You,Under My Name

Chapter 283: 283

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Since Bai Qingwan asked, Alan didn't want to be fussy. He stepped back and held his hands leisurely in front of his chest. He looked like a quiet man watching a play.

Originally, Jiang Xiaojing, who was standing diagonally opposite Bai Qingwan, took a step forward to start with Bai Qingwan.

Li luoran grabbed her, "this is a public place, and now she is a public figure. It will have a bad influence on her hands. I'll take it this time."

"Hum!" Jiang Xiaojing angrily stares at Bai Qingwan and is extremely upset.

Bai Qingwan's face was even higher. "Li luoran is much more rational than you. Yes, Jiang Xiaojing, I'm a popular star now. You dare to move my finger. Just my tens of millions of fans will stab you with one finger. How can you fight with me?"

With a proud smile, he had already been close enough to Jiang Xiaojing, and took a small step forward with provocation. His body was only one palm away from Jiang Xiaojing,

"I tell you, Jiang Xiaojing, you are no longer my nemesis, and I am no longer the one who was bullied by you casually. Now I am, you can't afford it, and from now on, you can only look at me like this In front of you, you have no choice but to swallow your pride. Ha ha ~ "

" Jiang Xiaojing, you are like a common people who saw the queen. Pay homage to my queen - ah - "

the last voice was broken by your own scream.

Wearing a dazzling white skirt, Bai Qingwan was thrown off the guardrail by Jiang Xiaojing.

The corridor on the second floor is more than four meters high from the first floor. There is a dining table under the guardrail. In the center of the dining table is a large hot pot for six people. All kinds of ingredients in the hot pot are rolling in the boiling water -

Bai Qingwan, who is falling down from the second floor like a white lotus, lies on the hot pot firmly.


Bai Qingwan screamed, hot water scalded her skin, was smashed pieces of tableware stabbed into her skin, all kinds of pain mixed together, make her instantly faint.

"My God! What happened? Where did this man fall from? Mom, she's still. Is she dead? Help

"Call an ambulance!"


The whole hotel was in a mess. People screamed and called for help one after another.


Looking at Bai Qingwan lying motionless in boiling water and pool of blood, Li luoran felt that his brain was put into boiling water.

She ran downstairs for the first time.

The bodyguard also arrived with her. They picked up Bai Qingwan from the dining table and laid him flat on the ground.

The boiling water soaked through a large area from Bai Qingwan's chest to her abdomen, and now she is still steaming hot. Besides the scald, Bai Qingwan still has many blood stains on her body. By visual inspection, I don't know how serious her injury is.


Alan, a silent bodyguard, sighs heavily and shakes his head at Bai Qingwan.

Did not expect the consequences will be so serious, Jiang Xiaojing also flustered God, standing in the right side of Li luoran, staring at Bai Qingwan, a face muddled force.

"What's the matter? I'll go - sister Ranran, did you fight? " In the private room on the second floor, Su Yixuan runs down the bamboo stairs.

Lilo's tongue seems to be frozen and speechless.

Together with Su Yixuan, Feng Qianyi shakes her head. "It's not her."

He knows Jiang Xiaojing.

Who is Jiang Xiaojing?

She is the natural enemy of Bai Qingwan!

Since Li luoran and Bai Qingwan got into a feud, Jiang Xiaojing beat Bai Qingwan every time he saw her. With Jiang Xiaojing, how can Li luoran fight Bai Qingwan?

"Wow! Is that man brother Qian

"Oh, no, how can my God be in public? Lie in the sun - it's really him. Tighten me up. I can't help fighting him! "

Immediately a small fan sister recognized the wind shallow, more people around, the scene became more chaotic.

Li luoran's heart is full of mixed feelings.

Fortunately, Bai Qingwan covered his face with a mask. Otherwise, people recognized that Bai Qingwan was the one who fell from the second floor by Jiang Xiaojing. They didn't know what would happen.


Bai Qingwan was pushed into the emergency operating room.

Li luoran, Jiang Xiaojing, Feng Qianji, Su Yixuan and Alan were in the operating room.

About 20 minutes after the operation, a serious looking doctor came out and Li luoran hurriedly welcomed him, "doctor, how about Bai Qingwan? How badly is she hurt? "

The doctor shook his head. "Let's talk after the operation."

Then he left in a hurry.

At this time, Gu Mingzhu came in a hurry. She looked at Li luoran angrily. "I knew the truth after that day. You pretended to be the client and asked me to come to the seaside villa. Li luoran, you are really good. You poison wanwan and beat her in public. You can be lawless with Lu Shaochen's protection, right?"Li luoran did not explain.

She and jiangxiaojing love the same sister, jiangxiaojing baiqingwan hit like this, and her own hands do no difference.

Gu Mingzhu sneered, "Li luoran, you wait. Today it happened in a public place. The whole hotel is full of witnesses. How can Lu Shaochen protect you? How do you end up this time? "

Li luoran shook his head.

What Gu Mingzhu said was what Li luoran was most worried about.

If Jiang Xiaojing beat Bai Qingwan in a private place, Li luoran can at least try her best to help Jiang Xiaojing get rid of it. So many people can see it. According to Bai Qingwan's unreasonable nature, she will bite Jiang Xiaojing. At that time, the consequences will be really unimaginable!

“……” Looking at xiaoluojiang in the mirror, I feel sad.

Jiang Xiaojing only gnashes his teeth at Bai Qingwan because of Li luoran. If there is anything wrong with the mirror, in the final analysis, it is all for Li luoran.

Bai Qingwan's family did not come to the hospital to see her.

It turns out that a year ago, after Bai Zhinian's death, Bai Qingwan's parents learned what Bai Qingwan had done to Su Jinnian in Zhinian's diary. They also understood that Su Yan wanted to revenge Bai Qingwan before he found Bai Zhinian. Bai Qingwan's parents were disappointed with Bai Qingwan. Since then, they have cut off contact with him.

About half an hour later, Bai Qingwan was pushed out of the operating room.

Experienced an operation of her, pale fierce, sleepy, like a dead body without a trace of life.

Li luoran found the doctor again.

The doctor solemnly told Li luoran, "she is seriously injured, especially the large scald. According to my previous experience, she will have to do at least 20 operations in the next two years before she can recover. That's good luck. If she's not lucky, she will leave ugly scars from her chest to abdomen forever. Fortunately, the wounds are invisible, alas! What a pity for such a beautiful girl

The effect of anesthetics gradually faded. Bai Qingwan, who came to life, refused to see anyone. Instead, she called her lawyer to go to the ward alone to meet her.

I don't know what Bai Qingwan and her lawyer are talking about in the ward.

They talked for at least half an hour before the lawyer took the initiative to open the door,

"you all come in and talk."

Li luoran, Feng Qianji, Jiang Xiaojing, Su Yixuan and Gu Mingzhu successively entered the ward.

Lying on the hospital bed, Bai Qingwan was covered with bandages, like a mummy.

"Wan Wan, why are you hurt so badly? Why are you so miserable? " Gu Mingzhu rushed to the bed excitedly and held Bai Qingwan's hand tightly.

Bai Qingwan looked at her without spirit, and her voice was haggard because of the great injury after the operation. "Pearl, don't be excited, sit beside me first and listen carefully."

Gu Mingzhu tears in her eyes, "OK, wanwan, I'll listen to you, I'll watch you quietly, when you want me to talk, I'll talk."

Bai Qingwan's eyes were hot and humid. Her eyes fell to her lawyer, "Lawyer Zhang, please tell them about me."

"Cough! Cough

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

Lawyer Zhang in suit and shoes cleared his throat,

"I'll show you a video first."

He opened the laptop.

After entering a large news website, the video ranking 36th in the search list began to play -

in the video, Bai Qingwan in a white skirt fell down on the dining table like a white lotus, and the scene was in chaos. Later, Li luoran and Alan took Bai Qingwan down from the dining table, and more and more people were watching, including Feng Qianyi.

Seeing this video, Li luoran was not surprised at all.

Now is the Internet age, all accidents in public places are likely to be photographed with mobile phones and sent to the Internet.

"At present, the number of hits of this video is only over 800000, which has not attracted much attention. Most of the people who pay attention to this video are not aiming at this issue, but because Feng Qianji is also watching the crowd. Well, of course, he is not watching the crowd. I have the right to say so ~" the lawyer gracefully closed his notebook,

"you should be surprised Fortunately, the person who made this video didn't take the picture that Jiang Xiaojing threw Miss Bai downstairs. At that time, Miss Bai and Miss Li were wearing masks. If Miss Bai publicly declared that the victim in the video was Miss Li, and the person who took her off the table with Alan was Miss Li, this video would immediately spread all over the Internet, from No. 36 on the search list to No. 1. At that time, the situation would expand It's too big to handle. "

Li luoran took a cool breath.

Yes, what the lawyer said was very objective and there was no exaggeration.

"Now let me talk about the injury of the victim, Miss Bai..." Lawyer Zhang pointed to Bai Qingwan lying on the hospital bed like a mummy,

"there are 16 scratches on her body and three fractures, the most serious of which is a large scald on her body. According to the identification results given by the doctor, she is seriously disabled. There is no doubt that Miss Bai was fallen from a height by violence. Considering that this incident happened in public, the plot is bad, according to the doctor According to the law, the person who hurt her constitutes the crime of intentional homicide. If Miss Bai appeals, the person who committed the violence against her will be sentenced to more than 15 years' imprisonment, life imprisonment or even death penalty! "“……” At this moment, Bai Qingwan's white face clearly showed a trace of pleasure.

Think of Jiang Xiaojing will pay such a heavy price, what does she suffer from these flesh and blood?!

Four years!

She has endured Jiang Xiaojing for four years!

In the past four years, Jiang Xiaojing would humiliate her once as long as she saw her. This time, she had to see how arrogant the little shrew was?

Jiang Xiaojing raised his face and said, "you don't have to scare me. This white lotus has suffered a lot. She lives well. I'll be sentenced to one and a half years' life imprisonment at most? death penalty? Are you lying to ghosts? "

"I am a lawyer. I guarantee that every word I say is an objective fact, without exaggeration. If you don't believe it, you can consult your lawyer." Lawyer Zhang opened his hands calmly.

Jiang Xiaojing sneered, "hum, just look for it. Who is afraid of who?"

Call right away.

Feng Qianji pressed her hand that had been put into her pocket, "no, I once thought about becoming a lawyer. I also got a lawyer's qualification certificate. What Lawyer Zhang said was all true. The impact of this matter was too bad. The judge will give a heavier sentence."

Li luoran's body trembled.

Jiangxiaojing always haughty face, "so what? I don't regret it. Bai Qingwan should fight. If I can do it all over again, I will still attack her. I know what the price is! "

Understanding Jiang Xiaojing is this kind of obstinate and arrogant temperament, the wind shallow can only helplessly in her body don't open the line of sight.

Lawyer Zhang was also shocked. He laughed awkwardly, "ha ha, of course, I admire this chivalrous little sister. But as a loving lawyer, I prefer the second solution, which is private."

"Cut!" Jiang Xiaojing looked disdainful,

"who knows what tricks this scheming bitch is playing? I do things by myself, even if I let her appeal. "

The lawyer gaped.

After working as a lawyer for more than ten years, he met too many people. When he was in trouble, he was a "hero". Once he knew what kind of sanctions he was going to face, he immediately became a "bear". It was the first time for him to see such a fearless girl.

"Mirror, you say less!"

"no matter how much money the lawyer agrees to give me, he must give me a clean look."

"No! no Miss, if you want something that you can't afford, it's not something that you can't afford to give her. " Involuntarily, he took a look at the evil handsome face of the wind and said, "Miss Bai, let's talk about it yourself."

White pure Wan this just leisurely opened a mouth, "I want breeze shallow to promise to marry with me."

As if to hear a bolt from the blue, Li luoran trembled violently.

She didn't notice that even the calm wind standing on her right hand side, the tall body also trembled at this moment.

Jiang Xiaojing stares round his eyes and can't believe what he heard.

Su Yixuan lost control instantly. She angrily pointed to Bai Qingwan,

"what are you talking about? You don't look at yourself in the mirror. You don't know how dirty and rotten you are, do you? How can brother Qianji marry a woman like you? " I really want to strangle Bai Qingwan with my own hands.

Bai Qingwan said with a smile, "this is my condition, and my only condition. It's your business to say yes or No. If yes, Jiang Xiaojing and I will be at peace. If no, I immediately declare that the victim in the video is me, and call the police and appeal."

Because stability prevailed, Bai Qingwan was calm and calm.

Everyone's face changed.

Even Gu Mingzhu is no exception.

Bai Qingwan and Gu Mingzhu have nothing to say. Gu Mingzhu knows that Bai Qingwan is infatuated with fengqianshe, and Gu Mingzhu also knows that fengqianshe has long recognized that Bai Qingwan is an unruly "bus". To be fair, Gu Mingzhu also thinks that Bai Qingwan is not worthy of fengqianshe -

not ordinary!

Is far from worthy!

If a man like Feng qianzhen marries a woman like Bai Qingwan, he is just throwing the white jade into the mud. It's really too violent!

Gu Mingzhu never thought that Bai Qingwan would put forward such conditions.

Bai Qingwan's bloodless face was enchanting, "don't worry, the doctor said I'll go for a long time like this to get out of the hospital. I have plenty of time to wait for you. I'll give you an hour to think about it. How to decide, you can discuss it slowly."

Voice fell, pretended to close his eyes.

Everyone has a heavy heart.

Li luoran is trying to take Feng qianshe out to discuss with him about the countermeasures, but he says, "don't think about it, I promise you."

"Dong!"Li luoran felt that her heart was like a glass product falling to the ground from a high altitude, and she broke it in a moment. She opened her trembling lips and called his name powerlessly,



All of a sudden, there was never a word of sadness except murmuring and calling his name.

Bai Qingwan immediately opened his eyes, his eyes became brighter than before the serious injury.

"Don't be silly, shallow, it's between me and Bai Qingwan. Don't get involved. If you marry such a woman, you might as well let me be shot!" Jiang Xiaojing doesn't have a breath.

Su Xuan's brother and sister will not be so excited about you

"Don't say any more. I've made up my mind." Always always cynical wind shallow, at this moment, the face of the United States, such as a demon cold su.

He looked at Bai Qingwan on the bed, only cold and resolute in his charming blue eyes,

"will you do what you say?"

Unexpectedly, the wind will be so straightforward shallow promise, Bai Qingwan even regardless of the pain of the injury, forced to sit up.

Looking at the wind shallowly, excited, nervous, happy, ecstatic Complex emotions intertwined in her tears,

"you know what I mean to you. It's my greatest happiness to get you. As long as you promise to marry me, I will do what I say."

Wind shallow hook lips, blue eyes in the mood deep like the sea, "when do you want to marry me?"

So long as I get out of bed, I can get my marriage certificate as soon as possible

"Since this is your condition, if I say no, is that ok?" There was a hint of satire in Feng Qian's Xuanang's eyebrows, and then he said, "everything is as you wish. Bai Qingwan, congratulations. In the end, you win!"

Fall this words, step to open long leg, firm walk out of the ward.

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