You,Under My Name

Chapter 255: 255

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"Miss Li, I'm afraid I'll let you down."

Police officer Zhang was also very helpless,

"this incident caused a great sensation. The provincial leaders ordered the case to be closed as soon as possible to calm the panic of the people, alas! I can't help it

"But, officer Zhang..."

"I know your helplessness." Police officer Zhang interrupted Li luoran,

"let's stop here. As you know, the case is closed. But if we can find the evidence to prove that Bai Qingwan killed Su Yan, we can still reverse the case. Miss Li, that's all we have to do."

Although Li luoran is not willing, he knows that this kind of thing is not urgent, so he has to take Su Yan's body away first.

On the same day, the public security department issued a notice to close the case on its official website -

after investigation and evidence collection, Su Yanxi, the former president of Su's family, accidentally fell from the mountain when he went out on a picnic alone, hoping that the people would not speculate.

Once the notice was published, it was immediately shot and spread on the Internet.

Bai Qingwan won "innocence" again.

To this end, Bai Qingwan specially held a news conference and said in tears, "I believe that the Qing people will be clean, and the world will be clean. I hope Su Yan will go well all the way, and I will remember her all my life."

Many fans were moved to tears.

The Internet is full of all kinds of praise for "white goddess".


it seems that the sky really has eyes. On the day of Su Yan's funeral, the weather forecast originally predicted that it would be sunny all day. However, when Su Yan was buried, it was suddenly overcast and raining heavily.

There were a lot of people at the funeral.

Even Bai Qingwan came.

She was still wearing a trademark white pearl skirt. When she was offering flowers for Su Yan, she didn't even fight for an umbrella. She cried in front of Su Yan's Monument and nearly fainted.

Later, Gu Mingzhu, who accompanied her, helped her to leave.

After the funeral, Bai Qingwan was surrounded by reporters as soon as she left the cemetery.

A reporter asked her,

"Miss Bai, you have said publicly that Su was not only unfaithful to you, but also cruel to you. That's why you broke up with him. You should have nothing to do with it? Why do you come to his funeral and cry so sad? "

Bai Qingwan's tears blurred and her voice trembled in a trance,

"Su Yan is the only man I have ever loved. He is cruel to me, but I have always loved him deeply. Although I had to break up with him a year ago, I hope he can get better every moment, every minute, every second, I hope to get back together with him, but now he has gone so far, and I can't reunite with him any more Now, Wu... "

"I haven't had time to tell him how much I love him, but, woo I'll never have another chance, Wuwuwuwu... "

His right hand tightly covered his small mouth, but the cry of grief could not be covered and overflowed in his fingers.

Reporters do not have the heart to continue to ask questions, some of them are also soft hearted Bai Qingwan infected tears.

"Bai Qingwan, my God, your uncle!"

Su Yixuan, who saw this scene in the distance, could not bear it any more. She took out the military dagger in the trunk of her car and rushed to Bai Qingwan.

"Yixuan!" Frightened, Li luoran quickly held her,

"did I say nothing to you? What are you doing? "

when Su Xuan sees that Su Wan is surrounded by her brother, she doesn't want to die Sympathy for the footstone

Although Li luoran was also very angry, he could only offer advice calmly,

"I promised you that I would let Bai Qingwan pay for his blood debt."

"Yes, you promised that the law would give my brother justice, but what happened? How did it end? The police issued a statement saying that my brother died in an accident. They also told people not to speculate. To put it bluntly, they told people not to doubt Bai Qingwan any more. They were helping Bai Qingwan clean up! Is that what you promised my brother justice? "

Su Yixuan laughs sarcastically, tears in her eyes are bleak,

"sister Ranran, I said that if the law can't give brother Su Yan justice, I will personally get it back for my brother. Don't stop me!"

Push Li luoran away.

Li luoran not only clung to her, but also stood in front of her more firmly. "In any case, I will never allow you to do stupid things today. If you must go, kill me first and step on my body."


Su Yixuan trembled with anger. At last, she stamped her foot on the ground full of rain,

"sister Ranran, why do you want to protect her?! Why? " Just stopped soon tears fell down again, and the face of the rain mixed together.Li luoran looked at the stubborn weak woman through the waterfall of rain, "Su Yan left everything to me. You are his favorite sister. Now, you are also my sister. It's my responsibility to help him protect you."

The voice falls, also caught Su Yixuan that is grasping the small hand of the dagger.

Su Yixuan, who is in a mood of excitement, is weak all over. Li luoran easily snatches the dagger from her hand.

Li luoran looked down at the dagger. The bright lightning flashed by and made the blade full of rain shine.

She remembered that Su Yixuan had said that she would kill Bai Qingwan with a knife when she went to Su's to find her. The girl was not just talking about it. She had already prepared a dagger and even hid it in the car when she came to Su Yan's funeral.

Li luoran sighed,

"remember, even if one day it's time to kill Bai Qingwan by violence, the person who will kill her must be me. Yixuan, you are a good girl. Bai Qingwan is not worthy to spend time with you. "

Fall this words, drench the cold rain, resolutely to the white pure Wan's location to walk.

Su Yixuan looked at Li luoran's figure through tears and lost her mind for a while. At last, she collapsed and squatted on the ground, holding her head in her hands and burst into tears.


"I think you have some misunderstanding about Ranran."

There's a magnetic baritone at the top of the front.

This voice is so recognizable that even though his voice is not high, it still stands out in the torrential rain and clearly rushes into Su Yixuan's ears.

She raised her head slowly.

In the eye is a very handsome face, he has been soaked, thick black hair and fan-shaped eyelashes are wet, it is easy to mistake him for a God into the world.

"She doesn't hate Bai Qingwan as much as you. She's as eager to avenge Su Yan as you are." Lu Shaochen opens a white umbrella and raises it to Su Yixuan's head, but he is still in the rain,

"after su Yan's accident, I catch Bai Qingwan and lock him in a pig cage. Ranran picks up a knife and stabs Bai Qingwan without hesitation. Even I am shocked. If Bai Qingwan didn't flash in time, that knife would have penetrated Bai Qingwan's heart."

Su Yixuan was shocked. The next second, she laughed sarcastically, "sister Ranran has been trying to persuade me to keep calm. She is very rational. She can't get into trouble to avenge brother Su Yan. I don't believe she will do that."

"I never lie." Standing upright in the rain, Lu Shaochen looked down at the princess like girl under the umbrella,

"the reason why she kept calm in front of you was that she still wanted to persuade you that she didn't want you to do stupid things like her."

Su Yixuan is in a trance.

Although she knew Li luoran many years ago, when Su Yan and Li luoran were good, she was still studying in the United States. She only met Li luoran a few times and didn't know Li luoran very well.


Li luoran has always been a selfish woman who gets Su Yange's property but doesn't want to avenge him. She thinks that now Li luoran has both money and fame. She only cares about her own freedom and doesn't want to avenge him at all.

But Lu Shaochen, who is famous, will never lie.

So, did she really misunderstand liluoran?

"God Su Yixuan, who wants to understand, is frightened in her tears.

"sister Ranran has just taken my knife to find Bai Qingwan. Will she use it in front of the public? If she did God

"My God

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

Lu Shaochen raised his eyebrows and said, "after all, what would happen if she did that?"

Su Yixuan said, "now Bai Qingwan is a big star. If Ranran kills her in public, it will cause a sensation all over the world. Ranran will be publicized as a murderer. Because of its bad influence, Ranran will be sentenced to death."


Lu Shaochen nodded with satisfaction,

"if you kill Bai Qingwan in public, your fate will be the same."

“……” Su Yixuan was stunned.

Lu Shaochen said, "now I know why she tried to stop you?"


after interviewing Bai Qingwan, the reporters scattered one after another.

Bai Qingwan's blue Porsche is parked under the cedar tree outside the cemetery. When Li luoran walks by, Bai Qingwan just opens the door and wants to get into the car.

See Bai Qingwan, she closed the door, already wet body languidly lean on the slippery body, "how ah, Li luoran, see my performance just now? Don't you comment on my acting? "

Looking at this beautiful woman like a white lotus, Li luoran trembled with anger,

"don't you have any sense of shame? If you killed Su Yan yourself, you'll be free. You'll ruin his reputation, but you'll have to go to his funeral to perform hypocritically. Can't you even ask him to die? "

"Ha ha ~"

Bai Qingwan raised her delicate apple face. When she was performing in front of people, she cried so bitterly, but now she was so proud and enchanting, like a poppy in full bloom,"Speaking of Su Yanlai, he is really a joke. He was used by me for more than three years and spent so much money on me. Moreover, he did what I asked him to do. Later, even if he saw the facts clearly, he didn't do anything to me. Instead, he put his life on him. Ha ha, pearl, do you think this kind of person is ridiculous?"

Gu Mingzhu, standing by with an umbrella, gave a smile,

"yes, it's killing me."

Li luoran's face was dignified, and the cold light was revealed in his eyes.

Bai Qingwan is more proud,

"so, Ranran, since Su Yan was a tool used by me when he was alive, why don't I squeeze out his last use value after he died, and then make good use of him to earn fans' love for myself for the last time?"

Sure enough!

In Bai Qingwan's eyes, Su Yan is just a tool used by her.

It's time for him to live after death!

Li luoran takes a sad look at Su Yan's tombstone. When he looks back at Bai Qingwan's face again, he turns into indifference,

"I clearly remember that night in that warehouse, you said that no one was as good to you as Su Yan. You said that you very much hope to make up with him as before, and you even asked him to promise to marry you. I believe you love him too, but You did not hesitate to put the knife into his heart

I don't know what touched my heart, Bai Qingwan's eyes hurt.

The next second, I laugh enchanting,

"Li luoran, are you here to dig up old accounts for me? Yes! It's me, it's me, I just stabbed him in the heart without hesitation, but what can you do? I have the alibi evidence, and the police have closed the case. Su Yan was killed by accident. I'm innocent. "

Listening to these words, Li luoran looks at Bai Qingwan's complacent and proud expression as if he had done something to be proud of. Once again, Li luoran has a strong impulse to kill Bai Qingwan.

She took several deep breaths in succession, and the little hand that was hiding in her sleeve and holding the handle of the knife was tight and tight, and it was hard to suppress the impulse.

"you don't have to kill him. You are always careful. Even if you let Su Yan go back, it will be difficult for him to grasp your handle in the future. Why do you have to do that?"

"Because I just want him to die ~"

Bai Qingwan laughs sarcastically, raises her hand and points to this graveyard through thousands of strands of rain,

"Li luoran, look at this graveyard. Most people in our city will be buried here after death. In just over a year, Su Jinnian died, Ying Ye died, Zhinian died, Su Yan died And the child in Zhinian's stomach died with Zhinian They are all buried in this cemetery. After Zhinian's death, although I always think of her, I seldom come to see her. Do you know why? "

Li luoran sneers and says nothing on the surface. When he thinks of Bai Zhinian's tragic death, he feels sad.

"Because I didn't dare to come, Su Jinnian and Yingye were killed by me. Once I stepped into this cemetery, I felt as if I saw them standing in a certain position of the cemetery, staring at me with venomous eyes, as if they wanted to ask for my life. Maybe this is the so-called people who have ghosts in their hearts are most afraid of ghosts. In a word, that kind of feeling really frightens me, and I dare not come alone..."

Bai Qingwan put down her hand and looked vaguely at a certain place in the cemetery, where Bai Zhinian was buried,

"and Zhinian, although she died of Su Yan, most of the time, I also deliberately said to myself like this, I told myself that everything was su Yan's fault, everything had nothing to do with me, but no matter how I tried to convince myself, there was always a voice in my heart He told me that Su Yan came to Zhinian for revenge. Zhinian's death, after all, was caused by me, and I was the culprit. "

Li luoran said, "so, did you kill Su Yan to avenge Zhinian?"

"Revenge? no No Bai Qingwan shook his head,

"I said that I was the culprit of killing Zhinian. I didn't blame Su Yan. I killed Su Yan because I hated him."

"Ah, Zhinian died because of Su Yan. You don't hate him. In other aspects, you owe him everything. Where do you hate him?" Li luoran did not understand the brain circuit of Bai Qingwan.

"If you don't understand my feelings for Su Yan, how can you understand my hatred for him?" Bai Qingwan looks at Li luoran in the distance,

"I know that Su Yan hates me for killing his father, but he killed my favorite sister, and killed two dead bodies. Even if I pay off my debt, I have paid off her debt with interest. However, he still hates me so much. What I hate is that he has revenge and hates me to the bone I'm not going to let go of chasing me, and I have to secretly take videos of my company with customers, so I'm not willing to give up until I'm ruined! "

Oh, my God!

Li luoran couldn't believe his ears.

Sure enough, it's hard for normal people to understand the psychology of people who only have themselves in mind.

Li luoran did not expect that Su Yan hated Bai Qingwan himself, but Bai Qingwan felt that Zhinian's death had helped her pay off her debt. After Zhinian's death, Su Yan should not continue to hate her.Can emotional debt be calculated by such addition and subtraction?

Therefore, Bai Qingwan takes it for granted that after Zhinian's death, the enmity between Su Yan and her will be cleared; therefore, Bai Qingwan will think that Su Yan still has the possibility to accept her; therefore, Bai Qingwan will propose the conditions for Su Yan to marry her

"You don't know me. As a person, I must get what I want. If I don't get it, I will destroy him and not let others get it." Bai Qingwan sighed, and his eyes filled with rain were full of resentment,

"Li luoran, now you understand why I was so determined when I killed Su Yan!"

Li luoran took a deep breath,

"um ~"

the voice dropped, turned and left.

Bai Qingwan looked at her figure in surprise, "are you going now?"

Li luoran didn't return a word, even his head. He just walked farther and farther with firm steps.

Bai Qingwan looks at Gu Mingzhu in surprise.

Gu Mingzhu shook her head.

When Li luoran comes to Bai Qingwan, Bai Qingwan and Gu Mingzhu think that Li luoran has something important to do. In other words, at least Li luoran will beat her or slap her in the face as he did before

But Li luoran did nothing.

He didn't even say a cruel word to Bai Qingwan.

But peace of mind and Bai Qingwan after talking, so left.

What's the matter with liluoran?

Is she damaged by Su Yan's death?


Li luoran walked forward firmly.

His right hand holds Su Yixuan's dagger, while his left hand holds the MP3 that Su Yan left her.

High grade hifi MP3, with sensitive recording function,

of course, Li luoran did not find Bai Qingwan to "reminisce", but deliberately guided Bai Qingwan to tell the truth.

Just now, Li luoran recorded every sentence she and Bai Qingwan said with this MP3.

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