You,Under My Name

Chapter 299: 299

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Is it convenient to receive documents

Li luoran, "convenient."

A compressed file of more than 20g will be sent to the mailbox of lilliluoran.

Li luoran found out the laptop. After decompressing the 2G compressed file, it was close to 40g. There were 23 high-definition videos and 136 photos in it. These 23 videos were taken by Bai Qingwan with the client, and the 136 photos were all similar. Although the women in each photo were Bai Qingwan, every man was different.

Li luoran knew Bai Qingwan was such a woman. However, she was shocked by the bareness of these videos.

Li luoran was so absorbed in watching the video that he didn't realize when Lu Shaochen came behind her.

"Do you like watching this kind of video?"

Lu Shaochen's voice rang out.

“……” Li luoran's hands trembled with fright and pressed the pause button in a hurry,

"no No That This is the painting Xiao Qian gave me... "

Although Li luoran's incoherent explanation is unclear, Lu Shaochen at the moment sees that the heroine in the video is Bai Qingwan. His locked eyebrows stretch slightly,

"why don't you continue?"

"This kind of video is not very elegant," said Li luoran, whose cheeks are scarlet

"Let's just examine the evidence. What's so indecent?" Lu Shaochen embraces her behind her, caresses her chest with one hand and clicks the play button with the other.

The video plays again.

It's really the first time in her life to watch this kind of video. Although it's "evidence", there is a Lu Shaochen standing behind her who holds her tightly and has dishonest hands, which makes her feel like digging a hole in the ground.

Men are really elusive animals.

Especially Lu Shaochen.

Li luoran thought that Lu Shaochen, who was immersed in the pain of losing Chu Xingchen, had absolutely no idea of physiology. At first, he was really peaceful enough, and he didn't make any more extraordinary moves except for his hands occasionally moving on Li luoran.

And as the video goes on, he's ready to move.

Lu Shaochen has irresistible magic power. When Lu Shaochen turns Li luoran's head and kisses her fanatically, she seems to be controlled by him and can't refuse.

Li luoran, a blank in her mind, was pressed on the carpet by Lu Shaochen, and her warm hair gently rubbed her cheek.

In the computer, the video is still playing, occasionally see the picture of Li luoran more embarrassed.

Lu Shaochen is concerned about Chu star after all.

Therefore, he did not occupy liluoran for a long time as before. This time, he let her go only after more than an hour.

Li luoran, who regained his freedom, closed his computer in a hurry.

Lu Shaochen pulled Li luoran, let her pillow in his solid chest, right hand gently grasp her black hair like waterfall, "Bai Qingwan is the number one in Xiao Qianhua's hand, why Xiao Qianhua want to help you destroy Bai Qingwan?"

Li luoran had to hide the truth from Lu Shaochen, so he said, "maybe he suddenly found out his conscience?"

"Oh?" Lu Shaochen's extremely handsome face is dignified,

"after your accident, Xiao Qianhua is the first one to go to the hospital to see you. He cares about you very much. From my understanding of Xiao Qianhua, there are only two possibilities for him to lose Bai Qingwan, a tool to make money for you. First, you have some kind of deal with him. Second, he wants to please you."

“……” Li luoran did not dare to talk more.

Lu Shaochen, Shu Xinshuang and Wang Zimo are all human beings. If you want to hide the truth from him, you have to speak as little as possible. Otherwise, if you say too much, you will lose. He will find out the flaws.

Lu Shaochen continued to speculate, "Su Yan's death is related to Xiao Qian's painting. With your personality, it is impossible to trade with Xiao Qian's painting. Therefore, there is only the second possibility, Xiao Qian's painting is trying to please you."

Lu Shaochen breathed a sigh of relief, "if Xiao Qianhua is really flattering me, won't you be jealous?"

"Of course not!" Lu Shaochen's answer is very simple,

"silly girl, even Xiao Qianhua, who read countless women, covets my wife, which shows that I have eyes, don't you think?"

Li luoran smiles and says, "that's right ~"

Lu Shaochen looks down at Li luoran as if nothing is wrong on the surface, but there is a haze in her eyes -

Li luoran is also too attractive. At first, Jin Qian, Feng Qian and Wang Zimo made Lu Shaochen walk on thin ice all the time, but now there is another Xiao Qian painting.

always on tenterhooks Lu Shaochen as like as two peas in the same way. If he loves him, he will be in love with Xiao Qian.

Once upon a time, Chu Xingchen, a wise man, gave advice to Lu Shaochen. Lu Shaochen still had some confidence in his mind. Now he is isolated and helpless. He really doesn't know how to deal with those evil people in the future.Chu Xingchen!

How did you think of Chu star again?


to avoid accidents, Li luoran copied six copies of the evidence Xiao Qianhua gave her, one in U disk, one in encrypted Internet disk, and the other four in custody of Lu Shaochen, Jiang Xiaojing, Shu Xinshuang and Qin Weijie, whom she trusted.

The next morning, she got through to fengqianshe.

"Well, you really have a conscience. Yesterday, the labor and capital knew that they kept calling you after you had an accident, but you refused to answer. The labor and capital didn't even care to change their clothes. They ran to your house to see you in ancient clothes from the advertising company, but you let your doorman shut them out. What do you say? You don't want to waste time on unimportant colleagues. When did the labor and capital become your colleagues ?! When does labor and capital become irrelevant?! You still have the face to call labor and capital. Labor and capital are so unimportant. What do you do when you call them back? "

As soon as the line is connected, the wind blows like a grumpy woman.


She didn't know that Feng Qianji came to see her?

When did she let the doorman shut her out?

When did she tell the doorman that Feng Qianji was an insignificant colleague?

Li luoran couldn't understand.

She didn't know that I was going to lead wolves into the house. Lu Shaochen had put fengqianshe on the "blacklist" of the house a year ago and ordered the guard not to let fengqianshe enter the house under any circumstances without his permission.

For a long time without Li luoran's response, the anger of Feng Qianji disappeared by himself, "what's the matter?"

"Er ~" Li luoran drew back her thoughts from her doubts,

"I have something very important to tell you. Is it convenient to meet you?"

He said, "whatever time is convenient for you to meet."

Thinking that he and Feng qianzhen are both public figures, there is a risk of being watched by paparazzi when they meet outside. Recently, Li luoran always has an accident when he goes out, which is really a little bit scared, so he said, "come to the land house."


The wind on the other side of the phone exploded in an instant,

"yesterday, the labor and capital came to see you. You never let the labor and capital come in. Today, you want me to go to the Lu house to see you? Li luoran, are you sure you are not playing

"Well! All right Li luoran laughs,

"it's not me who didn't let you in yesterday, it's the doorman. Ha, you can come and have a chat with the doorman when you are angry? Don't worry, today my mobile phone will always turn on for you. When you get to the gate, call me and I'll pick you up in person. "

There was silence for a long time. At last, it was as soft as a vented ball. "Well, I'll see you later."

Li luoran hung up the phone and immediately looked at a pair of cold eyes.

It's Lu Shaochen!

I don't know when Lu Shaochen, who had just lost his trace, stood at the door of his bedroom. At the moment, his eyes were fixed tightly and his face was staring at her seriously.

When Li luoran looked at Lu Shaochen, Lu Shaochen put away the sharp edge in his eyes and turned into a gentle face, "is Qian Wei coming to our house?"

Li luoran shrugged, "ah."

Lu Shaochen didn't say anything more. He just hung the black suit he had just taken down from the hanger back to the hanger.

Li luoran didn't understand, "why don't you wear clothes? At this time, it's time for you to go to the company, isn't it

Lu Shaochen hook lip, "today the company has nothing to do, Party son."

Li luoran, "Oh..."

Lu Shaochen, wearing an elegant Nightgown, walked out of his bedroom and left Li luoran's sight. After that, he sent a message on his mobile phone,

"the morning meeting will be cancelled, and I will inform you later."

The child sleeps. Until Li luoran comes out of the bedroom, Lu Mingyue is still asleep.

Li luoran wants her children to sleep more, but Lu Shaochen wants to cultivate her son's regular work and rest time, and insists on waking Lu Mingyue up. Lu Mingyue holds the quilt tightly, so Lu Shaochen forcibly pulls the quilt off Lu Mingyue.

Mengwa walked out of the bedroom with a resentful face.

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Seeing Li luoran, he was so happy that he and Li luoran went into the washroom to wash together.

Lu Shaochen outside the washroom looks at this scene silently. He remembers the scene of Li luoran's first visit to Lu's house. At that time, looking at the warm picture of Lu Shaochen and Lu Mingyue together, he is so warm in his heart and yearns for this scene to last forever.

Lu Shaochen suddenly thought, if he found his own son and Li luoran, what would it be like for them to be together?

Li luoran and xiaomengwa walked out of the washroom together and inadvertently looked at Lu Shaochen in a trance, "what do you think?"

Lu Shao Chen and eyebrow together feel very nothing to pick


as soon as Li luoran, Lu Shaochen and Xiao Mengwa had finished breakfast, Feng qianzhen walked into the living room.

Li luoran was surprised that Feng qianzhen didn't call her, but this time she smoothly entered the land house."Especially, you have a conscience this time, but you don't have -- I -- day --"

when you run into Lu Shaochen's cold and hostile eyes, the wind's shallow words turn into a scream,

"godfather, isn't your company very busy recently? I heard that you have a meeting for the company's top officials every morning. What are you doing at home now? "

Lu Shaochen, who was not worried, said, "it happened that he was not busy today. Don't forget that the name of this villa is" Lu Zhai ". It's my Lu Shaochen's home. If you don't leave other people's home, it's called Lai. What do you mean I'm staying at home?"

Feng Qianji grabs his cool blonde hair awkwardly.

Lu Shaochen, whose face was colder than the iceberg, said, "you don't want me to be at home very much. Can I ruin your good deeds?"

"Ha ha..."

Feng Qian's face was twisted with a smile,

"this is godfather's home. If Godfather likes to be at home, he will go out. How can I find him?" Looking at Lu Mingyue,

"eh, is Mingyue's little brother at home? I haven't seen you for more than a year. Mingyue's younger brother has grown taller and more handsome. "

Xiaomengwa raised her eyebrows to Fengqian, "hum! The little brother is the place where men urinate, and it's also the place where they please girls. Mingyue is not the little brother, you are the little brother. "

"Er -"

the evil face of the wind is more distorted.

Li luoran almost spurted out a mouthful of milk he had just drunk.


Who taught Mingyue this kind of knowledge?

Lu Shaochen?

Do you want to take bad children like this?!

"Well, brother Qian doesn't call you little brother, but brother Qian calls you little brother, OK?"

Feng Qianyi goes to Lu Mingyue with a flattering face and rubs Lu Mingyue's head with his big hand,

"little brother, aren't you with Mommy, how..."

"Don't touch me!" Xiaomengwa pushes away Fengqian's hand in disgust and stares at Fengqian fiercely. She is a domineering president fan Er,

"boring! I hate it! Ignore your baby

Indignant turn around, throw down the wind shallow, go up the second floor along the revolving stairs.

Looking at the wind of the little cute girl's figure, he looks confused.

Although Lu Mingyue perfectly inherits Lu Shaochen's urination and is very picky about people, she used to get along well with Feng qianshe. I don't know what's the matter with him today. She is so resistant to Feng qianshe.

Li luoran was also confused.

Lu Shaochen's cold eyes on the sofa were full of a sinister smile.

Feng Qianji peeks at Lu Shaochen and turns to Li luoran, "you said on the phone that there is something very important."

"Well." Li luoran took out the USB flash drive that she had already put in her pocket,

"there are many photos and videos related to Bai Qingwan in it."

The wind is shallow, "is that all? It's also called a very important thing I really suspect that Li luoran and Lu Shaochen are playing tricks on him.

Li luoran said, "you don't understand me. These photos and videos are all made by Bai Qingwan and others Cough

Thinking of Lu Shaochen's presence, Li luoran put out her tongue,

"I'd better let you see it with your own eyes!"

She has nothing to say with Feng Qianchen. If she had been in the past, she would have said it clearly and directly. But considering that Lu Shaochen is a suspicious vinegar jar, and now Lu Shaochen's face is as black as Yan luoye's, Li luoran really dare not say it too directly

At the moment, she took the wind to the bedroom.

However, as soon as the front foot stepped out, the wrist was tightly held by a powerful hand.

She turned back in surprise, and looked at Lu Shaochen's icy eyes. She was so scared that she shivered. Even the U disk that she held tightly in her hand fell to the ground.

"You What are you doing... " Liloran's voice trembled.

Cold as an iceberg, the thin lips of the man slowly opened, the voice of a word, "are you sure you want to go to the bedroom alone and watch together with shallowly?"


Li luoran immediately understood something.

At the same time, thinking of what happened after watching those videos with Lu Shaochen last night, her cheeks were hot.

"I'm sorry, I put it on my laptop

Feng Qianji looks away at Lu Shaochen and Li luoran, picks up the U disk on the ground, and goes upstairs helplessly.

After waiting for the wind to go away, Li luoran smiles apologetically to Lu Shaochen, "I'm used to ignoring you and me. I didn't mean it."

Lu Shaochen laughed heartlessly.

Fortunately, he didn't go to the company.

Although he believes that Li luoran can't do anything extraordinary with Feng qianshe, Lu Shaochen has an impulse to kill and set fire to the thought that she and Feng qianshe are watching those videos together"The trough! Blind the eyes of labor and capital! Is it true or not? "

The ghost came from the upstairs.

But three seconds later, with blue eyes shining and a look of excitement, Feng qianzhen ran down from the second floor at the speed of 100 meters.

When he passed Li luoran, he did not stop, but ran out of the living room.

"Hello! What are you running for? "

"You stop!"

Li luoran rushed out.

The wind shallow who was dazzled by the excitement could not hear Li luoran's words. He just ran forward quickly.

Li luoran was panting after him. He didn't catch up with him until the wind ran to his car and opened the door of the car.

"You wait!" While breathing heavily, Li luoran clung to the wind's arm,

"don't hurry. What are you going to do first?"

"What else can I do?" he said? Send all these videos and photos to my micro blog for my fans to enjoy. "

Sure enough!

Li luoran took a cool breath, "spreading unhealthy videos is a crime. If you do that, Bai Qingwan will be ruined and you will be arrested."

The wind shallow Wei suddenly calmed down a few minutes, "since you don't want me to send, why do you want to show me?"

Li luoran, who had been breathing steadily, looked at the extremely beautiful man seriously, "Qian Yu, the purpose that I asked you to come to see these is not to ask you to send them to me. Anyway, Bai Qingwan is your wife now, and you also want to marry Bai Qingwan for me. Therefore, I want to ask your opinion. If you want me to show mercy to Bai Qingwan, I can completely destroy all this Evidence. "

"Er ~" Feng Qianyi turns to face Li luoran. Her charming blue eyes are more dignified than usual,

"you know, Bai Qingwan and I have been married for so long, but we have never been married. There is only one girl in my heart. Bai Qingwan is always my enemy. I don't want to see her continue to wear the mask of goddess I support you to tell the world what she really is. "

Li luoran said solemnly, "really?"

The wind shallow Chen nods, "sincerely."

Li luoran relieved smile, "so I can rest assured."

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