You,Under My Name

Chapter 276: 276

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Li luoran calmed down and said, "I haven't got any money in my hand since I started the company."

The man shook his head. "Yixuan is a caring child. Our family used to be in a bad situation. These years, Yixuan helped us buy a house and a car. She gave us the money she had every month. Where did she get the deposit? Alas! I don't know what's wrong with this child. If she is short of money, she can talk to us. How can she sell the company without saying a word? "

Li luoran understood in an instant.

Su Yixuan told her that the price of ricin was 300000 yuan for less than one gram. She had no savings and didn't want to cause trouble to her parents, so she had to sell the company at a low price.

Now Li luoran is full of worries. How can she have too much mind to take care of other things? She said something to reassure the man and drove away.

Back at the land house, he sat on the sofa, like a balloon with dry air.

Eyes from bright to dim, as if just a blink of an eye to the evening.

"Madam, you've been sitting like this for more than four hours. It's easy for a person to suffocate himself if he has too much mental problems. As a servant, I'm not qualified to ask you about your mental problems, but you'd better talk to someone who can be trusted." Servant Zhao Haixin looked painfully at the pale weak woman on the sofa.

Li luoran said with a smile, "thank you. I'm ok."

"You look like this, saying you're OK, who will believe it, alas!" Zhao Haixin sighed and walked into the kitchen.

Zhao Haixin cooked Li luoran's favorite food.

Li luoran didn't eat a bite.

She didn't have lunch at noon, but she didn't feel a trace of hunger. Since Gu Mingzhu drank the cup of poison, she seemed to be pressed by an invisible mountain, feeling very heavy.

She thought that after Gu Mingzhu's death, she would spend the rest of her life in such remorse forever.

Today, Zhao Haixin had something to do with his family. After preparing dinner for Li luoran, he left in a hurry.

There was only one person left in the luxurious house.

It was getting dark, but she didn't turn on the light and sat alone in the boundless darkness.

I don't know how long later, Lu Shaochen, who worked overtime very late, came in. He turned on the light and saw Li luoran sitting on the sofa, then he was slightly stunned,

"what's the matter?"

"Nothing..." Liluoran's face was in a trance, and the sudden bright light did not make her have any reaction.

"Nothing?" Lu Shaochen walked to her with long legs and sat down beside her,

"as far as I know, you are a strong girl. After being misunderstood and besieged by fans, you are still optimistic. Since I met you, I have never seen your face so sad. How can you deal with it?"

Li luoran was silent for a moment. At last, he said, "I killed people."


The cup that Lu Shaochen had just picked up before he had time to drink fell on the ground, and the clean water soaked the red carpet.

Lu Shaochen did not care to pick up, but tried to keep calm, "Bai Qingwan?"

"Not her." Li luoran shakes her head in a daze,

"if it was her, I would never have been so hard on myself. I wanted to poison her. Yixuan and I put the poison into her water cup, but Gu Mingzhu drank the water by mistake, and the result is..."

Li luoran looked down at the crystal clear water cup and the spreading water.

The room was brightly lit and the color of the carpet was enchanting.

Lu Shaochen was silent.

Li luoran knew that Lu Shaochen was very upset.

Because Lu Shaochen stood up and walked around the sofa and coffee table like a top. His black eyebrows were always locked, and the "Sichuan" character in the center of his eyebrows was dignified.

In the past, even if Lu Shaochen encountered any thorny problem, that is, standing still and thinking quietly, Li luoran never saw Lu Shaochen like this.

Lu Shaochen walked at least ten laps before stopping. He stood behind the sofa and put his hands on Li luoran's shoulders. "Who was present when Gu Mingzhu died? Besides Su Yixuan, who knows she died of poisoning? "

Li luoran said, "she won't die until three days later. After her death, besides Yixuan and me, no one can know that she died of poisoning."

Lu Shaochen, "what do you mean?"

Li luoran said with a wry smile, "the poison we gave her is called ricin. The poisoned person will not attack until three days later. The symptoms are similar to a cold. Even the autopsy can't find the result."


Lu Shaochen was finally relieved.

After that, instead of saying a word to Li luoran, he took out his customized mobile phone and made a call.

The line was soon connected.

Li luoran heard Lu Shaochen light way, "where?"

I don't know what's coming back there.

Lu Shaochen said in a deep voice, "push off, come to see me now, no! I'll find youHe called and hurried out of the door.

The light in the room was bright. Li luoran looked at the European clock on the wall. It was already 11:43 in the middle of the night. She sat like this for more than ten hours.

Li luoran didn't know when he fell asleep.

When I woke up, I was no longer on the sofa, but on the soft bed. The clothes I was wearing before I fell asleep had been removed and changed into clean pajamas.

When she walked out of the bedroom barefoot, she saw Lu Shaochen standing in front of the floor mirror in the living room, looking at herself in the mirror, wondering what she was thinking.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, his eyes turned to Li luoran, "there is a good news and a bad news, which one do you listen to first?"

Li luoran shrugged and said with a smile, "let's talk about the good news first." Now, I'm afraid she can't bear the blow of bad news.

"Well ~" Lu Shaochen walked to Li luoran,

"last night I met a very powerful expert in poison making. The person who is best at making poison is usually the person who is best at detoxification. He said that ricin is not insoluble, I have got the antidote from him."

"Ah?" Li luoran's eyebrows jumped in surprise,

"what are you waiting for?! Give me the antidote quickly, and I'll go and detoxify Gu Mingzhu now! "

His hands extended to Lu Shaochen.

Lu Shaochen shook his head slightly. "The bad news is that this kind of antidote takes the way of fighting poison with poison, which is extremely dangerous and highly toxic in itself, and the effect varies from person to person. The success rate is only 5%. For the lucky 5% of the people, the poison is removed when the medicine is used. For the other 95% of the people, the poison is added after the injection of this kind of medicine, and they are killed on the spot Death. "

Oh, my God!

Li luoran's hands trembled violently in front of Lu Shaochen, and perspiration spilled over his forehead.

Lu Shaochen pick eyebrows, "whether to give Gu Mingzhu detoxification, now make a decision."

How does she make a decision?!

Watch Gu Mingzhu die two days later, or do you want to take Gu Mingzhu as a mouse to test the medicine?

In the past 20 years, Li luoran has never been as tangled as he is now.

After a long time, Li luoran still couldn't pay attention. She looked up at Lu Shaochen with a haggard face and said, "what do you say?"

Lu Shaochen winked, "anyway, Gu Mingzhu is dead. Why not treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor?"

All right!

Now it's the only way.

"Ricin is spreading in Gu Mingzhu's body. The earlier you give her an injection of antidote, the more hopeful it will be. Shall I find someone to bind Gu Mingzhu?" Lu Shaochen's magnetic voice and warm lips fluttered on Li luoran's face.

Li luoran shook his head in a hurry,

"goodbye, let me do it."

Not to mention the fact that Lu Shaochen was always bound.

In any case, Gu Mingzhu is also an innocent victim. Li luoran is very sorry that he has done so much harm to Gu Mingzhu. How can he be so rude to others?

Lu Shaochen squints at Li luoran's beautiful eyes like black Qushi, and looks at Li luoran in a secretive way,

"what are you waiting for? Why don't you call Gu Mingzhu and ask her to meet? "

"Gu Mingzhu knows the grudge between Bai Qingwan and me. Just yesterday, Yixuan had a quarrel with her. She was always on guard against me and would not meet me easily." Li luoran said and thought,

"can you do me a favor?"

Lu Shaochen, "eh?"

Although Li luoran doesn't want Lu Shaochen to contact Jin Xintong, he still says, "I don't have Xiao Qianhua's phone number. Can you ask Jin Xintong for it?"

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Lu Shaochen was silent for a moment.

Finally took out the message to the heart or brocade.

Jin Xintong does not ask Lu Shaochen why he wants to find Xiao Qianhua, and immediately gives Lu Shaochen Xiao Qianhua's mobile phone number.

Li luoran calls Xiao Qianhua.

"Oh, Miss Li actually took the initiative to call me. I'm really flattered by Xiao Qianhua." As like as two peas in Lu Shaochen.

Li luoran took a deep breath, "if you hadn't tied me and Su Yan to the chair that day, Su Yan would not have been killed by Bai Qingwan. You owe me."

Lu Shaochen, "..."

Xiao Qianhua on the other end of the phone was speechless for a long time, and then he said, "yes, I owe you. Why do you want to ask me for a debt?"

"Yes, I am collecting money from you!" Li luoran picked up the stem quickly,

"do something for me. After this, we will not owe each other."

Xiao Qian's painting over there should be very shocked, because it took at least two seconds to come back again, "what do you want me to do, say it."

Li luoran looked up at Lu Shaochen and said, "Gu Mingzhu is your artist. She listens to you very much. I heard that like Bai Qingwan, she will be used by you to accompany customers. Is that true?"Xiao Qian sneered, "of course, I can let her sleep with anyone unconditionally, no matter men or women."


"Luo Li's lips will still tremble, and I will arrange for her to be calm."

Although he understood Li luoran's intention, Lu Shaochen still locked his eyebrows when he heard Li luoran say so.

"Oh? It turns out that Miss Li eats all men and women. Tut Tut, can't Lu Shaochen satisfy you? " The sound of Xiao Qian's painting is very interesting.

Lu Shaochen's face became worse.

Li luoran did not explain, "these have nothing to do with you. I just want you to arrange her to come to me as soon as possible. The location is up to me."

"Good, but over the years, Gu Mingzhu has been with almost all my clients. Needless to say, there are several female clients who have ordered her. I don't think she is a dirty woman worthy of you. If you like this, I have some young girls who are just born or chuzai in my hand. You are worth having them."

"I want Gu Mingzhu!" Li luoran coldly interrupts Xiao Qianhua,

"I will send you the meeting place later and arrange her to come to me as soon as possible. I won't let her know who I am, and you can't tell her that the person who asked her to meet is me. You have to do this. This is what you owe me."

Without waiting for Xiao Qian to say anything more, Li luoran decided to hang up.

Then he found that Lu Shaochen was staring at her with strange eyes, her cheeks flushed slightly, "what are you looking at?"

Lu Shaochen hook lips, "suddenly miss you."


Li luoran's face is even more red,

"don't you have many houses? Is there any secluded place that is not easy to find? "

Lu Shaochen gave Li luoran an address.

Li luoran sent this address to Xiao Qianhua by SMS.

About a minute later, Xiao Qianhua calls Li luoran, "Gu Mingzhu will come to your door in half an hour. She will serve you well and have a good time!"

However, Luo ran didn't explain anything.

Li luoran did not explain, but said, "thank you!"

Hang up the phone neatly.

It doesn't matter to Xiao luoqian how she paints.


No.88, Linhai house, is a sea view villa on the coast of Jiangcheng, which is also one of the properties under Lu Shaochen's name and the place where Li luoran meets Gu Mingzhu.

Since Li luoran and Su Yixuan have agreed to partner with each other, she will never act alone without telling Su Yixuan. After the agreement with Xiao Qianhua, she immediately calls Su Yixuan to tell her about it, and takes Su Yixuan to Linhai.

Lu Shaochen drove the car himself.

After the three men arrived at the villa, they immediately put on their usual sportswear and covered their faces with hoods, like three masked robbers.

After a while, a black car drove into the villa.

Li luoran saw Gu Mingzhu get out of the car from the window, went straight to the door and rang the doorbell.

Lu Shaochen said in a heavy voice in a false voice, "in!"

The door was pushed open.

Gu Mingzhu twisted her graceful waist and came in.

Li luoran looks at her in the bright light, and Gu Mingzhu wears thin clothes.

To put it bluntly, it's very revealing.

To be more exact, Gu Mingzhu is not dressed at all!

Only a string of pearls of different lengths hung on her body, barely covering part of her privacy. Most of the rest of her skin bloomed boldly. The bright light of pearls and her white skin complemented each other

Just when he saw Gu Mingzhu getting off the bus from a distance, Li luoran doubted whether he had taken a look. When he saw Gu Mingzhu nearby, his nose was bleeding.

"It's a terrible thing Su Yixuan whispered in Li luoran's ear.

Lu Shaochen's eyes were deep, and his face covered by the headgear showed the same expression as eating strange food.

"Just you?" Gu Mingzhu scanned the three men and came to them.

All three were silent.

Gu Mingzhu has many experiences in helping Xiao Qian draw pictures with clients. What kind of patterns have not been tried before? It's not surprising that some men have a habit of covering their faces when they do that. She easily throws her bag on the sofa,

"Mr. Xiao said that the one who ordered me was a woman, and he specially told me to take good care of her, no matter what she asked I meet her unconditionally. Well, look at the figure of the three of you. Is this a man and two women? "

There is still no answer.

Three people sit side by side on the same sofa like sculptures.

Gu Mingzhu said with a smile, "you are so strange that the clients I used to accompany rushed forward like a hungry wolf meeting a lamb. Besides, today I am dressed so provocatively that you are not moved? If Mr. Xiao didn't tell me the address twice, I really doubt that I came to the wrong place. Go ahead, how do you want to playThere is still no answer.

Lu Shaochen's eyes became darker and darker.

Li luoran and Su Yixuan stare at each other. Neither of them has ever experienced such a thing, and no one knows how to respond.

"Forget it! I can see that you don't seem to have much experience. Let me guide you... " Gu Mingzhu pointed to the sofa where the three people were sitting,


Lu Shaochen gave a deep cough.

Gu Mingzhu was interrupted by the voice for a moment, and then continued to say, "well, it's hard for you to understand. Take off your clothes first, and I'll give you some advice slowly."

With these words, I will take off my only string of pearls.


The heavy roar of the man suddenly rang out.

Gu Mingzhu's expression was stunned, and the hand holding the Pearl suddenly froze, "what's enough? You called me here just to... "

"Sit down!"

Even though Lu Shaochen used falsetto, his voice still had the authority of an imperial edict.

Gu Mingzhu can only honestly sit on the chair in the living room.

Lu Shaochen waved his hand.

Su Yixuan got up and went to the chair. She lowered herself to pick up the rope that had been on the ground for a long time.

Gu Mingzhu ironically smile, "cut ~ you all pretend to be deaf and dumb, silly, I thought you can't play, make a long time you are experts, this is to play this."

Su Yixuan didn't reply. She just twisted the rope around Gu Mingyue.

Gu Mingyue's skin was strangled with pain, "do you understand? You tie it so firmly that I can't move a bit later. How can you play? "

"What are you playing with?" Su Yixuan can't help but stare at Gu Mingyue in disgust and disgust,

"close your mouth and your legs for me. Don't open your eyes without clothes. It's disgusting to see me!"

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