedroom."

With these words, she came slowly to Anjia.

At this moment, Li luoran, who was not far away from Anjian, clearly saw that Anjian's left hand hanging on the outside of her leg was shaking violently.

Li Jia's tone of voice suddenly changed when she went to luo'an's birthday party.

Li Qingtian once told Li luoran that an Jia told her father everything that happened between her and Li luoran.

Li Qingtian loves Gu lianyue deeply.

An Jiaren hates Gu lianyue, but she is polite to Li Qingtian.

Why do you feel that their relationship is so mysterious and subtle?

Li luoran is more and more confused.

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