You,Under My Name

Chapter 298: 298

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Xiao Qian painted, "Lu Mingyue."

Li luoran looked confused, "what?"

Xiao Qian painted, "your son is Lu Mingyue."

Oh, my God!

Li luoran's body shook. If she had not been helped by Xiao Qianhua, she would have fallen to the ground.

"At that time, Lu Shaochen's mother strongly opposed that Xiaojin and Lu Shaochen were together. They wanted to marry each other, but Lu Shaochen had no physiological reaction to Xiaojin. They had to go to the hospital for test tube surgery, but the success rate of test tube surgery was very low. I couldn't bear to see Xiaojin suffer from hand surgery again and again, so I came up with the idea to help her by giving birth to a baby through the belly." Xiao Qian said faintly.

Li luoran didn't know how to make a sound. "You have so many female artists who are obedient to you. You can find anyone who can help Jin Xintong to replace Yun. Why do you choose me?"

"Because you and Jin Xintong are sisters born to a mother, your genes are similar, and the children you give birth to will be very similar to Xiao Jin." Xiao Qian said frankly.

Xiao Qian's painting is so thoughtful for Jin Xintong that Li luoran is speechless.

Xiao Qianhua continues to explain,

"Song Zilu and I worked out your details in secret. At that time, you and Su Yan were still lovers. Bai Qingwan, who tried every means to separate you from Su Yan, had already climbed into Su Yan's bed. I asked song Zilu to find Bai Qingwan and let him plot with Bai Qingwan to let you and Lu Shaochen have a rainy night. Originally, I wanted to make more arrangements Second time, but Lu Shaochen's hit rate is very high, only that time you successfully conceived his child

Li luoran, "..."

"In the process of your pregnancy, Xiaojin pretends to be pregnant. Your stomach is getting bigger and bigger, and her stomach is also getting bigger and bigger. Song Zilu takes the baby away at the first time when you give birth to the baby. On the same day, we play a play of Xiaojin giving birth in the hospital. The baby she gave birth to is the one you were taken away from."

The sound of Xiao Qian's painting is clearly ringing in Li luoran's ears.

Until now, Li luoran has sorted out the whole story.

The mysteries that have troubled her for four years have been revealed in her mind.

Xiao Qian!


It turned out that they were the ones who started everything.

No wonder the moment she met Lu Mingyue, she was immediately absorbed by the little cute girl and could not give up.

No wonder she has such deep feelings for Lu Mingyue.

It turns out that Lu Mingyue is the son she has been looking for, but she never knew it!

Li luoran breathed heavily and tears came down. "I remember when I finally met song Zilu, he wanted to tell me the truth, but he was shot in front of me by the killer. You sent the killer to kill him to hide the secret."

"I said that I would do anything for Xiaojin. Besides, song Zilu abducted and sold countless innocent children. He should have died."

Li luoran's tearful eyes were full of satire. "If it wasn't for this accident, how long would you like to hide from me?"

"Maybe I'll hide it for another year or two, maybe for a lifetime. It depends on Xiaojin's idea. When Xiaojin decides to give up Lu Shaochen, I'll tell you the truth..." Xiao Qian looked thoughtfully at the unknown position.

Sure enough!

Infatuated men are the stupidest, just like their father to Gu lianyue, just like brother Yingye to Bai Qingwan. They can do anything for their infatuated women, no matter how much they will pay.

Li luoran said to himself, "when are you going to return the baby to me?"

"Today." Xiao Qian's painting is resolute,

"I will ask Xiaojin to return the child to Lu's house. In this way, your mother and son will be reunited, but you have promised not to damage Xiaojin's image in Shaochen's mind, so you can't tell Lu that Mingyue is your child."

Li luoran smiles bitterly, "I know."

It doesn't matter!

It is more important for the three members of their family to live together than anything else, and they can only aggrieve Lu Shaochen.

Let go of Xiao Qian's heart and let out a long sigh of relief.

When Xiao Qianhua was about to leave, Li luoran stood in his way and looked at him dimly with tears in his eyes. "I tell you that I have stored all the evidence against Xiaojin in the network disk. Are you not afraid that after you meet my requirements, I will turn back and give these evidence to Lu Shaochen?"

"Not afraid." Xiao Qian's lips are drawn, and there is a rare trace of Wenru in his deep sea like eyes.

"I believe in my vision and judgment. You have to keep your promise more than most men I have ever met. No matter how much you want to tear down Xiaojin, as long as you promise me, you will never break your promise."

Li luoran is petrified like a sculpture.

Xiao Qianhua patted her on the shoulder, walked around her and walked quickly to her right.

It's also the moment when Xiao Qian's painting passes by Li luoran's side. Li luoran's mouth turns a trace of evil.

In that old house, after learning what Cui Jun did to Jin Xintong, Li luoran disdains Cui Jun extremely. After seeing the pile of photos taken by Cui Jun, he excitedly falls the photos on Cui Jun's face. Later, all the photos are reduced to ashes in the fire.There is no evidence against Jin Xintong.

Li luoran follows Xiao Qianhua's words because Xiao Qianhua takes it for granted that she has the evidence. Li luoran can't imagine that she just tells a lie, and finds the child she has been looking for and the strong evidence that can overthrow Bai Qingwan.

How ironic!

She did so much effort before, in the end, but also than a simple lie?


Chu Xingchen was very hard on Lu Shaochen, who refused to say a word all the time. On the way back to Lu's house, he kept thinking about his mobile phone, but he let it lie in his pocket and didn't even look at it.

Li luoran remembers that no matter how hard she was hit, Lu Shaochen could always try to persuade her to be happy, but when Lu Shaochen was in a gloomy mood, she had no way.

The car drove into the land house.

When Li luoran and Lu Shaochen enter the living room, Jin Xintong and Lu Mingyue are sitting on the sofa.


See Li luoran's little cute baby jump down from the sofa and run into Li luoran's arms.

Li luoran gently pinched Lu Mingyue's pink face, "baby, Mommy wants to die baby." Think of Lu Mingyue is his own son, tears fall down.

Lu Mingyue also hasn't seen Li luoran for a long time. Seeing Li luoran shed tears, she threw herself into Li luoran's arms and began to cry.

Lu Shaochen silently looked at this scene, thinking of the fact that Chu Xingchen was declared brain dead, he was even more dejected.

Walking to Lu Shaochen's face, Jin Xintong put her little hand lightly on Lu Shaochen's back, "Shaochen, I know you have a deep feeling with the stars, and I can also realize how painful you are now, so I don't want to hypocritically persuade you to be open-minded. I just want to tell you that now medicine is very developed, and if the stars are still breathing, he will wake up."

Lu Shaochen's eyes were cold and his voice was hoarse. "No matter who killed the stars, no matter where he is hiding now, I will find him at all costs and let him and the people who ordered him pay for his blood."

“……” Jin Xintong is flustered and pretends to be calm on the surface.

"yes, I believe you will catch the murderer. In order to help you through this painful period, I made a difficult decision. Although this decision is very painful for me, I will give it up for you. Shaochen, I will return the moon to you. From now on, I will not rob my son with you."

Because of too much accident, Lu Shaochen will look at Jin Xintong, there is such a good moment of silence.

Jin Xintong said with a gentle smile, "you know how much I love you. I admit that I was determined to fight for the custody of Mingyue at the beginning. Although I was in my maternal love for Mingyue at the most, I was a little selfish. I feel a little lucky that as long as I win Mingyue, maybe you will come back to me because of Mingyue. I can't bear to see you in such pain. I love you so much I can't be selfish any more, so I'll give the baby back to you. "

Lu Shaochen's painful eyes were touched, "thank you ~"

Jin Xintong said with a smile in her tears, "you're welcome. Mingyue is our common child. We all have the right to have him."

Then she points to Li luoran, who is crying with Mingyue,

"besides, sister Ranran is my sister who has half blood relationship with me. She is as good to Mingyue as her own son. I can rest assured that Mingyue is with you."

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Lu Shaochen was even more moved, "if you want to see the moon, you can come to see him at any time."

Jin Xintong nodded, tears fell down, "well, Shaochen, people can't come back to life after death, ha ha, look at my mouth, the stars are not dead yet, you must see, I hope our son can make you feel better."

With these words, Jin Xintong leaves in Lu Shaochen's moving eyes.

After jinxintong leaves, Li luoran returns to her senses. She coaxes xiaomengwa to go out alone.

Jin Xintong had expected that Li luoran would come out to chase her, so she didn't go far. Instead, she was waiting for her under the camphor tree in the yard.

Li luoran walked forward and said, "you are really good at acting. You have not only successfully concealed the facts, but Shaochen has also been moved by you."

The brocade Heart Tong shallow smile, "otherwise? Should I tell him that Mingyue is you and his child? Is the star my killer? What's the point of Qianhua's terms with you? "

"Oh..." Li luoran laughs,

"I suddenly feel silly and naive. When Cui Jun tells me about him and you, I sympathize with you. I can't even bear you and him to destroy your image in Shaochen's heart. Cui Jun asks me to help him, and I firmly refuse. Unexpectedly, you don't deserve sympathy. For more than a year, you know Mingyue is the child of Shaochen and me He not only refused to tell me the truth, but also brutally took him away from me, let me look around like a headless fly, let me live in the pain and suffering of losing my child all the time. "

Jin Xintong said helplessly, "in this matter, our relationship has always been life and death. If I tell you the truth, you will be happy and complete, and my image in Shaochen's mind will be completely destroyed, won't you?"Li luoran's voice was fierce because of excitement. "You can tell me the truth as you do now and let me keep a secret from Lu Shaochen."

"Oh? Are you so kind? If you didn't have an appointment with Xiao Qianhua like now, would you be kind enough to keep a secret for your rival? " Jin Xintong sneers,

"don't worry, I've always been very kind to Mingyue. It's strange to say that because you are his mother, I thought I would hate him. I even worried that I would abuse him, but I couldn't help liking him. If it wasn't for this accident, I really want to keep him around for a lifetime!"

With these words, Jin Xintong can't help looking into the living room. That cute little cute baby really touched her heart.

"Yes? Why can't I believe it? " Li luoran wrung his lips sarcastically,

"how good can a woman who has the heart to kill her own daughter be to other people's children?"

Jin Xintong's face turned pale as if he had been pierced by a sharp sword,

"no! You're bullshit. I didn't! I didn't have my daughter killed! I don't know, I don't know, I don't know anything... "

Staring at Li luoran in fear, even his voice was shaking.

Li luoran doesn't give in at all. He looks at Jin Xintong coldly and says, "it's useless to do those things even if you've done them yourself. Don't deceive yourself. Jin Xintong, it's not a long time since then? You sent your man named Su Su to kill your daughter. When Su Su shot, your daughter was in my arms. Her blood was all over my hands. How ironic that your daughter died in my arms... "

"Stop it!"

Jin Xintong screams and interrupts Li luoran's words, trembling backward,

"I didn't kill my daughter, I didn't do anything, I don't want to listen to your nonsense, I don't want to listen, you don't get close to me, I don't want to listen, don't listen..."

"I don't want to listen!"

Yelling in fear, she ran into her car.

The car started, but did not know the direction of driving around, and finally "Dong" hit another camphor tree, the front of the car was crushed a large piece.

However, Jin Xintong didn't get off the car, but quickly backed up and ran to the gate.

Li luoran can feel how tangled and uneasy jinxintong is.

She believes that Jin Xintong loves her daughter, and there can be no other person in the world who is as merciless to her daughter as Gu lianyue.

Jin Xintong kills her daughter because she cares too much about her image in Lu Shaochen's heart.

Li luoran also believes that Jin Xintong did not let Su Su kill her and Chu Xingchen.

Su Su also clearly said before shooting Li luoran that Su Su happened to meet Li luoran and Chu Xingchen when she was going to kill Cui Jun and his daughter. Jin Xintong never wanted Chu Xingchen to be like this.

But Li luoran can't help hating Jin Xintong.

Su Su is jinxintong after all!

Jin Xintong has an unshakable responsibility.


Li luoran returns to the living room.

Lu Shaochen and Lu Mingyue are sitting on the carpet playing with toys. Seeing her, Lu Shaochen looks up and says, "come and play together?"

Li luoran sits between Lu Shaochen and Lu Mingyue.

Li luoran is very glad that after Lu Mingyue comes home, Lu Shaochen's mood is much better. At least Li luoran doesn't have to worry about Lu Shaochen's mental illness such as depression because he can't think of it.

Lu Mingyue's children's room has been stranded for a long time. Li luoran cleans the room by hand and coaxes Lu Mingyue to sleep with Lu Shaochen.

After walking out of Lu Mingyue's children's room, Lu Shaochen asked, "I saw Xiaojin hit a tree when she was driving away. She was very flustered. What happened?"

Li luoran said with a smile, "maybe it's because she doesn't adapt to being apart from her own children."

Because she promised to keep Lu Shaochen's secret, Li luoran's words are very obscure. What she said about jinxintong's "separation from her own child" actually means that jinxintong and her killed daughter are separated, but Lu Shaochen sounds like Li luoran is saying that jinxintong and Mingyue are separated

"Well ~" Lu Shaochen gazed at Li luoran's haggard face for a moment, and there was still some pain in his voice,

"I don't know why, since you met Mingyue, every time you were together, I had the illusion that you were a mother and a son. This feeling was very vague, but it was like a signal sent out from the depths of my soul that I couldn't ignore, and my heart was clear that it was the moon Mother, she is also very good to Mingyue, but when she is with Mingyue, I can't feel the intimate feeling when you are with Mingyue. Do you have this feeling? "

It turns out that not only Li luoran himself felt this way, but Lu Shaochen also felt this way all the time!

Li luoran's eyes were full of tears. "To be honest, I also have this feeling."

Lu Shaochen, "why?"

Li luoran rolled his lips. "I think it's because we want to be reunited with our lost son so much."Thinking of that son, Lu Shaochen felt a faint pain in his heart. He gently pinched Li luoran's chin. "After so long, I haven't found our child. Do you blame me?"

Li luoran's eyes were full of tears, and the corners of his mouth were holding a smile, "what's so strange about your dedication."

On her smile, Lu Shaochen can't help but smile, but the depth of this smile is inevitably a bit sad.

Li luoran said, "what's more, don't look for it any more."

Lu Shaochen's extremely handsome face revealed surprise, "why?"

Li luoran pointed to Lu Mingyue on the crib, "I will treat Mingyue as my own son. We just have Mingyue."

Lu Shaochen looks confused.

Li luoran was afraid that he would show up if he talked about it again. He pushed Lu Shaochen away, "well, I'll go to bed. Good night."

When I turned around and walked into the bedroom, tears broke the dike and flowed down.

How she wants to tell Lu Shaochen the truth.

But she can't.

It's not just because she promised Xiao Qianhua.

It's also because Xiao Qianhua is a very dangerous person. Besides, Xiao Qianhua is so crazy about Jin Xintong. Once Li luoran breaks his promise to tell Lu Shaochen the truth, Xiao Qianhua may not do too much.

I'm sorry, Lu Shaochen, I can only hurt you.

Li luoran found a cell phone that had been eliminated before in the drawer and inserted the phone card that was taken out of the cell phone that was exploded by a bullet.

After everything is ready, log in to a chat software, and immediately receive a friend adding message from "black hell".

Li luoran knew that "black hell" was Xiao Qian's painting, and immediately agreed to add friends.

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