You,Under My Name

Chapter 291: 291

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Li luoran said sarcastically with a smile, "I really want to know if Gu Mingzhu would have stopped you if she had known you would have said that."

"Mingzhu is dead. She will never know what I said." Bai Qingwan's face is free and easy,

"Li luoran, I just said, I asked Qian Zhen to call you for me to make peace with you."

Li luoran was shocked.

Bai Qingwan sighed, "think about it, the enmity between us arose because of Su Yan, and Su Yan died, Yingye died, Gu Mingzhu died, Su Yixuan died If we continue to fight, we still don't know how many innocent people will die. Who knows who will die next? Maybe it's me, maybe it's you, even Jiang Xiaojing, Qian Chen and Lu Shaochen. When is the time to repay each other's grievances? I've got everything I want now. I don't want to fight with you any more. So let's shake hands and make peace. "

"Oh ~"

as if hearing a big joke, Li luoran couldn't help laughing,

"I'm really knowledgeable. Did you want to make peace when you asked brother Yingye to kill me? Did you want to make peace when you forced brother Yingye to commit suicide? Did you want to make peace when you killed Su Yan? In the end, you've got the life you've been dreaming of. You're afraid you'll lose everything you don't easily get. You want to make peace with me! "

Bai Qingwan's face was slightly alarmed.


She used to do everything in order to achieve her goal. Now, she has become the most popular female star and married her favorite man. Her life has been completed.

How she thought her life would always be so happy and perfect until she died.

She was so afraid that liloran would take everything from her.

"I know what you're afraid of. There's too much dirt under your pure and shining surface. You're afraid that I'll strip off your hypocrisy and expose your dirty face in broad daylight. You're afraid that you're too busy packing yourself now. Your fans will spit at you when they know how dirty you are." Li luoran, standing in front of the hospital bed, has an excited voice and sharp eyes.

"don't dream, Bai Qingwan. I want to expose you all the time. How can I make peace with you? If you want to make peace, just go underground and make peace with brother Yingye and Su Yan! "

Fall this words, the head also didn't return of walked out of the ward.

Bai Qingwan sat on the bed like a puppet, his fingers shaking.

Why is she so miserable?

Isn't she suffering enough?

Why didn't everyone let her go?



Li luoran slammed the door of the ward.

Until he came outside, he was still trembling with anger.

She has never seen a self like Bai Qingwan. Bai Qingwan takes it for granted that even if she does harm to others, as long as she wants to make peace, others should promise unconditionally.

If it wasn't for Alan, Li luoran didn't know what he would do impulsively when he was talking to Bai Qingwan in the ward.

But Bai Qingwan's "peace" strengthened Li luoran's determination to revenge.

She took out her mobile phone and got through the phone of the couple Lu Shaochen had arranged to watch Su Yixuan.

"Mrs. Lu, you must have called to blame us because we didn't think much about Su Yixuan before, right? Mr. Lu has already spoken to us. It's our dereliction of duty. I'm really sorry. " It's a girl who answers the phone.

Li luoran said faintly, "don't mention the past. I want you to do another thing for me."

The girl was so surprised and happy, "ah? Can you still trust us? No matter what you ask us to do for you, we will try our best this time. "

Li luoran, "help me watch Bai Qingwan."

Girl, "Bai Qingwan? Is that the one who was stabbed by Su Yixuan at the wedding? Is she not dead? "

"Alas! She's still alive... " Li luoran sighed,

"after she leaves the hospital, you will watch her at any time. If she dates or goes to bed with other men, you should try your best to take photos and videos."

"No? Bai Qingwan is the "first lady". She was so clean before she got married. After she got married, she would be more loyal to her marriage. How could she have sex with other men? "

Li luoran said, "because the country is easy to change, the nature is hard to change."

The girl's voice trembled. "Mrs. Lu, I can't understand you. What do you mean by that?"

Bai Qingwan is very good at performing in public, and the image of "goddess" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Li luoran knows that even if she speaks ill of Bai Qingwan, the girl will not believe it, so she quickly cuts through the confusion and says, "you and your boyfriend do as I say, you will find the truth by yourself."

Li luoran hangs up and immediately looks at a pair of enchanting blue eyes.

It turns out that the wind is shallow and she doesn't know when to stand in front of her.

Don't you think it's right for me to be a loser? I'm her husband now, and I'll live with her in the future. I'll take a photo of her while she's asleep, or I'll just give her some medicine, buy some men to get her, take the whole process and send it to the Internet. "Li luoran's eyes turned into horror. "You're not kidding, are you?"

The breeze shallow Yi lightly picks eyebrow, "this kind of thing has what good joke?"? It's too much to treat other women in this way, but it's nothing to Bai Qingwan. This kind of thing is common to her. "

All right!

Maybe it's nothing for Bai Qingwan to be done by several men. Li luoran once saw Bai Qingwan accompany three clients at the same time. Although the three men were very rude, Bai Qingwan seemed to enjoy it

But if the wind does this

Li luoran shook his head. "Feng Qianwei, the mirror and Yixuan want to retaliate against Bai Qingwan in a rude way. You can see what the result is. If you do that, it's not Bai Qingwan but you who are ruined. So, don't be silly. Don't follow Yixuan's footsteps. Do you understand?"

Feng Qianji's pretty mouth gently stirred up a trace of fun, "don't worry, I don't need to do it. Naturally, someone forced her to come out of the kiln to meet the guests. Look..."

One finger to the front right.

Li luoran looked over and saw a white figure with a figure like a model coming out of a black Rolls Royce car. Who else could this person be?


Bai Qingwan is lying on the hospital bed.

Before she came out of the pain of being hit by Li luoran, the door of the ward was pushed open, and Xiao Qianhua, wearing a spotless white suit, walked steadily towards her.

"Mr. Xiao..." Bai Qingwan called out the title in panic.

Xiao Qianhua is standing beside the hospital bed, his cold eyes drooping,

"it's been a long time since our last bet. You didn't let Xiao Qianhua go to bed with you willingly, you lost."

As if she had been poured a basin of cold water, Bai Qingwan felt cold all over. She said incoherently, "Mr. Xiao, I was going to do it with Qian she at the wedding night. Who knows that there was such an accident at the wedding. It can't blame me. I'm 100% sure that if I wasn't injured and hospitalized, Qian she would be willing to go to bed with me."

"Absolutely sure?" The meaning in men's cold eyes is thin, cool and ironic,

"so, is Su Yixuan bad for you? If it wasn't for her, the guy who claims to be the most beautiful man in the world would be willing to give you his first time? "

Bai Qingwan, "yes!"

Although he said it firmly, he felt guilty.

Of course not!

Because as early as 15 days ago, Bai Qingwan and Feng qianshe got their marriage certificate, so six days ago, Bai Qingwan discharged from hospital and strongly demanded to live with Feng qianshe.

Of course, the wind shallow can not object, can only live with Bai Qingwan, but different bed.

After cohabiting with Feng qianshe, Bai Qingwan took the initiative to induce Feng qianshe. However, Feng qianshe always disdains her. On the eve of her wedding, Bai Qingwan even took advantage of Feng qianshe to take off her clothes and burst into the bathroom. As a result, she was kicked out of the bathroom by Feng qianshe

She knows very well that even on the night of her wedding, Feng qianshe will never touch her. She will lose the bet with Xiao Qianhua.

She's just making excuses!

Since Xiao Chengqian is so sure, "I'll tell you."

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“……” Bai Qingwan was ecstatic,

"thank you, Mr. Xiao. I will be grateful to you all my life."

Xiao Qianhua, "when you leave the hospital, go to accompany customers for me."


Before reaching the fundus of her eyes, Bai Qingwan's lips were open, and even her breath was shaking. "You just said to complete me, is that what you complete me?"

The sinister Xiao Qian's painting is like a merciless Satan,

"I've seen the videos of you accompanying clients for me. No matter how ugly those clients are, which time do you not enjoy being manipulated by them? Anyway, the wind will not be shallow on you, how can you stand the loneliness with your dissatisfied body? To accompany customers for me not only fulfills your desire, but also fulfills my purse. "

Bai Qingwan's mind "buzz" a, "I'm not the same now, I'm not the kind of woman I used to be, I want to be a good wife, I don't want to sleep with other men! I don't know! I don't want it

The last voice had turned into a cry of excitement.

Xiao Qian said with a cold face, "if shouting can solve the problem, the donkey will rule the world long ago. I have given you the opportunity, but you don't grasp it. According to our gambling agreement, you will not only continue to accompany customers for me, but also all your income will belong to me."

"Wu --"

hearing this, Bai Qingwan cried out in pain.

"Gu Mingzhu's death is a heavy loss for me. She died because of you. In the future, the clients she used to accompany will be accompanied by you. Of course, you can't miss your clients. You will like it, because this kind of thing is enjoyment for you."

Leaving these words behind, Xiao Qianhua leaves coldly.

Bai Qingwan, like a corpse, was lying on the hospital bed with tears.Why?


In the past, she was really dirty and disorderly. Can't she want to be good?!

Now Li luoran is eyeing her again. In case she catches her company


in the early morning.

Jin Xintong stands alone on the cold balcony, staring at the city in the night.

She hasn't slept for five days in a row. Since Cui Jun came to her door that day, she can't help but think of Cui Jun's round face. Cui Jun's threats and obscene words reverberate in her ears like a magic spell.


The balcony door was pushed open.

Su Su came to her and looked at the night scene of the city with her, "sister Xintong, do you have to do this?"

Jin Xintong, with a daze in his eyes, said, "he can let me and Shaochen be together, provided that he can sleep with me at any time."


Su Su was so angry that he punched the wall and said, "it's shameless. He lied to you and slept with him for three years. Isn't that enough? He's so full of fat that he doesn't deserve you. Does he want to sleep with you all his life? Hooligans, shameless

Jin Xintong's wronged eyes were tearful. "Su Su, you know, since I recovered my memory, every time I thought about the scene of me and him, I felt as if I had been cut to pieces. If the memory is a piece of meat growing on people, I would rather endure the great pain than dig it out with my own hands. No matter what, I will never forget it I won't let him touch me again. It's not just him. I won't let anyone touch my body except Shaochen. "

Su Su looked at the beautiful woman with pity, "but Cui Jun is your life-saving benefactor after all, and that's also your own daughter. You really have the heart to let me..."

"Su Su!" Trembling hands tightly grasp Su Su's arm, and Jin Xintong's eyes are full of tears,

"I told you that Shaochen is all I have. For him, I will do whatever I can. I will never allow Cui Jun to touch my innocence again, let alone destroy my image in Shaochen's heart. I can only do this. Cui Jun let me have no choice. You must help me."

"Well!" Su Su nodded firmly,

"don't worry, sister Xintong, you have saved my life, my mother's and my brother's life and their good life now are all given by you, my life is yours, how can I not help you? As long as you're sure you don't regret it, I don't care

Jin Xintong, "I don't regret it, you go!"


Su Su patted the silver pistol with muffler hidden in her clothes, decisively opened the balcony door, and her figure disappeared in the dark.


the next day, when Li luoran got up and walked down the revolving stairs, Lu Shaochen and Chu Xingchen were waiting for her as usual.

Lu Shaochen is not a regular person.

It is precisely because of his flexible thinking that Lu Shaochen can be invincible in this rapidly changing era.

However, Lu Shaochen remains unchanged in the matter of transporting Li luoran. As long as Li luoran wants to go to the production team, no matter how busy Lu Shaochen is, he will let Chu Xingchen come to Lu's house early and drive her. After Lu Shaochen personally escorts her to the production team, he will turn around and rush to the company.

On the way, Lu Shaochen asked Li luoran, "have you contacted your father recently?"

Li luoran nodded.

Lu Shaochen, "did dad tell you about the progress of his love with my mother?"

Li luoran shook his head

Although Li luoran often calls Li Qingtian, and he often goes to Su's to meet Li Qingtian, every time Li luoran mentions the topic between him and Gu lianyue, Li Qingtian always tries to get rid of the topic, which makes Li luoran confused.

Lu Shaochen said with a smile, "so you must not know that they slept again the day before yesterday."


Li luoran almost stares out of her eyes. She doesn't know how she makes a sound. "This Impossible? Can you stop teasing me? "

Dad is such an old-fashioned person, and he is still obsessed with Gu lianyue. Besides, Anjian is also a very restrained person. Li luoran would rather believe that there are ghosts in the world than that they would

Lu Shaochen's carefully conceal mentioning his eyes, and his smile is very close. "

," your father can't help but care for the moon. But for you, he also wants to accept my mother as much as possible. The afternoon before yesterday, my mother went to see your father's company. I put it in your father's eye liner and told me that they had a good conversation. So I let the eye liner secretly add some materials to their tea. ”

Li luoran, "..."

The Chu star star that the double eye puts light busily does not fold of add, "is the kind of medicine that I and ye laid for them last time."

"Of course, it's not as much this time, it's half the dose last time." Lu Shaochen's extremely handsome face showed some child like evil.

, "they had a fight in your dad's office, and I think the picture must be wonderful, because my eye liner was heard from my president's office outside the door of the president's office, and my mother should be very high by your father."Special!

That's your own mother, okay?

You're just a pit mother who never gets tired of talking about your own son. You're still saying behind his back that he's so happy and evil. Do you want to do that?!

Li Luo blushed and couldn't speak at all!

Lu Shaochen playfully pinched her hot face,

"but after this time, they didn't make as much noise as the last time, but they were very quiet, they didn't say anything, they were like nothing happened, after that, my mother left silently, I think, they all guessed that I had given the medicine, but my mother didn't call me to ask me, what does it mean?"

Li luoran stares at the eyes of double verification, "what does it mean? Why didn't they make trouble? What happened to them? "

Lu Shaochen hooked his lips. "I think their bodies have accepted each other. After slapping, they are very happy, so they just like stealing a fishy cat and pretending that nothing happened."

Oh, my God!

Is this going to happen?

Li luoran imagines what it's like for her father and an Jiaren to arrange their clothes in silence after they are sweet.

Lu Shaochen laughed more and more evil. "Love is mostly made, especially for two people who have no feelings. If they do it several times, they will have love. Otherwise, why is the physical contact between two people called AI? I'll keep an eye on them all the time. Once I get the chance, I'll make them linger in the same way. I'll see how many times they have to sneak before they are willing to get married. "

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