You,Under My Name

Chapter 282: 282

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"Ah? It's so nice of you, brother Qian

Su Yixuan was so overjoyed that she could not help throwing a kiss at him.

Li luoran raised an eyebrow to Feng Qianyi, "of course, of course, Mr. Feng is a man of reputation. Since he said that he would do it, right? Teacher Feng

Although Feng Qianji wanted to strangle Li luoran on the spot, he thought that Li luoran finally agreed to accompany him once. If he refused Li luoran to take Su Yixuan with him, he might make Li luoran repent and laugh like a dumb man who ate Coptis. "Ha ha, what else can I say? Everything you say is right! "

Li luoran winked at Su Yixuan, "do you hear me? I'm not lying to you


Just thinking about having dinner with her favorite idol, Su Yixuan's eyes lit up with excitement.


at noon that day, Feng Qianji invited Li luoran and Su Yixuan to have dinner at Yipin seafood, and took them home after lunch.

Because Su Yixuan interferes with Feng qianzhen and Li luoran's "two people's world", Feng qianzhen is very upset. She can see that Li luoran takes special care of Su Yixuan. Although Feng qianzhen repels Su Yixuan from the bottom of her heart, she doesn't dare to be too obvious. On the surface, she tries her best to be polite to Su Yixuan.

How can I feel the happiest since I left Luofeng? In the future, my brother will invite me to dinner every day. I feel that I am the happiest person in the world. "

Li luoran grinned and said, "what do you think of Feng Qianji?"

Su Yixuan's delicate little face looked obsessed. "Brother Qian is the most handsome person I have ever met. I think he is more handsome than Lu Shaochen and Wang Zimo. No! He is more handsome than Lu Shaochen and Wang Zimo. "

“……” Li luoran takes a breath of cool air,

"I mean, you put aside the idol aura of the wind, treat him as an ordinary person like me, and also put aside his appearance bonus, how about him purely?"

"Er..." Su Yixuan thought,

"I think, although he's very easygoing when talking to you, he's still a little cold to others. Besides, he's very humorous and funny. He's perfect!"

All right!

In the eyes of any fan sister, her idol is flawless!

Li luoran's eyes are secretive, "do you think you can get along with him?"

"Of course!" Su Yixuan's head is like a chicken pecking.

Li luoran squinted, "what do you think of him as your boyfriend?"


Su Yixuan's mouth is open enough to fit an egg. At the same time, her cheeks are as red as two fires.

"ha ha, sister Ranran, don't make such a joke. Who's brother Qianyu? There are countless girls who like her. Although I like him very much, and I want to get married with him, it's just my daydream That's all. How dare I expect to become a reality? I don't deserve him

"Where are you not worthy of him?" Li luoran smiles,

"I think you and he are a good match."

Su Yixuan pushed away Li luoran's hand, "cut! Stop teasing

Li luoran is not really teasing.

Although Su Yixuan is lively and bold, she has a kind of natural Princess temperament. Her appearance is similar to Su Yan, so she is a rare beauty, and she is worthy of the wind. The reason why she says "it is worthy of the wind" is that the evil spirit of the wind is so beautiful and outstanding, only from the aspect of appearance, even the female stars all over the world You can't find a face that matches the wind.

Li luoran has seen only one face, jinxintong, who can be compared with Fengqian's "beauty of prosperous times".

Feng Qianji is destined to be unable to find the other half who can match him completely, so he has to make do with it.

Li luoran thinks that there are many similarities between Su Yixuan and Feng qianshe. Especially in the production group, when Feng qianshe and Su Yixuan stand face to face in the desert in ancient clothes, Li luoran has the illusion that they are two people made in heaven


on the outskirts of Jiangcheng.

A chic courtyard is surrounded by mountains and rivers, quietly bathed in the blood red sun in the evening.

A white Ferrari came slowly along the river bank and stopped steadily between two stone lions outside the gate of the courtyard.

"Sister Xintong, do you really want to see him?" In the driver's seat, the girl with only one eye looks anxiously at Jin Xintong in the co driver's seat.

Jin Xin Tong's face was very beautiful, and her eyes were full of melancholy. "This kind of thing can't be avoided. He has found me. It's better for me to take the initiative to find him than for him to find me."

Thinking of the cruel reality, Su Su can only sigh silently.

Jin Xintong gets out of the car.The gate of siheyuan was open. She pushed it open and walked in hesitantly.

The next second, a man came into her sight -

it was a fat man, a few centimeters shorter than Jin Xintong, with a round face, looking mellow and rich, belonging to the type of ordinary people that can be seen everywhere on the street.

"Xiao Li, after running away from home for so long, you are finally willing to go home." See brocade Heart Tong, the man is affectionate of sigh a way.

Jin Xintong is just a sad smile.

Looking around the garden like yard, every plant in it is so familiar.

How can we not be familiar with it?

She once lived here for three years. Once, she regarded it as her only home and thought that she would live in this yard until she died

"Xiao Li, you left more than a year ago without a word. At that time, there were rumors that there were hooligans in our town. They targeted beautiful girls. You were so beautiful. I was worried that they would attack you when I went to work. I was so anxious that I called the police. In order to find you, I quit my job as a civil servant. For more than a year, I looked for you everywhere "The emperor is worthy of those who want to. I finally got your news."

The man in front of Jin Xintong excitedly grabs Jin Xintong's hands,

"Xiao Li, no matter what, you're good, you go home! No matter what happens when you are out for more than a year, I will treat you as well as before. Don't run away from home, will you? "

Running away from home?

Why does Jin Xintong think this word is so ironic?

She thin cool smile, "Cui Jun ah, the reason why I came back to you is to tell you, this is the last time I step into this yard, from now on, I will never come again."


Cui Junli's body shakes slightly, but how can you grasp my husband for three years

"Is it?" Jin Xintong sneered, and her eyes were desolate,

"what a Xiao Li! I'm your wife! This is our home! If I never recover my memory, would you cheat me to live with you all my life with such lies? "

As if hearing a bolt from the blue, Cui Jun's mellow face clearly showed panic, "Xiao Li, you Are you... "

"Yes, I remember it all." Jin Xintong smiles bitterly, raises her hand, and points to the river outside the hospital with trembling fingers.

"four years ago, when you rescued me from the river, I lost my memory. You told me that my name is sun Yingli, and I was your wife. I accidentally fell into the water when I was washing clothes by the river. My memory is blank. Of course, I believed your words, so I was your wife I have lived here with you for three years... "

Cui Jun said with guilt, "Xiao Li, I'm sorry. After I rescued you from the water, I was fascinated by you at the first sight. When I woke up, you didn't remember anything. I was greedy for your beauty, so I lied to you to be my wife."

"Ha ha ~"

Jin Xintong smiles, her body trembles because of excessive excitement,

"three years, three years How many three years can you have in your life? If I can never recover my memory, will I be cheated by you all my life and never be myself? You cheated me of my innocence and cheated me that I couldn't see the person I love for three years. Did you pay off everything by saying sorry? "

"Xiao Li..." Cui Jun called this title entangled,

"everything is my fault, but what should and shouldn't have happened has happened. You and I have been sleeping together for three years, and we have done our best as husband and wife. We have forgotten your past and come back to me. Let's live a good life as before."

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Jin Xintong screams out of control and slaps the man's mellow face,

"how shameless are you to say such a thing? You and I are not husband and wife at all. How can we be husband and wife? To put it bluntly, I was just cheated to sleep for three years by you dirty and dirty man! You are a scum! Hooligan

The more he said, the more angry he was. He slapped Cui Jun in the face.

Cui Jun doesn't dodge. He just slaps himself.

After the slap, Jin Xintong calms down a little. She turns around, turns her back to Cui Jun and faces the gate. "Anyway, you saved my life and owe me your life. I've spent three years to pay it off. We don't owe each other in the future. I hope you don't come to me again and I will never walk into the gate again."

Step forward firmly and walk out the gate.

"I lied to you first. It's justifiable for you to make a decision with me, but do you have the heart to make a decision with our daughter?" The voice of the man came from behind.

Jin Xintong's figure on the ground trembles.

"Mommy! Are you really? Mommy

This silver bell like voice rings out of the moment, brocade Heart Tong as if in the body curse, no longer can't step away.She turned.

A young girl, less than three years old, is standing in front of the open living room door, holding the doorknob. She is staring at jinxintong more than ten meters away with big watery eyes -

the girl has a reduced face of jinxintong. Her skin is whiter and tender than jinxintong. It's so lovely that she can't help hugging her and kissing her.

"Xiao Li, it's all my fault. Our children are innocent. Please stay for our children." Cui Jun's eyes beg.

Jin Xintong struggles to pull her eyes away from the girl's face, changing back to the thin cool eyes, "treat her well. If she asks you where her mother has gone, tell her that her mother is dead."

Cui Jun's expression is very painful, "Xiao Li..."

"I'm not Xiao Li!" Jinxintong turns around again, and the pain and determination interweave on her beautiful face,

"my name is jinxintong. In my mind, he is the only one of my husband, and he is the only one who is worthy of having children with me. You are not worthy!"

Walk out the door without looking back.

"You mean Lu Shaochen?"

Cui Jun strode out of the door, his voice was high because of excitement,

"Xiao Li, before I called you and asked you to come to me, I found out very clearly that Lu Shaochen is a married man now. I heard that he is very kind to his wife. You are so stupid that he is still infatuated with him."

As if has been opened in the heart most painful scar, the brocade Heart Tong's step disordered rhythm.

Cui Jun looked at her thin figure in a trance, "I'll let Lu Shaochen give up on you completely. If you don't come back to me and Xiaoxiao, I'll tell him everything between us. I'd like to see if Lu Shaochen will have any illusions about you after he knows you've already married and had children!"

As if by ruthlessly strangled throat, brocade Heart Tong for a long time can't send out a sound.

After a while, she trembled back,

"if you do that, I will only hate you more!"

Get low in the car.

The moment I fell on the door, I felt as if I had been evacuated and collapsed on the seat.

"Sister Xintong, such scum as Cui Jun is not worthy of nostalgia, but do you really have the heart to leave Xiaoxiao behind?" Su Su's voice came from the left side.

Jin Xintong's eyes are blank and her voice is weak. "Since I left, more than a year ago, I never came back to see her again. What can I do if I can't give up? All this is just a big mistake. "

"Alas..." Su Su distressed looking at Jin Xin Tong haggard face, "Xin Tong elder sister, if you want to cry, cry out, see you so I feel bad."

Jin Xintong shakes her head.

Although he tried hard to hold back, tears still fell.


Since the recovery of memory, jinxintong most want to ask is why this sentence.

If Cui Jun didn't cheat her after saving her, but tried to help her send her home, she and Lu Shaochen would not be separated, and Li luoran had no chance.

Although Cui Jun saved her, he robbed her of the innocence she had always held for Lu Shaochen. Lu Shaochen, who thought she was dead, got married again. The most important things in her life were trampled on beyond recognition


Since she was determined to die, why did she arrange another person to save her?

If you arrange someone to save her, why let that person cheat her?

Jin Xintong often thinks that she is not as good as she died at the beginning. At least, she will live forever in Lu Shaochen's heart, and never have to face these cruel and merciless reality again!


under the pressure of Li luoran, Feng qianshe reluctantly agrees to invite Su Yixuan to dinner every day before the sequel of the queen of demons officially starts, but Li luoran is afraid that Feng qianshe will turn against Su Yixuan in her absence.

So, the next day, Li luoran asked Fengqian that the place where she invited Su Yixuan to have dinner was still "Yipin seafood", and asked Jiang Xiaojing to go to "Yipin seafood".

As a result, Li luoran and Jiang Xiaojing have not seen each other for some days.

At the same time, she can also contact Xiaofeng.

The dining room for Feng Qianji and Su Yixuan is on the second floor.

Therefore, Li luoran also reserved a private room on the second floor.

In public, Li luoran can only wear a mask. Jiang Xiaojing and she walk along the bamboo stairs to the second floor.

As he was walking through the corridor to the private room, he was meeting two figures, one in white and the other in tall and burly. They were Bai Qingwan and her cold faced bodyguard.

Even if Li luoran covers his face tightly, he is recognized by Bai Qingwan.

Bai Qingwan raised his face, "Oh, it's really a narrow road. How can I be so unlucky today? How can I come out for a meal and run into the person I don't want to see the most?"

Li luoran raised her eyebrows. "No, why am I so unlucky?"

"Well! Bad luck is bad luck. Anyway, it's not bad luck. One or two times. Alan, don't let these two people ruin our good mood. Let's go to dinner. "After seeing Li luoran and Jiang Xiaojing, Bai Qingwan doesn't confront Li luoran and takes the initiative to detour from Li luoran.

She's not in the mood to pay attention to Li luoran.

A year ago, Bai Qingwan fell in love with fengqianshe. She found an excuse to go to fengqianshe's home and get rid of all her clothes. She rushed into fengqianshe's arms. Meimei thought about what happened to fengqianshe, but she was seen by Su Yan. Since then, although Bai Qingwan resented fengqianshe's design, she still thinks about fengqianshe, and always pays special attention to fengqianshe's whereabouts. Today, she knows her whereabouts I came to the seafood restaurant here.

"It's really special. I'm full of coquettishness, and I'm looking for such a bodyguard to put on airs. I'm sick and want to vomit. How can I eat?" Jiang Xiaojing cold voice cold air sarcasm way.

Bai Qingwan immediately stops, eyes to jiangxiaojing, "cut! Jiang Xiaojing, who do you think you are? Just because I was afraid of you before doesn't mean I'm afraid of you now! "

Although Bai Qingwan is also wearing a mask, Jiang Xiaojing can't see her expression, but her eyes are full of provocation.

At the beginning, Bai Qingwan was afraid of Jiang Xiaojing's three points because of Jiang Xiaojing's distinguished family background, and he was always bullied by Jiang Xiaojing and swallowed his words blindly.

Now, Bai Qingwan is a famous star and a "goddess" pursued by countless young boys and girls. She is no longer afraid of Jiang Xiaojing!

Jiang Xiaojing looked up and said, "Yo, this little whore with different appearances has broken her skills. She dares to talk back to her aunt. I didn't convince you before, did I? You're itching again, aren't you

"Ha Bai Qingwan was not afraid at all. Instead, he raised his face like Jiang Xiaojing,

"yes, I'm good at it. Now I'm no longer the soft persimmon you used to pinch. Why, Jiang Xiaojing, what are you good at? Now I'm not an ordinary person like you. You don't have the ability to touch my finger? "

Jiang Xiaojing has rolled up his sleeve.

Alan, the bodyguard who sniffs out the dangerous smell, wants to protect Bai Qingwan behind him. Bai Qingwan pushes her confidently, "don't worry, I don't believe this little shrew dares to touch me in public!"

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