You,Under My Name

Chapter 256: 256

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"What did you say to Bai Qingwan?" Su Yixuan quickly steps to meet Li luoran.

Although Lu Shaochen has just told her that after a lesson, Li luoran will not make the same mistake again, Su Yixuan, who knows Li luoran and Bai Qingwan are talking face to face with a dagger hidden in her sleeve, is still worried until she watches Li luoran come back.

Li luoran shrugged, "there are all the contents you want to know. If you want to know what I said to her, just listen to it."

An MP3 is handed to Su Yixuan.

Su Yixuan can't wait to open it, put on her earphone and listen to the conversation recorded by Li luoran. After being suppressed for a long time, her heart finally filled with joy.

"With this recording as evidence, Bai Qingwan can no longer cover up the facts. Brother Su Yan can finally close his eyes under the nine springs of spring!"

Su Yixuan hugs Li luoran excitedly with a smile in her tears,

"sister Ranran, you are so powerful. I'm sorry, I misunderstood that you didn't care about brother Su Yan's death."

Li luoran pushed Su Yixuan away with a smile. "Well, well, don't mention the past. Let's send Bai Qingwan to prison together."

Su Yixuan's eyes brightened, "OK..."

Li luoran was drenched all over, but he didn't care to go home to change his clothes. Instead, he called officer Zhang to make sure that officer Zhang was in the police station. Immediately, he asked Lu Shaochen to drive to the police station.

Seeing officer Zhang, Li luoran immediately excitedly handed over the MP3,

"this is what I secretly recorded while Bai Qingwan didn't pay attention to it. I think it's time to get to the bottom of the matter."

Police officer Zhang, who has always attached great importance to this case, did not show any surprise, but quietly turned his lips.

Li luoran and Su Yixuan were surprised that officer Zhang would react like this.

Lu Shaochen's paralyzed face did not have a trace of joy, but accompanied Li luoran's left hand in silence.

Officer Zhang invited all three people into his office.

Instead of listening to the recording, officer Zhang, sitting in his office chair, put the MP3 on his desk and silently handed Li luoran a hair dryer,

"you three, don't wait. Let's blow dry with this first."

Li luoran was very surprised. "Officer Zhang, don't you want to hear Bai Qingwan's confession?"

"Confession?" Police officer Zhang stood up with his eyebrows and wanted to say something, but he wanted to say nothing,

"ha ha, I said that I believe every sentence you said before. Even if I don't have to listen to it, I can guess what the content of this recording is. Before that, I have another important thing to do, you wait first."

Although Li luoran was anxious, he could only nod helplessly.

Three people were standing in the officer's office, blowing hot air in turn.

When he was almost done, a SIR with a face of Zhang Guozi came in and said, "Lao Zhang, everything is ready."

Mr. Zhang nodded to the man and turned his eyes to Li luoran, "Mr. Lu, Miss Li, and this little girl, come with me."

Where they went was their internal evidence collection office.

A young police officer in uniform is sitting in front of a computer with a white Mike on his desk.

Officer Zhang gives the MP3 to the male police.

The male policeman skillfully connected the MP3 to the computer, because there was only a song called "time machine" and the audio recorded by Li luoran in the MP3. The male policeman immediately guessed that it was the target file, and he selected the audio with the mouse,

"is it it?"

Li luoran nodded.

The audio was played by double-click of male police.

In order to prevent Bai Qingwan from noticing, Li luoran turned on the recording function in advance before he went to Bai Qingwan. Therefore, there was a loud rain in the speaker, and Bai Qingwan's voice was only heard about two minutes later,

"how are you, Li luoran, have you seen my performance? Don't you comment on my acting? "

Li luoran clearly remembers the first words Bai Qingwan said to her when she came to Bai Qingwan outside the cemetery. She also clearly remembers the first words she said to Bai Qingwan. She trembled with anger when she heard them.

Then came Li luoran's excited voice,

"don't you have any sense of shame? If you killed Su Yan yourself, you'll be free. You'll ruin his reputation, but you'll have to go to his funeral to perform hypocritically. Can't you even ask him to die? "

"Ha ha ~" Bai Qingwan laughs sarcastically,

"speaking of Su Yanlai, he is really a joke. He has been used by me for more than three years and spent so much money on me. Moreover, he does what I want him to do. Later, even if he sees the facts clearly, he doesn't do anything to me. Instead, he takes his own life. Ha ha, pearl, you say this kind of person is ridiculous Isn't that ridiculous? "

"Well, let's stop here first." Officer Zhang called a halt at this moment.

At the same time, Li luoran and Su Yixuan widened their eyes and exclaimed in unison,

"why?"Officer Zhang sighed, "I understand your feelings. You will understand in a moment."

Li luoran and Su Yixuan look at each other.

After hearing the evidence, the police officer Zhang Wan will be excited to arrest them, and then they will go clean again.

However, the fact seems to be different from what they expected.

Lu Shaochen stood by silently, waiting silently, though he knew what would happen.

Li luoran just watched the male police officer at the computer desk open a certain English interface playback software in the computer, and replayed the first sentence Bai Qingwan said in the recording again. Then he said to Mike,

"how are you, Li luoran? Did you see my performance? Don't you comment on my acting? "

Li luoran had no idea what he was doing.

She looks at Su Yixuan in surprise. She looks at Su Yixuan in horror.

then, as like as two peas of the audio editing software, the male police went on debugging. About three minutes later, the magic scene happened. Before

, he used his rough boy's words to turn into a female voice, and it was the same voice as the voice of Bai Qing Yu.

Then he said to Mike, "don't you have any sense of shame? If you killed Su Yan yourself, you'll be free... "

A few minutes later, he entered his own words, and his voice became Li luoran's!

then the male as like as two peas and two different voices, and the background noise and various environmental noises were added to the rain. The result was almost the same as that recorded by the rain and Li Luo Ying in the rain.

"My God

After hearing this recording, Su Yixuan couldn't believe her ears.

"is technology so powerful now? Can you turn a person's voice into anyone's voice? "

Li luoran was also very surprised. She had heard that some music producers could beautify their original imperfect sound, but she did not expect that there would be such a fantastic sound changing technology in front of her.

"It's nothing serious. This kind of technology has been common for 20 years." Police officer Zhang looked at Li luoran and Su Yixuan meaningfully,

"recording this kind of thing is too easy to fake, as long as people who can use sound production software can easily modulate anyone's voice, so the law clearly stipulates that electronic recording can't be used as evidence."

Li luoran's mood suddenly became very bad.

She immediately understood why police officer Zhang was still calm after knowing that she had recorded the "evidence" of Bai Qingwan's guilt.

Police officer Zhang sighed helplessly,

"Li luoran, I believe this recording is true. I also know that it must be very difficult for you to get this recording. However, I can only tell you cruelly that this recording has no effect. Even if people all over the world believe it is true, it is an empty device in the court, and nothing can be proved."

Li luoran is very lost.

She didn't know how she left the station.

It's still raining cats and dogs outside. She stands under the eaves of the police station, looking up at the sky covered by countless rain lines, holding back her tears.

When he successfully recorded this video, Li luoran was really ecstatic.

She thought that she had successfully got the ultimate evidence to bring down Bai Qingwan.

She thinks that she has finally revenged for brother Yingye and Su Yan, and Bai Qingwan can no longer be loved and sought after by fans wearing a mask of hypocrisy.

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In the end, however, she thought she was very clever and had nothing to prove.

It was as if she was amusing herself.

Bai Qingwan is still the "goddess", stepping on the red carpet, facing the spotlight, white skirt to the ground, shining

Lu Shaochen just held her in silence.

Familiar with the law, he knew that the recording was invalid the first time he learned that Li luoran had recorded the conversation, but he didn't want to pour cold water on her. He still sent her to the police station in person to let her find out the truth.

At this moment, Lu Shaochen suddenly thinks that if she had known that Bai Qingwan would have brought so much pain to Li luoran, he would have let Jin Xintong down again and never agreed to ask Li luoran to help Bai Qingwan clean up.


it's like a roller coaster. Just after reaching the highest point, she suddenly fell into the valley, and Su Yixuan also lost a lot.

Lu Shaochen takes Su Yixuan home, and then he and Li luoran go back to Lu's house.

Time is less than 3 pm, Shu Xinshuang calls about Li luoran to meet, Li luoran politely refused.

Jiang Xiaojing also sent a wechat to ask her about her situation. She just replied perfunctorily, "don't worry about me, just concentrate on your own affairs ~"Qin Weijie also called again and again to ask questions.

Maybe that's what it's meant to be.

God will never let anyone get perfect happiness, after giving a person one aspect of the good, it is bound to let him in other misfortune.

After Li luoran became popular, although he became popular and had money, bad things came one after another like a storm.

Since Li luoran's popularity, many popular programs invite her to do interviews, and she has to push off because of her troubles.

Wangzimo had written the script for the sequel of the queen of demons as early as four days ago, and entrusted Qin Weijie to give it to Li luoran, but Li luoran had never read it.

Li luoran felt that when she saw Su Yan stabbed into her heart in front of her, her heart seemed to die. Since then, her hatred for Bai Qingwan has become more intense than ever. She only wanted revenge all the time, as if she had no interest in anything else.

Li luoran shut himself in the bedroom, even Lu Shaochen knocked on the door.

After a few hours, when Li luoran came out to go to the toilet, Lu Shaochen, who had been sitting on the sofa in the living room, came up to her,

"aunt Zhao had already made dinner, and she had already called twice."

Li luoran said with a faint smile, "I'm not hungry. You can eat by yourself." He said and walked to the bathroom.

Lu Shaochen followed her, thin lips always in her ears, if not at all, "eat enough to have the strength to do things, right?"

Lu Shaochen and his wife do not think of the sweet things they do at night

"Oh?" Lu Shaochen's eyebrows are slightly tight,

"didn't we agree? The invitation has been sent out, and the banquet is ready. Are you going back? "


Hearing Lu Shaochen say this, Li luoran remembered that Lu Shaochen said something else.

Li luoran patted her forehead hard. She couldn't help blaming herself for forgetting such an important thing. She laughed and said, "thank you. Go downstairs first. I'll have dinner after I go to the toilet."

Lu Shaochen gently pinched her face, "don't worry, wait for you."


the next afternoon, Li Qingtian, an Jiaren and Lu Wanyue all came to Lu's house.

Because today is Lu Shaochen's birthday, Lu Shaochen sent them an invitation as early as yesterday.

Although there are many people who want to give gifts to Lu Shaochen in the name of celebrating his birthday, Lu Shaochen, who always keeps a low profile, only spends his birthday with his family every year.

As Lu Shaochen's follower, Chu Xingchen also came early.

In order to make room for Li Qingtian and an Jiaren, Li luoran and others find various excuses to leave the living room.

Li luoran stood alone by the lotus pond in the yard, quietly watching the koi wandering in the water.

"I just went to ask my brother. He still won't say anything, but I believe you've arranged everything very well." A loud voice came from behind.

It turned out that Lu Wanyue came to her.

Li luoran looked at the piece of water she had been in a trance,

"I'm not very clear about the specific details. Everything is arranged by your brother and the stars. I don't know what they will do at that time, but your brother said that he will make sure that..."

"There must be something else!" Lu Wanyue asked.

Li luoran shrugged, but didn't say any more. She just turned around and looked at the hot girl with "you know" eyes.

"Well, I see!" Thinking of that, Lu Wanyue's cheeks, which had always been open and open, rarely showed a trace of scarlet.

The lipstick covered little mouth moved. I didn't know what to say, but I didn't say any more. Finally, I sighed and turned away.

Although all this is for the sake of my mother, this kind of thing must be very embarrassing. It's really embarrassing for me to join hands with Lu Shaochen to pit my mother like this

Lu Wanyue is gone in a twinkling of an eye.

Li luoran once again looks into the room through the huge floor glass -

in the living room, Li Qingtian can sit on another group of sofas that are more than five meters away from an Jiaren, and they seldom talk. It can be seen that Li Qingtian is deliberately distancing from an Jiaren.

In the past, Lu Shaochen and Li luoran's meals were all prepared by Zhao Haixin. Today, Lu Shaochen specially invited two chefs from star hotels to come to his home to prepare a grand dinner early.

It's cool and sunny in autumn.

The table was moved outside by the servant.

The setting sun at night, the beautiful picturesque, six people sitting around the table, full of exquisite dishes, in the middle of a Li luoran specially made for Lu Shaochen birthday cake.

Colored candles were lit.

Five people sang a birthday song for Lu Shaochen.

Lu Shaochen made a wish, while Li luoran ate his birthday cake. Looking at the happy smile of an Jiaren, Lu Wanyue and her father, she couldn't help thinking that if her father could become husband and wife with an Jiaren, their time together would be so warm in the future?And isn't that the perfection and happiness she has been longing for?

Lilo dyed her hair and thought from her heart that she was willing to exchange everything she had for that kind of happiness

Lu Shaochen, who seldom shows his emotions, always shines with Lin's light in his beautiful eyes like black Qushi. Li luoran, who is sitting beside her, can feel that he is very happy.

More than an hour has passed.

"Cough!" It's already dark. Seeing Lu Shaochen's constant drinking with Li Qingtian, as if he had forgotten today's major event, Chu Xingchen can't help it any longer,

"well, although today's master is the leading role, I should not be talkative, but, master, don't you think there's something less now?"

"Well?" Lu Shaochen, who was slightly drunk, was confused at first. The next second, he suddenly woke up and said with a smile,

"Dad, mom, it's very rare that you all come to celebrate my birthday today. It's a shame to say that Ranran and I have been married for more than a year, but today our family can get together for the first time, and I still owe Ranran a wedding..."

Then, his eyes fell on Lu Wanyue, "and you, Wanyue, I know, since I married Ranran, I can't spoil you as before, and even have to treat you badly in some things. I'll give you a glass of wine to express my apology to you. What do you say?"

"Well!" Lu Wanyue nodded first.

Li luoran also nodded with a smile,

"OK! This is the wine you should drink! "

Anne shook her head.

Li Qingtian wants to say that Lu Shaochen doesn't owe him anything and doesn't need to be so polite. However, Chu Xingchen doesn't give him the chance to refuse at all, so he laughs ahead of him,

"since everyone agrees, I'll prepare five cups of good wine for you."

Then he ran away.

Li Qingtian can only take back what he wants to say. If you think about it, it's nothing for Lu Shaochen to propose a toast.

An Jiaren secretly looks at Li Qingtian. Since Li Qingtian doesn't refuse, she can't say anything.

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