You,Under My Name

Chapter 272: 272

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It turns out that after Jin Qian came forward to prove Li luoran's innocence, another video became popular on the Internet.

Because this video is also related to the hottest "Lilo dye photo door" incident at present -

in the video, Lilo curls up on the sofa in the bar, a man with tattoos on his upper body takes off her clothes forcibly, and another man with a drunken face swings his belt which he has pulled from his waist behind the tattooed man.

Just as Li luoran's coat is forcibly pulled off by the tattoo man, and the tattoo man's hand grasps the only white cover on her upper body, Feng qianzhen appears in the video

There was no sound in the video, and I didn't know what Feng qianshe said to the two men. Finally, Feng qianshe threw a pile of money to the two men, wrapped Li luoran's body in her suit, picked her up and left the bar.

The images in this video are the same as those of Li luoran who was posted on the Internet before.

It's just that those photos only show the tattooed man taking off his clothes to liluoran, and the location is in the bar where money and sex trade are frequent. It's easy to make people misunderstand. The release of this video truly restores the original appearance of the fact, and makes people understand immediately that liluoran is not "selling", but a victim who is almost violated

Fengqianhe has made a public clarification for a long time, but many people don't believe his words, and even accuse him of "complicity" with Li luoran. The spread of this video is like a gust of strong wind, blowing away the voice of those who doubt fengqianhe.

"The reversal of God, actress Li luoran was wronged"

"jade girl? Want a girl? The truth is revealed again "

" after many twists and turns, Li luoran faces all kinds of doubts with facts "

" don't be cheated by rumors, Li luoran is actually the victim "

" the truth is amazing, who is behind the scenes "

In less than 24 hours, Li luoran was first turned into a dog, and then a goddess. The entertainment industry has never been more lively.

And Shu Xinshuang and Wang Zimo just want to step on such a hot spot, arrange Li luoran and Feng Qianhe to hold a press conference together, so that they can have another fire.

Li luoran watched the news on his mobile phone and rushed to the parking lot.

When she got to the front of the car, she opened the door and was about to get on the bus when she found that Lu Wanyue was also following her. She looked at the girl, who was bold in dress and hot in figure,

"what are you doing with me?"

Lu Wanyue raised her face with pride, "aren't you going to hold a press conference? You are so excited now. If you can't help driving while looking at your mobile phone, aren't you afraid of being killed in a car accident? "

Li luoran frowned, "why do you curse me?"

"I said the truth." Lu Wanyue spread out her hands,

"what do you think of this? Anyway, my mother and your father are in love. It's boring for me to stay in the hospital alone. Why don't you sit by and watch your mobile phone attentively, and I'll drive you there. "

Li luoran was flattered, "really?"

"Of course!"

Lu Wanyue snatched the car key from Li luoran, pushed Li luoran away and got into the cockpit.

Li luoran, standing outside the car, looks confused.

She didn't know that although Lu Wanyue hated Li luoran, she didn't want to owe Li luoran the favor of entrusting Li luoran to persuade Li Qingtian to be "responsible" for an Jiaren, so she helped Li luoran attentively.


although Lu Wanyue is a girl with a big personality, she doesn't make a big deal of publicity when driving. Although the speed is very fast, she is very stable.

Seeing Lu Wanyue's driving skills, Li luoran seems to understand why an Jiaren always lets Lu Wanyue drive her wherever she goes.

The car is parking at the downstairs of Jiangcheng news building.

Lu Wanyue leaned over and put her slender legs on the co driver's seat,

"go ahead, I'll wait for you here. However, I think my mother and your father should call me to go back after they break up. If you come out and find that your car is no longer here, say that I've driven back to the hospital, you can find another way to go back."

Li luoran smiles, "OK."

Put on sunglasses, cover most of your face with a black mask, and walk quickly to the golden gate of the news building.

Shu Xinshuang and Wang Zimo have already spread the news that Li luoran and Feng qianzhen are going to hold a press conference here. Therefore, at this moment, there are a lot of people outside the news building, with reporters, photographers and enthusiastic fans from all major media huddled together.

Fortunately, Li luoran covered her face tightly, and no one recognized her.

It took her a lot of energy to walk through the crowd and into the news building.

When Li luoran walked into the VIP Room No. 16, Shu Xinshuang, Wang Zimo, Feng Qianyi, Qin Weijie and the public relations team of the sequel of demon queen were all in it.

Qin Weijie excitedly came up and said, "Ranran, there is a gossip news report that you have been besieged by black powder in the public toilet, isn't it true?"

"Well," Li admitted."Ah?"

Qin Weijie exclaimed, "we managed to get away with it yesterday afternoon. Unexpectedly, you are still under siege in the end. Why are you so careless? How can we go out and go to the public toilet at this time? "

Others also looked at Li luoran with complicated eyes.

Li luoran shrugged, "what's the point? The two students who besieged me were instigated by others, but they didn't take advantage of me. I left them by the washstand in the bathroom like throwing sacks, and then sent them to the police station. "

"Really? My God, Ranran, you are so powerful, I admire you so much Qin Weijie looks at Li luoran like a wonder woman.

Li luoran complacent pick eyebrow, "who am I, who want to fight with me, although let him come to me to try."

"All right, all right, stop blowing. It's too fast for you to blow black. Come and prepare for the next press conference." Shu Xinshuang waved to Li luoran.

This is the first time that Li luoran has realized the benefits of having a public relations team.

The next press conference was so important that she thought she had to rack her brains to think about how to face it, but the three person think tank of the public relations team had already arranged everything for her -

every sentence that Li luoran would say at the press conference had been written and printed out, and even what kind of tone she should use when she said every sentence What kind of expression to do and when to shed tears are clearly marked.

Feng Qianji also got the same manuscript.

The press conference was held in the "No. 1 auditorium" of the news building.

Before Li luoran entered, the auditorium with an area of more than 10000 square meters was full of people. The first three rows of seats were occupied by the cameras of major media, and a large crowd was crowded behind. There were also media photographers and reporters who did not grab the front row.

Although Li luoran, a popular actress, also attended the press conference, it was the first time that she was in front of so many people on such a large occasion. She even drank three glasses of boiled water nervously and took a deep breath for a while. Then she tried her best to walk on the stage side by side with Feng qianshe.


"Wind shallow, my male god, I love you!"

"Liluoran, we love you, too!"

The screams in the auditorium burst out.

Li luoran stood upright in front of the stage and said calmly, "please be quiet. Recently, some news is true or false, and it's spreading on the Internet, so that some of my fans don't know what to believe. Therefore, I specially hold this conference to explain it to you."

"Little sister, don't explain, we believe you!"

"You are innocent, we will always support you!"

"Liluoran, we love you!"

As soon as Li luoran's voice fell, wave after wave of screams came from the audience.

Feng Qianji kept silent until the scream was no longer strong. He said, "you know, like little sister Li luoran, I'm trying to explain the same thing."

"Ouye! How cool you are! I love you so much

"The wind is shallow, I love you till the end of time!"

"The wind is shallow, I want to sleep with you!"

Most of the cheers came from women.

In the next few days, Li luoran and Feng qianzhen sing in unison according to the manuscript written by the think tank, which not only explains the original reason of Li luoran's "bar photo door" incident, but also makes people feel emotional.

The press conference was very difficult.

Almost every word that Li luoran and Feng Qianji said was interrupted by the screams of the crowd. It took a long time for them to continue to say the next sentence. The press conference, which was originally expected to end in ten minutes, lasted more than an hour.

After retreating to the VIP room, because he had been standing for a long time, Lilo's hands were full of sweat.

"Take it."

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Shu Xinshuang throws a towel to Li luoran, and her slender arm embraces Li luoran's shoulder.

"yesterday afternoon, we were besieged by tens of thousands of people together. Having experienced such a scene, I feel that I have never lived in vain in my life. Finally, there was no danger, and everything ended."

Li luoran said with a smile, "well, it's all over."

Looking back on this experience, it's more terrible than any nightmare Li luoran had ever had. When she was "ruined", she didn't know how to whiten herself. She even felt pessimistic that she would bear the curse of "watch" all her life.

Li luoran did not expect that the matter would be solved perfectly in no more than 24 hours.

And she, in fact, did nothing.

When she was confused and didn't know what to do, Jin Qian and Feng Qian had already helped her deal with everything!

Li luoran couldn't help looking at the wind.

The wind is shallow and the eyebrows are picking, and the icy blue eyes are even more charming in the bright light.

"don't thank me, I come out to explain the truth for myself."Li luoran pulled his lips, "how to say?"

"Although I am known as the" first male god "and have more than 200 million female fans, how can people feel that they are red? What's more, I'm such a perfectionist. For me, I'm not the most popular, only more popular. 200 million fans are not enough for me. Therefore, in order to accumulate more fans, I stand up to help you make a voice. Although many people scolded me at the beginning, now the truth is clear. More people like me, don't they? " The wind is shallow and the eyebrows are dancing.

All right ~

Li luoran understands that fengqianshe doesn't want Li luoran to feel that he owes fengqianshe.

When Feng Qianji first came out to help Li luoran speak, he didn't know that Li luoran could wash white in the end -

he really wanted to go black with Li luoran to the end

But Li luoran didn't tear it down. He just squinted at the beautiful "sister" who was as beautiful as a demon.

But if you really feel that you owe me, you can make it up to me, for example, sleep with me tonight Ow - "

just curled up on the ground.

Because Li luoran's fist had already been pounded in his heart.

"My God

Seeing Li luoran, who was so miserable that her facial features were twisted, she immediately felt regret and remorse. She kneaded her cool blonde hair with a heart ache,

"sorry, I didn't want to do so much, I just I just can't control myself. Are you in pain? Do you have anything to do

“……” Feng Qianji tried to squeeze a smile on her twisted face,

"ha ha, what can I do for you? I'm used to it. "


The others were staring at the scene with round eyes.

For more than a year, Li luoran and Feng qianshe have always pretended to be strangers. After Li luoran's "bar photo door" incident, we were shocked to find that they have known each other for more than four years!

Now, since the relationship between them has been exposed, they will no longer disguise themselves. Only in this way can they show their true colors


Who can believe that teacher Feng, who was arrogant and arrogant in front of others, turned out to be a weak masochist in front of Li luoran!


there are still a lot of people outside the news building.

Because the clothes Li luoran wore at the press conference were easy to recognize. In order to avoid unnecessary accidents, Li luoran temporarily took off her casual clothes, put on her ordinary gray sportswear and put on her mask before she dared to leave.

Sure enough!

Fans are waiting for "the girl in the water blue shirt", and no one notices Li luoran.

Li luoran easily got out of the crowd.

Because more than an hour has passed, Lu Wanyue has already left.

Li luoran calls her father and learns that an Jiaren and Lu Wanyue have left the hospital. He has also returned to Su's family, so he is relieved.

Just hang up the phone, a taxi stopped beside her, "beauty, where to go?"

Li luoran got into the car and said an address.

"Good!" The driver started the car and looked back at her, "beauty, are you afraid of the cold or something? You don't have to wear a mask in the car, do you? "

With a smile, "wear me."

All right!

As an old driver, used to see all kinds of strange passengers, the driver no longer asked.

Xiangwang bridge -

is still the bridge.

Even if the weather is fine, the bridge is always foggy. From a distance, the bridge seems to float in the clouds.

Beautiful and poetic places are always impressive.

Maybe, that's why many people invite people they like to come here to express themselves

After getting out of the car, Li luoran went straight to the bridge. The closer he came, the clearer he could see the man standing in the middle of the bridge.

It's Jin Qian.

Sure enough, as Li luoran expected, Jinqian was really here.

He stood alone in the middle of the bridge, looking down at the fast flowing water under the bridge. The dense fog made him more lonely.

Li luoran walked slowly onto the bridge and stood side by side about half a meter away from Jin Qian with his hands on the railing.

"I thought that the smarter people were, the more rational they would be and they would not do stupid things. But over the past few years, I found myself more and more wrong. My father, you, Jin Xintong, Lu Wanyue, you are all very intelligent and highly educated people, but you are so stupid that you know well Tao can never wait for the person you are waiting for. He is still so persistent that he can't live with himself. "

"In your opinion, it may be silly, but for me, it's the only reason for me to live." Jin Qian pointed to the flowing water under the bridge,

"in those days, I was forced by my family to make an engagement with her. After knowing this, you cut your wrist and committed suicide. After you were sent to the hospital, my father sent someone to follow me all the time and didn't want me to go to the hospital to see you. That day, I stood on the bridge where we had made a commitment, thinking about the scenes when we were together, thinking that I was another woman's unmarried Husband, you and I can never be together again. I suddenly feel that there is no love in life. I jump down from here. "Li luoran's heart was cold.

Jinqian is her first love and the man who has her first kiss.

Although now Li luoran is Lu Shaochen's wife and she loves Lu Shaochen deeply, recalling the scenes when she and Jin Qian were together, Li luoran's heart will still grow sentimental.

In this world, how many people's first love is successful?

However, even if the first love fails, it cuts a deep wound in people's heart like a sharp blade, accompanying people's life and never healing

Li luoran thinks that Jinqian treats himself just as jinxintong treats Lu Shaochen.

Therefore, Li luoran never asked Lu Shaochen to forget Jin Xintong completely.

"I'm not dead. My father sent people to follow me to save me from the water." Jinqian's voice rang out in the misty air,

"although I was not drowned, I felt that my soul fell into the river at the moment I fell into the water. Since then, I came every day, no matter it was hot and cold, sunny and rainy, and this has become the only hope that I can look forward to the next day after every day."

Jin Qian's eyes were drawn back in the river and fell on Li luoran's beautiful side face,

"Ranran, I also know that the hope of waiting for you to come back to me is slim, but I still have to wait, because even if there is only one in ten thousand or one in one hundred million, it is not absolutely impossible, is it? If I lose this hope, what's the point of my life? How can I continue to live? "

Li luoran's body trembled.

Jin Qian's every word is like a knife in her heart.

To what extent can one be crazy about love?

Dad, Jin Xintong, Lu Wanyue Are they all the same as Jinqian, once they lose their beloved, they will be loveless?

So, will they be so stubborn and desperate for the people they love?

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