You,Under My Name

Chapter 253: 253

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"Dad, mom, I'll go outside with Ranran to get some air. You can talk slowly."

While talking, Lu Shaochen pulls Li luoran out of the living room.

Lu Wanyue followed them out.

An Jiaren and Li Qingtian stand side by side in front of the French window about a meter away. The warm morning light slants on them, showing a pair of overlapping figures on the ground.

"It's really hard to disobey heaven's destiny. Qingtian, who could have thought that our descendants would come together and we would become relatives?" Angie looks up to welcome the warm sunshine.

Li Qingping looks at Li luoran outside,

"Ranran and Shaochen are more stubborn than we were when we were young. No matter how you and I oppose them, we can't stop them. Maybe this is God's punishment for us."

"Punishment, punishment..."

An Jiaren suddenly recites this word,

"Qingtian, I know that you love your daughter and that she can have a happy marriage. I never want to see her embarrassed by me. Because of you, I also want to put down my hatred and treat her like my own daughter. But once I think of Gu lianyue and my dead daughter, I can't control it Live by myself

Li Qingtian sighed in secret,

"I know that I have never blamed you. Everyone has his own obsession. Your hatred for lianyue is as deep as my love for her. Ranran knows that you hate her and are stubborn with Shaochen. She has chosen this tortuous road and has to bear everything that this road brings to her."


An Jiaren closes her eyes in pain,

"instead of talking about this, let's talk about our own affairs. Gu lianyue and Lu Wangyuan are getting married, don't you know?"

Li Qingtian's heart seems to have been cut, and his figure stretched by the sun obviously shakes.

Sure enough, you don't know

Then he slowly took out a red object in his pocket and handed it to Li Qingtian.

Li Qingtian naturally took over.

It's a wedding invitation -

on the jubilant high-grade red waterproof paper, the names of "Lu Wangyuan" and "Gu lianyue" are written in elegant handwriting, and the date of their wedding is written, which is the Sunday six days later.

Li Qingtian felt that the rose like red and the two names were dazzling. His eyes narrowed in pain, and his shaking hands could not even grasp the flimsy invitation.

Li Qing's invitation fell on the ground.

An Jiaren doesn't pick it up either, but focuses on Li Qingtian's painful face,

"Gu lianyue is not kind-hearted. She knows that I can never go to her wedding. She sends me an invitation just to humiliate me. Qingtian, with my understanding of her, she will never miss this opportunity to humiliate you, and she will certainly send you an invitation."


Li Qingtian breathed heavily, and it took a long time for her to speak again,

"lianyue left us after she gave birth to Ranran. At the beginning, I refused to divorce her. She was out with different men and never came back home again. Finally, on Ranran's fourth birthday, I decided to let her go free for 20 years. I divorced her for 20 years, and she died Like a boat that can't find a harbor, she has been wandering alone for 20 years. Now, she has finally found her home. I'm happy for her. "

"Yes! For 20 years, in order to hurt you, Gu lianyue has changed men more frequently than clothes outside. What kind of woman can do such a thing? " Looking at Li Qingtian's appearance, an Jia's heart is full of pain,

"and you, Qingtian, not only don't hate her at all, but you are still thinking about her. Qingtian, how can you be so stupid!"

Li Qingtian wry smile, "I owe her, everything is I should return."

Voice down, turn to go.

"Optimus!" Angie grabs his arm excitedly,

"she's going to marry another man. Even if you can't wait another 20 years for her to come back, don't you think about it for yourself?"

Li Qingtian stopped, "what do you think?"

Anne looked at his cold side face with pity, "do you want to be so lonely all your life? Optimus, you've been wronged for too many years. You should find a woman who loves you to finish this life with you, right? "


Li Qingtian's expression is painful and firm,

"I know your feelings for me. At the beginning, our parents set up a baby kiss for us as soon as we were born. Although you love me as much as sea, I have a special love for lianyue. In order to help me and not let your father embarrass my father, you took the initiative to make a private life with Lu Wangyuan. I will never forget your kindness and love for me. ”

looking back on the past, Mrs. an's eyes were moist. "It's been so many years. What else do you want to do with it, alas..."

She sighed. There was tenderness in her eyes,"In our time, most people were arranged by their parents. How many couples could have true love? You have no intention to me, and you are so fond of the fox spirit Gu lianyue, so I have to aggrieve myself and help you

"But I can't imagine that Gu lianyue is not only merciless to you, but also hates you. She even forces her hatred to me. Relying on her beauty, she hooks Lu Wangyuan's heartless man away. In the end, they are going to marry happily, but you and I have come to such a miserable end today."

Li Qingtian has only a silent sigh.

An Jiaren looked at him with tears in her eyes. "Over the years, I often think that if I didn't give you to Gu lianyue, but insisted on marrying you, we should be very happy. Qingtian, I regret it. Don't you regret it?"

Tears can't help falling down.

Li Ran has always been so hard for her, but I've never felt so much regret for her

Looking at Li luoran in the yard from a distance, the corners of his mouth involuntarily pull up a proud smile.

Anne's lips were open and her heart was desolate.

Li Qingtian pushes away her hand and walks to go. An Jiaren asks, "Qingtian, you haven't answered my question."

Back to her Li Qingtian, "which question?"

Angie looked at his back nervously, "do you want to find a woman who loves you and go through this life with you?"

"No!" Li Qingtian does not hesitate to return. Although she is middle-aged, her handsome face is still full of firmness,

"I will wait for Yueyue all my life. Even if she marries someone, I will wait until the end of my life."

Anne's lips trembled. She could only watch Li Qingtian go away, but she couldn't say a word.


in the yard.

Li luoran, Lu Wanyue and Lu Shaochen are standing under the red maple tree in the shape of "pin". Lu Shaochen holds his customized mobile phone in his right hand, and the sound of the speaker is turned to the maximum by him.

More than ten minutes ago, when Lu Shaochen was close to an Jiaren, he put a micro monitor on her when she didn't pay attention.

The monitor is connected to Lu Shaochen's mobile phone.

Just now, every word that an Jiaren and Li Qingtian said was clearly played on Lu Shaochen's mobile phone.

Although the conversation between an Jiaren and Li Qingtian is over now, because the monitor is quiet and the mobile phone no longer plays sound, Li luoran is staring at the exquisite mobile phone screen, which is like a work of art.

Every word that an Jiaren and her father said was like a heavy stone in her heart, which made ripples.

"Brother, isn't that true?"

Lu Wanyue was the first to open her mouth.

Lu Shaochen raised his eyebrows. "Isn't that bullshit? If it's not true, are they two middle-aged people learning to play with children? "

"What shall we do?" Lu Wanyue's expression was terrified.

It's not surprising that Lu Wanyue was frightened.

Li luoran was equally frightened.

In the past, she faintly felt that the relationship between her father and Mrs. Ann was hard to say, but she never thought that the relationship between them would be so ambiguous.

Lu Shaochen said with a smile, "what do you want to do?"

Lu Wanyue shook her head.

Li luoran also looked at him with confused eyes.

Lu Shaochen, "first of all, you must promise to keep mum's mouth shut about our eavesdropping on their conversation."

Lu Wanyue nodded without hesitation, "I promise." Although Lu Shaochen planned this disgraceful event, she participated in eavesdropping. Selling Lu Shaochen is selling herself

"Well," Lu Shaochen nodded with satisfaction,

"then, you just wait to see the play."

Lu Wanyue's curiosity was completely aroused, "what play to watch?"

Lu Shaochen kept his eyes closed and said, "of course, it's a wonderful play."

Lu Wanyue wants to keep asking.

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

Lu Shaochen turned his eyes to Li luoran and patted her on the shoulder. "I was tired last night. I need to go back to sleep. If you have any questions, please ask your sister-in-law."

Voice down, put away his cell phone, take a long stride away.

"Hello! Make it clear to me

"You stop!"

"Lu Shaochen!"

No matter how anxious Lu Wanyue yelled, Lu Shaochen did not turn his head back and went further and further.

Li luoran is still standing in the same place.

Lu Wanyue peeks at her, remembering that she has too many festivals with Li luoran, and is unwilling to take the initiative to ask her questions. However, Lu Shaochen is so curious that she can't help but roll her eyes and ask, "Hey, you also heard my brother's words. What's the meaning of his words? What do he want me to see? "Li luoran looked at an Jiaren who was standing in front of the French window in a trance from a long distance and just shook her head.

"What are you shaking your head for? Don't you know or don't you want to say? " Lu Wanyue's anxious sweat came out.

Li luoran still shook his head.


Lu Wanyue was so anxious that she almost broke out rude remarks that she didn't care to keep a distance from Li luoran. She grabbed Li luoran's arm with both hands,

"Lu Shaochen invited my mother to Lu's house just to let my mother and your father see each other. Moreover, he took great pains to eavesdrop on them. He must have a plan for the next step. His eyes tell us You must know what he's talking about. Tell me what he wants to do? "

"Alas Li luoran sighed heavily, and his eyes were still looking at an Jiaren in the distance,

"he didn't really do that, did he?"

"What?" Lu Wanyue is crazy,

"what are you talking about? Which would he not do? "


"Li luoran, stop for me!"



Eager to get the answer, Li luoran didn't care about Lu Wanyue. He left Lu Wanyue in the same place and ran to Lu Shaochen all the way.

"What the hell are you doing?"


Lu Wanyue, anxious and itchy, stamped her foot on the ground.


having expected that Li luoran would come after him, Lu Shaochen stopped by the swimming pool dozens of meters away.

Li luoran came after her. Before she asked, Lu Shaochen said with a smile, "do you want to ask me if I will arrange your father and my mother to cook mature rice as I told you last night?"

Li luoran default.

If she didn't know the relationship between her father and Anjian before, now she is quite sure that Anjian has deep feelings for her father.

Li luoran is also sure that as long as her father is willing, Anjian will promise to marry her father -

because as a woman, Li luoran knows very well that when Anjian asks her father if she wants to spend her life with a woman who loves him, she implies that she wants to spend her life with her father

Li luoran, of course, longed for her father to become husband and wife with Anjia.

In that case, it's perfect for everyone, right?

Although Li luoran and an Jiaren had many disagreements, to be fair, she still thought that her father and an Jiaren were quite suitable, and even said that they were a "perfect match".

Li Jiahe turned the page of the past, and luo'an could completely accept it.

However, her only worry is her father.

My father is a very stubborn person. Since he has decided to wait for Gu lianyue for his whole life, it is hard to predict what will happen if Lu Shaochen makes my father and an Jiaren "cook cooked rice with raw rice" in the way of overlord

"I know what you are worried about, but you must use strong medicine to cure stubborn diseases, understand?"

Lu Shaochen is standing by the rippling water. His hairstyle is like a bird's nest. He is less serious and more funny than ever.

"if Gu lianyue is your father's disease, he is extremely ill. If you want him to let go of Gu lianyue, you can only force him to have another woman. Normal people love first and then do it, but for your father, you can only do it in order On the contrary. "

This way, though evil.

However, when Li luoran thought about it, it was true.

This is the only way for people like dad who don't get oil and salt.

"Now there are two ways in front of you. The first way is that you agree to do so, and we will sit on it together. As a result, your father and my mother are at least 95% likely to become husband and wife, and our family will be happy in the future..."

Lu Shaochen's magnetic voice, accompanied by the cool wind in the early morning, is blowing on Li luoran's face,

"the second way, if you don't agree to do this, then this is the end of the matter. Your father continues to think about Gu lianyue's lonely and painful life every day until he is depressed all his life. You decide which way to choose."

Li luoran, who had figured it out, "of course, the first one."

Lu Shaochen's mouth was so soft that she put it into practice

The other hand opened in front of liloran.

Li luoran raised her hand. With a clear voice, her small hand and Lu Shaochen's big hand were firmly patted together. "Deal!"

"What are you secretly plotting?"

A loud voice came.

Panting, Lu Wanyue pinches her waist with both hands and looks at Li luoran and Lu Shaochen curiously from ten meters away.

Lu Wanyue, who saw Lu Shaochen and Li luoran whispering by the pool in the distance, naturally thought that they were discussing something related to the "good play", so she ran over as fast as she could. However, before she got near, they had finished the discussion and clapped their hands.Lu Shaochen shook his head, "confidential."

"You --" Lu Wanyue is going to blow up,

"Lu Shaochen, do you even treat me as an outsider and keep me a secret? Are you my brother or not? "

Lu Shaochen Mo eyebrow light pick, "I clearly remember, someone more than once said she did not have my brother."

“……” Lu Wanyue was anxious and angry, but she had nothing to say.

At the beginning, when she and Mrs. an were not looking for Li luoran, Lu Shaochen always took sides with Li luoran. She and Mrs. an repeatedly met each other. At that time, she did say things like breaking off the relationship between brother and sister with Lu Shaochen

"If you swear to keep it a secret, I'll consider telling you."

Li luoran opened his mouth at the moment.

"Ah?" Lu Wanyue was overjoyed,

"I swear, I swear to God, I will keep a secret!"

Li luoran said with a smile, "come here..."

Almost as soon as the voice fell, Lu Wanyue ran to Li luoran.

Lu Shaochen looks at Li luoran with puzzled eyes.

Li luoran knows that Lu Wanyue is angry with an Jiaren through the same nostril. Lu Shaochen is worried about Lu Wan's date and divulges secrets to an Jiaren.

But Li luoran knows that Lu Wanyue is acute. She can't bear to see Lu Wanyue, who is so curious that she looks like an ant on a hot pot.

Li luoran also knows that Lu Wanyue, like Lu Shaochen, sincerely hopes to have a good lady Ann. She believes that Lu Wanyue also wants to have a happy lady Ann


Li luoran, Lu Shaochen and Lu Wanyue planned everything.

Today, Li luoran still wants to go to Su's.

Su Yan left all his property to Li luoran. Although it was a huge fortune, Li luoran could not get it at ease.

She decided to donate all these properties to charity in the name of Su Yan, a large part to welfare homes and poor mountainous areas, and the other part to "Haicheng University".

Haicheng university is also the university where Bai Zhinian was before.

Zhinian dreamed of entering Haida when she was in junior high school. For this reason, she made countless efforts and sweat. As a sophomore, she decided to drop out because she gave birth to Su Yan's child.

After Zhinian died, Su Yan never talked about Zhinian to Li luoran, but Li luoran thought that Su Yan still felt guilty about Zhinian.

In doing so, Li luoran helped Su Yan make atonement.

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