You,Under My Name

Chapter 296: 296

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Li luoran regretted asking Lu Shaochen about the medicine.

As usual, Lu Shaochen was enough for Li luoran to eat. After taking the medicine, he seemed to turn into a beast, so that Lu Shaochen didn't sleep all night, until Li luoran's alarm rang the next morning.

Li luoran, who is weak and weak all over, can't go to the production team normally. He can only ask Wang Zimo to assume that he is not well and go to the production team a few hours later.

"Well behaved, do you know the efficacy now?" Lu Shaochen smiles and kisses Li luoran on the forehead.

Lu Shaochen, who has lost his heat, has no flame like heat in his eyes. He becomes as clear as water, but he is still full of energy as if he had done nothing.

Li luoran worried that if he did not speak properly, he could only smile obediently, "I know."

Lu Shaochen went to work as usual.

Li luoran didn't care about the stickiness between his legs, so he went back to sleep.

I was woken up by the ring.

Li luoran answers the call from a strange number.

"Are you Li luoran?" Strange male voice, trembling with panic.

Li luoran, with sleepy eyes, said in a languid voice, "it's me. Who are you? Can I help you? "

"Thank God, it's just you. My cell phone is running out of power. Listen to me carefully. I have something very important to see you. It's related to jinxintong. You must come to see me. I've sent you my specific location by SMS. Remember, if jinxintong knows that you're coming to me, I'll be dead. Don't let her know that you're coming to me. You must be careful Come here as soon as possible. You must... "

We haven't finished talking there. The line has been cut off.

Li luoran calls back this number, and the voice prompts that the cell phone over there has been turned off.

In Li luoran's mobile phone, there was a message sent a few minutes ago, in which there was a detailed address, followed by six words, "Miss Li, please help!"

Maybe it's the sixth sense that women are born with. Li luoran feels that this is not a prank.

She went downstairs. Although it was close to 10 a.m., she unexpectedly found Chu Xingchen sitting on the sofa in the living room.

Seeing Li luoran walking down the revolving stairs, Chu Xingchen greets him with a smile, "Hey, my sister-in-law, when you see my handsome face, don't jump on me and kiss me. Although I don't mind being kissed by my sister-in-law, if I'm known by the vinegar jar, I'll die."

"Er ~" Li luoran has been used to Chu Xingchen's narcissism for a long time,

"don't worry, even if you are so handsome and charming, let thousands of girls can't help but to you, I promise I won't kiss you."

If my sister-in-law can't help but catch a secret of his ear ring, I won't be proud

Li luoran said with a smile, "it's very thoughtful of you. I appreciate your kindness, but forget it. Tell me, why didn't you stay with your master and what did you do in my family?"

Chu Xingchen played with an antique bottle. "I can't rest assured that you will go to the cast today, so I sent him to the company, and he sent me back. When you wake up, he will send you to film."

Li luoran was moved to forget to move on.

Chu star sour sigh, "Alas! I really want to award you the most intimate husband of the year. He is so kind to his sister-in-law. No wonder so many girls are scrambling to stick it on him. Let alone girls, even some boys want to be his wife. "


Can a boy be Lu Shaochen's wife?

Li luoran couldn't figure it out at first. After he thought it out, he couldn't help laughing.

The address given by the strange man to Li luoran is located in the eastern suburb. First, Li luoran is still weak. Second, some roads in the suburb are rough, and Chu Xingchen has good driving skills. Therefore, Li luoran doesn't ask Chu Xingchen to send her to the production team, but to the suburb.

More than an hour later, liluoran arrived at his destination.

This is an elegant courtyard by the river, surrounded by green trees, because the air is rich in oxygen, which makes people relaxed and happy.

The gate of the yard was closed.

After Li luoran knocked on the door, there came a nervous male voice, "who are you?"

Li luoran, "an hour ago, I received a phone call, listen to the voice, the person who called me should be you."

"Are you Li luoran?" Questions came from the door.

Li luoran nodded, "it's me."

As soon as her voice fell, the heavy door was opened with a creaking voice. In Li luoran's eyes, he was a shorter man than Li luoran. He had a round face. His eyes were red and his face was haggard and frightened.

He nervously looked at Chu Xingchen who was beside Li luoran, "who is this man? Didn't I ask you to come to me alone? Why did you take him? "

Li luoran raised his face haughtily, "he sent me. I remember very clearly that you didn't say to let me come alone on the phone."The man doesn't argue with Li luoran. He continues to ask in a flurry, "are you sure Jin Xintong doesn't know you came here to find me? Did anyone follow you when you came? "

Oh, my God!

How does Li luoran feel that he is a super spy and is meeting with the organization secretly?

She shakes her head, "don't worry, Jin Xintong doesn't know I'm coming, and no one is following us. You call me mysteriously from a long distance. What's the matter?"

“……” After observing for a long time, the man said, "you come in and talk."

Li luoran enters the gate.

Chu Xingchen also wants to follow in, the man stops him, "what I say with Miss Li is very important, can you listen, you stay outside to watch the wind."

Chu star star one face disdains, "cut? Watch the wind? Do you really think this is a spy movie? "

Men do not explain, in short, do not allow Chu star into the door, Chu star can only guard at the door.

There is Chu star in the far away guard, Liluo dye think this man also can't how to her, with the man into the door.

This is an abandoned yard for a long time, because no one lived in it for a long time. The room is covered with cobwebs. For a moment, it looks like a three-year-old girl is standing in the room. When Li luoran walks in, she stares at Li luoran with watery eyes,

"Hello, aunt."

Li luoran said with a smile, "hello."

And the girl stood side by side with the man, "this is my daughter, to be exact, is my daughter and jinxintong."

The amount of information was so great that Li luoran was so stunned for a long time.

The man wry smile, "I had expected that when I said these words, you would be very surprised. After Xintong recovered her memory, she regarded me and our daughter as a burden. How could she say these things to others?"

With these words, the man took out a stack of photos from the suitcase at his feet and handed them to Li luoran.

"this is the photo I took during the three years I was with her."

Liloran looked through these photos with trembling eyes.

A thick pile of photos, nearly 100, most of them were taken by Jin Xintong alone with the man in front of him, and some of them were taken by Jin Xintong holding the child

Looking at these pictures and looking at the man and the little girl who looks like Jin Xintong, Li luoran is extremely surprised, surprised and flustered

"I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Cui Jun, and I used to be a surgeon. But after Xin Tong left a year ago, I lost my job because of looking for him." Cui Jun's voice is clear,

"four years ago, when I was fishing by the river, I accidentally found Jin Xintong floating down the river. I picked her up and rescued her. When I saw her, I was deeply infatuated with her. When I woke up, she could remember nothing, so I told her that she was my wife, Xiao Li, and she would live with me from now on Together. "

"Ah, mdash; mdash;

because he was so shocked, Li luoran couldn't help exclaiming.

At the same time, I also understand why this man and jinxintong are different in appearance and temperament, but jinxintong gives birth to children for him.

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

It turned out to be a cheat!

Jin Xintong is so devoted to Lu Shaochen. If she doesn't lose her memory, she will never be willing to live in public with such a mediocre person for three years.

"Ha ha, I know you despise me very much, and I despise myself very much, but I can't help it. When I see her beautiful face at first sight, I feel like I'm possessed with her. I have self-knowledge. I'm so ordinary, I don't deserve her, and she can't take a fancy to me. I can only lie to her." Cui Jun continued,

"I'm very lucky that she believed me. She took herself as my wife and gave birth to such a lovely daughter for me. I thought this kind of life could last for a lifetime, but a year ago, she suddenly recovered her memory and left quietly. It was not until recently that I heard about her whereabouts."

Li luoran immediately understood what, "so, you make a fool of yourself on the phone, and you are dead, and the one who calls for help deceives me, is to let me help you persuade Jin Xintong to come back to you?"

"Do you think I'm lying to you like I'm in a state of depression?"

Cui Jun laughs bitterly,

"after I found out her whereabouts, I called her to meet her. The meeting ended unhappily, so I simply found her home. I threatened her that if she didn't continue to maintain a relationship with me, I would tell Lu Shaochen about me and her. She was scared. I thought she would agree to my terms. Unexpectedly, I didn't wait for her compromise It's her killer. "

Li luoran was more and more surprised,

"does Jin Xintong want to kill you?"

Cui Jun nodded painfully, "she not only wants to kill me, but also our daughter. Our father and daughter, who are so miserable, should not die if they can survive. Last night, when I went outside the hospital to relieve myself, I happened to see the killer she sent with a gun climbing over the wall from outside the hospital to enter the yard. I took her first step and hid in the wine cellar with my daughter. The killer didn't find us and didn't have a chance I left without any sound, but I didn't dare to go back to that house. I took my daughter to this abandoned house for six yearsLi luoran finally understood why the poor father and daughter appeared in the old house, and why the man was so nervous when he first saw her.

"After coming here, I have been thinking about what to do. If I call the police, maybe I can save my life. However, my cheating jinxintong to be my wife will also be revealed. I will not have a good end. I think about it. The only one who can save me is you. There is no electricity here. When I call you, my mobile phone is turned off."

Looking at luoran's nervous and expectant man.

The girl didn't understand what happened between adults. She looked up at Li luoran's innocent face and laughed.

Because he disdains the man's deceiving jinxintong, Li luoran satirizes, "so I'm flattered. I'm even worse than police tea. Even police tea can't save you. Can I save you instead?"

"Of course." Cui Jun points to the photo in Li luoran's hand,

"Xintong is worried that I will do anything to destroy her image in Lu Shaochen's heart. I have forced her to have no way to go, and I have forced myself to a dead end. Now the situation I face is like this; If I don't tell Lu Shaochen the truth, she will kill me; if I tell Lu Shaochen the truth, she will also kill me because she hates me. In short, I'm dead. "


The analysis is in place!

But Li luoran doesn't feel for Cui Jun at all. He thinks that a man is shameless enough to cheat another woman to share her bed with her. If Jin Xintong doesn't recover her memory, he will cheat her forever. What's the pity for such a man?

But this lovely little girl is innocent, Jin Xintong can be cruel to her daughter, that she has been forced to have no way back by Cui Jun.

"But as long as you are willing to help me, it will be different. I hope you take these photos and then call jinxintong to threaten her." Cui Jun's voice sounded again.

Li luoran looked indifferent, "how do you want me to threaten her?"

Cui Jun eyes shine, "you warn her, if I'm safe, you will always keep these photos, promise not to show Lu Shaochen, if I have an accident, you immediately give these photos to Lu Shaochen, in this way, she not only dare not move me, but also listen to me, continue to maintain the relationship between husband and wife with me."


it's too ironic for you to go back to life with her? You should know that she loves Lu Shaochen to the bone. In the past, when she lost her memory, you could cheat her. Now that she remembers everything, how can she put down everything she cares about and continue to live with you? "

Cui Jun sighed, "I know how much she loves Lu Shaochen, so I don't force her to leave Lu Shaochen's world, and I don't destroy her image in Lu Shaochen's heart. I just want her to continue to live as husband and wife with me."

Li luoran was stunned, "husband and wife life?"

Cui Jun nodded, "yes, husband and wife life, I can always hide in the dark, but as long as I want, I will go to her, as long as she sleeps with me, we will be safe."


Li luoran feels that he is about to explode. "Cui Jun, you are so dirty. I finally know why jinxintong wants to kill you. If I meet a scum like you, I won't find a killer. I will kill you myself!"

"Miss Li, don't leave. If you don't help me, I will die. You must Ah, mdash; mdash;

the following words were interrupted by their own screams.

Li luoran's fingers trembled and her voice was sharp.

"although I don't want Jin Xintong to think about Shaochen, what you've done is too dirty. I'd rather her imagination in Lu Shaochen's heart stay beautiful forever than go along with you. I won't help you! You just wait for Jin Xintong's killer to take your life! "

Fall this words, absolutely walk by Cui Jun's side.

"But our child is innocent, and you can't even save my daughter?" Behind him came the voice of man's despair.

Li luoran stopped,

"yes, your child is innocent. I can't wait to save her. I'll take her away."

He turned to the little girl, squatted down and opened his arms to her, "little baby, do you miss Mommy? Will aunt take you to your mother? "

The girl looked up at her cute little face and said, "well."

Li luoran picked up the girl.

Cui Jun strode to catch up with Li luoran. His chubby body stood in front of Li luoran. "You can't take my daughter away. If you want to save her, just save both of us as I said. If you don't, don't save any of us, just let me die with my daughter."

Li luoran tightened her eyebrows and moved her lips. Just as she wanted to say something, she was interrupted by a "bang" shot.

The next moment, Li luoran watched Cui Jun fall down in front of her.

A bullet hit his heart, enchanting blood gushed out hysterically."Ah, mdash; mdash;

Li luoran and the little girl screamed at the same time.

Then, Li luoran saw a man in a headdress walking towards her with a leisurely step. The silver pistol in her hand was shining in the sun.


Another shot.

This shot was on the girl.

Because Li luoran was holding the girl tightly, the girl immediately lost her breath after being shot, and the warm blood instantly drowned Li luoran's right hand caressing the girl's back.

Li luoran's mind is blank.

She hugged the lifeless girl and stood at the door like a puppet, staring at the killer getting closer and closer to her.

The gun in the killer's hand was aimed at Li luoran's heart,

"now it's your turn, Li luoran!"

It's a female voice.

Li luoran could not remember where he had heard the sound.

"Don't worry, I won't let you die. I'll let you know whose hand you died in." Then the killer took off her headgear.

In Li luoran's eyes is Zhang Qingxiu's face.

A girl of 16 or 17 years old is particularly impressive because her blind left eye is covered by an eye mask. Therefore, although Li luoran only saw her once, she remembered who she was at a glance!

Forget when, Li luoran saw her with Jin Xintong.

"We've met. The way you look at me now reminds me who I am." Su Su sneered,

"Li luoran, you and I had no grievances, but who told you to mind your own business? You have to die for Xintong. "

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