You,Under My Name

Chapter 284: 284

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Li luoran, who followed the wind and walked out of the ward, said, "do you know what kind of woman Bai Qingwan is? How can you be so stupid?"

Feng Qianji stopped and turned to stare at her in the crowded corridor. "Remember what I said to you on the day of the opening ceremony of the sequel of the queen of demons?"

Li luoran was in a trance. "We said a lot that day. I don't know which sentence you are talking about."

Feng Qianyi said with a smile, "I asked you if Su Yan died for you. You told me that he didn't. I told you that it's his honor for a person to die for the person he cares about. Do you know that I'm willing to die for you? What's the point of marrying a woman I don't love?"

“……” Li luoran's lips trembled and tears filled her eyes.

The wind shallow Yi pointless pick eyebrow, "I know you, I know if one day I get into trouble, you will also for me regardless of everything, don't and Bai Qingwan marriage?"? Anyway, I'll never be able to marry the girl I love. It's the same for me to marry any other woman. "

Rubbing Li luoran's head,

"it's really nothing, let's go!"

Li luoran felt even worse when he thought that Feng qianzhen had to do nothing to make her happy because she had wronged herself so much, and tears flowed down her heart,

"now can you tell me who the girl you love is?"

"No!" Feng Qianji smiles brightly and evil,

"this is the only little secret between us. If I tell you this little secret, I will become a transparent person in front of you. I will keep it from you all my life."

Li luoran wanted to give Feng qianshe a smile, but she couldn't smile because she was too sad.

Four people walked out of the hospital.

At the time of parting, Jiang Xiaojing chased Feng qianshe to his car and said, "Hey, qianshe, you don't have to do this for me. Listen to me. Don't marry Bai Qingwan. I'm going to prison to be a prison bully. If she wants to send me to prison, let her help me."

"It has nothing to do with you. I don't do it for you."

Pull open the door and get into the car without looking back.

The luxurious streamlined super race drove away quickly, leaving Jiang Xiaojing standing alone in the pungent exhaust.


Li luoran, Jiang Xiaojing and Su Yixuan came to the hospital in the car of fengqianli, and their car was still parked in the parking lot of "Yipin seafood".

Three people take a taxi back to "Yipin seafood".

Along the way, all three of them had their own thoughts. Even Su Yixuan, who always talked a lot, didn't say a word.

Three people went to the parking lot to pick up the car.

When Li luoran was driving away, Su Yixuan slipped the window of the car and said angrily to Li luoran, "when I was in the hospital, I couldn't help rushing to the hospital bed several times to strangle Bai Qingwan, but I thought that with so many people present, I would not succeed, so I couldn't help it any more."

Li luoran looked anxiously at Su Yixuan's delicate face. "We are partners. We agreed to discuss and act together. Don't be impulsive."

"Impulse is the devil, right?" Su Yixuan smiles,

"you know, sister Ranran, I regret that I didn't kill her impulsively when I had the chance. Now that baiqingwan is protected by a bodyguard at any time, it's too late for me to kill her. If I kill her at the beginning, at least, she won't continue to harm others; at least, brother Qianyu It's not because she's happy all her life! "

Li luoran's heart turned upside down.

If the person who hurt Bai Qingwan is Li luoran himself, Li luoran will never let Feng Qianji make a deal with Bai Qingwan for himself.

But for Jiang Xiaojing, Li luoran could not be cruel in any case.

Li luoran never wants Jiang Xiaojing to go to prison.

Even if she doesn't want to see the picture of Feng Qianji being touched by Bai Qingwan, it's better than Jiang Xiaojing being sentenced to decades or death

Li luoran didn't know how he drove the car back to the land house.

Along the way, she ran through the red light several times. Several times, when the green light came on at the intersection, she still blocked the car in the front, and the people behind honked wildly, but she didn't feel it.

Just park in the yard.

She stood in front of the pool, haggard and cold.

Li luoran kept thinking.

However, I can't think of a suitable way.

Once upon a time, no matter what difficulties she encountered, she could face them rationally. In the end, even if she could not find a solution, she could face them calmly.

But this time, it's different!

Jiang Xiaojing's malicious injury to Bai Qingwan is a certain fact, and Bai Qingwan doesn't pretend to be injured as before. All the initiative is in Bai Qingwan's hands, and no one can do anything about it.

Li luoran's mobile phone rings at this time.

Jinqian's call, she picked up.

"I just saw your missed call. What's the matter?"Hearing Jin Qian's words, Li luoran remembers that after Gu lianyue came to her yesterday, she called Jin Qian, and Jin Qian's mobile phone has been turned off all the time. I think Jin Qian also encountered a big event, and only now did she see her missed call.

Li luoran tries to come back to reality in the matter of Fengqian,

"where are you? May I see you? "

Jin Qian, "I said that I would be here at this time every day. If you want to see me, you can come every day."

Li luoran, who hung up the phone, returned to the car and drove to his destination.

Xiangwang bridge.

It's still the bridge. Even if it's sunny elsewhere, it's always cloudy and foggy, just like a fairyland.

At the moment, there are many couples on the bridge. Some are hugging each other, some are talking about the same topic enthusiastically, only Jinqian is standing alone in the place he sticks to every day.

Li luoran went to his right hand. "I heard about you. That day I asked you how you would be punished by your family. What you said was understated. Yesterday I knew that the consequences were so serious that you now have nothing."

Jin Qian calmly looks at the flowing water under the bridge, and his handsome face is pale,

"they just took away my property. Property is my belongings. Ranran, on the day I lost you, I had nothing. I had to let you down for the honor of my family, ha ha, family honor To put it bluntly, they just forced me to get engaged to the daughter of a rich businessman under the guise of "honor" in order to fight for the interests of the family business. What they did was not for property? If they want it, let them take it all. Instead, I'll be at ease. I won't be a slave to their so-called "family honor" from now on

"OK ~"

Jin Qian is so indifferent to money that Li luoran has no choice but to use circuitous tactics,

"you don't care about money, but your family cares about it. Your father and your sister Jin Xintong live in such a big house and drive a luxury car. They have to pay property and maintenance fees every month. If you don't make a comeback, who will pay for them in the future? And Jin Xintong still has Mingyue to support. It's very expensive to raise children now. "

Jin Qian shrugged, "I will be responsible for them. I have thought about what to do, but I don't have enough start-up funds in my hand now. I'm considering selling all the properties under my name."

"Er ~" Li luoran looked at Jin Qian's beautiful face,

"how much start-up capital do you need?"

Jin Qian stretched out three fingers.

Li luoran, "three million?"

Jin Qian smiles.

Li luoran, "30 million?"

Jin Qian shook his head.

Li luoran was surprised, "three hundred million?"

Jin Qian hook lips, "ten times."

Oh, my God!

That's three billion?!

Although Li luoran was surprised, for Jin Qian, a genius who once created a legend in the business world, small business would not enter his eyes. As long as he did it, he would still do big business.

She pointed out that although she didn't have so much money, she still laughed as if she was a super rich woman,

"don't sell your property, I'd better help you with the money."

"Oh?" Jin Qian pretended to be surprised,

"do you have so much money?"

Li luoran looked up with pride and said, "don't forget, the box office of" matchless queen of demons "is booming. I'm also a superstar now. What's worth mentioning about this money for me?"

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Jin Qian laughs, "you don't have to cheat me. I haven't invested in film and television. Although the box office of this kind of commercial film is objective, it doesn't end up in the hands of actors. Even if wangzimo gives you a high share, you will never get more than 600 million so far."

Li luoran's expression turned into horror.

Wang Zimo gave Li luoran more than 500 million shares for the first time. Later, after the new income of "matchless queen of demons" came into being, he paid her several times. So far, Li luoran has got more than 590 million shares. Li luoran did not expect that Jin Qian, as an outsider, could estimate so clearly.

Sure enough!

The intelligence quotient of businessmen like Jin Qian and Lu Shaochen is immeasurable. She can't cheat them.

"Ha ha, actually it's like this..." Li luoran laughs awkwardly,

"I'm shooting the sequel of the queen of demons now. I can also ask Mr. Wang's permission to speak for some advertisements and image ambassadors like other stars. I can make a lot of money. Although I don't have so much money at the moment, I can borrow it from Lu Shaochen. I will pay him back later."

Jin Qian shook his head. "The first time I was robbed of my property by my family, Lu Shaochen took the initiative to find me to lend me money. If I wanted to use his money, I would have agreed."

All right!

Lu Shaochen and Jin Qian were close friends at the beginning. Although there were many festivals between them later, in Lu Shaochen's mind, Jin Qian was still his only close friend.In the past, Jin Qian "killed" Jin Xintong and Lu Shaochen because of Lu Shaochen. Now he is dissatisfied with Lu Shaochen because Lu Shaochen robbed Li luoran. According to his strong personality, he will never use Lu Shaochen's money.

Li luoran was frustrated when Jinqian's voice sounded again,

"but I can use your money."

Li luoran, surprised and happy, "good! After I got the super car, I spent about $400 million on the other small cars. I spent more than $100 million on the other ones. "

Li luoran was surprised that Jin Qian nodded without hesitation,

"well, make an appointment. We'll go to the bank and you can transfer the money to my account."

Li luoran, who thought Jinqian would never use her money, was really surprised and surprised by Jinqian's performance.

She and Jin Qian set a time to go to the bank to transfer money. After walking down the bridge alone, Jin Qian quickly followed her,

"why don't you ask me why I use your money?"

Li luoran looked back, "yes, why?"

Jin Qian looked at her from a distance of about one meter. "First, you think I'm penniless because of you. If I don't use your money, you always feel that you owe me."

All right!

No problem!

Li luoran really thinks so.

Jin Qian, "second, I know every girl loves money, and you are no exception."

Li luoran looks confused.

Because she loves money, Jin Qian will use her money. Does that make sense?

Jin Qian winked and said, "have you ever heard a word? If you want a person to remember you, lend him or her money. The more money you owe him or her, the more he or she will remember you. I'll lend you all your money. If I never owe you back, will you remember me all my life? "

Oh, my God!

Does Jin Qian think so?!

even if I don't want to borrow money from luoqian, I will be more afraid of you.


Lilo got into the car.

At the moment of separation from Jin Qian, those things related to Jiang Xiaojing and Feng qianzhen came to my mind again.

When he returned to Lu's house, Lu Shaochen was sitting at the tea table in the living room, drinking tea leisurely.

Seeing Li luoran, he raised his eyebrows to Li luoran and said, "come and have a drink?"

Where does Li luoran want to drink tea?

She stood at the tea table and looked down at Lu Shaochen. She saw Lu Shaochen, who was always unsmiling and smiling. She looked as if she had a happy event. She couldn't bear to ruin his good mood by saying that he had agreed to marry Bai Qingwan.

Lu Shaochen tasted a mouthful of tea leisurely. "I saw the video on the Internet. Although Bai Qingwan and you are wearing masks, I can recognize them."

Li luoran's lips curled up and said, "well, I can't hide everything from Lu Shaochen's eyes.

"Well, I'll infer the cause and direction of the incident ~" Lu Shaochen raised his uncanny face, his eyes as black as a gem were vast as the sea,

"in that video, Qian she, Jiang Xiaojing and Su Yixuan were all present, so the whole story is basically like this -

you want to make Qian she and Su Yixuan have a long time, so arrange them to have dinner together You are worried that she will be impatient with Su Yixuan, so you go to the hotel with Jiang Xiaojing to observe. Bai Qingwan has been salivating for her beauty. After learning that she went to the hotel, she also went there to see him. You meet unexpectedly. Jiang Xiaojing can't control her temper and falls Bai Qingwan from the second floor. "

Oh, my God!

Li luoran's eyes at Lu Shaochen are like looking at the mighty beasts!

No matter whether she brings Su Yixuan into the production group or arranges Su Yixuan to have dinner with Feng qianshe, she has never told Lu Shaochen, but Lu Shaochen knows all about it.

When Jiang Xiaojing fell Bai Qingwan, Lu Shaochen was not present either. He just watched a video from the Internet and inferred the cause of the incident!

Is Lu Shaochen really human?

Can't he really read minds or anything?

"Bai Qingwan fell on the hot pot. She must be seriously injured. According to her unforgiving character, she will take advantage of this golden opportunity to blackmail you." Lu Shaochen said softly while tasting tea.

Li luoran, still in shock, "and then?"

Lu Shaochen said, "now she is rich and famous, but no one loves her. Although she hates Jiang Xiaojing, she feels that she has been superior to Jiang Xiaojing. She no longer takes Jiang Xiaojing seriously. How to revenge Jiang Xiaojing is not important to her. Instead, she has been coveting shallowly. Of course, she will take the opportunity to ask shallowly. She is so greedy. I think she will open her mouth I want to marry him. "


Li luoran's eyes almost stare out.Seeing Li luoran's appearance, Lu Shaochen's ink like eyebrows rose even higher. "Qian Zhen will promise, so, Qian Zhen is going to marry Bai Qingwan?"


Lu Shaochen's words, which were like the thunder of nine gods, made him stare like a petrified liluoran. After a while, Lu Shaochen gradually returned to her soul. She didn't know how she made her voice,

"Lu Shaochen, since you infer that everything is still so happy, it means that you must have a way to save him?"

"Well?" Lu Shaochen's handsome face was puzzled,

"how to say? What is saving him? "

Li luoran can't believe that Lu Shaochen, who is as clever as a God, doesn't understand what she is saying. "But you are a son, and you love him very much. He will be forced to marry Bai Qingwan. Don't you save him?"

Lu Shaochen said, "no one can do anything about this."


Li luoran felt that he was going to explode,

"what's the matter with you? Do you know what kind of woman Bai Qingwan is? She's going to marry her. You're not worried at all. Instead, you're so happy? "

Lu Shaochen said with a smile, "over the years, Qian has been urged to get married by his parents. It's a happy thing that he finally agrees to get married."


Li luoran's face was unbelievable, "but, Bai Qingwan..."

"Do you want to be honest?" Lu Shaochen leisurely interrupts Li luoran's words, slowly gets up and walks towards Li luoran. The smile in his beautiful eyes is secretive,

"silly girl, what's the age now, who cares about a woman's past? What happened to Bai Qingwan? She is infatuated with Qian she. After she gets married with her, she will only be loyal to her. When she has a wife, she won't always pester other people's wives, will she

Li luoran's mind is blank.

Is Lu Shaochen so open-minded?

Too many women don't care that much about a man?

If he didn't meet her, would he marry a woman like that?

There was a slight pain in her chin. Lu Shaochen held her chin with his fingers and raised her little face.

"even miss falter has a chance to start a new life. I believe that Qian Zhen is an open-minded person. He won't care about Bai Qingwan's past. As time goes on, he will gradually fall in love with Bai Qingwan. Besides, except for a few of us, everyone knows Daobai Qingwan is a pure goddess, and her parents are no exception. If we don't tell, who will know her past? "

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