You,Under My Name

Chapter 273: 273

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Li luoran tried to pull his thoughts back to reality. "If you didn't come forward to guarantee me, I might not be able to prove my innocence in my life. Why do you want to do this?"

Jin Qian, "this is what I should do."

Li luoran tilts his head slightly. The fog on the bridge is so thick. Although Jinqian is not far away from her, it gives him a kind of unreachable illusion, like in a dream.

She sighed, "the first principle of your family rules is to keep a low profile forever. In order to help me, if you break the family rules, won't your family punish you?"

"Well." Remembering that he came out to help Li luoran clarify the truth, Jin Yannian immediately called him up and denounced him, and decided to impose "family law" on him tonight. Jin Qian's handsome face revealed something strange,

"the family business that our family depended on was in danger. In order to save the whole family, I had to disappoint you and make an engagement with another person I didn't like Later, I came to understand that family interests and wealth are external things. If they are lost, they can be obtained through personal efforts. Once they lose their loved ones, I'm afraid I can't catch up with them any more. Therefore, I regret that if God gives me a chance to live a new life, I would rather watch the family business go bankrupt than be killed by the whole family I'll never do that deal even if I complain... "

At this point, Jin Qian smiles calmly,

"Ranran, for the sake of this family, I have lost my most precious things. Now, I have nothing to lose. What else can they do to me?"

Jin Qian's smile is bright and free.

But why does Li luoran feel a burst of sadness?

Looking at Jin Qian like this, she couldn't help thinking of the good times with Jin Qian. After so many years, everything was vividly in her mind.

She didn't dare to look directly at Jin Qian's hot eyes. She bowed her head without any trace,

"I asked Feng Qian that he wasn't the one who released the video in the bar, and the time when the video was released was just after you came forward to guarantee me. I think it must be you."

Jin Qian shook his head candidly,

"I also hope it was me. After the incident, I did go to the bar. I asked the owner of the bar for the surveillance video inside the bar. He was very angry and said that his bar would never infringe on the privacy of guests. There was no surveillance video, and two people forced me out, but the video posted on the Internet was obviously the same The camera on the ceiling shot it from above, and I think it's someone else who helped you. "

Lilo was confused.

"All right!" She stepped back,

"I have finished what I should say, and I should go too. Jinqian, I will remember this time. In the future, no matter what you need my help, just ask me, and I will do my best."

Jin Qian's lips are hooked, and his bright eyes are still shining in the fog,

"if you want to see me, I will be here at this time of every day. If I am not here any day, either you have come back to me or I am no longer here."

Li luoran's eyes were hot and humid. "I know!"

Turn around and run off the bridge.

She is a person who will never turn back. When she was let down by Jinqian, she cut her wrists and committed suicide heartbroken. After she recovered her life, she completely died for Jinqian and was determined not to turn back. Therefore, after she broke up with Su Yan, no matter how Jinqian went back to chase her, she also refused to turn Jinqian away.

She never regretted it.

She felt that Jin Qian suffered everything by himself.

Maybe it's a woman's innate pity. After all these years, seeing Jin Qian's infatuation and pain, Li luoran suddenly regretted it.

Perhaps, she is too determined!

After all, Jin Qian failed her for the sake of the whole family. After failing her, Jin Qian even committed suicide by jumping into the river. He never loved a second woman

Li luoran suddenly thinks that if she and Su Yan break up, she agrees to return to Jin Qian's arms before meeting Lu Shaochen, everything will be a different situation.


Lu Wanyue drives Li luoran's car back to the hospital, and then drives her own car to go with an Jiaren.

Li luoran went to the hospital to pick up the car first.

It was evening when I got back to the mansion.

As soon as she drove into the gate of Lu's house, she saw Lu Shaochen standing in the yard. She stopped her car on the lawn and went straight to Lu Shaochen.

Lu Shaochen, who is unsmiling, is like a cold sculpture when he stands still.

Li luoran is very strange. Lu Shaochen's black suit doesn't wrinkle even if he wears it all day long. His hair is always in perfect order. The skin on his face is like fine processed silk. He never has acne. Even if he puts his eyes on his face, it's hard to see any defects.

At the sight of Li luoran, Lu Shaochen's paralyzed face showed a trace of warmth,


Li luoran said with a smile, "thank you."With these words, Li luoran has reached Lu Shaochen's right hand. Lu Shaochen habitually holds her slender waist and says, "take you to see two people."

"Ah?" Li luoran was surprised,

"who can you show me? Did my father and your mother come to our house? "

Lu Shaochen shook his head slightly, "you will know when you see it."

Lu Shaochen always likes to Hang Li luoran's appetite. Since he doesn't say anything, Li luoran doesn't ask any more questions. He quietly follows Lu Shaochen to the right garage in front of him.

The yard of Lu's house is very large, and there are only 26 garages, but Li luoran is very familiar with the garage that Lu Shaochen brought her to -

because last time Lu Shaochen locked Bai Qingwan in this garage.

When Lu Shaochen and Li luoran went outside the garage, someone opened the door inside.

"Ha ha, my sister-in-law is good. I haven't seen her for a few days. She's beautiful again. Ha ha." Sitting on the table, Chu Xingchen immediately smiles at Li luoran.

Li luoran is just a perfunctory smile.

Now she really has no mind to pay attention to Chu Xingchen, because the first time she walked into the garage, she saw the two men who were locked in the pig cage -

to be exact, they were two men.

They were locked up in the pig cage used to close Bai Qingwan at that time. The pig cage was not spacious, and two big men were slightly crowded inside.

Li luoran calmed down and found that he did not know the two men.

"Lu Shao Chen will pull his arm away from them as he wants."

Li luoran was puzzled and was about to ask who the two men were. One of the men cried pitifully, "Miss Li, we really don't know that you are Mr. Lu's wife. If we know that you are his wife, we don't dare to touch you even if we borrow 100 courage. If you don't remember to be a villain, please don't care with us, Miss Li!"

Another person also begged to look at Li luoran,

"Miss Li, no! You are not my sister, you are my grandmother! Four years ago, we were greedy for your beauty. For a moment, we almost violated the sacred you. Miss Li, no, grandma, don't blame us. That beautiful young woman sold you to us, and she only gave us a few hundred yuan. On such occasions, ordinary women would ask thousands of yuan. Who can see such a beautiful woman like you at such a low price Will you be moved? It's not our fault. You must not let Mr. Lu punish us. Granny Li, you are my own granny... "

"Shut your mouth!" Chu stares at the man fiercely,

"don't insult my sister-in-law, OK? Who's your grandmother? How can my sister-in-law and my grandfather have grandchildren like you? "

Li luoran realized that the two men in the cage were the two men who tried to invade her in the bar.

Four years ago, Li luoran was forced to undress by a man when she woke up. At that time, although she saw the man's face clearly, after four years, the two men's bodies were much bloated and their faces changed greatly. Therefore, she didn't recognize who they were just now.

"Miss Li, we are really innocent. As you know, that bar is the occasion for such transactions. Who knows you are..."


Li luoran interrupted the man in a cold voice.

Don't want to look at those two faces any more, turn around and walk out of the garage without looking back.

She just left?

Don't let them go?

Don't say how to punish them?

Just shut them up and walk away?

After the two men in the pig cage were interrupted by Li luoran, no one dared to say more. They could only guess with big eyes and small eyes.

Li luoran walks out of the garage.

Lu Shaochen, who came out with her, "I know you hate them. I've prepared a whip, a stick and a chain for you. You can abuse them in any way."

Li luoran said, "let them go."

Lu Shaochen, "Oh?"

Chu Xingchen, who came out with Lu Shaochen, also cast a puzzled look at Lu Shaochen.

"They are right. They are innocent. I don't hate them..." Thinking of the cold reality, Li luoran's eyes are cool,

"yes, that bar is a place to do that kind of trade. All kinds of women go there to chat up men, negotiate prices with men, and then casually find a place to sleep together. Even if my mother doesn't sell me to these two men, there will be other buyers. On the contrary, I'm glad they bought it I don't know

Lu Shaochen certainly understood what Li luoran meant.

Chu Xingchen doesn't understand, "sister-in-law, what's wrong with you? How can you say such a thing? Those two men almost turn you around Well How can you be so lucky that you take turns? "

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“……” Li luoran sighs, tears in her eyes,

"I'm glad that these two men don't think it's interesting to sleep with a comatose woman, so they wait until I wake up. If I'm sold to other people, they may invade me when I'm in a coma."Oh, my God!

Chu Xingchen suddenly realized.

At the same time, he was in a cold sweat.

Think about it. At the beginning, Li luoran was sold to that occasion by Gu lianyue when he was in a coma. It was extremely dangerous. If Li luoran had been violated, he might have committed suicide with his stubborn and arrogant nature

Looking at Li luoran's sad face, Lu Shaochen's eyes were deep.

Every time he thought of Li luoran being cruelly abused by his own mother, he would feel a deep pain in his heart.

However, he has no way!

If it's someone else who hurt liluoran, he can tie them up just like the two people in the pig cage to vent his anger for liluoran.

But Gu lianyue's biological mother is close to her heart. He can't treat Gu lianyue like other people.

"It's over. Let them go." Li Luo dye light way.

"This..." Although Chu Xingchen was not reconciled, he nodded his head,

"well, my sister-in-law is in charge. I'll let her go now."

Turn around and walk back into the garage.

Lu Shaochen followed Chu Xingchen to walk out a few steps, holding Chu Xingchen about five meters away from Li luoran, "teach them a lesson."

"What?" Chu Xingchen screamed, but Lu Shaochen hinted with his eyes, and then lowered his voice,

"but my sister-in-law just asked me to release people. My sister-in-law's words have always been an imperial edict for you. Haha, do you want to resist the edict? Be careful, sister-in-law. Don't you go to bed tonight? "

"There's no such nonsense." Lu Shaochen's eyes are deeper,

"I didn't say that I would not let people go, but I just taught them before I let them go, do you understand?"

Chu star thief laughs, "Er, understand, understand, I'm master's wisdom, I'm connected with master, master, how do you want me to teach them? With a stick? A whip? "

Lu Shaochen's mouth gently raised a deep arc, "is that iron still there?"

Oh, my God?!

Chu Xingchen took a cold breath and said, "do you want me to brand them with that iron? My Lord! The word "bitch" is printed on that soldering iron, but they are all men

Lu Shaochen, "cut the crap, let you go, you go!"


"All right! I'll go, I'll go! My Lord, this matter is to your satisfaction. " Chu Xingchen was laughing and stroking his crazy cool red hair. He murmured in his heart -

don't offend the vinegar jar!


Even if you offend the vinegar can, you must not offend the wife of the vinegar can. Otherwise, the end will be miserable


Lu Shaochen walks back to Li luoran.

The eyes that dye Li just came to say, "what are you confused about?"

Lu Shaochen's curving line is very secretive, "it's nothing, just let the stars take special care of them."

Special care?

What do you mean?

Lu Shaochen skillfully digs off the topic, "busy all day, tired, go back to rest."

Worried for a while, Li luoran would hear the scream from the garage and pull Li luoran away.

Li luoran walked with him and asked, "did you send that video to the Internet?"

Lu Shaochen, "well."

It's just an understatement of "um", and then there's no more explanation.

Li luoran's heart seems to boil a pot of boiling water, "where did you get that video?"

Lu Shaochen said, "I went to visit the owner of Fei se bar."

“……” Li luoran was even more confused,

"Jinqian also went to the boss, who told him that there was no monitoring in the bar and drove Jinqian out of the bar."

"Well." Lu Shaochen picks his eyebrows and holds Li luoran closer to his arms.

"there are two kinds of people in the world. One is to ask people politely, the other is to pry people's mouths with tools. Jinqian is the first, and I am the second."


Li luoran thought it over carefully before he realized that Lu Shaochen was probably saying that he got the video from the bar owner by means of extortion.

She looked at Lu Shaochen, her lips trembled, but she couldn't speak.

Knowing that the people in the pig cage were the two who tried to invade her four years ago, Li luoran instantly realized that Lu Shaochen was the one who sent the video online to wash her white.

Yesterday, Li luoran went to bed very late.

After waking up this morning, Lu Shaochen has left his house.

Li luoran thought Lu Shaochen was busy with his work, but now he knows that he went to the "Fei se bar".

She doesn't know how Lu Shaochen did it, but Lu Shaochen not only got the "secret surveillance video" from the bar owner who refused to give Jin Qian, but also tied the two parties to Lu's house four years ago, which must have cost a lot of energy.Lu Shaochen -

he was the driving force behind the "bar door" incident.

Li luoran thought that if she didn't infer it herself, Lu Shaochen would never take the initiative to "ask for credit" from her. He would always keep it from her, so that she would never feel that she owed him anything.


Recalling that he had been hacked many times since he entered the song and dance Shengping, Li luoran could not help but sigh for a long time, almost every time with the help of Lu Shaochen.

Lu Shaochen!

What can I do without you?


as she walked, Li luoran seemed to hear a sad cry behind her. She looked back and saw that the garage door was tightly closed between them. She didn't know whether Chu Xingchen had let the two people go now.

"What's wrong?" Lu Shaochen's magnetic voice swept her face like a breeze.

Li luoran is in a trance and smiles, "no ~"

just has a strange feeling.

Go back to the room with Lu Shaochen.

Before Li luoran attended the press conference, she was sweating all over because she had been standing on the stage for too long. The first time she went to the bathroom to take a bath.

First, wash your body with warm water. When you were about to apply bath gel, the door was suddenly pushed open.

"Ah..." She screamed, and the shower gel bottle fell to the ground. Looking at Lu Shaochen who had broken into the bathroom, her eyes were in a panic,

"what are you doing?"

Lu Shaochen, "take a bath."

As the voice fell, the finely cut suit coat was also thrown to the ground by him, the button on the shirt was untied, and the strong upper body appeared in front of Li luoran's eyes.


Liluoran couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

It has to be said that Lu Shaochen not only has a face that makes people never tire of, but also his figure, especially when he is not wearing clothes, is so perfect that he has an irresistible magic. Even Li luoran, who has been married to Lu Shaochen for more than a year, can't help straightening his eyes every time he sees him take off his clothes.

Before Li luoran could take back the time, Lu Shaochen had already stepped forward to her.

The smooth, mirror like walls reflect the figures of two people, which makes people blush.

But has he not been intimate with Lu Shaochen for several days? At this moment, Li luoran couldn't help shorting his breath, and a picture of men and women lingering in his mind

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