You,Under My Name

Chapter 279: 279

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Li luoran did not understand what Lu Shaochen thought.

What a lovely little girl Yixuan is. How can she have something to do with bombs?

"In fact, Lu Shaochen deliberately said that in order to scare you. He has no injustice or hatred against you and won't do anything to you and your family." Li luoran tried to persuade her.

Su Yixuan was dubious. "I don't think that Lu Shaochen was frightening me. He was serious. You didn't see his expression when he spoke to me. It's strange that the timid people were not scared to death by him on the spot."

“……” Li luoran began to panic, but she still patted her chest and swore to Su Yixuan,

"I promise you that I will never let him hurt you, is that all right?"

Su Yixuan was relieved and bowed her head. "You've broken into my house. What else can I do? Let's do it

Li luoran picked up the Sydney that she had just dropped on the table and said, "listen to your father, you transferred your company at a price far below the market value. That company was opened by Su Yan for you. I think you should cherish it. Why do you want to do this?"

"For the money." Su Yixuan spread out her hands,

"I told you that the price of ricin is very expensive. In order to avenge brother Su Yan, I can only do this, alas! Now, we've made a mess. In the end, we didn't poison Bai Qingwan, and we took in the company that Su Yange left to me. "

Sure enough!

It's the same as Li luoran.

She sighed. "What are you going to do in the future?"

"What else can we do? I'm not like you. I can make money by filming, and I can't stay at home every day. Now I can't be my own boss. I can only find a job and get yelled at by the leaders as before. " Su Yixuan sighed.

Li luoran, "do you want to film with me?"

"Ah?" Su Yixuan was very surprised,

"ha ha! Sister Ranran, please don't tease me. I'm not a graduate of drama school, and I don't have any experience in filming. How can I do it? "

However, in the face of reality, she has never had a dream of a career girl

Li luoran said with a smile, "I didn't go to drama school, and I didn't have experience in filming before. Isn't it the same? And my first work wasn't that bad, was it? "

Su Yixuan nodded.

After eating a pear, Li luoran got up and went to Su Yixuan. He patted her on the shoulder with his small hand. "I believe you can do it. If you want, I'll call Mr. Wang now."

Su Yixuan eagerly looked at Li luoran, "ang!"

It turns out that when Li luoran went to the shooting base that day, Wang Zimo said that he basically decided all the actors, but one of them couldn't find a suitable actor to play -

because although that role was not the leading role in the sequel of the queen of demons, it played a very important role in the whole film. If she played well, it would be the best for the whole film If she fails, the whole movie may be ruined.

Li luoran has seen the whole script of the sequel to the queen of demons. She thinks that Su Yixuan in reality is quite similar to the character.

Li luoran immediately called wangzimo.

After Li luoran told the truth, Wang Zimo immediately returned, "take her to the shooting base for an audition tomorrow."

Su Yixuan, excited and nervous, pulls Li luoran to ask questions.

In the afternoon, Li luoran stayed at Su Yixuan's house to talk to her about all kinds of precautions.

Li luoran can see that Su Yixuan really wants to be in the cast.

Of course, Li luoran also hopes that Su Yixuan can successfully pass the audition.

Su Yan always treats Su Yixuan as his own sister. Since Su Yan leaves everything to Li luoran, Li luoran will also help Su Yan take good care of her sister. Besides, Li luoran always worries that Su Yixuan will act foolishly for her revenge. As long as Su Yixuan enters the production group, Li luoran can always watch her and discuss with this "partner" how to deal with Bai Qingwan.

When Su's parents came home from work, they were excited to hear that Su Yixuan was going to film with Li luoran. They insisted on staying with Li luoran for dinner.

Because tomorrow's audition is very important. After dinner, Li luoran talked with Su Yixuan for a long time. When he left Su Yixuan's house, it was already past ten o'clock in the night.

Back to the land house.

Entering the door, I saw Lu Shaochen standing in front of the French window in his nightgown.

Lu Shaochen's eyes fell on her, "are you mixing with Su Yixuan again?"

Lilac confessed, "yes."

Lu Shaochen's black sword eyebrows slightly folded, and said nothing more.

Li luoran walked over to him and stood a step away from him. "I heard Yixuan say that you not only threatened her, but also said that she was a time bomb."

Lu Shaochen, "well."

Yeah!"Is that your answer?" Li luoran raised her little face slightly and looked at the handsome and cool face in front of her confusedly,

"Yixuan is my good friend and my good partner. If you just ask my opinion, you threaten her to cut off contact with me forever. You don't even have an explanation, and your answer is just a 'eh'!"

Lu Shaochen's lips are crooked and his eyes are as bright and deep as the deep sea, which is hard to understand.

"I do it for you."


Li luoran knew that since Lu Shaochen didn't want to explain, she couldn't find out anyway. She could only sigh with dismay, "I know you are a person with principles. You are not as dark as Xiao Qianhua and you kill innocent people indiscriminately. Yixuan has no injustice or hatred with you. What you said to her is to frighten her. You won't put it into action."

Lu Shaochen, who looks like a crown jewel,

"I never bluff. I have found out all the details of Su Yixuan and her parents. Su Yixuan transferred her company last week at a price of 500000 yuan. Her parents are employees of Shengshi finance and trade company. According to my plan, if Su Yixuan ignores my warning and her parents are dismissed from the company, I will use all my resources No matter what business they do, no one cares. Even if they want to help people clean up, no one dares to use it. I will make them unable to survive in Jiangcheng. "

Oh, my God!

Li luoran's legs softened with fright and almost knelt on the ground.

She remembered some rumors she had heard about Lu Shaochen -

some people used to be the general manager, big boss and other dignified people, but because they offended Lu Shaochen, they eventually became beggars.

Lu Shaochen, indeed, is the famous and frightening Lu Shaochen!

However, Lu Shaochen never showed his cold and terrible side in front of Li luoran!

Nearly paralyzed, Li luoran looks at Lu Shaochen in panic, "that That Yixuan is really my good friend. She is very important to me. Can you stop treating her like that in my face? She is really innocent

Lu Shaochen, "yes."

"Er ~"

with a sigh of relief, lelomer stressed, "I mean, I will see her often in the future, you can't embarrass her!"

Lu Shaochen, "well."

All right!

Li luoran finally let go. Her beautiful little face showed a smile. "Lu Shaochen, there's something I don't quite understand. I think you are very approachable when you are with me, your mother, my father and your sister. Why do you always treat other people like a devil? If you treat other people like us, they will respect you more and your image in their mind will be bigger. Isn't that good? "

Lu Shaochen said, "I am famous and have made countless enemies. Everyone is afraid of me, so no one dares to touch the people I love."

Li luoran suddenly realized, "well, I see. It's good to be a fierce and evil spirit."

Li luoran is very tired. He has to take Su Yixuan to audition tomorrow. So he doesn't say anything more to Lu Shaochen. He says goodbye to Lu Shaochen and goes to the revolving stairs.

"Wait a minute!"

Lu Shaochen held her by the wrist behind her,

"although Bai Qingwan escaped the punishment of the law, but the net of heaven is still clear, which bad man has been let go? Now, although she is very popular, she can only get a small part of the money. She is also used by Xiao Qianhua as a tool to accompany her clients. Now she is living a miserable life, and she has also got the deserved retribution. Why do you have to have a hard time with her? "

Li luoran pointed to the huge wall mounted TV, "now as long as you turn on the entertainment channel, you can see Bai Qingwan all the time. She is always wearing a bright pearl white skirt. She looks like a fairy who strays into the world. Now she has unlimited scenery. She wants wind to wind and rain to rain. Lu Shaochen, you don't know her. She doesn't know her at all Pain, this is the life she used to dream of. She enjoys it very much. Even if she wants to accompany clients for Xiao Qian's paintings, it's torture for other girls, and it's fun for her. "

Lu Shaochen's eyes, which were dark at night, were puzzled. "Will there be such a woman in the world?"

"Yes Li luoran laughs bitterly,

"Bai Qingwan is such a woman. When she was with Su Yan, she would often secretly ask for a man outside. Now, she doesn't have to ask for a man by herself. Xiao Qianhua asked her to accompany her clients, just to complete her body which can never be satisfied."

Lu Shaochen was shocked.

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Li luoran took a deep breath, "so, don't take the standard of normal people to measure Bai Qingwan any more. I won't use the means to deal with normal people to deal with her. I've decided to deal with people like her who don't have a bottom line. I'll do whatever I can to deal with people like her who don't have a bottom line."

Because of his excessive surprise, Lu Shaochen couldn't help relaxing his hand.

Li luoran pulled his wrist out of his hand and started again.

"Am I your husband?"

Lu Shaochen's voice came from behind.Li luoran stopped in surprise, "of course!" Why did he ask that?

Lu Shaochen, "do I have the right to participate in your life events?"

Li luoran said, "of course!"

It's more than a life event?

As Lu Shaochen's wife, she is willing to share her life with Lu Shaochen.

Lu Shaochen, "your revenge on Bai Qingwan's plan, such as poisoning her, is it a major event in your life?"

Li luoran, "of course."

Lu Shaochen, "then, why do I know nothing about you poisoning her?"


Li luoran suddenly woke up. She turned around and looked at Lu Shaochen apologetically,

"I'm really sorry. I should have discussed such an important matter with you in advance."

I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart.

In retrospect, no matter what she did, she was always hot headed and put it into practice regardless of the consequences. In the end, it was Lu Shaochen who took the trouble to wipe her ass. she was really sorry for Lu Shaochen.

Lu Shaochen raises eyebrows, "so?"

Li luoran shrugged, "so I will discuss with you in advance if there is such a thing in the future."

Lu Shaochen said, "guarantee?"

Li luoran, "guarantee."

Lu Shaochen's bright eyes revealed a trace of satisfaction, "good night."

Li luoran, "good night."

Lu Shaochen stood alone in front of the floor to ceiling window, watching Li luoran go further and further along the revolving stairs. When her figure disappeared in the field of vision, the relief appeared in his eyes.

Since he can't stop Li luoran and Su Yixuan from being together, he always pays attention to her and Su Yixuan's plans. That way, he may be able to prevent Li luoran from getting worse and worse by Su Yixuan


Lu Shaochen seems to know that Li luoran is very busy the next day. He always wants to make Li luoran feel so weak that he only needs to let her go twice tonight.

As soon as the alarm clock rings at 6:30 in the morning, Li luoran sits up like a spring, turns off the alarm clock and immediately calls Su Yixuan.

This phone call was answered by Su Yixuan seconds, "don't worry, sister Ranran, I'm awake, thinking of going to audition today. I lay in bed all night and didn't sleep. I got up at four o'clock in the morning and waited for your call. Now, do you want to start?"

Li luoran said, "you prepare first. I'll pick you up downstairs and call you downstairs."

"Good! Wait for you. "

As before, Lu Shaochen, who always gets up before Li luoran wakes up, is no longer in his bedroom.

When Li luoran came down the revolving stairs after washing, he found Lu Shaochen and Chu Xingchen sitting side by side on the sofa on the first floor reading newspapers.

Chu Xingchen stroked his self satisfied wine red explosion hair and winked at Li luoran, "sister-in-law, the master said that you are going to the theater group today, and specially asked me to come to see you off early in the morning."


Frightened, Li luoran stops.

She clearly remembers that a few days ago, she told Lu Shaochen that the shooting base was being renovated, and she didn't have to go there for at least a week. Wangzimo asked her to take Su Yixuan to audition yesterday, which was also a temporary decision. She never told Lu Shaochen, how did Lu Shaochen know?

Chu Xingchen thief laughs, "ha ha, don't be surprised, sister-in-law, who is the master? You can't hide that from him. I secretly tell you that the master has an undercover in the crew. You can't fake it when you're making a bed play with wangzimo

Because Lu Shaochen stepped on his feet, he screamed like a pig.

Then wronged and resentful look at Lu Shaochen dare not play poor.

All right!

When Li luoran thought about it, he was not so surprised.

After all, Feng qianzhen, who is in the same production group with Li luoran, is Lu Shaochen's dry son. Shu Xinshuang also has a deep friendship with Lu Shaochen. It's not easy for Lu Shaochen to know what happened in the production group.

Li luoran is so anxious that she doesn't want to eat breakfast.

Lu Shaochen forced her to finish her breakfast, and then, as before, Chu Xingchen drove. Lu Shaochen and Li luoran sat in the middle row seat to accompany and escort her.

Luxurious streamlined super run, even and steady to the gate of the hospital.

Then, Li luoran saw Gu lianyue -

Gu lianyue was standing outside the gate, fighting fiercely with two gatekeepers. The big red Porsche, which was parked not far away, had dented its front because it hit the gate firmly.

Li luoran was surprised that Gu lianyue would appear here.

She got out of the car.

The security guard immediately complained, "Ma'am, this person is too unreasonable. She drove over early in the morning and insisted that we open the door. She also said that she was your mother. We stopped her from entering, so she drove to the door. How could her car open the door? She crashed her car and asked us to accompany her to repair it. We argued with her and she scolded us. Tell me, Miss Li, how could she be your mother? How could you have such a motherLi luoran said with a bitter smile, "she is really my mother."




"Ma'am, this is a big misunderstanding. We didn't stop her if we knew she was your mother. As a result, you can't blame us, ma'am."

Li luoran rolled his lips, "why should I blame you? You've done the right thing. Remember her face. She'll come back later and stop her like this. "


The two guards looked at each other.

Li luoran went straight to Gu lianyue and said, "it's really someone who does anything. You asked for it. I don't pay for your car repair."

"Cut!" "I don't care if a broken car crashes."

"Oh?" Li luoran sarcastically raises her eyebrows,

"since she is not distressed, who just asked the guard for the car repair fee?"

There is nothing to say about the moon.

Li luoran looked at her faintly, "say, why come to me?"

Gu lianyue thought back to reality, "I'm here to prolong my life."


Li luoran's face was full of confusion.

Gu lianyue said, "jinyannian is also the father of Jinqian and Xintong."

Li luoran then understood who Gu lianyue was talking about. In her mind, she could not help thinking about the scenes of Jin Yannian and Gu lianyue kissing in public on the cruise ship, and Jin Yannian and Gu lianyue eyeing each other at Gu lianyue's wedding

"You don't know? Just yesterday, Jin Qian was forced to step down as the president of Jin's family. All his property and shares were transferred to another family member. Now he has nothing, and he has gone from a super rich man to a poor man. "

Gu lianyue's voice is clearly transmitted to Li luoran's ears.

Li Luo dyed his eyes in disbelief, "how could this happen? What happened? "

"Oh, you still want to ask me what happened? How innocent you are Gu lianyue feels angry and funny,

"the family rules of Jin family are very strict. The first one is that people in the family should not be in the limelight and keep a low profile forever. In order to help you clean up, Jin Qian broke the first one, so he was also punished the most severely by the family."

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