You,Under My Name

Chapter 289: 289

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Almost all the other artists and directors of the "imperial concubine of the golden age" and "the queen of demons" have come. Many stars, well-known directors and producers who have worked with Feng qianshe in the past have also appeared. The star studded lineup is comparable to the award ceremony scene of the film festival.

The breeze is shallow to pull the white pure wan to walk on the red carpet full of rose petals.

People couldn't stop congratulating.

Because Li luoran has been secretly married to Lu Shaochen, in order to hide people's eyes and ears, she deliberately separated from Lu Shaochen, always with Shu Xinshuang.

At the moment, she and Shu Xinshuang are walking towards Xiao Qianhua.

Shu Xinshuang raised his glass to Xiao Qianhua, "although I know this marriage is a nightmare for you, I still have to express my blessing to you under the multimedia lens. How can I say this blessing?"

Shu Xinshuang pretended to think, and after two seconds, the evil spirit dazzled her eyes,

"I wish your wife would go out as soon as possible and be killed by a car, and I wish you would get rid of this marriage as soon as possible."

“……” Bai Qingwan was so angry that she almost vomited blood on the spot, but because she wanted to make a scene under the camera lens, she pretended to laugh as if she had been blessed by Shu Xinshuang.

The wind is shallow to smile to reply, "borrow your auspicious words, thank."

Li luoran also raised his glass, "I wish your wife a speedy ruin and let her fans see her face as soon as possible."

Bai Qingwan trembled all over. Although she tried to keep smiling, the smile was distorted.

Thank you for your blessing, too

Then he raised his glass slowly.

Bai Qingwan wants to strangle Li luoran and Shu Xinshuang on the spot. In order to maintain the festive atmosphere, she can only raise her glass with the wind.

Four crystal glasses collided.

At this time, Li luoran said with a smile, "Miss Bai, the bride is the focus of everyone's attention today. Now everyone is staring at you. Xinshuang and I have sent you our heartfelt blessing. Won't you say thank you? Although we can't hear you, we can see your mouth shape. "

Bai Qingwan is also mute. She can't say what she suffered from Coptis chinensis. She can only say what she said with a smile, "thank you ~"

"you're welcome. Our blessing will come true as soon as possible, right, Ranran." Shu Xinshuang had a brilliant smile.

Li luoran and Shu Xinshuang sing in unison, "Miss Bai thanks us, which means that she really accepted our wishes. If our wishes are not realized as soon as possible, how can we be worthy of her?"

Bai Qingwan, who had a stomach full of fire, drank a glass of red wine in a rage.

Li luoran and Shu Xinshuang have not gone far after sending their "blessing", but Gu Mingzhu comes to Bai Qingwan,

"Wan Wan, I'm very happy to see you harvest your own love. I wish you and Qian she will be united and have a noble son as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Bai Qingwan was in a better mood. She was moved to look at Gu Mingzhu. "Mingzhu, there are so many people here today, most of them are coming to join the crowd, and some of them are malicious. I know that you are the only one who sincerely wishes me, thank you."

Gu Mingzhu patted Bai Qingwan on the shoulder with her little hand. "We are good sisters all our life. I believe that shallow Chen has prejudice against you for a while. One day you will capture shallow Chen's heart."

Raise your glass.

After drinking half of the wine, I suddenly saw Su Yixuan come to Bai Qingwan with a plastic bottle in her hand.

Seeing Su Yixuan's fierce eyes, Gu Mingzhu has a bad feeling. She throws away her glass and pours on Bai Qingwan,

"Wan Wan, be careful!"

"Ah -"

the voice behind was interrupted by his own scream.

Because, as soon as she pushes Bai Qingwan away, the bottle of sulfuric acid that Su Yixuan originally spilled on Bai Qingwan is all spilled on her face.

"Ah, my face!"

"My face

"I can't see anything, my eyes! Wu Wu... "

"My face

Gu Mingzhu curled up on the red carpet with her face in her hands. Her hands and face were burning with sulfuric acid, white smoke and blood.

Li Shuji helped her to sit on the scene, and she was shaken and shaken.

"My God! Kill! Run

"Ah! So terrible! Call the police! Someone's killed

"Someone killed!"

The scene turned into a mess.

Looking at Gu Mingzhu, Bai Qingwan was as stiff as a puppet, and his face was pale.

How also didn't expect Gu Mingzhu to be so reckless for Bai Qingwan. Su Yixuan was so stunned for a moment. Then she took out the dagger that she had hidden in her sleeve, and gave up her strength to Bai Qingwan.


In an emergency, Bai Qingwan's conditioned reflex left to dodge, but this knife to so fast, or solid tie in her body.

"Wu --"

"Wu --"Wailing in pain, Bai Qingwan vomited blood and fell on the magenta carpet, lying side by side with Gu Mingzhu.

The body of the dagger was all thrust into her body, and her pearl white skirt was dyed red by the scarlet blood.

"My God! This girl killed two people. Run

"Run, everyone!"

The golden wedding hall screamed, and people fled in the festive wedding march.

Feng Qianji stood in the same place, and his evil face was in a trance. "Yixuan, what have you done?"

Su Yixuan looked up at the man with her delicate face, tears in her eyes,

"brother Qian, I'd rather die with Bai Qingwan than you with your own innocence and happiness all my life."

"You are so stupid!" The collapsed Feng Qianji grabs his blonde hair in a panic. He looks at Gu Mingzhu and Bai Qingwan, who are curled up on the ground and can't help singing, and who are still like a corpse,

"all the cameras have captured the scene of your murder. Do you know how serious the consequences are? Yi Xuan, if you are caught, you will be dead. Don't you run fast? "

Su Yixuan said frankly, "where can we go? I didn't intend to run. I just want to die with Bai Qingwan. I not only avenged brother Su Yan, but also saved my idol. My life is worth it. Even if I die, I have no regrets. "

The wind closed his eyes in despair.

Li luoran, sitting on the ground, heard Su Yixuan's words and burst into tears.

She wanted to go to Su Yixuan's side, but her whole strength seemed to be exhausted, and she couldn't stand up.

She wanted to make su Yixuan run like the wind, but the hysterical tears blocked her throat. She couldn't make a sound at all, only the tears flowed down like crazy.

"Miss Li!"

Accompanied by a strange voice, a young couple ran to Li luoran. The girl sighed in Li luoran's ear,

"according to Mr. Lu's instructions, we are always monitoring Su Yixuan. She came to attend Bai Qingwan's wedding, and we also followed her. We thought that no matter how crazy she is, she would not be able to tell Bai Qingwan at this high-profile wedding Who would have thought that this girl should be so reckless

"Alas! I'm sorry, Miss Li. It's all our fault. We were careless! "

Li luoran didn't seem to hear the girl's words, but looked at Su Yixuan a few steps away through thick tears.

Su Yixuan walked slowly towards her and looked at her with a smile one step in front of her.

"sister Ranran, I knew you had someone to watch me for a long time, and I knew you were doing it for my good. In the end, I let you down."

"Yixuan..." Li luoran read the name painfully.

Su Yixuan shrugs her shoulders pointlessly,

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"when I first knew that brother Su Yan entrusted everything to you, I couldn't understand it. Later, I gradually understood that brother Su Yan didn't see the wrong person. You are a good woman worthy of his entrustment. I believe you can help brother Su Yan revenge in your way, but I'm impatient. I can't wait that long, and I don't want to Seeing that brother Qian's life is dragged down by such a woman as Bai Qingwan, I have to do this. Sister Ranran, don't blame me. "

Li luoran trembled, "I don't Blame you, Yixuan. Listen to me, run away... "

"Your captors are coming. If you get caught You just You're dead, you run... "


Su Yixuan said with a frank smile, "no, if I run away, I'm a wanted criminal. I won't live in such a mess. Moreover, the person who arrested me has come."

Li luoran followed Su Yixuan's direction and saw a group of people in uniform coming to Su Yixuan.

Su Yixuan patted Li luoran on the shoulder with a light hand. "Goodbye, sister Ranran. If there is an afterlife, let's film together."

Step forward, calmly to the police tea.

Li luoran suddenly felt that the sky was dark and the earth was dark. He lost consciousness


Li luoran wakes up in the hospital.

Lu Shaochen, Shu Xinshuang, Jiang Xiaojing and Feng qianzhen were with her.

After a question, I found out that Gu Mingzhu was severely disfigured and blind in her right eye. Bai Qingwan is still in emergency treatment, and her life and death are uncertain.

make complaints about the incident. The news stations are reporting that Suyi is called "the killer of women" and has been ridiculed and tucked up.

Gu Mingzhu also lives in this hospital.

In Gu Mingzhu's ward, Li luoran, who saw Gu Mingzhu, couldn't even believe her eyes. Gu Mingzhu had a beautiful face in the past, otherwise she couldn't have a bad reputation and was still very popular. Although Gu Mingzhu's face was covered by gauze, she still couldn't look directly at her face.

Lying on the bed, Gu Mingzhu looks at Li luoran with one eye,"The doctor didn't let me look in the mirror and took my mobile phone far away. They were worried that I would be upset when I saw my face destroyed. Ha ha, the more they did, the more they showed that my face was destroyed, didn't they?"

Li luoran couldn't bear to tell the truth, "OK, you will recover gradually."

"How are you? Will I recover gradually? " Gu Mingzhu smiles bitterly,

"I can't see anything in my right eye any more. Although I don't know what my face looks like, I can feel that there is no intact skin on my face. You tell me it's OK! You tell me that I will gradually recover, even if my skin can recover, can my eyes recover? Can I see things again? "

The more she said, the more excited Gu Mingzhu raised her hand and knocked the water cup on the bedside table to the ground,

"ha ha, Li luoran, is this what you want to see? At the beginning, you and Su Yixuan, the little devil, drugged me. You didn't poison me. Now, you destroy my proud face and make my life worse than death

"Li luoran, you are so poisonous! Why don't you just stop detoxifying me and let me die? "

Li luoran's heart was desolate. "I'm sorry."

Finish saying this sorry, escape also like left the ward.

I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart.

For a beautiful woman, appearance is more important than life. Gu Mingzhu's becoming like this is the result that Li luoran never wants to see.

She never wanted to hurt Gu Mingzhu. She knew that Su Yixuan didn't mean to hurt Gu Mingzhu either, but everything was so unexpected. Gu Mingzhu always turned into Bai Qingwan's umbrella at the most critical time.

Li luoran came out of Gu Mingzhu's ward and met the doctor who came to change Gu Mingzhu's dressing. Li luoran stopped him and said, "doctor, what's her condition?"


according to my previous experience, the girl shook her head! It's over

Li luoran was surprised, "finished? what do you mean? Can you make it clear? "

"It's over, it's all over!"

"It's over!"

The doctor sighed and walked into Gu Mingzhu's ward.

Li luoran stood still.

Shu Xinshuang came up and said, "I asked Gu Mingzhu's attending doctor that her eyes will never recover and her appearance will never recover. I think she must learn to accept reality, otherwise..."

Just then, the doctor's voice came from the ward! The patient jumped off the building! "


"Come on

Li luoran ran into the ward in a hurry. Gu Mingzhu was lying in the hospital bed. The window was open. The doctor was looking down from the window.

Li luoran ran over, followed the doctor's line of sight to look down, saw Gu Mingzhu in the hospital uniform lying face up on the ground, a piece of blood under his body.

I don't know how Gu Mingzhu jumped up, but this is the 26th floor. She has no chance to survive.

Downstairs, people scream and take photos, and more and more people gather around.

Li luoran didn't know how to get out of the ward. She could think that Gu Mingzhu must have seen her own face before she was desperate.

Gu Mingzhu's suicide caused a sensation on the Internet, and people criticized Su Yixuan more severely.

Shu Xinshuang comforted Li luoran, "I think it's a relief for Gu Mingzhu. She is a star and will be chased and interviewed by reporters after she leaves hospital. Her ugly face will be exposed by unscrupulous media. If she dies like this, she will at least live in the hearts of her fans with a beautiful image."

Li luoran didn't know what to say.

Although this matter has nothing to do with her, Li luoran has always regarded Su Yixuan as a "sister" and "partner". Su Yixuan killed Gu Mingzhu by mistake, which makes her feel guilty.

Jiang Xiaojing holds Li luoran's hand. "Ranran, it's all my fault. If I didn't fall Bai Qingwan downstairs on the spur of the moment, Bai Qingwan won't force Qian she to marry her, and Yixuan won't get out of control. All this won't happen."

Li luoran rolled his lips. "It's hard to get over the past. Mirror, everything has happened. I don't want you to blame yourself any more. Since you know that Qian Yu and Yi Xuan have paid so much for you, you should live an optimistic and positive life. Promise me not to do stupid things like Yi Xuan, OK?"

Jiang Xiaojing tearful eyes, "shallow for me and Bai Qingwan after marriage, I see through, the result of impulse will only make things worse, I will not make stupid again."

Li luoran tried to smile at the corner of his mouth.

According to the regulations, Su Yixuan is a felon and will be strictly controlled. At this time, no one is allowed to visit her. However, Lu Shaochen has a good relationship with a leader of the Bureau. He knows that Li luoran is very worried about Su Yixuan, so he calls the leader and the leader allows him to visit her.

The leader was only willing to let Lu Shaochen and Li luoran in, and turned away Fengqian, Shu Xinshuang and others.

Examination room.

Su Yixuan was sitting on the bench dejected, her hands and feet were handcuffed firmly.Seeing Su Yixuan's poor appearance, Li luoran's eyes tingled.

"Sister Ranran..." Su Yixuan was very calm,

"I did it all truthfully, and they also told me how serious the consequences were. Moreover, Gu Mingzhu had just jumped out of a building and died, so I would be sentenced to death, and I would be executed in half a month."

Li luoran's tears fell down, "I won't let you die, even if I try my best to help you out."

"How can you help me? Are you going to break the prison? " At this point, the heartless Su Yixuan is still joking,

"this incident has attracted the attention of the whole world. Everyone is looking at me eagerly. How can I kill and pay for my life? I know that no one can save me. I'm sorry that Gu Mingzhu, a fool, would block the sulfuric acid for Bai Qingwan and hurt her like this. I'm very guilty, alas! My only hope now is that Bai Qingwan will not be rescued. I really hope I can see her die before I die. "

With a smile in her tears, Li luoran still said, "I won't let you die, I'll help you out!"

The leader sent Li luoran and Lu Shaochen away.

Li luoran asked the dignified leader, "how long does Yixuan have?"

The leader said frankly, "this case is very bad, which has caused a sensation all over the country and aroused the high attention of the higher authorities. The higher authorities have urged three times to deal with it as soon as possible. I think, three days! In three days at most, we will take the criminal to the execution ground. "

Oh, my God!

Li luoran was scared out of a cold sweat, "at most three days, at least?"

The leader solemnly extended a finger, "considering the serious situation of the big case, we may not follow the normal legal judgment procedure. At least one day, that is, tomorrow, we will execute the criminal."

Li luoran's legs were weak. If he had not been helped by Lu Shaochen, he might have knelt on the spot.

The leader sighed, "in our city, crimes are happening all the time, and there are murders and arsons at any time. But it's the first time in the past 15 years that such a blatant case of killing people has been broadcast live by stars and multimedia. When I was trying this girl, I felt that she was very kind and naive. How could such a girl I can't think of doing such a bad thing! "

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