You,Under My Name

Chapter 288: 288

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"Of course, this crew is my home. You are all my family. How can I give up on you?"

Wang Zimo nodded, "everyone who has been married knows that even those who have never been married should have heard of it. The first clause of the marriage declaration is to never leave his wife. The sequel of Queen of demons and the sequel of imperial concubine are bound to be as irreconcilable as the previous one."

The wind is shallow, as if completely can't understand what Wang Zimo is saying, "this has something to do with me?"


The others looked at each other.

No one believes that fengqianshe is the best actor in the star circle;

no one doubts that fengqianshe is the most beautiful and intelligent person in and out of the circle. Fengqianshe has the ability to never forget. Other actors are racking their brains to recite their lines, but he can remember them as soon as he sees them.

The implied meaning of Mr. Wang's words is so obvious that Mr. Feng, who is so clever, can't recognize it?

“……” Although Wang Zimo is helpless, when he meets Feng qianshe, he can only explain it with a stiff head,

"if you continue to play in the sequel of the queen of demons, the public opinion will think that you are against Bai Qingwan, and seriously, I will tell you some gossip about you and her marriage, such as having no real name or acting on occasion. Am I clear enough?"

"Enough," the wind said

And then, there's no then.

Everyone looked at him in surprise, and obviously wanted to hear his explanation.

I don't know whether I don't want to explain or I don't want to talk about this topic. Feng Qianwei stood up as if nothing had happened. "Didn't he say that I would start the machine today? My little fan sister Su Yixuan and I have run in very well. Now we start filming. "

Wang Zimo is not smiling, "are you sure?"

The wind is shallow to clap oneself chest hard, "nonsense, labor and capital from say one not two, I still can pit you?"

"Well," Wang Zimo nodded with satisfaction,

"let's get ready. Today, we'll try to shoot a play between Mr. Feng and Su Yixuan."

"Yes, Mr. Wang."


Everyone is busy step by step.

Wang Zimo got up and left his seat. Before he left, he winked at Feng Qianyi with a smile. "Miss Feng, I forgot to wish you a happy wedding. Do you need me to take a few days off to spend the honeymoon with white goddess?"

Almost spitting blood of the wind shallow, resentment of staring at wangzimo, dry squeeze out three words between the teeth, "no, need, want..."

Wang Zimo smile more profound, "I heard that newlyweds often because of overwork and excessive force flash waist, if one day you can't get out of bed, don't come to the crew, I promise not to ask the reason."


The wind is shallow, almost can't help but rush up and strangle the wangzimo. Is that right?

Wang Zimo knows what kind of woman Bai Qingwan is, so he plays this kind of joke with Fengqian on purpose.

But in full view of the wind can not attack, only Yin and Yang strange airway, "then I really thank you."

Wang son Mo playful pick eyebrow, "you're welcome."

The pair of eyes staring at wangzimo and Lu Shaochen were full of confusion.

What's going on?

Why do you feel that Mr. Wang and Mr. Feng are a little charming?


Su Yixuan is already familiar with fengqianshe, so this time, Su Yixuan is not as nervous as last time when facing fengqianshe, and the filming process is very smooth.

But Wang Zimo, who is very demanding, is still not satisfied. In Wang Zimo's words,

"your performance can only be said to be in line with the rules. It's fair to deal with the ordinary audience, but it's far from enough for the harsh audience."

Su Yixuan and Feng qianzhen also said that they have not played to the extreme and can do better.

Li luoran, who is paying close attention to them, can see that although Su Yixuan and Feng qianzhen do their best, they are hard to concentrate because of their worries.

Bai Qingwan has affected too many people.

In the middle of the break, Li luoran found Feng Qianhe, "although you pretend to be relaxed on the surface, I know you are very unhappy, you must not do stupid things."

Feng Qianji laughs evil and warms Confucianism,

"what stupid thing to do? Are you worried that I will strangle Bai Qingwan? "

Li luoran's smile is also a default.

Feng Qian's head turned to the left, and he looked at Li luoran with slanting eyebrows. "I'm not so stupid. I'm the most handsome and charming man in the world. I don't have one. I want to die by strangling Bai Qingwan. How can someone like Bai Qingwan be worth dying with her? Even if I want to pull up a woman to die together, at least I want to pull up your level, right? "

In the past, Li luoran's fists would have been on Feng qianshe. Now, Li luoran just looks at the evil with heartache,

"to tell you the truth, I don't think it's worth it. Bai Qingwan doesn't deserve to be your wife, let alone let you pay for her life."

Feng qianzhen said, "I'm also serious. When I first agreed to marry Bai Qingwan, I was also very unwilling, very unwilling. I felt that this peerless beautiful man was ruined in the hands of my watch. But when I got the marriage certificate with Bai Qingwan, we went out of the Civil Affairs Bureau together. I looked at her holding the two marriage certificates, and suddenly I was enlightened.""What do you say?" Li luoran asked.

Feng Qianji laughed, charming and evil, "marriage, if two people love each other, it's called eternal marriage. If two people don't have feelings, isn't the marriage certificate just a piece of paper? Labor and capital are husband and wife in name, but they are not husband and wife. Can she force me? Even if she wants to force me, how can she be strong? I've only heard of men forcing women, but I haven't heard of women forcing men? I feel sick when I see her. I have no physiological reaction to her. Even if she ties me up, I can't do it! "

"Poof -"

Li luoran laughed.

Although Feng Qian said something ostensibly, Li luoran thought it was quite reasonable. Who is her sister, Bai Qingwan?

Feng Qianji said, "another important point is that I always wanted to help you revenge Bai Qingwan, but there was no way. Because she was meticulous and did everything without leaking, I couldn't find her weakness, so I couldn't start. Now, I found her fatal weakness."

Li luoran was so surprised and happy, "have you got the evidence to bring her down?"

"That's not true." Feng Qianyi shakes her head,

"her Achilles' heel is that she is infatuated with me. It's no surprise. Which girl who has met me is not infatuated with me?"

All right!

It's not surprising that Feng Qianji is narcissistic. What he said is also true.

Li luoran did not interrupt.

Feng qianshe continued to say, "if she doesn't have any feelings for me, she just wants to sleep for the beauty of labor and capital. Since she is infatuated with me, and knows that I hate her, she is bound with me by marriage. From now on, I will seize her weakness and torture her. The deeper she is infatuated with me, the more I let her She was in agony

Oh, my God!

Li luoran's first reaction was that Feng Qianji was too evil to do so?

But on second thought, it's really Bai Qingwan's fault. Moreover, it's not evil to deal with people like Bai Qingwan.

"Alas Li luoran was relieved at last.

Fortunately, Feng Qianji is optimistic and uninhibited. If you were someone else, who would think like this to him?

Li luoran and Feng qianzhen are engaged in the conversation, but they don't notice that Su Yixuan, not far behind them, has been listening to every word they say.


My brother is too heartless!

How does Bai Qingwan deserve to be his wife?

She will never let Bai Qingwan succeed!


when the doorbell rings, Jin Xintong is sitting on the carpet playing children's games with Lu Mingyue.

"Baby, play by yourself. Mommy will be back with you in a moment."

To appease Lu Mingyue, Jin Xintong walks to the door and asks, "who?"

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

"Xiao Li, it's me!"

Hearing this voice, Jin Xintong's heart "clatters", her voice suddenly becomes indifferent,

"do you take my words aside? I said, "I never want to see you again. You come to my house?"

"Xiao Li, I miss you day and night. How can I never see you again? You open the door and let me in. " The sound came from outside the door.

Jinxintong voice colder, "my home does not welcome you, you go now, or I call the police."

"Do you really dare to call the police? If we call the police, all the secrets between us will be exposed. Do you really want Lu Shaochen to know about our past? "

The sound is not urgent and slow.

Jin Xin Tong painfully closed her eyes. The wound in her heart seemed to be sprinkled with a handful of sea salt. She couldn't say a word more.

"Xiao Li, I don't want your neighbors to hear me either. Open the door for me. I'll just say a few words and leave."

Jin Xin Tong takes a deep breath and finally opens the door with his trembling little hand.

Cui Jun, who is slightly shorter than Jin Xintong, walks into the door. His round eyes scan the room, and finally his eyes fall on Lu Mingyue.

"is he Lu Shaochen's son?"

Jin Xintong doesn't like Cui Jun, and tries to squeeze out a warm smile to Lu Mingyue, "Mingyue, my uncle and I have something to talk about separately. You go back to your room first, OK"

Mingyue takes a look at Cui Jun and doesn't reply. She obediently puts down her toys, goes up the stairs and closes the door of the next floor.

, as like as two peas, he looked at the direction of the staircase. "Good boy, he looks just like Lu Shaochen. No wonder you love him so much."

Jin Xin Tong extremely beautiful face is full of indifference, "it has nothing to do with you, you say you just a few words, finish and go, now start to say."

"Good..." Cui Jun's mellow face is dignified,

"I want you to come home with me and be a good wife and mother as before."

Jin Xin Tong sneers, "I told you earlier, it's impossible."

"Is it?" Cui Jun's face was even colder,"I'm not asking you, I'm ordering you."

Jin Xintong's mind "buzz" a, "I'm quite strange, Cui Jun ah, when you cheated me of my innocence, but also cheated me to sleep with you for three years, you never said sorry to me, but to command me, what qualifications do you have to command me?"

"I'm not qualified, but I have something on you!" Cui Jun is desperate to get jinxintong. He stares at jinxintong resolutely,

"I know that the person you care about most is Lu Shaochen. You are most afraid that he knows that you have been slept by other men and had children. If you don't come back to me, next time, I won't come to find you, but I will take our daughter to find Lu Shaochen!"

It seems that a poisonous arrow pierces her heart. Jin Xintong is weak and shakes violently. She holds the wall with her right hand and doesn't fall down. She doesn't know how she makes a sound.

"Cui Jun, you not only lied to me to sleep with you for three years, but also lied to me to give birth to a child for you. Even if you have saved my life, I've paid it back. Why do you want to force me so much ?”

Cui Jun wry smile, "yes, I just want to force you, although I cheated you to be my wife, but in my mind, you will always be my wife, I will never allow you to leave me, I give you seven days, at most seven days! After the seven day deadline, I'll go to see Lu Shaochen. "

"You..." Jin Xintong's face turned pale. At last, she laughed angrily,

"ha ha, OK, just go to find him. I've always been sullied by you. What can I do? You lied to me to be your wife. When Shaochen knows the truth, he will never abandon me. He will only hate you. He will make you unable to survive or die. "

Cui Junyuan's eyes were full of determination,

"in this case, let's kill each other!"

Drop this words, sneer a, turn round to walk.

He doesn't believe that jinxintong will be caught dead with him. Jinxintong cares too much about what Lu Shaochen thinks of her. She never dares to take the risk to let Lu Shaochen know the truth. If he wins, jinxintong will come back to him.


The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground came from the huge living room.

It turns out that Jin Xintong, who has lost her strength, falls to the ground.

"Xiao Li!" Seeing this scene, Cui Jun turns back to help Jin Xintong.

"Don't touch me!" Jin Xintong excitedly pushes Cui Jun away, curls up in the corner, and looks at Cui Jun defensively and defiantly,

"Cui Jun, remember, you cheated me out of the innocence I left to Shaochen, which is enough to make me sad. If you destroy my image in Shaochen's mind, I will die immediately."

"Xiao Li..." Seeing Jin Xintong's painful appearance, Cui Jun sighed,

"well, I can not force you to go home, and I can always keep Lu Shaochen's secret for you, but we must keep our husband and wife life. As long as I want to, I can come to your home and do it with you at any time."


The brocade Heart Tong incredibly stares big eyes, feel as if was strangled by the person throat.

Cui Jun stood up and said, "you know, Xiao Li, I used to like to go to night shows and spend money on different women to sleep. After sleeping with you, I suddenly feel as if I've gone to heaven. It's boring to sleep with any woman again. In the four years since you disappeared, I've slept with other women, but I can't find your taste in them. Since you love Lu Shaochen so much, I will not force you any more. You can also sleep with Lu Shaochen. As long as I come to you later, you must sleep with me. I can even promise you to marry Lu Shaochen. "

Jin Xintong's mind is empty.

In a trance, Cui Jun came to her and grabbed her clothes with his big fat hand. "Xiaoli, you really miss me. I miss your taste so much. You make me want you. Now I want you impatiently. Be obedient and let my brother love you as well as before --"

"ah --"

because my heart was kicked by Jin Xintong's feet, Howling and falling to the ground.

The whole body trembles brocade Heart Tong has already stood up, in both hands clench that is taken by her from the tea table fruit knife, "roll!"

"Get out of here!"

"Or I'll call the police now!"

"Go away!"

"Go away!"

Pain, resentment, sadness, regret The complex emotion makes Jin Xintong's extremely beautiful face show a bit ferocious.

See her this appearance, Cui Jun dare not entangle again, roll and climb of run away.


When Cui Jun falls on the door, Jin Xintong's weak hands can't hold the fruit knife any more. She sits on the cold ground and tears fall down.


What did she do wrong?

Why does god treat her like this?


day by day.

The couple sent by Lu Shaochen to monitor Su Yixuan will call Li luoran every three to five to report the situation. Although Su Yixuan has bought the poison, because Bai Qingwan is very careful, Su Yixuan has never had the chance to take it.In addition, Su Yixuan has to go to the film crew every day. Li luoran specially sends a red envelope to Director Song Yi, asking him to make trouble for Su Yixuan as much as possible. Every day, Su Yixuan is very tired. In this way, Su Yixuan doesn't have much energy to revenge Bai Qingwan after shooting.

Although Bai Qingwan was seriously injured, he was too eager to hold a wedding with Feng qianshe. At the beginning, he was able to get out of bed and walk around freely, so he rushed to hold a wedding, and spread the news of the wedding on the Internet before discussing the date with Feng qianshe.

Fengqian is the number one male god in the entertainment circle.

After a series of hype, Bai Qingwan is also red through half the sky, the wedding seems to cast a heavy bomb in the entertainment industry, attracting attention.

On the day of the wedding, the traffic of the whole Jiangcheng city was paralyzed, the flights were full within three days, the luxury cars who came to the wedding bet the roads were full, and the hotels within a dozen streets of the wedding site were all fully booked.

Li luoran, Lu Shaochen, Jiang Xiaojing and Lu Wanyue also came to the wedding ceremony together for the sake of the breeze.

Li luoran has never seen such a big wedding scene, even on TV.

The whole 100 storey building of "zhijinfang" is packed. The golden floor where the wedding is held is full of guests who come to attend the wedding. The cameras of major media are shooting continuously in different directions.

Feng Qianji, dressed in a neat black suit, is as beautiful as a monster without makeup. After putting on the bridegroom's makeup, he looks more beautiful and refined, which makes him unable to get away from him.

Bai Qingwan was wearing her signature pearl white skirt, with lotus skirt and white jade crown. The 12 diamonds inlaid on the crown were as big as pigeon eggs, which were very dazzling.

In fact, Bai Qingwan is also a rare beauty, and her dress is so dignified and eye-catching, but she stands with Feng qianshe, which always makes people feel less glorious.

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