You,Under My Name

Chapter 280: 280

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Li luoran was shocked.

Every day, looking forward to Jin's financial crisis, Gu Qian's ability to go back to the old Jin's, he is afraid that the old Jin's will collapse If you make a mistake, there's a good excuse to drive him down from the position of the leader and the helmsman. You've really helped those old foxes in the Jin family. Jin Qian, who is always strict with himself, made such a fatal mistake for you this time. Those old foxes are very happy. "

Oh, my God!

Li luoran took a cool breath.

That day at xiangwangqiao, she also asked Jinqian how he would be punished by his family. Jinqian said it was a understatement. She didn't expect that the consequences would be so serious.

In front of Gu lianyue, Li luoran tried to keep calm. "You said that you came to me for jinyannian. Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"All these years, every cent spent on Yannian is given by Jinqian. After Jinqian has nothing, Yannian will suffer and Xintong will live in poverty." Gu lianyue is outspoken.


Li luoran sneered at the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, Gu lianyue also has maternal love. She thinks about Jin Xintong everywhere.

Gu lianyue held a famous brand cigarette between her slender fingers and smoked it elegantly. "Jinqian is a very powerful person. If someone can provide him with money, he can still make a comeback after leaving Jin's kitchen. He has nothing to do with you. You should make a lot of money when you shoot" the Queen of demons "? You give him all the money and let him start over. "

Li luoran slightly raised his delicate face, his eyes were haughty and sarcastic, "are you ordering me?"

Gu lianyue vomits smoke on Li luoran's face provocatively, "yes! I'm ordering you. You're the one who caused the Jinqian family to suffer so badly. You're the one who caused the consequences. You should be responsible for everything. "

"Is it?" Li luoran's eyes are more thin, cool and ironic,

"since you are so righteous, tell me, who sent the photos of Jinqian and me to the Internet for the sake of blackmail?"

For a moment, Gu lianyue was speechless.

Although Jin Qian and Li luoran's private photos were secretly taken by Jin Xintong at Jin Qian's home, Gu lianyue is the one who instructs Jin Xintong, and Gu lianyue is the culprit behind all this.

Li luoran sneered, "you know Jin qian can't hold sand in his eyes. He can't watch me because the photos he took with him were blacked out. When you sent those photos to the Internet, didn't you think you would make him violate the family law? Now that he has an accident, your lover and your beloved daughter have been implicated, you will put the blame on me, and you will cry for injustice! Ha ha ~ don't deceive yourself, Gu lianyue, you are the initiator of everything, and you should be responsible. You don't want to see your lover and your beloved daughter down, you give them all your money! "


Gu lianyue's face turned blue and red, as if she had been hit by a seven inch viper. She could not argue any more.

Li luoran didn't want to see her any more. He tried his best to calm down his anger and turned to leave.

"I regret that I didn't strip you naked when I sold you to the sex bar, and let the men trample on you when you were in a coma? In that way, you will live your whole life like death, and you will never be so arrogant in front of me. "

The cold voice of pity moon came from behind.

As if he had been poured a basin of ice water mixture, Li luoran felt cool all over.

And she did not show a trace of pain, beautiful melon face some just indifference, "yes! You hate yourself! Because I will never give you another chance to hurt me from now on

Turn around, grab half of the cigarette in Gu lianyue's hand, and throw it to the ground,

"I have another thing to tell you. My father and Anjian get along well. I think that if this goes on, they will get married soon, and he will gradually let go of his infatuation with you. You can't hurt him as before."

Gu lianyue's enchanting body is obviously shaking.

The heavy makeup on her face couldn't hide her panic expression.

"I know you're disappointed. Over the years, you've hurt us because of my father's and my feelings for you? Gu lianyue, it's a pity that you have polished my father's and I's hopes for you. Even if you come back to lick us, we disdain you. You can regret it! "

Drop this words, head also don't return of walk back in the car.


The door fell.

Luxury streamlined super run slowly drove past Gu lianyue.

She stood in the pungent car exhaust, looking at the cool car, the moment the car disappeared in the field of vision, she couldn't hold on any longer and sat on the cold ground.


In the past 20 years, it is precisely because of Li Qingtian's infatuation with her that she can hurt li Qingtian wantonly and endlessly. If Li Qingtian is no longer infatuated with her, she will never be able to hurt li Qingtian again.The same is true for liluoran.

In the past, Li luoran always spoke coldly to her, but Gu lianyue could see that Li luoran still wanted to treat her well. Li luoran could not hide her deep desire for maternal love. Now, Li luoran has completely given up on her

Over the years, Gu lianyue has exhausted her cruelty to Li luoran and Li Qingtian.

What she wants is that the mother and daughter give up on her completely?

But why is she so lost when this moment comes?

Gu lianyue is sure that this loss is not because she regrets that she is too bad to Li luoran and Li Qingtian, but because she can no longer use Li luoran and Li Qingtian's love to hurt them


Li luoran sat in the car.

The car has been driving far away, and her mood is still unable to calm down.

Gu lianyue is a wound that can never be healed in Li luoran's heart. No matter how indifferent Li luoran is in front of Gu lianyue, Gu lianyue's resolute words will still sprinkle on her wound like a handful of sea salt, which makes her feel miserable.

Li luoran tries her best to show her indifference in front of Gu lianyue. She just doesn't want Gu lianyue to feel that her success has hurt her!

"If you feel tired, my shoulders are always on your back."

Lu Shaochen's clear voice rang out in her ears.

Li luoran reluctantly smiles, "thank you."

But he didn't lean on Lu Shaochen's shoulder.

Looking at Lu Shaochen's beautiful face in a trance, she can't help thinking that Lu Shaochen's father, Lu Wangyuan, was absolutely cruel to Lu Shaochen that day, and beat Lu Shaochen with blood in his mouth

She has a cruel and heartless mother and Lu Shaochen has a cruel and heartless father, and her mother and Lu Shaochen's father finally become husband and wife, which is a match made in heaven!

Thinking back to reality, Li luoran blinked her eyes,

"do you know that Jin Qian was punished by his family?"

"Um ~" Lu Shaochen looks cool,

"this event caused a sensation in the business circle, just like the entertainment circle's stroke, shallow and Shu Xinshuang's marriage. In those years, Jin's family was in danger, with a loss of 5.6 billion yuan. After Jin Qian took over, he paid off his debt and made a profit in just three months. A year later, Jin's monthly profit exceeded 10 billion yuan. Over the years, Jin's family has become bigger and bigger The more red it gets. "

Li luoran's heart was full of mixed feelings. "He worked so hard to make Jin's family so good. The elders of his family took advantage of him and occupied all his property. Is this legal? He didn't even resist, and honestly gave up everything he had earned? "

"In a rich family like ours, the family law is more important than the national law. If he violates the family law, he can only accept the punishment of the family law. Otherwise, he will never have credibility and can never gain a foothold in the family." Seeing Li luoran's sad face, Lu Shaochen gently pinches her face with comfort,

"I know Jinqian's family members. Most of them are villains who are at the helm of the wind. They try every means to push Jinqian to Jinqian when Jinqian is in crisis. After Jinqian makes Jinqian return to glory, they covet it all the time. Even if Jinqian doesn't break the family rules this time, they will die sooner or later I think it's a good thing for Jin Qian to leave the Jin family. He leaves his family and is not bound by the elders of those families. Only when he creates a new career, can he really belong to himself. "

All right!

I have to say that Lu Shaochen is very persuasive.

When Lu Shaochen said this, Li luoran was relieved.

Take out the mobile phone in your pocket and make Jinqian's call.

"Hello, the number you dialed is off, please redial later." ——

What I got was this reply.

After about ten minutes, Li luoran called again, but Jin Qian's mobile phone was still off.

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

Although Li luoran is worried, she still has a very important thing to do today. She can't find Jinqian immediately, so she can only wait patiently for him to turn on the machine.

After picking up Su Yixuan, he went all the way to the shooting base.

After being attacked by the masses before, the two gates of the base have been replaced with heavy iron gates, and a group of construction workers are strengthening the tall walls. In Shu Xinshuang's words,

"the renovated gates, not to mention the unarmed masses, don't want to rush in even if an armored division comes again."

Li luoran takes Su Yixuan into the base.

Wang Zimo, Shu Xinshuang, Feng Qianyi, Qin Weijie, director Song Yi and several other important members of the cast have arrived.

Ever since Su Yixuan came into sight, Feng qianzhen squinted at her with ice blue eyes and said, "Tut, is that her? Is that all right? "

Su Yixuan's mouth was weak, and her hand grasped Li luoran's arm.

Li luoran was very surprised that this little girl, who is not afraid of everything, should have such a performance. But on second thought, no matter how careless the girl is, she is also nervous and afraid. Su Yixuan entered the production group for the first time, and saw such a "superstar" as Feng qianshe. It's inevitable that she will be nervous."No? What we want is a lively and naughty role. This little girl is so elegant and shy. How can she play that role? Li luoran, are you teasing me? "

After Li luoran's "bar door" incident, we all know that Feng qianshe and Li luoran are "old friends" who have known each other for many years. Feng qianshe doesn't need to cover up like before, and she can speak freely with Li luoran in front of people.

Su Yixuan's cheeks turned red and she lowered her head.

Li luoran was discontented, "teacher Feng, can't you be friendly to the new people? You are such a superstar. What do you want her to say about a cute new girl

Smile in my heart.

It's really stupid to say that Su Yixuan, a crazy girl, is the first in the world

Feng qianzhen still looks at Su Yixuan carefully and refuses to look away from her.

Su Yixuan doesn't know what's wrong with her. As usual, she's not afraid of everything. She's always afraid to lift her head because of the wind.

"Don't be nervous. When you audition later, do as I said. You'll have no problem." Li luoran pats Su Yixuan on the shoulder and pulls her into the crowd.

Shu Xinshuang friendly came to Su Yixuan side, "sister, don't be afraid, wind shallow on this kind of bad virtue, don't look at him on the screen is a tall cold type man, that is all packaged out, in reality he is a no bottom line teaser, you don't take him too seriously."

"Ah?" Su Yixuan takes a peek at the wind and says, "brother Qian is tall and cool. How can he be a teaser?"

“……” Shu Xinshuang looks embarrassed.

The wind is shallow and the eyebrows are raised.

In his eyes, Xinshuang is no substitute for other girls.

Standing opposite Li luoran, Wang Zimo glanced at Su Yixuan, "is that her?"

Li luoran nodded, "well."

Wang Zimo's eyes were deep, and his thin lips opened. He wanted to say something, but he took it back. Instead, he raised his finger to Qin Weijie and said, "the person in charge of Qin took the script to her, and the others were ready to take their place and audition."

"All right."

"Yes, Mr. Wang."

The staff immediately got busy.

Qin Weijie gives the script to Su Yixuan. Because it's an audition, there are only six lines. Su Yixuan soon remembers to be familiar with it. Li luoran accompanies Su Yixuan and keeps telling her all kinds of precautions.

Although Su Yixuan is relaxed on the surface, Li luoran knows that she is nervous. Her expression and voice are not as natural as usual.

In half an hour.

Su Yixuan changes into elegant ancient clothes, holding a sword, and is taken to the shooting site by Li luoran.

The location of this shooting is in the artificial desert outside the "Palace".

The camera is in place, and the other staff are standing by, because it's just an audition. We don't take it seriously and are very relaxed.

Su Yixuan was originally a very relaxed and lively girl. Although this experience was the first time in her life, she was not so nervous that she didn't know what to do.

Lonely smoke in the desert, setting sun and yellow sand, a beautiful picture.

In the sequel of the queen of demons, the emperor, played by Feng Qianyi, is depressed after his concubine Hua Moli elopes with master mo. he takes six experts to find master Mo to avenge him. On the way, he meets song Mei -

the emperor and song Mei are in love with each other, and Hua Moli falls in love with him. Suddenly, he decides to let Hua Moli and master Mo go free, but he takes song Mei with him Go back to the palace.

However, in an accident, song Mei died under Hua Moli's sword. The emperor was devastated and vowed to kill Hua Moli and Mr. Mo himself to avenge song Mei.

However, it is not important for Chi Mo to choose the leading role in the play, because it is not important for Chi Mo to choose the leading role.

Su Yixuan plays the role of song Mei.

At this moment, Su Yixuan in ancient clothes is standing in the desert. The cold wind blows her skirt, and her black hair is covered by the wind. Her face is half covered by the wind. The sand is flying in the air. She holds a sword, and the tip of the sword plunges into the sand

Looking at this picture, Li luoran nodded, "I saw this picture the first time I saw the script. Yixuan is the best person to play song Mei."

Shu Xinshuang said with a smile, "just look at the appearance, she really matches the image of song Mei, but it's just that the appearance is far from enough. Let's look at her performance."

Li luoran rolled his lips, "I believe her."

Li luoran talks with Shu Xinshuang, and the emperor played by Feng Qianji enters the scene.

It's also the moment when fengqianshe enters the arena. Su Yixuan's sword "Ding" falls on the sand. She picks it up in a hurry. Although it's a few meters away, Li luoran outside the circle can still see that Su Yixuan is as nervous as she was when she saw fengqianshe.

Li luoran is beating a drum in his heart.What's the matter with this girl today?

Li luoran immediately had a bad feeling.

After the wind was in place, director Song Yi immediately said, "start!"

In the wind and sand, the emperor in plain clothes walked to song Mei without expression. "One day as a wife, one life as a wife. Although Mo Li is merciless to me, I can't be unintentional to her. If you want to kill her, kill me with this sword first."

"Then I'll kill you first!" Song Mei excitedly raises her sword and stabs the heart of the wind.

According to the requirements of the script, the sword should stop just after stabbing the clothes. Then, with tears in her eyes, song Mei said to the emperor excitedly,

"I'll give you one last chance. Do you really want to die for her?"

However, Su Yixuan didn't know what was going on. She didn't hold the sword properly. The sword stabbed Feng Qianyu firmly. She thought the sword was made of plastic and the body of the sword was bent into an obvious arch.


Director Song Yi immediately stops and looks at wangzimo.

All the others were silent.

Such mistakes can be regarded as the lowest level mistakes in filming, and even many amateur mass actors can't make them.


Sure enough!

Amateurs are amateurs. It's better for professional actors to play such an important role.

Li luoran can't help but be shocked. Before the audition, she stressed that Su Yixuan must pay attention to propriety. When she and Su Yixuan were watching and acting, Su Yixuan also performed very well. Unexpectedly, Su Yixuan made such a low-level mistake at the most important time.

Su Yixuan in the desert is obviously a little flustered. She bites her lower lip nervously and looks at Li luoran with apologetic eyes.

Li luoran took a deep breath. "Song Dao, Yixuan will be nervous at the beginning. I believe she can do it. Give her another chance."

Song Yi can't make a decision. He just looks at Wang Zimo.

Wang Zimo nodded, "listen to her, shoot again."

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