You,Under My Name

Chapter 297: 297

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Li luoran's voice trembled. "I'll keep a secret for you. You don't have to kill me at all."

"Ha ha Da ~ are you going to laugh me to death?" Su Su couldn't hold her silver pistol with a smile,

"Li luoran, you don't understand that I didn't kill you to kill you, but simply because I hated you?"

"I have nothing to do with you. How can you hate me?" Li luoran hugged the bloody child, although the child had not breathed for a long time.

Su Su skillfully played with her gun, "well, anyway, you're the fish on my sticky board. It's impossible to run away. I'll let you live one more minute and let you die. When you go to report to Yama, you don't even know why the person who killed you hates you. You're right. There's no direct hatred between us..."

"Sister in law!"

A scream interrupted Su Su's words.

Outside the hospital, Chu Xingchen, who heard the gunshot, screamed and ran to Su Su.


Su Chen seems to be lying on his back and pulling the trigger at will.


Seeing this scene, Li luoran's strength seems to have been emptied, and the child who was held tightly by her "Dong" fell to the ground.

"This little brother has a good figure and looks handsome. He's my favorite type. Unfortunately, he's with you. Otherwise, I might spare his life, alas!" Su Su sighed and turned her eyes back to Li luoran's face,

"Oh, by the way, what did I say just now? Well, I said that I didn't hate you directly. I hate you because you robbed sister Xintong's beloved, and you made her feel worse than death. So, even if you didn't get together with Cui Jun today, I would find a chance to get rid of you, and save me another run. Do you understand now? "

Li luoran, who was dazzled by grief and despair, had dull eyes and blank thoughts.

Su Su said, "OK, you get it!"

Thin fingers pull the trigger.


The sound of the gun was deafening, and the bullet hit Li luoran's heart accurately.

Hysterical pain hit, liluoran in front of a black, heavily lying on the ground.

"Finally, all the bad guys are dead, and sister Xintong can be at ease."

Glancing at the corpses on the floor, Su Su slowly steps on Cui Jun's corpse, walks out of the door, raises his hand, and throws a lighted lighter on the roof.

The house has been uninhabited for many years. A thick layer of dry leaves gathered on the roof of the house. When it met with an open fire, it suddenly burst into flames.

Su Su didn't look back and walked out of the yard.

Liluoran was awakened by the strong smoke.

Chest pain, the bullet happened to hit her chest pocket in the phone, although the bullet was blocked by the phone, but the pieces of the phone stabbed her chest.

She stood up on her back and staggered out of the room.

Almost as soon as her front foot stepped out of the threshold, the whole roof collapsed, and the house turned into a sea of fire. Her right foot, which had not yet stepped out of the door, was injured by something. It was very painful.

But Li luoran didn't care about the pain. She forced herself to continue to walk forward. When she came to Chu Xingchen, she couldn't move forward any more. Her legs softened and she fell unconscious on Chu Xingchen.


Li luoran opened her heavy eyes. She was in the hospital, while the man with a familiar face was sitting on the bed.

This is the first reaction of Li luoran.

However, seeing that the man was wearing a white suit, Li luoran immediately realized that he was wrong.

This man is Xiao Qian's painting!

Why Xiao Qian's painting?

Don't Lu Shaochen know what happened to her?

Why didn't Lu Shaochen accompany her.

"When the residents nearby saw the fire in the courtyard, they called the police. Lu Shaochen was on his way." Xiao Qian opened his mouth to the painting.

Li Luo ran sat up fiercely, "how about the stars?"

The expressionless Xiao Qianhua said, "they are not as lucky as you. Cui Jun and his daughter were burned beyond recognition. The boy with an explosion was shot in the head. The doctor has declared him brain dead."

"Brain death What do you mean Lilo can't make a sound.

Xiao Qianhua said, "in modern medicine, brain death and death are the same, but his body is not dead, that is to say, he has become a vegetable."

Oh, my God!

Li luoran had difficulty breathing and cried out in grief.

Xiao Qian looks at her quietly.

A haggard woman with thin arms clinging to her chest curls up and her weak back vibrates. For a moment, Xiao Qianhua feels that she has been moved by her cry, which makes him want to comfort her in his arms.However, he resisted the impulse that he shouldn't have, and still sat on the edge of the bed, looking at her coldly.

After Li luoran regained some peace, Xiao Qianhua continued,

"Xiaojin was driven to a dead end by Cui Jun, and she had no choice but to do so. Cui Jun was worthy of death. I hope you don't mind."

Li luoran held a trace of irony in her tears, "Cui Jun deserves to die, so does his daughter? Do stars and I deserve to die? "

“……” Xiao Qianhua is also very helpless, but still said, "I know you are wronged, but when this happens, no one can help. If you let bygones be bygones, I will use all my contacts to hold you up. I promise to hold you up as the most popular female star in the world."

Li luoran shook his head in pain. "I don't need your support. I will never go along with a man who tries to cover up my enemy by all means."

Xiao Qian's eyes were deep. "What do you want?"

The whole body trembles, Li luoran tears in the eyes show determination, "I want to confess everything to police tea, I want to let Jin Xintong and the one eyed killer for the stars

Knowing Li luoran's stubborn, Xiao Qianhua didn't know what to say at this moment.

Li luoran pointed to the door of the ward, "I don't want to see you, you go out for me."

"Get out!"

Helpless, Xiao Qian's painting can only stand up.

After two steps, she suddenly stopped, and the tall figure turned his back to her. "I will hide Su Su very well. As long as I have my protection, she will disappear like a stone sinking into the vast sea. I promise that police tea will never catch her, and you are empty. No one will believe what you say, even Lu Shaochen. You can't get any revenge People, will only let their own mistakes, I hold the opportunity

"Is it?" Li luoran sneered,

"since you are so sure, why do you want to make terms with me? Because you are guilty. You are afraid that the one eyed woman will be caught by the police. You are afraid that once she is caught, she will recognize Jin Xintong. Even you can't protect her at that time. "

Xiao Qian chuckled, "you are very smart, but you underestimate Su Su's loyalty to Xiao Jin. Xiao Jin is kind to Su Su's family. Even if Su Su Su is caught, she will take the charge by herself. Xiao Jin will never be involved."

Sure enough

If you are not sure, how can jinxintong take such a big risk to do such extreme things?

In any case, Jin Xintong can save herself. The worst case is to sacrifice Su Su's scapegoat.

"The reason why I talked with you about the terms is to protect Xiaojin's image in Lu Shaochen's mind. Cui Jun asked you to go, which must have given you some evidence against Xiaojin. I don't want Lu Shaochen to know that part of the past."

The voice of the man reverberated in the ward.

Li luoran understood everything in an instant, "for the sake of jinxintong, you are the patron saint of jinxintong..." "Cui Jun did show me a lot of photos, and some letters and other chat messages that Jin Xintong wrote to him. Although the fire burned all the objects, I took all the photos with my mobile phone and saved them in the Internet disk long before Su Su went. Although my mobile phone was damaged by bullets, as long as I could find one A computer, log in to my network disk can extract all the photos

Xiao Qian's body trembled.

Sure enough, everything was as worried as he was.

Seeing that Xiao Qian's figure was shaking, Li luoran raised her voice higher. "Mr. Xiao, please tell Jin Xintong that this time, she's finished! Her position in Lu Shaochen's mind can no longer be preserved. Ha ha, it's ironic that all she did was to protect her image in Lu Shaochen's mind. In the end, she suffered from her own consequences. This is her retribution! "

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Xiao Qianhua's body trembled even more.

At last, he took a deep breath. "Have you been looking for your child?"

The most painful scar in my heart seems to be uncovered, and Lilo's face is more painful.


She never stopped looking for her own child. For countless days and nights, whenever she thought of the child she had been taken away, her heart was as painful as a drop of blood.

"Let's make a deal." Xiao Qianhua turns around and looks coldly,

"now, Xiaojin and I are the only people in the world who know the whereabouts of your child and me. Of course, she won't tell you the truth. If you promise to hide the matter between Xiaojin and Cui Jun from Lu Shaochen forever, I will give your child back to you immediately, right now! As long as you promise, you can be reunited with your children immediately. "

Li luoran couldn't say a word.

Xiao Qian said, "we might as well rationally analyze the current situation. Now you have no way to expose Xiaojin's murder. The only thing you can do is to let Lu Shaochen know that Xiaojin and Cui Jun have been a fake couple for three years. So what? Xiaojin has been cheated by Cui Jun for three years. Lu Shaochen thinks that jinxintong is not innocent. How good is it for you? In comparison, it's self-evident that it's good for you to find your child who has been separated from you for four years, isn't it? "Li luoran fell into silence.

Every word Xiao Qianhua said is so reasonable that no one can refute it.

"I believe you will make the right choice, but you have to decide as soon as possible, otherwise, maybe I will change my mind."

A business card fell on Li luoran.

The sound of footsteps sounded again. In a twinkling of an eye, Xiao Qianhua left the ward.

Li luoran sat on the bed, and now his tears are still flowing down.

Before long, the door was pushed open, and Shu Xinshuang quickly walked to her side, "thank God, you scared me to death. If you're OK, it's ok..."

Li luoran wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

It turns out that when Lu Shaochen receives a call from Li luoran, Shu Xinshuang and Lu Shaochen are together. They rush to the hospital because Li luoran is only suffering from skin injury, and Chu Xingchen has been declared brain dead by the doctor. Therefore, Lu Shaochen goes to Chu Xingchen's ward first.

Shu Xinshuang helps Li luoran into the ward of Chu Xingchen.

Because of the need of treatment, Chu Xingchen, who is lying on the bed, has shaved all his hair, and the extra large earrings on his ears have been removed. His eyes are closed and he is lying on the bed. His long eyelashes rise and fall with even breathing, like two regular Pu fans.

It turns out that Chu Xingchen, whose shape is no longer weird, is also so good-looking. He doesn't look funny at all. He looks like a solemn three good student.

The Chu star in Li luoran's memory is always glib and tells all kinds of funny stories. Li luoran has never seen him so quiet.

Thinking that Chu Xingchen would never wake up, never chirp in front of her again, never drive her to the cast on time every day, Li luoran's tears just stopped falling down again.

Shu Xinshuang can't help tears.

Lu Shaochen always stood in front of the hospital bed like a stone carving. Even Li luoran came in, and his eyes did not move away from Chu Xingchen's face.

Li luoran had never seen Lu Shaochen so serious.

I have never seen Lu Shaochen so deep.

She knows that Lu Shaochen always treats Chu Xingchen as his brother. He is very sad that Chu Xingchen has become like this. But he, who is used to being strong and indifferent, can't cry like Li luoran.

Li luoran took Lu Shaochen's hand lightly. "You don't have to bear it. Maybe it will be better to cry."

Lu Shaochen looked at Chu Xingchen's face for a moment, "I never heard you mention Cui Jun, what's your relationship with him? Why are you looking for him in such a remote place? Why did the killer kill you? "

Li luoran wry smile, "I can't say, even if I said you won't believe it."

Lu Shaochen's voice was hoarse because of pain. "You don't say anything. How do you know I won't believe it?"

"I just know..." Li luoran had tears in her eyes and a smile on her lips,

"if you really don't understand, you can take it as an accident."


Li luoran worried that Lu Shaochen would be upset, so she let Shu Xinshuang stay in the ward to comfort Lu Shaochen, while she went to the back garden of the hospital.

She stood in the corner where no one was interested, looking up at the clear sky, her tears were dry and wet again and again.

After thinking for at least three hours, she finally made up her mind.

Habitually put his hand into his pocket, it reminds me that his mobile phone has been damaged by bullets, empty pocket, nothing.

She borrowed a cell phone from a kind passer-by and made a call from Xiao Qianhua.

"Have you figured it out?" The sound of Xiao Qian's painting rings in his ears.

Li luoran closed his eyes painfully, "I promise to hide the secret between Jin Xintong and Cui Jun from Lu Shaochen, but I have another condition."

"Oh? What are the conditions? "

Li luoran, "wrong answer, you should say, no matter what conditions I put forward, as long as you can do it, you will promise, because you have no choice."

Xiao Qian's painting fell into silence.


For the sake of Jin Xintong, he never gives up any cost. Jin Xintong values his image in Lu Shaochen's heart more than his life. Of course, he will promise Li luoran any conditions.

Li luoran said, "I'm in the back garden of the hospital. Come here as soon as possible. Let's talk face to face."

Li luoran returned the mobile phone to the kind-hearted passer-by, "thank you ~"

"you're welcome." The girl is smiling sweetly, her eyes are looking at Li luoran's face,

"well, you are not Li luoran, are you? Am I wrong? Li luoran's little sister is my idol. If she borrows my phone, I will be honored to be unable to sleep for several days. "

Li luoran, with a heavy heart, had no intention to chat with the girl, but he was kind and perfunctory. "There are many similar people in this world. Maybe you have lost your eyes?"

"OK ~" the girl looked down angrily,

"nothing, little sister, you are really beautiful. If you don't cry, I don't think you are much worse than my idol. There are many happy things in the world. Why don't you think about those happy things?"Li luoran tried to smile and said, "thank you ~"

it's true that young people don't know what it's like. Who will think about happy things after experiencing such things?

Only ten minutes later, Xiao Qianhua arrived.

Before Li luoran could stand still, he couldn't wait to ask, "say, your conditions."

Li luoran looked up at her haggard face. Even though her face was full of tears, she was still indifferent and arrogant. "Tell me where my child is first."

Xiao Qian said, "let's talk about another condition for you first."

Li luoran insisted stubbornly, "tell me the whereabouts of my child first."

“……” Xiao Qianhua had no choice but to smile,

"I believe you are right. As long as I tell you the whereabouts of your child, you will definitely say the second condition, but if your second condition makes me unable to do it, I will lose a lot, so don't bargain any more. I beg you, OK?"

All right!

Li luoran took a breath, "you have a lot of evidence that can expose Bai Qingwan's true face. Give me all the evidence."

Xiao Qian's eyes as black as a ruby were tight in a moment. "Now Bai Qingwan is my most profitable tool. If I help you destroy her reputation, it's like breaking your own fortune."

Li luoran said sarcastically, "even if she can make money for you, it's just a tool. In order to protect your true love, what's the value of sacrificing a tool for you?"

Xiao Qianhua stares at Li luoran reluctantly and discontentedly. After a long time, he breathes out, "I promise you, I will give you all the evidence I have."

"That's not enough!" Li luoran's eyes are serious and his voice is firm.

"I want you to testify the fact that Bai Qingwan killed Su Yan."

“……” Xiao Qian's painting was almost crazy, but after all, he was caught seven inches by Li luoran. He could only smile bitterly, "your appetite is really big, I promise you."

Li luoran breathed a sigh of relief. "In this case, now it's time to tell me where my child is?"

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