You,Under My Name

Chapter 290: 290

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On the way back, as before, Chu Xingchen drove, while Lu Shaochen and Li luoran sat in the middle row.

Looking at Li luoran's heartbroken appearance in the rearview mirror, Chu Xingchen could not help comforting him, "well, sister-in-law, you don't have to be so sad. It's not totally impossible to save Su Yixuan's silly girl!"

Li luoran's tears flashed a surprise, "do you have a way to save her?"

"Well," Chu Xingchen caressed his wine red hair,

"for example, you can break the prison."


Li luoran's eyes turned into despair again.

Sure enough, Chu Xingchen has never been so bad, and always likes to say something irrelevant.

Li luoran only saw something about prison break from movies and news. But in the real world, let alone Li luoran never thought about it. Even if she really wanted to, how could she put it into practice?

Prison break, that's a crime!

She can't do it alone. Who will accompany her to commit a crime at such a great risk?!

"Theoretically speaking, the star's proposal is not completely impossible to achieve." Lu Shaochen opened his mouth.

Li luoran was shocked.

Lu Shaochen raises his eyebrows, his eyes are serious and firm,

"I know someone who can call the wind and rain in prison. Su Yixuan will be put in prison before she is executed. During the blank period when she is in prison, I have the chance to ask that person to help her out."

"Ah?! Is there such a thing? " In Li luoran's eyes, hope reappears,

"what's the chance of success?"

Lu Shaochen thought carefully for a moment, "considering that Su Yixuan is a felon and will be closely guarded, the success rate is about three percent."

Li luoran took a cold breath and said, "what's the difference between three percent and impossible?"

Lu Shaochen said, "silly girl, zero percent is impossible. Three percent means there is still a chance. As long as there is a chance, it's worth trying, isn't it?"


For Yixuan's sake, Li luoran would never let go of any slim chance.

But -

Li luoran was worried, "if you fail, will you be involved?"

"Yes Lu Shaochen's eyebrows are locked and he looks at Li luoran for a moment. He looks like he would rather go through fire and water for her.

"if I fail, I will be sentenced for at least three years, but I know Su Yixuan is very important to you. For you, even if I risk being sentenced for 30 years, I will not hesitate."

Li luoran's eyes were tearful and her delicate lips trembled. Just as she wanted to say something, Lu Shaochen had already pecked her lips,

"remember, I'm willing to pay for you. Don't say no or thank me, OK?"

Li luoran burst into tears and burst into Lu Shaochen's arms. "Lu Shaochen, how can you treat me so well? Thank you. Thank you very much... "

Holding her lightly, Lu Shaochen showed a trace of success in his black gem like ink eyes.

Chu Xingchen in the driver's seat almost couldn't help bleeding.


My father is also too black and has no bottom line in this aspect.

Although Su Yixuan is a felon, it will cost a lot of money to bribe people in prison to rescue Su Yixuan, but his only loss to Lu Shaochen is whether he has any money?

If he doesn't succeed, it means that his money has been wasted. How can he be sentenced?

My sister-in-law is too simple. She was so easily cheated by him that she was very grateful


according to the information Lu Shaochen received, Su Yixuan was put in prison the next day and scheduled to be executed the next morning.

Lu Shaochen told Li luoran that the man he bribed would launch an operation late at night.

Three percent success rate!

Once she fails, Su Yixuan's life will come to an end tomorrow.

Li luoran had never been nervous. She walked back and forth in the yard from morning till late at night. All day, she didn't eat a mouthful of rice or drink a mouthful of water.

Accompanied by her side Lu Shaochen is a confident look, non-stop leisurely call to deal with business.

It was four o'clock in the morning.

Seeing the day is about to dawn, the closer the time is to dawn, the more desperate Li luoran's mood will be.

At this time, a black pickup truck drove into the yard and drove straight to the direction where Li luoran and Lu Shaochen were.


The door was pushed open and a bald man over two meters tall got out of the car.

Li luoran knew that he must be the one Lu Shaochen bribed. He immediately asked nervously, "where's Yixuan? Didn't you save her? "

The man's eyes lazily swept over Li luoran's face, and he didn't reply. Instead, he said to Lu Shaochen, "the rest of the money, call me as soon as possible."

Lu Shaochen's face was cold. "When did I owe someone money? What about the people I want? "The man ruffian a smile, arrogant opened the blessing cockpit door.

The next second, a man in a green military uniform came out of the car.

"Yixuan!" Seeing the delicate and gaunt face clearly, Li luoran rushed up excitedly and took Su Yixuan's hand,

"Yixuan, you scared me to death."

Su Yixuan stares at Li luoran with tears in her eyes. She thinks she is dead. She has committed such a serious crime that she can be rescued by Li luoran. This makes her have a dreamlike trance.

The burly man came to the opposite of Li luoran, "my people created a mess in the prison, and then took advantage of the chaos to disguise the girl as a guard and get out of the prison. It's lucky for the girl. In the past, this kind of thing didn't always succeed."

Then a wallet came to Li luoran.

Li luoran took the wallet and saw that there were various kinds of documents in it, including ID card, driver's license, shopping card, bank card, student card and so on There are more than ten in all.

She asked in surprise,

"what's this?"

"Didn't Mr. Lu tell you?"

Lu Shaochen is surprised that she can't continue to live as a top-level girl in Luochen, but she can't use her name to serve Zhou Xiaocheng

Li luoran takes out her ID card from her wallet. Su Yixuan's face is still on the ID card, but she changes her name and ID number.

"Don't worry, I've been doing these things for more than ten years, and I've never had an accident. All these certificates have legal records, and she's very safe." The man said and got on the car.

When the car started, he poked out his head and asked Lu Shaochen before driving away,

"although I shouldn't ask more about you, I'm really curious. As far as I know, you disdain to do illegal things. Who are you, this girl? What's more, in order to protect her, you will get 500 million yuan at a time. "

Li luoran and Su Yixuan were stunned at the same time.

Did Lu Shaochen spend so much money?

The expressionless Lu Shaochen looks like a paralyzed face. "She's my wife's partner."


Is Lu's wife's partner worth it?

Although the man was at a loss, seeing that Lu Shaochen was unwilling to explain, he did not ask any more questions and drove away quickly.

Su Yixuan looked at Lu Shaochen gratefully, "in order to spend so much money, I don't know if I can afford it in my life."

Lu Shaochen, "I don't need you to return it. I didn't do it for you."


Su Yixuan said with a smile, "no wonder you say I'm a time bomb. Now when I think about what I did on impulse, I feel like I'm really a time bomb."

Lu Shaochen showed a trace of satisfaction in his ink eyes, "I've never read people wrong, but your time bomb has exploded, and it won't explode again. I believe you won't make the same mistake again."

Su Yixuan had tears in her eyes.

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

At the beginning of her, holding sulfuric acid hidden knife, so desperate to kill Bai Qingwan, she also wanted to bear all the consequences, she thought she would never regret.

However, while waiting to be executed in prison, she calms down and thinks of Gu Mingzhu, who died innocently. She thinks that what she has done will not only disgrace her parents, but also make her parents helpless after being executed. She suddenly regrets it.

After experiencing it, Su Yixuan really realized what Li luoran had said at the beginning -

when dealing with a snake like Bai Qingwan, he must never use violence to control violence. Even if Bai Qingwan should be cut to pieces, it is not worth taking revenge on him.

I'm afraid it's a long night.

Lu Shaochen immediately asks Su Yixuan to take off her guard clothes and put on Li luoran's clothes. Before dawn, Lu Shaochen drives Su Yixuan to Haicheng.

Haicheng is more than 200 kilometers away from Jiangcheng. It was evening when we arrived.

The house Lu Shaochen arranged for Su Yixuan is a single family villa not far from the sea. When he left, Lu Shaochen gave Su Yixuan a bank card,

"there are five million in it, which is enough to ensure your life. You should be quiet for a while, and Ranran said that you don't like being managed by others. After a few months, I will arrange it for you in the management of Haicheng branch A position. "

"Well..." Su Yixuan was smiling in tears,

"I wanted to say thank you, but you must say that you didn't do it for me. Of course, I know that you are so kind to me for Ranran's sake. I should thank her."

Li luoran's knowing smile.

At the beginning, Li luoran was kind to Su Yixuan because she was responsible for Su Yan. Later, with the contact with Su Yixuan, Li luoran has fallen in love with this little girl from the bottom of her heart. In Li luoran's mind, Su Yixuan is already her good sister——Although this result is unfair to Gu Mingzhu, it is also the most satisfactory result that Li luoran can give to everyone.

Before leaving, Su Yixuan took Li luoran to the door of the villa. "It's a pity, sister Ranran. You tried your best to get me into the theater. In the end, I still screwed up. I can't film with you." There's also brother Qian. She won't have a chance to meet him any more

Li luoran rolled his lips, "we are still young, and there are infinite possibilities in the future. Who knows what will happen? Maybe we will have opportunities in the future."

Lu Shaochen and Li luoran rushed back to Jiangcheng.

Relevant departments have announced the news that Su Yixuan was shot, and the Internet is full of cheers.

It turns out that because of the bad influence of this incident, after su Yixuan escaped from prison, some responsible persons concerned worried that they would be held accountable by their superiors, so they casually found a death sentence prisoner to replace Su Yixuan and took her to the execution ground to be shot under her own name. Later, without informing Su Yixuan's family to pick up the body, they cremated her in a hurry, which blocked the superior's mouth and calmed the people's anger.

Because Su Yixuan had a good relationship with Su Yan and was a member of the family, Su Yixuan's parents buried Su Yixuan's ashes (actually not su Yixuan's) beside Su Yan's tomb.

There were a lot of reporters at the funeral.

Now Li luoran is a public figure, and it's not convenient to appear in public, so he doesn't go to Su Yixuan's funeral openly.

After the funeral, Su Yixuan came to her home.

The last time Su Yixuan met her parents, their faces were still full of glory. After su Yixuan's death, the poor couple seemed to be several decades old.

"Alas! Ranran, we all know that Yixuan is stubborn and impulsive, but none of us expected this to happen. She is the only girl who left us alone. How can we live in the future? " Su Mu took Li luoran's hand and burst into tears.

Su Fu sighed.

Li luoran took out the note he had written at home in his pocket, "Uncle Su, auntie, you remember the mobile phone number above. If you really want to call Yixuan, you can make this call."

Su Mu's tears filled her eyes with surprise, "whose mobile phone number is this? What's the use of calling other people? "

Li luoran said with a smile, "you'll understand after you call. You can also go to Haicheng to find her, but you must keep a low profile and keep it secret. Don't make it public."

"This Alas Su's mother took the cell phone helplessly.

Trembling fingers one by one input note on the mobile phone number.

After the phone was connected, she didn't know what she was saying. Su's mother suddenly couldn't make a sound, "Yixuan? Did I hear you wrong? Is it really your voice? Yixuan

Su Fu's red eyes are round.

After receiving Su Yixuan's affirmative reply, Su's mother burst into tears and couldn't speak any more.

Su Fu snatched the mobile phone, and his face was full of tears. "Xuanxuan, haven't you been shot? Tell Dad where you are? Dad went to see you... "

Li luoran left Su's house with wet red eyes.

On the way back to the land house, the phone rings.

She answers the call from Feng Qianji.

"Bai Qingwan is out of danger. She wants to see you." The magnetic sound of the wind came to liluoran's ears.

Oh, my God!

Li luoran's first reaction is that Bai Qingwan is still alive.

Then he replied coldly, "tell her I don't want to see her."

"She said she had something very important to talk to you about."

Liluoran frowned, "OK, wait for me."

Drop your cell phone, turn around and drive to the hospital.


Feng qiantai was standing outside the ward. Although she was a little tired, she was still so handsome and eye-catching.

Seeing Li luoran in a hurry, he stepped forward with long legs and said, "are you ok?"

Li luoran shrugged and laughed brightly, "I'm fine."

Shallow wind means strange look at her for a while, and put the palm of the hand in her forehead to test the temperature, "well, no fever."

Li Luo dye full Mou of don't understand.

The breeze shallow Yi releases the bosom of pick eyebrow, "I originally thought Yi Xuan's death will cause very big blow to you, fortunately you have no heart and no lung to want to open."


Li luoran just laughed and didn't explain.

The less people know about that, the better. Li luoran will keep it secret from everyone else, even fengqianhe.

Li luoran wants to go to the ward, the wind shallow pull her, "you don't ask me why I accompany Bai Qingwan in the hospital?"

Li luoran said, "she's your wife. Of course you have to accompany her."

"Cut!" Feng Qianji disdains,

"who stipulates that I must accompany her when she is my wife? I'm just acting on occasion. Many media are paying attention to this. Paparazzi will appear outside the ward with a micro camera at any time. I'm not for her, but for my good image. "Li luoran laughs, "well, well, teacher Feng will continue to be the idol of the little fans. We can't hurt the little fans' heart and let them feel that their idol is a scum man who is not responsible for his wife."

The wind is shallow, and he looks up with pride, "of course."

Li luoran enters the ward.

Bai Qingwan was lying on the hospital bed. There was no blood on her delicate apple face.

Seeing Li luoran, she waved her hand to the nurses around her, "all go out. No one is allowed to come in without my permission."

The two nurses rolled their eyes and walked out of the ward in anger.


What does Bai Qingwan say that she is a "pure and kind" goddess? She is not kind at all. Nurses have never seen such a difficult patient!


The door of the ward is thrown, and only the bodyguard Alan keeps silent beside Bai Qingwan.

Bai Qingwan sneered at the door that had been thrown down. "You see how miserable I am. I was thrown into the hot pot from the second floor not long ago. My injury is not good, and I was stabbed again. Even my nurses treat me like enemies. My life is very bitter."

Li luoran sneered, "your expression betrayed your heart, you don't feel bitter at all, you are very proud now."

"Well, you can see that. Yes, of course I'm happy. Of course I'm proud..." Bai Qingwan laughs brilliantly,

"you think, Jiang Xiaojing can't harm me. Although I suffered a little pain, I got a shallow one that I didn't expect before. He is my husband now. Su Yixuan wants to harm me, not only failed, but also took his own life. I made a lot of money. Can I not be happy or proud Oh - "

" cough! Cough! Cough

Because laugh too much indulgence, lung wound was torn, pain of her cough more than.

Alan looks disgusted.

Li Luo dyed her eyes and said, "you and Gu Mingzhu are sisters. She died for you, too. Aren't you sad at all?"

Thinking of Gu Mingzhu, a trace of pain appeared on Bai Qingwan's pale face. However, the pain quickly disappeared like a flash in the pan, and her expression became successful again.

"I'm not an animal or a plant. I'm sorry that Mingzhu died, but if she didn't block sulfuric acid for me, I would be disfigured. I saw the photos before her death, and her face was beyond recognition. I'll take it for granted But I should be glad that I'm not the one who turned into that ghost. "

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