You,Under My Name

Chapter 262: 262

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Jiangcheng is one of the most upscale star hotels.

Today, the first and second floors of the most luxurious and expensive building are all occupied by Gu lianyue and Lu Wangyuan.

Flowers were hung outside the hotel, and the slogan "warmly celebrate the wedding of Lu Wangyuan and Gu lianyue" was hung high with red balloons.

Li luoran, Li Qingtian and Lu Shaochen walk into the hall on the first floor.

In the huge hall, there are tables full of banquet, and every table is full of wedding guests.

In the middle of the journey, Li luoran heard Lu Shaochen say that after Lu Wangyuan was swept out of the house, he was very successful in doing business. Although he was not as rich as Lu Shaochen, he was also a successful businessman. Most of the people who came to the wedding were Lu Wangyuan's business partners.

At the moment, the wedding is going on.

The scene was beautifully arranged.

Gu lianyue and Lu Wangyuan wear red wedding dress and walk on the red carpet hand in hand. When Li luoran arrives at the scene, Lu Wangyuan is exchanging wedding rings with Gu lianyue.

The enthusiastic MC asked humorously, "Mr. Lu, at this exciting moment, do you have nothing to say to the bride?"

Lu Wangyuan looks into Gu lianyue's eyes affectionately and shouts aloud with a microphone,

"Gu lianyue, I love you!"

There was a lot of applause.

Gu lianyue takes the initiative to throw herself into Lu Wangyuan's arms, and stands on tiptoe to kiss Lu Wangyuan.

"I'm so glad to see far away. He finally got his true love."

"Well, it's said that Wangyuan and lianyue are old friends who have been in love for more than 20 years. They are all divorced people. They can walk together for many years regardless of the secular vision, and finally walk into the palace of marriage. This is true love."

"Yes, yes, the bride is so beautiful. Look at her. She looks like an old woman in her early twenties. She's a young girl in her early twenties. Her figure and face are so fantastic that she can't help imagining things. She's so blessed in the distance..."

People clapped and talked, and the scene was full of joy.

Li luoran was not happy at all.

Because at the moment when Lu Wangyuan puts on Gu lianyue's wedding ring, Li luoran finds that her father's expression is particularly sad.

She knew that it was Dad's dream to go back to marriage with Gu lianyue.

Now, the man who says "I love you" to Gu lianyue and kisses her sweetly is not him.

Lu Shaochen's face was not worried.

It's hard for Li luoran to imagine what it would be like for Lu Shaochen to see his father and his wife's mother having a wedding, who had not done their duty to support him for one day.

The wedding is over.

Lu Wangyuan came down from the ceremony stage with Gu lianyue in his arm.

All the distinguished guests sat on the three tables nearest to the ceremony platform. Lu Wangyuan and Gu lianyue toasted them one by one.

Then, Gu lianyuela landed, and Wangyuan went straight to Li Qingtian.

Seeing Gu lianyue coming to him from a distance, Li Qingtian was already excited and shortness of breath. Before Gu lianyue came near, he stood up and welcomed her with a smile,

"lianyue, Congratulations, you are so beautiful today."

Oh, my God!

Li luoran has thousands of "unhappiness" in his heart!

I really want to say to Li Qingtian out loud -

dad, do you want to insult yourself like this? If you don't come, they won't miss the chance to humiliate you. You're smiling and "Congratulations" and they praise their beauty. Don't you take the initiative to look for a fight?!

Sure enough, Gu lianyue's haughty little face was full of makeup, and her smile was ironic,

"ha ha, congratulations? Do I need your congratulations? "

The smile on Li Qingtian's face turned into embarrassment before it completely bloomed. "Lianyue, it's you who sent me an invitation. I'm in a good mood to bring Ranran to bless you."

"Yes, I did send you an invitation, but I sent you a picture of" lucky you "with that invitation, didn't I? You don't understand what I mean by that? "

Gu lianyue was originally the focus of people's attention. When she said these words, she deliberately raised her voice. In this way, people around her cast strange eyes on Li Qingtian.

Li Qingtian's eyes were slightly painful.

All Gu lianyue did was to humiliate him. Of course, he knew what Gu lianyue meant.

Gu lianyue sneered, "since you don't understand, I'll analyze it for you. I'll send you both the invitation and the painting just to tell you," fuckyou, Li Qingtian, you stupid fool, just like a watchman's stone. I'm going to get married! "

"My God!"

There was a scream in the crowd.

Almost at this moment, the original bustling hall suddenly became silent, and hundreds of pairs of eyes cast to Li Qingtian and Gu lianyue.In the past 20 years, Li Qingtian, who has suffered a heavy emotional blow, has been living in a secluded suburb. Although most of you know that Gu lianyue's ex husband is Li Qingtian, no one has seen him.

So, is the man mocked by Gu lianyue the stupid man in the rumor?

He must know that if he comes to attend the wedding of Gu lianyue, he will be humiliated by Gu lianyue in public, right?

So why did he come again?!

"Li Qingtian..." What else does Gu lianyue want to say.

Lu Wangyuan gently pulled her arm, "Yueyue, Qingtian also came out of kindness. Today is our happy day again. You can say less."

"Now that he's here, isn't it a pity that I don't make it clear?" Gu lianyue didn't listen to Lu Wangyuan's advice at all, and continued to raise her voice, sneering, "Li Qingtian, seriously, I didn't expect you to come. After all, it's too late for a normal person to escape after receiving his ex-wife's wedding invitation. Besides you, who will really come to the party? However, in my heart, I still hope you can come, because in this world, the person I most want to see me marry other men is you Li Qingtian. I'm really happy to see you embarrassed, helpless and cowardly. My marriage is really meaningful! "

Li Qingtian's face was blue and red for a while, and his breathing was shaking in pain.

But he didn't want to say a word against Gu lianyue. He only looked at her beautiful face in a trance and read her name in a trembling voice, "Yueyue..."

"Yueyue Ha You are still calling my nickname intimately... " As if to hear a big joke, Gu lianyue laughs with exaggeration and looks around at the people who are watching the scene,

"everyone, look at this poor guy. When you see me getting married, he is so painful and affectionate. I humiliate him in front of everyone. He can't even scold me. He even calls my nickname affectionately, ha ha, Li Qingtian..."

"Take pity on the moon, you have enough!"

A clear and sharp voice suddenly interrupted Gu lianyue's words.

Li luoran, who can't keep silent any longer, stands up excitedly and walks to the middle of Li Qingtian and Gu lianyue. She looks at Gu lianyue's heavily makeup face coldly under people's attention,

"you don't want to make my father sad, so you send him an invitation. She knows that you mean badly. In order to satisfy your desire to humiliate him, he's still silly Now, he wronged himself and completed everything for you, isn't it enough? What else do you want? "

But was Li luoran's words touched the heart?

At this moment, there was a trace of pity in Gu lianyue's satirical eyes. However, if she didn't let this pity be noticed by anyone, she would hide it in her eyes in a hurry. The next second, she would laugh even more satirically,

"you also come from humiliating me, little watch, you are as cheap as your father."


The bottom line of tolerance is completely trampled. Li luoran can't bear it any more. Her eyebrows stand upright. She wants to throw Gu lianyue over her shoulder and fall to the ground.

That pair of small hands grasping to Gu lianyue haven't touched Gu lianyue's magenta wedding dress, but Li Qingtian forcefully grasps her wrist.

"It's between me and your mother. Don't worry. Go back and sit down."

Li Qingtian's low voice rang out in her ear.

Li Luo looked at him angrily, "Dad..."

"Go back and sit down!" Li Qingtian accentuated his tone.

Li luoran was wronged, but he had no choice but to sit back in anger.

"Oh..." Gu lianyue chuckles,

"Li Qingtian, you are not so good for nothing. Unexpectedly, this wild girl who dares to fight like a stubborn donkey is obedient to you."

Li Qingtian looks down at Li luoran, "she is my daughter, not a wild girl."

"All right." Gu lianyue's voice is much calmer than before,

"since you are here, of course you are today's VIP. I'll try my best to treat you as a bride. Here's a toast to you."

After she said this, the waiter who had been following her immediately handed her a glass of white wine.

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Seeing that Gu lianyue's face became gentle, Li Qingtian was overjoyed. He took the glass of white wine on the table.

At the bottom of the eyes, Gu lianyue, who was deeply buried with a sneer, raised her glass and said, "please."

Li Qingtian, surprised and happy in his heart, "please."


The two glasses collided to make a pleasant sound.

Li Qingtian just put the glass in his hand to his lips, Gu lianyue raised his hand and poured a full glass of liquor on his face.

Li Qingtian's body trembled violently.

Everyone trembled.

The whole hall seemed to tremble.



Li luoran's mind seems to explode a hornet's nest. She subconsciously wants to stand up. This time, she is tightly entangled by Lu Shaochen's arm and can't stand up.She was numb with excitement.

Lu Shaochen's thin lips came up to her ears and whispered to her,

"it's dad asking for trouble. The more you help, the more confused you are."

Although it's very straightforward.

But it's also a cruel fact.


Dad had expected that today he would be humiliated by Gu lianyue. Didn't he come here to satisfy Gu lianyue's wish to humiliate him?

It was all of his own free will.

He was ready to take everything.

No one can change this fact!

The eyes of Luoli, who was sitting in the seat, were blurred with irony.

"Li Qingtian, this is my wine for you. Enjoy it slowly."

Fall these words, take pity on the month to open slender legs, face Yang long away.

Li Qingtian, like a sculpture, is standing in the same place, gazing at Gu lianyue's figure through the dense water mist.

Lu Wangyuan sighed, "Qingtian, I'll say sorry to you on behalf of lianyue, but Qingtian, it can't be all her fault. You know how much she hates you, and you know that you can't get good today. Why do you want to come here foolishly?"

With that, he followed the pity moon.

Li Qingtian didn't say another word, but silently wiped the wine off his face with the wet towel that Lu Shaochen handed him, and quietly entered the seat.

Next, Li Qingtian fell into silence.

That is, Li luoran, who loves and is angry with his father, is also angry and does not say a word.

Sitting beside Li luoran, Lu Shaochen quietly observed them. The table where they were sitting was full of 12 people. One of the other nine people knew Lu Shaochen, and he had already quietly passed on the words to the other eight people.

I know that he is Lu Shaochen, who is famous. He does not smile, and other people dare not speak. The noise in the seats around him soon returns, but the atmosphere of this table is quiet and strange

Li luoran finds that her father is always chasing Gu lianyue. No matter where she goes, his eyes follow him. Even though Gu lianyue has just shamed him in public, his eyes are still affectionate.

Looking at such a father, Li luoran is only quietly sulky.

At one moment, Li luoran seemed to see Jin Xintong.

She first suspected that she was hallucinating. After a careful look, who else could she be?

Jin Xintong is sitting on the table behind Li luoran.

In fact, Jin Xintong had been sitting there long before Li luoran came, but Li luoran never looked back. Just now, she followed her father's line of sight to see Gu lianyue, who was toasting at the table.

Gu lianyue and Lu Wangyuan walk to jinxintong side by side.

Jin Xintong stands up.

Jinxintong side a man wearing a blue suit also stood up.

Because the distance is not far, Li luoran can clearly hear what they are saying.

Gu lianyue said, "Yannian, I'm glad you came to my wedding. When I told you I was going to marry Wangyuan, you were very angry. I thought you wouldn't come."

The man's face was dignified, and he forced a smile on the surface. "Yueyue, to tell you the truth, first of all, I thought you would be single all your life. Secondly, I always felt that even if one day you really want to get married, I also think the object you choose to marry will be me. I can't imagine Ha ha, I don't have that kind of fortune. "

Take pity on the month calmly pull lips, "for me, married and not married what's the difference?"

"Yueyue, what do you mean by that?" The man's eyes are shining and his voice is excited.

"do you mean that even if you marry another man, you will be the same as before? Does it mean that we can still be lovers as before

Oh, my God!

Is this another silly man who is infatuated with Gu lianyue?

when Li Jiaqing looks back at the man who was staying in Luoqing more than a year ago, he looks at her.

After being humiliated by Anjia, she angrily leaves the supreme private room where Anjia and her family's closest relatives are. On the way, she encounters Anjia and a man kissing intimately in full view of the public.

At the moment, the man who is talking to Gu lianyue is the man.

Because this man is very handsome, Li luoran will never forget

After hearing this, Lu Wangyuan's face was very ugly.

The rest of the people at the table and those at the adjacent table who heard the man's words also changed their faces.

It's said that Gu lianyue is a charming and romantic woman. She is very casual and open-minded in the matter between men and women. Any man who knows her, no matter how old he is, as long as he wants to have sex with her, she will not refuse. After having sex with her, there are many men who are infatuated with her. Is this one of them?However, no matter how licentious Gu lianyue was in the past, since she has decided to marry Lu Wangyuan, she will only be loyal to Lu Wangyuan in the future -

this man asked her this question in front of her bridegroom at Gu lianyue's wedding, which shows how obsessed he is with Gu lianyue?!

Gu lianyue doesn't care about Lu Wangyuan and other people's eyes at all. She still looks at the man with charming eyes and smiles at him with charming smile.

"Yannian, you and I have been lovers for more than 20 years. Apart from Wangyuan, you are the one who impresses me the most, treats me the best and gives me the most happy time, but I have no choice but to marry alone."

The man was slightly disappointed.

Gu lianyue said with a smile, "however, I really can't bear you. If Yannian agrees that I can have a lover besides marriage, I can continue to be good with you. It depends on whether Yannian agrees or not."

All the people around were speechless.

Lu Wangyuan's face was gloomy, as if it was going to rain cats and dogs.

The man wants to keep the relationship with Gu lianyue so sincerely that he can't care about the feeling of going to land and looking far away. He looks at him with begging eyes,

"looking far away, you know my relationship with Gu lianyue all the time. I don't want to break up with her. If you agree with her to keep contact with me after you get married, I can promise you any conditions."

Lu Wangyuan trembled all over, so angry that he couldn't speak. He glared at the man angrily.

The man who did not get a reply still wanted to ask.

Gu lianyue raised her glass gracefully, "Yannian, it's not suitable to talk about this topic today. Let's talk about it another day. Cheers."

"Well, Yueyue, I'll listen to you. Let's drink."

The man raised his glass and drank all the wine while gazing at Gu lianyue.

Looking at this scene, Li Qingtian drank a full glass of wine in a fit of pique.

After the man's drink, Gu lianyue will leave.

The man quickly called her, "Yueyue, our daughter has also come to bless you. Do you disrespect her for a glass of wine?"

Liluoran's eyebrows are locked.

The next second, I just watched Gu lianyue walk to Jin Xintong, "Xintong, do you really wish me well or are you forced by Yannian?"

Li luoran suddenly understood that the man who had been called Yannian by Gu lianyue was Jin Yannian, the father of Jin Xintong and Jin Qian.

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