You,Under My Name

Chapter 263: 263

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Jin Xin Tong's face was expressionless and his eyes were cold. "How can some people forget so much? As early as a year ago, I publicly said that I had drawn a line with someone. In your heart, there has never been a daughter like me. In my heart, there has never been a mother like you. "

The crowd was in an uproar.

Li luoran can't help remembering that a year ago on the floating island, in order to make Li luoran difficult, an Jiaren asked Li luoran to cut off the mother daughter relationship with Gu lianyue in front of everyone. Li luoran refused to agree, but Jin Xintong stood up and decided to draw a clear line with Gu lianyue.

Since then, an Jiaren has become more and more difficult to Li luoran, but she is especially kind to Jin Xintong.

Sure enough, Jin Xin Tong was more than just talking about it, she really decided to cut off the relationship with Gu lianyue.

"Ha ha ~ Xintong, you are not only beautiful, but also kind-hearted. How can I be your mother? I don't blame you for refusing me. Instead, I appreciate and like you more. " Gu lianyue smiles from her heart,

"I'm very glad that I can give birth to a daughter like you in my life. Even if you hate me and hate me, I'm satisfied. This glass of wine, whether you are willing to drink it or not, I respect you."

Jin Xin Tong sarcastically looks at Gu lianyue and disdains to reply again. Jin Yannian offers her a glass of wine and she refuses to take it.

Gu lianyue didn't mind, drinking a full cup of white wine alone in people's different eyes.


Jin Yannian's eyes are full of love,

"Yueyue, it's my fault that I doted on her too much and didn't discipline her well, which made her so arrogant to you. You can rest assured that sooner or later, I will make our daughter love you as much as I do."

Gu Tong brocade, no matter how happy she is to me, she is very proud

At this moment, people who originally talked about different topics were all silent.

Some sympathize with the moon.

Some strange Jin Xintong is not sensible.

There are also indifference ridicule, feel pity on the moon.

All the people keep a peace of mind like watching a play.

Only Li luoran, the whole person seems to fall into the ice cellar in general, only feel all cold.

No matter how much pity Gu Yuetong had for her, Gu Yuetong was more indifferent to her


As Gu lianyue said, she is a disgrace to Gu lianyue. No matter what she does, she can't change the fact.

Jin Xintong is the pride of Gu lianyue.

No matter how jinxintong hurt Gu lianyue, Gu lianyue will regard jinxintong as a treasure.

"Those who should or shouldn't have come are here. Lu Wangyuan, your wedding is really lively."

Just as Gu lianyue toasts jinxintong and turns to leave, a satirical female voice rings not far away.

Pity on the moon suddenly stopped.

Almost everyone looked at the source of the sound for the first time.

Liluoran is no exception.

As early as the sound rang out, Li luoran recognized who she was, but because she never expected her to come, she still looked at her with the eyes of verification -

this look, as expected, she saw an Jiaren.

As Li luoran expected, an Jiaren didn't come alone. Lu Wanyue, dressed boldly and unrestrained, held her arm beside her.

Almost everyone's eyes are shining, holding the posture of watching the play watching them.

Who in this circle doesn't know that Anjian is Lu Wangyuan's ex-wife?

I've just come to Gu lianyue's ex-husband, and now I've come to Lu Wangyuan's ex-wife. Tut Tut, this wedding is interesting

Even the sound engineer turned off the wedding march at the right time,

at this moment, the whole hall became as silent as a cemetery.

Before to Jin Xintong very gentle take pity on month, the expression instantly turns into ridicule, "yes, I and Wangyuan this wedding is really concerned ah, just have a Li Qingtian sent to come from take its humiliation, now come again a beautiful woman, how, this guarding more than 20 years live widowed woman finally can't bear loneliness, to my wedding to find a man?"

There was a low hiss in the crowd.

Even though people who know Gu lianyue know that she is an outspoken person, today is her wedding after all. It's amazing that she also said such vulgar words at her wedding.

Anne was not angry at all. She just walked forward calmly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I just said something wrong ~ ha ha ~"

suddenly thought of something, Gu lianyue couldn't help but smile,

"now Anjian is not the widowed Anjian who used to be. She has found a bed companion, which has been spread all over the world these days, but she and Lu Qingtian are sleeping happily? What's the matter, Mrs. an? Those rumors are vivid. They say that you and Li Qingtian slept for more than two hours at a time and almost collapsed the wall. Did Li Qingtian sleep well? Is he satisfied with your body, which has not been satisfied for more than 20 years? ""You -"

although Anjia told herself repeatedly before she came that no matter how she was stimulated by Gu lianyue, she should be calm, but Gu lianyue's filthy words and no bottom line still made Anjia out of control for a moment.

She tried to calm herself,

"I didn't come here to fight with you today."

"Oh? Is that right? " Gu lianyue sneers,

"I suddenly remember that you and Li Qingtian were baby kisses, and you have deep feelings for him. Although you've been through it, I heard that Li Qingtian left after sleeping with you. I didn't want to be responsible for you at all. Is it difficult that you came to my wedding to find him and want him to sleep again?"


Anne trembled with anger every minute, unable to speak.

I don't know how she gave birth to Lu Shaochen, the son of a pit mother. She drugged her to destroy her innocence. She was afraid that people didn't know that she and Li Qingtian had "gone off" and let Chu Xingchen publicize it. Now everyone in the life circle of an Jiaren knows about it. No matter where she goes, others look at her with strange eyes.

And Gu lianyue knew that this was the most sensitive wound in an Jiaren's heart, so she deliberately said these words to sprinkle salt on her wound.

"Hey, I also heard about her and Li Qingtian. Have you heard?"

"Why didn't you hear about such a busy thing? I thought it was a rumor. Since Gu lianyue exposed it in public, is it true? "

"Nonsense, of course, it's true. Don't you see that an Jiaren is speechless? An Jiaren has such a good face. If Gu lianyue made something out of nothing, she would have responded with a straight face."

"Oh, this Ha ha ha, how funny

"Funny is funny, but it's a shame for a man of such a big age to do such a thing..."

Someone can't help whispering.

Li Qingtian's face couldn't hang any more. He sighed and kept drinking muggy wine, and he didn't dare to lift his head.

Gu lianyue doesn't miss any opportunity to humiliate an Jiaren and Li Qingtian. "Look at these shameless dog men and women. They really pollute my wedding. They..."

"Are you finished?"

A clear female voice suddenly interrupts Gu lianyue's voice.

Li luoran is surprised that the speaker is Jin Xintong.

Gu lianyue was also stunned.

Jin Yannian subconsciously wants to stop Jin Xintong. However, it's too late. Jin Xintong has already got up and walked to an Jiaren's side, looking at Gu lianyue coldly,

"you also said that this is your wedding. Everyone here comes only after receiving your invitation. If you don't welcome aunt an, why send her an invitation? Since you send invitation cards to invite people, you should do your best to treat them politely. Don't you think it's shameful for you to slander your guests at your wedding? "

Gu lianyue is speechless. She just looks at Jin Xintong in a trance.

Although Jin Xintong's words are just and hard to refute, Gu lianyue has countless words to embarrass Jin Xintong and an Jiaren.

But she didn't say a word.

In the face of Jin Xintong, Gu lianyue can't bear to say a word of the cold words that can be said to Li luoran

The scene fell into a dead silence again.

An beautiful woman secretly breathes a sigh of relief, silently throws a gratifying look to Jin Xintong.

At this moment, Li luoran couldn't help looking at Lu Shaochen -

he still didn't smile, but if you look carefully, you will find that there is a trace of hidden emotion in his black gem eyes.

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This kind of mood, as if sad, as if guilty, as if gentle, and as if there are three.

Li luoran knows that Lu Shaochen always looks like this when Jin Xintong appears in front of him.

"Now that you're here, take a seat." Lu Wangyuan stands up.

It's not that Lu Wangyuan didn't want to interrupt Gu lianyue earlier.

However, Gu lianyue is stubborn, and Lu Wangyuan has no way to deal with her. Over the years, Lu Wangyuan has let Gu lianyue fly. Even if he knows that Gu lianyue has contacts with different men, he can only turn a blind eye.

An Jia, who recovered her peace, said, "don't worry. I haven't given you my wedding gift yet. How can I take a seat?"

Lu Wangyuan's eyebrows slightly frowned, and her eyes were cold and impatient. "There's a reception place at the door. Write your name on the red envelope and put it on the account with the gift."

"The present I want to give you is much more valuable than the red envelope." Calm down, Anne's smile is still quite gentle and brilliant.

Lu Wangyuan frowned deeply, "lianyue and I have other guests to take care of. You can send any gift you want as soon as possible. Don't waste our time by beating around the Bush!"

"Good ~"

an Jiaren smiles, which is in sharp contrast to Lu Wangyuan's impatience.

She calmly turned her head and looked at Lu Wanyue, who was holding her arm,"Daughter, you are such a fickle father that you can't wait to see our wedding present. Are you ready?"

Lu Wanyue took a look at her mobile phone, "Mom, the countdown on my side shows that the connection is successful in 11 seconds."

Connect successfully?

What do you mean?

Most people have curiosity in their eyes.

Lu Wangyuan was impatient and disdainful. "You are ridiculous. I don't have time to show off with you. No matter what gift you have, keep it for yourself." He turned to look at Gu lianyue, and his voice became softer,

"Yueyue, let's go ~"

holding Gu lianyue, he turned away.

The scene was still dead.

Obviously, everyone is waiting for something, and no one is willing to break the silence.

Just as Lu Wangyuan and Gu lianyue had just taken three steps, the TV wall in the hall, which used to roll the wedding photos of landing Wangyuan and Gu lianyue, suddenly changed its painting style.

I don't know who saw the change first,

"my God, look

With this exclamation, almost everyone looked at the TV wall in the direction of the person's finger.


"I'll go..."

Some people cover their open mouths with their hands, some people stare round, some people seem to be petrified The atmosphere of the scene became particularly dignified.

At this moment, even Li luoran almost forgot how to breathe.

She looks like a puppet, staring at the pictures on the TV wall -

is the picture of Gu lianyue and the man together.

More specifically, it's a little video of Gu lianyue and men's indulgence.

The length of each video is different. The short one is only a few seconds, and the long one is no more than 30 seconds. The heroine of each video is Gu lianyue, but the hero of each video is different

The scene of the first video takes place in the men's bathroom, where the man sits on the toilet and Gu lianyue sits on him, both of whom are naked.

The protagonist in the second paragraph is a boy whose face is still childish. He is wearing the school uniform of a high school in Jiangcheng. The place is in the car. People who know Gu lianyue know that it is Gu lianyue's red Bentley convertible. They are in the sunny field. Gu lianyue, who is pressed down by the boy, doesn't wear any clothes.

The scene in the third paragraph is even more red faced, because the heroine of the movie has only Gu lianyue herself, but the hero has five, and the scene of six people fighting is soul stirring

Looking at these pictures, Gu lianyue couldn't walk any more, and her face turned pale instantly.

"What's going on?"

"What the hell is going on?"

"Don't turn off the TV yet!"

Lu Wangyuan's confused roar.

However, the TV wall contains a backup battery. Because it is designed to be on normally, there is no power switch. The staff in charge of the influence unplug the power plug, and the TV wall is still on, and the ugly pictures continue to play.

Lu Wangyuan was so angry that he almost rushed forward at the speed of 100 meters. He picked up his stool and smashed it on the TV wall.


With a loud noise, countless cracks appeared on the huge screen, and the picture disappeared.

The scene kept quiet for at least five seconds before someone sighed, "my God, please blind me. Is that true?"

"Well I guess it's true. "

"My God, is Gu lianyue so dirty? Alas! I've also heard some rumors that she is more licentious than the young lady. No matter her age, height, beauty or ugliness, as long as a man gives her money or not, she can sleep with her. I always think those rumors are false. I can't imagine, I can't imagine It's a pity that such a beautiful woman has no bottom line

"What a pity, I slept with her."

"Ah? Really? "

"Of course it's true. If you want to sleep with her, you can."

"Cut, sleep this kind of woman to have what meaning, so dirty woman, even if pour to stick to give me money, I also don't sleep, watch Son!"

"Ha ha, who said before that he envied Lu Wangyuan's happiness and married such a beautiful woman? Why do you scold people now? "

"Oh, I didn't expect her to be such a person. Look at those videos, there are high school students who are not yet mature, middle-aged and elderly people with gray hair. She really takes all the young and the old..."

People give you a look, I say a word, the scene fried pot.

Gu lianyue stood in the same place, her face was blue and white, and she had sharp teeth and sharp mouth before. She didn't care about everything, but now she seemed to be a different person.


She just wanted to indulge herself and make herself more humble and casual than the young lady standing on the street. In this way, she not only retaliated against Li Qingtian, but also filled her empty soul after Haige's death.

In the past, she never cared what others said.

She not only doesn't care what others say, but also hopes that others say, so that it can spread to Li Qingtian's ears and make him more miserable.However, at this moment, when she saw the video of herself and other members of the opposite sex indulging, and witnessed that she was watched by all the guests who came to her wedding like an exhibition, she immediately felt that she was pierced by an arrow

The sense of shame, which had disappeared for more than 20 years, immediately filled her whole body like poison, making every inch of her skin and every nerve ache

Others say that they have never seen it with their own eyes, so those who hear it will always have doubts.

However, those who see it with their own eyes will no longer doubt it.

Perhaps, in her heart, there is still a trace of shame.

And in this way, even her only sense of shame has been trampled away!

Gu lianyue stands helplessly in the same place.

Lu Wangyuan, who is in a trance, walks back with a heavy step. He holds Gu lianyue's slender arm with a shaking hand to see how painful and resentful an Jiaren's eyes are.

"how dark and vicious a person's psychology is, he will find someone to take another person's private video and play it on her wedding scene. An Jiaren, you are so vicious!"

Angie's mood was very complicated, and she still laughed calmly. "Just now, you can't wait to see the gift I gave you? I have fulfilled your wish and tried my best to show it to you as soon as possible. Are you not happy? "

"You -"

Lu Wangyuan trembled and breathed hard. It was hard to say a word again.

In fact, Gu lianyue has a reputation for being dissolute, and she doesn't care very much about it. An Jiaren plays these videos at their wedding. Although she also hits Gu lianyue in the face, it's Lu Wangyuan who is beaten more.

The people who came to Lu Wangyuan's wedding were all acquaintances in Lu Wangyuan's circle of life. Although there was a rumor that Gu lianyue, Lu Wangyuan's girlfriend, was a "dangfu" in Lu Wangyuan's circle of acquaintances as early as before, the rumor was a rumor after all. If you didn't see it with your own eyes, you can't make a rash judgment.

But from now on, everything will be different. Everyone knows that Lu Wangyuan has married a "watch" as his wife. It's hard for Lu Wangyuan to look up in her life circle.

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