You,Under My Name

Chapter 277: 277

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Su Yixuan also tried her best to be hoarse when she spoke. Although Gu Mingzhu thought the voice was familiar, she couldn't remember who it was for a moment.

She had no choice but to comply with her orders.

Su Yixuan looked back at Li luoran and Lu Shaochen on the sofa, "you can give her an injection."


Is Gu Mingzhu wrong?

Or what did she misunderstand?

Once upon a time, she did meet one or two abnormal clients who called it "injection".

After all, if you think about it carefully, there is something in common between that incident and injection, which is to stab something as hard as the tip of a needle into her body


Li luoran on the sofa answered faintly, and then took out a syringe from her handbag.

See this scene of Gu Mingzhu, a enchanting face suddenly become white, "you are abnormal?"? Do you really want to give me an injection? What's in the syringe? Why don't you talk? "

"No! I don't want an injection. Don't come here! "

"I don't want it, I don't want it, I don't want it!"


Su Yixuan has taped Gu Mingzhu's mouth firmly.

Gu Mingzhu's expression was panic, her eyes were round, Li luoran, who was holding the syringe in her hand, came closer and closer to her, struggling as hard as she could, and the rope made conspicuous red marks on her delicate skin.

Li luoran, who had already come to Gu Mingzhu's side, looked down at her and tried to say in a hoarse voice, "you'd better be honest and don't move. If you continue to struggle like this, don't blame me for sticking the needle a little bit."



Hearing Li luoran's words, Gu Mingzhu's struggle became more intense. Even the heavy solid wood chair couldn't help shaking with her struggle. If Su Yixuan hadn't pressed the back of the chair tightly, I'm afraid Gu Mingzhu would have been overturned with the chair.

Li luoran said no more.

Just hesitated to look at the bright tip of the needle and the blue liquid of the syringe.

If she is lucky, Gu Mingzhu will be safe and sound. If she is unfortunate, Gu Mingzhu will die on the spot, and she will kill Gu Mingzhu herself and wear the hat of "murderer" forever.

Gu Mingzhu struggled with her life.

Su Yixuan and Lu Shaochen also look at Li luoran nervously.

After hesitating for at least half a minute, Li luoran made up her mind and lifted her hand to take off her headgear.

"Sister Ranran!"

Su Yixuan screamed.

Lu Shaochen stood up in surprise.

Li Wu dyed the eyes of the moment, staring at her beautiful face, not with fear

Li luoran could hear Gu Mingzhu calling her name.

"Yes, you're right. It's me." Li luoran bowed his head slightly, and his palm shaped face was full of apologies.

"we agreed to wear a mask all the time in case you want to retaliate against me in the future, but I thought that this might be your last moment in the world, if I mean if If you die unfortunately, and you don't even know who killed you in the end, what a pity. "

Listen to Li luoran say like this, Gu Mingzhu who just settled down for a while struggled violently again.

Li luoran sighed with guilt, "I'm really sorry, Gu Mingzhu. When we come to this step, we all have no choice. If you die in peace and turn into a fierce ghost to find someone to revenge in the future, just revenge me!"

Gu Mingzhu's two arms were all uncovered.

Li luoran lowered himself and stabbed the tip of the needle into Gu Mingzhu's shoulder without hesitation.



Accompanied by Gu Mingzhu's painful cry, a syringe full of biyou liquid was injected into her body.

"Wu, Wu..."

At the beginning, Gu Mingzhu's eyes were sharp, and she didn't know what to say. After a few seconds, the light in her eyes gradually disappeared, she couldn't help shivering, and finally closed her eyes.

"God, I knew it would be like this! Five percent of the hope, Gu Mingzhu where will be so lucky ah! Sister Ranran, we've killed people, we've become killers! " Su Yixuan looked up at the sky and sighed.

Li luoran stood in the same place, the needle fell off in her shaking hands.

Tomorrow morning, Li luoran will be ready for the end of the world.

Only Lu Shaochen was in danger.

He took the rope off Su Yixuan's body at a very fast speed, tore off the tape on her mouth, and laid her on the ground at a speed that ordinary people can't imagine. Regardless of the suspicion of men and women, he pressed her chest with both hands.

Gu Mingzhu, who has not yet fully breathed his breath, is convulsed by Lu Shaochen's strong pressure, but he still does not wake up."If you don't want her to die now, come and give her artificial respiration? When her heart stops completely, it will be too late. " Lu Shaochen said solemnly while doing cardiopulmonary resuscitation for Gu Mingzhu.

Frightened Su Yixuan is still in the same place.

Li luoran didn't care about anything any more. At the moment, he immediately fell on the ground, pinched Gu Mingzhu's nose, took a deep breath, closed his mouth with Gu Mingzhu, and forced the air into Gu Mingzhu's mouth.

Lu Shaochen along with Li luoran to Gu Mingzhu mouth blowing rhythm, press hard, two people cooperate very well.

After doing this over and over again, Gu Mingzhu breathed out a long breath in her mouth. Then she did not need the help of Lu Shaochen and Li luoran to breathe on her own.

Finally relieved, Li luoran sits beside Gu Mingzhu.

Gu Mingzhu opened her eyes and when she regained consciousness, she grabbed Li luoran and asked,

"Li luoran, did you say I was going to die before giving me an injection? You poisoned me, didn't you? How long can I live? We have no injustice and no enmity. Why do you want to kill me? "

While talking, he shook liluoran's body excitedly.

Li luoran looks at Gu Mingzhu calmly. Now Gu Mingzhu is so energetic, which shows that Gu Mingzhu has successfully survived the disaster of life and death -

this recognition makes Li luoran happy and speechless.

"Cut, you really don't know what to do. You don't know how many men have kissed your casual mouth. Sister Ranran doesn't dislike your dirty mouth to mouth. She gives you mouth to mouth artificial respiration to save you. Do you want to bite the hand that feeds you?"

Su Yixuan immediately sneers at Gu Mingzhu.

Since Li luoran had taken off the mask, Su Yixuan no longer used falsetto.

Gu Mingzhu immediately recognized the voice, "Su Yixuan, it's you. You didn't mean well to me when you were in Linhai Pavilion yesterday, but you didn't succeed. So you and Li luoran joined hands to cheat me here, didn't you? What medicine did you give me? What's the effect of this medicine? Will I die? "

Su Yixuan sneered, "you will die, you will die in three minutes, so stop talking nonsense and think about how to write a will!"


As if to hear a bolt from the blue, Gu Mingzhu paralyzed in place.


Su Yixuan took off her headgear and threw it on the floor. She ignored Gu Mingzhu and sat down on the sofa.

After cardiopulmonary resuscitation for Gu Mingzhu last night, Lu Shaochen strode to the absorption pool just like his hands touched with Xiang. He washed his hands again and again with hand sanitizer. Now he has washed them four times. He just applied hand sanitizer to his hands again and rubbed them again.

Li luoran stood up and picked up the rope and the syringe on the ground.

Gu Mingzhu looked at her thoughtlessly, "although I have a good relationship with wanwan, I have never done anything sorry for you. Why do you treat me like this?"

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"It's because you didn't do anything to me that I did it to you." Li Mingzhu took poison on her face for the first time.

Gu Mingzhu's eyes were desolate and desperate. "What do you mean?"

Li luoran said with a smile, "just now Yixuan said you would die in three minutes. Now five minutes have passed. Aren't you still alive?" Slim fingers pointed to the electronic clock on the wall.

Gu Mingzhu's pale face revealed surprise, "is Su Yixuan cheating me? Am I not going to die? "

Li luoran nodded.

After one shock after another, Gu Mingzhu didn't know which sentence Li luoran said was true or false,

"before you gave me an injection, you said that I would die, and you wanted me to be a ghost to get revenge on you. Now you tell me that I'm ok, Li luoran, do you play with me as a three-year-old child? You lied to Xiao Qianhua to let me come to you on my own initiative, tied me up like a gangster and injected me with medicine. Don't tell me that you are just trying to make a joke for me by doing all this painstakingly! "

Li luoran shrugged, "if you don't understand, why don't you take me as a joke?"


Gu Mingzhu was speechless.

Li luoran only wants to be magnanimous in her heart, but Gu Mingzhu is not a friend after all. Now, she has successfully helped Gu Mingzhu to detoxify her poison. She has no conscience and no longer talks with Gu Mingzhu.

This is an independent sea view villa with no collective heating facilities, only a modern European fireplace for winter heating.

Li luoran pressed the ignition switch on the remote control, and the fire broke out in the fireplace.

Li luoran put the syringe, the rope used to bind Gu Mingzhu and the Headcover he and Su Yixuan took off into the fire and burned it to ashes.

After all, it was disgraceful. She could not leave any evidence.

Gu Mingzhu is always sitting on the ground. What just happened is more thrilling than her previous experience with any client.

"It's time for you to go!"A very magnetic male voice suddenly sounded.

At the moment of hearing the sound, Gu Mingzhu's expression was like lightning strike. She looked at the tall man who had just finished washing her hands and was gracefully wiping them with a towel,

"I know your voice. How can it be you? Mr. Xiao! I don't understand. Are you kidding me? "

"Ha ~" Su Yixuan couldn't help laughing.

Lu Shaochen disdained to explain, just calmly and naturally took off his head cover, accurately put into the fire, and spilled cold syllables between his thin lips,

"don't let me see you again, do you understand?"

Seeing this extremely handsome and indifferent face, Gu Mingzhu was more sure that he was Xiao Qianhua. At the same time, he was also sure that this was a joke that Xiao Qianhua and Li luoran played on her. So he stood up in a hurry and said with a smile, "OK, Mr. Xiao, I understand, I understand, I will go now."

Because she was in a hurry, the pearls that had been draped on her body fell to the ground. She was afraid that she would leave too slowly. How could she care to pick them up?

With her handbag in hand, she walked out of the door in a hurry, twisting her enchanting body.

Su Yixuan and Li luoran stare at Gu Mingzhu.

Lu Shaochen's eyebrows are deeply locked. Since Gu Mingzhu appeared, he was like eating a mouthful of bad food. A handsome face, not to mention how deep it is.

Gu Mingzhu has gone far. The car that sent her has been waiting for her in the yard. She lowers herself to get in.

Li luoran's eyes just pulled away from Gu Mingzhu. She gently pulled Lu Shaochen's arm. "You just helped me a lot. Please have dinner."

Lu Shaochen's face was full of tears, and his eyes were deep

Lu Shaochen is a meticulous person. He always takes care of his things without any trace of dust. Every moment, he is as bright as a pearl just fished out from the deep sea, and his things are always in perfect order.

But Li luoran was sure that Lu Shaochen had no habit of cleanliness.

But now Lu Shaochen doesn't know what happened. Before, he washed his hands again and again. After Gu Mingzhu left, he almost never did housework himself. He actually cleaned out the strings of pearls Gu Mingzhu left on the ground. Finally, even the chair Gu Mingzhu sat on and the carpet he stepped on came out of the door.

Finally, Lu Shaochen opened every window of the villa and called his assistant to bring some people to clean it thoroughly. Then he left with Li luoran.

Looking at Lu Shaochen's appearance, Li luoran laughs in her heart -

she can't help thinking that if Gu Mingzhu and Su Yixuan are not present when she is in a coma, and Lu Shaochen, who wants to save Gu Mingzhu, has to give Gu Mingzhu a mouth to mouth breath, what will Lu Shaochen do afterwards?


since Gu Mingzhu mistakenly drank that cup of poison, Li luoran, who was in a heavy heart, had not eaten a mouthful of rice. A whole day had passed. Now Li luoran's heart suddenly brightened and he felt hungry.

Li luoran, Lu Shaochen and Su Yixuan came to a restaurant near the seaside villa.

Because Li luoran is now a public figure and is inconvenient to appear in front of people, Lu Shaochen ordered a private room.

Su Yixuan was also very hungry. They sat together and devoured. Almost before the next dish was delivered, the last dish had already been eaten by them.

The waiter looked at the two hungry girls with a shocked expression.

Lu Shaochen, on the other hand, sat silently with his legs folded, as if he did not eat human beings. He did not make a sound except occasionally handing Li luoran napkins and pouring water.

The two slim girls ate twelve dishes and six bowls of rice.

After the meal, Li luoran puts on his hat and mask to cover his face and leaves the restaurant with Lu Shaochen and Su Yixuan.

As she was walking towards the parking lot, a clear voice came from behind her,

"Li luoran, stop for me!"

Li luoran instantly recognized that the owner of the voice was Bai Qingwan.

When she turns around, she sees Bai Qingwan in her signature pearl white dress, but because of her recent red and purple, she covers her face like Li luoran with a hat and a mask -

the bodyguard in a suit and shoes, with a big figure, follows her closely.

Li luoran raised her eyebrows and said, "is it really a narrow road? I can't believe I can meet you even after a meal here. "

"What a coincidence! I came to you specially!" Bai Qingwan angrily walks to the opposite of Li luoran,

"Mingzhu has told me everything. She is so stupid that she mistook Lu Shaochen for Xiao Qian's painting. Up to now, she still thinks it was a joke made by Xiao Qian's painting."

Li luoran smiles but does not speak.

Su Yixuan stares at Bai Qingwan with hatred. Every time she sees Bai Qingwan, and even every time she thinks about the name of Bai Qingwan, Su Yixuan can't help but want to cut her into pieces.

Lu Shaochen always disdains to look at Bai Qingwan, but silently looks at Bai Qingwan's bodyguard.I don't know what happened to the bodyguard who always looked sharp. At the moment, he lowered his head slightly and dodged Lu Shaochen's eyes.

"I know you, you always rely on yourself. If you don't have to, you will never ask others for help, let alone your enemy. You ask Xiao Qianhua to ask Mingzhu to see you, which shows that this is very important to you. You not only tied Mingzhu, but also gave her an injection. What the hell are you doing?" Bai Qingwan's eyes were sharp and his voice trembled.

Everyone has friends.

However, it is difficult for Bai Qingwan to make real friends like Li luoran.

Gu Mingzhu's appearance is like a bright light in Bai Qingwan's lonely life. If she had not met Gu Mingzhu, Bai Qingwan would never have dreamed that there would be people who are so similar to her and have similar personalities.

Bai Qing as like as two peas, and she has almost everything but Gu Mingzhu.

Gu Mingzhu also likes her very much.

Therefore, she and Gu Mingzhu hit it off at once -

GU Mingzhu is not only Bai Qingwan's only true friend, but also Gu Mingzhu's only friend. They can even accompany a client, act like a girl, love each other, and do anything

In the past, the person Bai Qingwan cared about most was Bai Zhinian.

After Zhinian left, Gu Mingzhu became the only person Bai Qingwan really cared about. Gu Mingzhu seemed to become a part of Bai Qingwan's life, as inseparable as her flesh and blood.

When she learns that Gu Mingzhu is hurt by Li luoran, Bai Qingwan immediately loses control. She immediately calls Xiao Qianhua and tries her best to find Li luoran to find out.

Li luoran was surprised that Bai Qingwan would be so angry, and then she suddenly understood something,

"Bai Qingwan, I thought that people like you would never have real friends, and you would have people who care about you."

Bai Qingwan glared at her with hatred, "less nonsense, answer my question, I ask you, what did you do to Mingzhu in the end!"

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