You,Under My Name

Chapter 275: 275

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"Of course, the more you hate me, the more I hurt you, and the more painful it is for you to think of me. But this time you blame me wrong. I didn't do it!"

Innocent Wan spread his hands innocently.

"Ha ha ~"

Li luoran pretended not to believe in the sneer,

"in this world, in addition to your innocent Wan, who can shamelessly use such means to harm me? Bai Qingwan, you have changed. No matter how vicious you used to be, at least you will admit it after you have done something bad. Now, you have become timid and dare not to do it. Oh, does this mean that you are afraid of me from the bottom of your heart, and I am afraid that I will seek your revenge? "

"I'll be afraid of you!" Bai Qingwan can't laugh or cry. Although she is innocent, she doesn't want to be misunderstood by Li luoran. She is afraid of Li luoran and simply admits that she has bad luck.

"yes, it's me. I'm the one who blackmailed you. What's the matter? I heard that last time you secretly recorded our conversation in the cemetery and gave it to jingcha, you couldn't do anything to me. Now I have bodyguards to protect me all the time. What can you do with me? "

"Sure enough, you are innocent

Li luoran looked very excited and strode to Bai Qingwan.

Also at the moment of walking towards Bai Qingwan, she twisted Su Yixuan's arm in silence.

Su Yixuan and Li luoran, who had been hinted, walked forward together, but when they came to the table, they stopped walking, leaned on the table and said lazily,

"well, just now some bitch said that I was your bodyguard. I don't want to be misunderstood like this. I won't follow you. Anyway, you are enough to deal with her waste."

Bai Qingwan's disdainful smile.

Li luoran went straight to her. Just when she was a step away from Bai Qingwan, the careless bodyguard stepped out and stood in the way between Li luoran and Bai Qingwan, staring at Li luoran with warning eyes.

The bodyguard was one head higher than Li luoran. Li luoran looked up at her,

"this is a private matter between Bai Qingwan and me. It has nothing to do with you. Get out of the way."

The bodyguard was silent, but his eyes were colder.

Li luoran's arrogant eyebrow, "you also heard, your master admitted that she malicious black me, I now want to throw her slap in the face, who stopped me, I will throw her over, don't blame I didn't warn you."

The bodyguard's lips were closed and his eyes were laughing.

Li Luo dyed his eyes and said, "in this case, don't blame me for being rude."

Holding the right arm of the bodyguard in both hands, he turned around and fell over his shoulder skillfully.


The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

With a shrill scream.

The man who fell to the ground was not the bodyguard, but Li luoran -

this scream was also made by Li luoran.

Li luoran has practiced this skill very skillfully. A man who weighs twice as much as her can easily fall down. Li luoran used to subdue many people with this skill. However, the bodyguard didn't take Li luoran's skill at all. Li luoran didn't fall down his bodyguard, but he fell to the ground.

"Ha ha, it's ridiculous. It's so funny. Li luoran, who do you think you are? You're too arrogant. Ha ha, it's so funny..."

"I laugh to death, ha ha ha ha..."

Standing behind the bodyguard, Bai Qingwan laughs wildly.

The bodyguard doesn't say a word, just stares at Li luoran, like a robot without expression.

Lying on the ground, Li luoran was robbed all night by Lu Shaochen like a wild animal. Her whole body was in all kinds of soreness and pain. When she was thrown like this, her whole body seemed to fall apart. Especially her slender waist seemed to be torn off. She was chanting in pain and wriggling on the ground like a hairy worm, but she couldn't get up for a moment.

"Sister Ranran!"

With this exclamation, Su Yixuan came running quickly,

"did you fall seriously? Would you like to call an ambulance? "

Li luoran's lips trembled. "No, Yixuan, help me up."

Looking at this scene, Bai Qingwan almost burst into tears.

Su Yixuan stands up with Li luoran.

When they turn their backs to Bai Qingwan and the bodyguard, Li luoran looks at Su Yixuan for confirmation. Su Yixuan winks at her and subconsciously looks at the water cup on the table.

Li luoran breathed a sigh of relief.

Li luoran can see that the bodyguard Bai Qingwan is looking for is not simple. She is not stupid enough to challenge the bodyguard unconsciously -

the reason why she does that is to attract the eyes of bodyguards and Bai Qingwan, so as to create an opportunity for Su Yixuan to poison.

At this moment, Su Yixuan's eyes tell her that Su Yixuan has successfully put the medicine into Bai Qingwan's water cup.

"Li luoran, you are really a fool. Don't say it's just you and Su Yixuan. Even if you find another 20 weak women like you, they will be beaten by my bodyguards. If you don't believe me, you can have a try."Bai Qingwan looked up at her beautiful apple face with pride,

"strange to say, on the day you rode a motorcycle to rescue Su Yixuan, you almost strangled Xiao Qianhua. I thought that with his cold and evil temper like the devil, he would do something to respond to you. As a result, he did nothing and let you and Su Yixuan go unconditionally, After you left, he warned me not to take the initiative to provoke you again. He also told me that when I see you again in the future, no matter you scold me, beat me or humiliate me, you should bear it silently. What's the matter with the world? Why is Xiao Qian's painting so cheap? "

Li luoran was frightened.

She is sure that Xiao Qianhua is on the opposite side of herself, and Bai Qingwan is her biggest enemy and the person she hates most. She doesn't understand why Xiao Qianhua doesn't let Bai Qingwan continue to fight against her, instead, she asks Bai Qingwan to tolerate everything.

"But so what?"

Bai Qingwan looks very proud,

"I'm a big star now. I can earn money that ordinary people can't spend all their lives by shooting an advertisement or participating in a variety show. I can afford the most powerful bodyguard in the world. Even if Xiao Qianhua doesn't let me hurt you, you can't hurt me." Speaking of this, Bai Qingwan seems to think of something,

"Oh, by the way, my bodyguard just fell on you in order to protect me. It's all your fault. Don't go to Xiao Qianhua to complain by distorting the facts."

Shu Xinshuang's big face was full of surprise.

Li luoran said with a smile, "it seems that some people are afraid of Xiao Qian's paintings just like mice are afraid of cats. I don't know how they would react if I told him that you scolded him for being cheap"


Hearing this, Bai Qingwan's face was obviously frightened.

The next second, she tried to smile calmly, "Xiao Qianhua is not a three-year-old child. He can't believe what you say. If you want to tell him, just tell him. Can I manage others to speak ill of me behind my back?"

Because she said too much, Bai Qingwan was thirsty. She walked to the table as she said, and your bodyguard was always on guard with her.

Watching Bai Qingwan take up the glass of water, Li luoran's heart seems to be mentioned in his throat.

She held her breath and watched the scene.

The cup was getting closer and closer to Bai Qingwan's lips. Bai Qingwan's red cherry like lips opened slowly, or he was too nervous. At this moment, Li luoran felt that time seemed frozen, and every second seemed to be as long as a century

At this moment, she obviously felt Su Yixuan's hands holding her right arm tightly.

Su Yixuan is also very nervous.

Just now, Su Yixuan put all the remaining poisons into Bai Qingwan's water. As long as Bai Qingwan took a sip, she would die.


The door was pushed open.

I saw the beautiful woman coming into the door, and the glass that had just been put up to her lower lip was put back on the table by her.


Li luoran closed his eyes in frustration.

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

At this time, Su Xuan also stares at this woman to break in, isn't it? Don't you know how to knock on someone's room? "

"Who are you? This is the room that Wan Wan and I set up. It's none of your business for me to enter my own room? " The woman's cold eyes met back.

Su Yixuan was so angry that she said, "what's so great about the room you ordered, silly pen!"

"Who are you calling?"

The woman was so angry that she rolled up her sleeves and walked to Su Yixuan.

"Pearl!" Bai Qingwan is busy coming out to make ends meet,

"you can't make trouble of these two people. If you have a conflict with them, they take advantage. It's OK. If they suffer losses, they don't know how Xiao Qianhua is going to trouble you."

Hearing this, Gu Mingzhu had to stop and stare at Su Yixuan.

She heard Bai Qingwan say that Xiao Qianhua was partial to Li luoran. She had recognized Li luoran for a long time. Although she didn't know who was the little girl who scolded her, she would swallow her anger for a while when she saw that the girl was holding her arms with Li luoran intimately.

"Why, I'm afraid, silly pen!" Su Yixuan hates Gu Mingzhu's untimely appearance, and every sentence is poisonous.

"Oh, I shouldn't call you silly pen, but I praise you too much. Who doesn't recognize you? You are the most notorious" dime "female star at present. You know why people call you" dime "female star. They think you have too many men, and you are even a dime It's not worth the money. "

"You --" Gu Mingzhu was very angry, but because he was too afraid of Xiao Qian's painting, he could only bear it in silence.

Su Yixuan raised her face sarcastically and said, "things are really special. It's no wonder you and Bai Qingwan are so close. You are the same kind of people, but you're just a" bitch "and Bai Qingwan's" bitch "is a pair of bitches!"

"You --""You -"


Gu Mingzhu, who had just stamped his tongue, felt a dry stomach, and felt the pure water.


Li luoran and Su Yixuan screamed at the same time.

However, it was too late. Gu Mingzhu looked up and drank the whole glass of water in one breath.

Oh, my God!

Li luoran and Su Yixuan look at each other.

After drinking a glass of water, Gu Mingzhu calmed down a lot. She looked at Li luoran and Su Yixuan strangely, "wanwan, we spent so much money to set the best private room here. Facing the sea, how beautiful the artistic conception is. How can you bring people who shouldn't come here and destroy our elegance?"

Bai Qingwan and Gu Mingzhu sang in unison, "I thought they would leave soon. Who knew they would not leave after they came? Well, I see. It will be noon soon. Don't they want to eat

Gu Mingzhu rolled her eyes and said, "cut! Although I have more money, I'd rather invite dogs to dinner than people I don't like. They want to rub my food, no way. "

Bai Qingwan said, "Pearl, don't say that. I think we can give them as beggars..."

The two continued to sneer.

In the past, Li luoran and Su Yixuan would fight back. However, their hearts are very heavy now. No one has the heart to quarrel with others. Like two seriously injured people, they help each other out of the compartment.

The two men helped each other into the car.

The two people sitting in the car seemed to be paralyzed, just like two dolls sitting in a wilting state, and no one said a word.

At least a quarter of an hour later, Su Yixuan broke the silence and said, "sister Ranran, what can we do now?"

Li luoran looked at the unknown location in a trance, "I don't know."

"Alas..." Su Yixuan breathes out a sigh,

"Gu Mingzhu is not a good woman, and I hate her very much, but I have nothing to do with her. Although her private life is very unruly, it is her personal choice. She is not an unforgivable villain. She doesn't deserve to die like Bai Qingwan, but Oh, my God! She drank the whole glass of water. Three days later, she would die like that Bulldog... "

"Alas! Why does she want to drink white water? "

"My God, what did I do?"

"My God, what should I do?"

"Sister Ranran, what should we do?"

In despair, Su Yixuan could not help sighing.

Li luoran's eyes were in a trance and his mind was blank.

The moment Gu Mingzhu drinks that glass of water, Li luoran feels like the end of the world.


Li luoran's idea is the same as Su Yixuan's. Gu Mingzhu is innocent. Gu Mingzhu will never die.

In the future, if Li Wan can't live up to her own nightmare, she will know how to stop her innocence.

"Now there's no way. Sister Ranran, let's go and confess to Gu Mingzhu. At least, she can go to the hospital in advance for treatment, and maybe she won't die." Su Yixuan's voice came from her ear.

Li luoran shakes her head,

"as far as I know, there is no cure for this kind of poison. If you confess to Gu Mingzhu, she will call the police. It's a felony to buy or poison someone. Once the police intervene, we may spend the rest of our lives in prison."

"Special!" Su Yixuan smashes her fist on the steering wheel of the car. She looks at Li luoran with regret,

"sister Ranran, it's all my fault. It's all because I've been unwilling to give up. I have to kill Bai Qingwan with violence. In the end, she pulls you out of the water. Sister Ranran, I know you're very upset. If you want to scold me, just scold me."

Li luoran said with a wry smile, "it's my idea to poison Bai Qingwan. We're working together to poison Bai Qingwan. You didn't pull me into the water. We are on the same boat. No one can blame us?"

Su Yixuan's eyes were full of tears. "But I chased you from the beginning to the end and asked you to help me. You didn't want to deal with Bai Qingwan in this way. It was me..."

"Yixuan!" Li luoran interrupts Su Yixuan,

"this is the end of the matter. We all have no way out. We can't blame ourselves any more. We'd better think about how to face the reality after Gu Mingzhu's death."

Su Yixuan leans on the car in pain, "special!"

"How could that be?"

"Just a little bit, just a little bit. Even if Gu Mingzhu came a second later, Bai Qingwan drank the glass of water. The dead must be Bai Qingwan, sister Ranran. But is God playing a trick on us? Why is it so coincidental? Why are we so unlucky! "Li luoran sighed, "I think Gu Mingzhu is more unlucky than us. She is like this for no reason Really speechless

Li luoran couldn't help sighing,

"I still said that the matter has come to an end, we can only look forward, we are still partners, no matter what we want to do in the future, we can't be impulsive, we have to discuss it together and then act together, OK?"

Su Yixuan drooped on the steering wheel, "understand..."

Li luoran is out of his mind, and Su Yixuan is too broken to drive.

Li luoran drives Su Yixuan home and tells her not to do anything stupid.

When Lilo started the car to leave, a middle-aged man knocked on her window and she slipped the car glass.

The middle-aged man stroked his black rimmed glasses. "I think you must be the little sister Li luoran that Xuanxuan used to say?"

Li luoran looks at the strange man in doubt.

Man embarrassed smile, "I am also Xuan her father."

Li luoran, who was in a trance, was busy at the corner of his mouth and forced a smile. "Sorry, I'm often harassed by fans, so I'm very wary of strangers. Uncle Su, what can I do for you?"

"I just want to talk to you about Yixuan." Although the man was laughing, he could not hide his sadness in his eyes.

"Yixuan was born rebellious. When she was working in a large enterprise, she often quarreled with the leaders. Su Yan took good care of her and opened a company for her to be the boss. She also managed the company well and made profits every year. However, recently, the child didn't know what was going on …… Alas!

"It's because Su Yan helped her start the company. Yixuan has always been very concerned about this company. But just last week, last week, she sold this company without telling her mother and me. Moreover, the market value of this company is more than 2 million, and she only sold 500 thousand. Alas! Miss Li, after su Yan's death, Yixuan seems to have changed her personality. She is depressed every day and doesn't say anything to her mother and me. You have been very close to her all the time. I want to ask you what happened to the child? Is something wrong? "

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