You,Under My Name

Chapter 302: 302

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Lu Shaochen stood in the ward, silently looking at the big boy on the bed.

"Mr. Lu, it's getting late. You'd better sit down and have a rest." At last the Falcon could not help but open his mouth.

After dealing with the company's affairs, Lu Shaochen rushed to the hospital. He stood motionless in front of the hospital bed for more than five hours.

Lu Shaochen just looked at Chu Xingchen, his handsome face was sad.


Falcon kept sighing in his heart, "you have mobilized all the hands that can be mobilized to catch the murderer, issued a huge reward order, and asked the best doctor in the world to help Chu Xingchen little brother physiotherapy. You have done your best, why torture yourself like this again?"

"Maybe I haven't done enough." This is the first sentence Lu Shaochen has said in more than five hours.

The Falcon sighed in silence.

Mr. Lu's affection for Chu Xingchen is too deep. After Chu Xingchen's accident, no matter how much he does for Chu Xingchen, he doesn't think it's enough.

"Help me spread a false message that the stars are awake. Remember to make it up so that everyone who hears it will believe it." As if afraid of disturbing Chu Xingchen, Lu Shaochen's voice was light and steady, but it had a frightening murderous air.

"Yes Falcon agreed decisively. Before he left, he couldn't restrain his curiosity and asked,

"Mr. Lu, don't blame me for being so talkative. Little brother Xingchen has already been like this. Even if you spread the news that he has woken up, it's just self deception. He can't really wake up. Why?"

Lu Shaochen, "I'm not as clear as this simple truth."

Falcon, "Mr. Lu, I don't understand. What are you doing this for?"

Staring at Chu Xingchen's sleeping face, Lu Shaochen's eyes were deep and terrifying, "you'll soon understand."


Knowing what Lu Shaochen didn't want to say, no one else could ask. Falcon left the ward full of curiosity.


in the early morning, Lu Shaochen still didn't go home.

Li luoran calls Lu Shaochen.

After a long time, the line was connected. Lu Shaochen's voice was low and haggard. "I'm sorry, I forgot to send a message to tell you that I'm in the hospital with Xingchen. I won't go home tonight."

Li luoran said with a smile, "there's nothing to be sorry about. How is the star now?"

Lu Shaochen said, "I've got the world's top experts. Although it's very unlikely for stars to wake up, it's not impossible. I believe he will wake up."

Li luoran comforted, "if there is a God, I believe God can't bear to take away such an interesting life as the stars. He will wake up."

Lu Shaochen, "well, baby, good night ~"

Li luoran, "good night ~"

hung up the phone and lay in bed for a long time.

Although Li luoran couldn't go to the hospital to see Chu Xingchen because she had to take her children today, she always unconsciously came up with the picture that Chu Xingchen wanted to protect her, but she was shot in the head by Su Su.

This picture is destined to accompany Li luoran all his life like a shadow.


the next day, Li luoran sent Lu Mingyue to the kindergarten on time.

Li luoran has encountered too many terrible things. In order to prevent her enemies from scheming against Lu Mingyue, the kindergarten Li luoran finally selected is a closed kindergarten, in which 21 security guards are veterans, and the safety factor is very high. Li luoran can only rest assured if Lu Mingyue is sent to such a kindergarten.

Li luoran watched xiaomengwa be taken into the kindergarten by the security guard.

When I got on the bus, I found a black luxury car in front of her car.

Although there was someone in the car, Li luoran honked the horn for more than ten times, and the car was always in front of the car, without any reaction.

Enraged, Lilo gets out of the car and slaps his hand on the door.

At this moment, the window slowly sliding, a familiar face into her field of vision.

"Who are you?" Li luoran asked.

Because Lu Shaochen and Xiao Qianhua both have such faces, and Li luoran can't see whether the man in the car is wearing black or white, so she really can't tell who he is?

The corner of the man's mouth raised an evil arc, "your husband."

"Well ~" Li luoran smiles, her eyes become gentle,

"I wanted to find a chance to tell you that I chose this kindergarten for Mingyue, and he also likes it. Of course, if you think there is a more suitable kindergarten, you can let Mingyue transfer."

The man didn't speak, but he just slightly narrowed his black Qu Shi like eyes and looked at Li luoran's face for a moment.

Li luoran rolled his lips, "what are you looking at?"

Men pick eyebrows, "the first time to see you smile Yan Ran's appearance, the original you are not indifferent when so beautiful."

Li luoran looked confused. "What are you talking about?"The man's eyes narrowed into a narrow gap, "are you so warm and lovely when you talk to Lu Shaochen? Lu Shaochen is so blessed. It's the first time I've seen you so gentle and amiable. "


Li luoran's face suddenly became very bad. "You are not Lu Shaochen at all, you are Xiao Qianhua!"

Xiao Qian painted, "yes."


Who just said it was her husband's?

How to show the horse's feet to be torn down and say "right" decisively and shamelessly now?!

Li Luo was angry and didn't fight.

Xiao Qian shrugged, "if I were you, I would never blame me. If I think about it, I even admit my husband's mistake. I must only blame myself, don't I?"

Is that right?!

, you are as like as two peas in Lu Shaochen's paintings. And you can't even tell Lu Shaochen's mother who you are wearing. You can't tell who is who, Lu Shaochen's mother is not.

Lilo was so angry that he didn't know what to say.

Xiao Qianhua said with a smile, "although I despise Lu Shaochen, I have to admit that I have one thing in common with him - I always keep my promise. Now Bai Qingwan has been ruined. It's time to send her to prison."

Hearing this, Li luoran's indifferent face showed a little joy, "are you coming to me for this?"

"What else?" Xiao Qian's painting is eye-catching,

"drive with me, I drive very fast, don't lose it."

The voice dropped and the window closed.

Li luoran couldn't see Xiao Qian's painting outside the window.

She doesn't know that when she walks to her car, Xiao Qianhua always looks at her with her head askew -

Li luoran used to be indifferent every time he faced him. If Li luoran hadn't mistakenly regarded him as Lu Shaochen just now, Xiao Qianhua would never have seen Li luoran smile like a peach blossom in his life, and he wouldn't know that The girl in the room has such a beautiful and enchanting side

Is that what she looks like every time she faces Lu Shaochen?

Xiao Qian can't help but think of Lu Shaochen's cold face when he faces others, but when he faces Li luoran, he seems to turn into the sunshine in March. This couple is really interesting

Lilo got caught in the car.

As soon as he started the car, Xiao Qianhua's car seemed to drive forward.

Although Li luoran is very good at riding a motorcycle, she is not good at driving a car. At the beginning, she took four driving tests before she got her driver's license. Now Jiang Xiaojing teases her about her driving test

Li luoran is also hard to catch up with Xiao Qianhua's car.

However, Xiao Qianhua drove the car very fast. Along the way, Li luoran couldn't count how many times he hit the roadblocks. When he finally arrived at the police station, his body was scratched and bruised.


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the person who received Li luoran and Xiao Qianhua is still officer Zhang, who was in charge of Su Yan's murder.

After Li luoran and Xiao Qianhua were invited into the office, police officer Zhang shut the door tightly and said seriously,

"Miss Li, Mr. Lu, I have a word in advance. At the beginning, Su Yan's death caused a huge sensation in the whole country. Because of the lack of evidence, we can only hastily close the case. If we want to overturn this case, we must have a sure evidence, otherwise, you can only run for nothing I've been there

Li luoran is nervous.

Although Xiao Qianhua promised to be a witness to testify against Bai Qingwan, she couldn't say whether it was a "sure proof".

"Now that I've found it, I'm fully confident. I'll see for myself." Xiao Qian left a U-disk on officer Zhang's desk without expression,


I didn't expect Lu Shaochen to be so cold. Officer Zhang peeked at him, then picked up the USB flash drive and connected it to the computer.

At first, officer Zhang didn't hold much hope. After seeing the video on the USB flash drive, his eyes under his glasses were almost staring out.

Seeing that officer Zhang is so excited, Li luoran can't help coming to officer Zhang's computer monitor. This is a surveillance video!

Because the pixels of the surveillance camera are very high, the picture is very clear.

In the video, Su Yan and Li luoran are tied face to face on two chairs. Bai Qingwan talks with Su Yan about the terms with a dagger in his hand. After the terms collapse, Bai Qingwan resolutely raises the dagger and plunges it into Su Yan's heart.

Later, Bai Qingwan takes the bloody dagger to Li luoran and stabs Li luoran without hesitation. At the critical moment, Xiao Qianhua kicks Bai Qingwan away

The camera that captured this scene is not far away from Bai Qingwan, showing Bai Qingwan's crazy and ferocious expression incisively and vividly.

Looking at this video, Li luoran seems to return to the warehouse, everything seems to have just happened.

"Although my intuition tells me that this video is true, I can't believe it..." Officer Zhang holds his glasses,"But when I was killed, Miss Su Wan never believed that I was the one who was killed Alas! Is this really Bai Qingwan? She didn't hesitate when she killed Su Yan. When she killed Su Yan, she stabbed the knife at Miss Li without hesitation. This My God, it's a killer

Police officer Zhang, who has seen many crimes, can't help but wonder.

Li luoran, caught in the memory, didn't care what officer Zhang was saying.

Xiao Qian's painting is always expressionless.

Officer Zhang stood up with a USB flash drive and said, "Mr. Lu, thank you for giving me such an important clue. Now you can go with your wife. I will ask the technical department to identify the authenticity of this surveillance video as soon as possible. If it is true, we will arrest Bai Qingwan immediately."

Xiao Qian's painting did not explain, but a slight arc was raised in the corner of his mouth.

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Lu, I saw from the surveillance video that you were also at the scene of the accident. I don't understand. Your wife, Miss Li, was also the victim. After the accident, why didn't you come forward to identify Bai Qingwan?" Officer Zhang expressed his doubts.

Xiao Qian painted, "because I'm not Lu Shaochen."

Officer Zhang's face was dazed.

Xiao Qianhua said, "my name is Xiao Qianhua. Some people call me" black hell. "

“……” Officer Zhang was petrified, and his eyes were full of horror when he saw Xiao Qian's painting.

Is he the legendary black hell?

It is said that "black Yama" unified the underground trading network of Jiangcheng five years ago. All the heinous gang leaders who could not help police tea died in his hands, but he never left any evidence. Police tea only heard that there was such a person as "black Yama" and never knew his true face.

It turns out that "heiyanluo" is not ugly at all, but has a handsome face like Lu Shaochen.

It's just that he should have said at the beginning that he is not Lu Shaochen? Why did you say it at the end?

The trembling officer left the office.

Li luoran and Xiao Qianhua walk out of the police station.

Before Li luoran got on the bus, Xiao Qianhua came to her, "that surveillance video is absolutely true, they will soon identify the results, Bai Qingwan will also be brought to justice."

"Yes." Li luoran nodded,

"you also participated in the incident. You tied me and Su Yan in that warehouse. You also committed a crime, and you will bear the responsibility."

Xiao Qianhua meaningless smile, "I know, but commitment is commitment, since I promised you, will fulfill."

Li luoran sighed, "will you be sentenced?"

Xiao Qianhua said, "it won't be. In the end, I just forced you and Su Yan to be tied to the chair for a period of time. I didn't beat you or Lynch you. I will be detained for a few days at most. Considering that I have provided such important evidence for exposing Bai Qingwan, I will atone for my contribution, and I will be safe."

All right!

Sure enough, everything Xiao Qianhua did was carefully thought out. How could such a wise man get angry with himself?

Li luoran wrung his lips sarcastically, "I promised that I would keep Jin Xintong's secret to Lu Shaochen, but it doesn't mean that the enmity between Jin Xintong and me has been written off. The star has been sentenced to" brain death "by the doctor. If it wasn't for my mobile phone to save me, I would have died, and it's impossible for me to stand here and say these words to you. I'll let Jin Xintong pay for my blood."

Hearing this, the smile in Xiao Qian's eyes faded instantly, and his eyes became extremely cold and sinister. "I told you that Xiaojin didn't intend to harm you and Chu Xingchen. Everything was always on his own."

"I know!" Li luoran doesn't dodge at all, and looks at Xiao Qianhua coldly and arrogantly,

"but Su Su is the killer she sent. She has the responsibility that she can't get rid of. In my eyes, Jin Xintong and Su Su Su are the same. They all have to pay for the death of the stars."

Drop this, open the door and get on.

"I heard that your father used to love the moon." Xiao Qianhua asked suddenly.

Li luoran stopped in shock. "Does this have anything to do with you?" Why did Xiao Qianhua suddenly mention this topic?

Xiao Qianhua, who walks slowly to her side, presses the door opened by Li luoran with his right hand. "Your father loves Gu lianyue so much that he is willing to do anything for Gu lianyue. I also know that Gu lianyue hates you very much. I ask you, if Gu lianyue asks your father to kill you, will your father promise her?"

"Ha ha, Mr. Xiao is so twisted!" Li luoran laughs sarcastically,

"my father is an upright man. Even if he loves someone he shouldn't love, he will stick to his principles and never sell his principles for love. Besides, my father loves me very much and he will never poison me to please Gu lianyue."

Cold eyes of Xiao Qian painting, "but I will."

The content of this words is too profound, and Li luoran is stunned.

Xiao Qian's head is half higher than Li luoran's, and he looks at Li luoran for a moment,"I have my principles. My hands have never been stained with the blood of an innocent person. I also like you very much. You are stubborn, indifferent, beautiful and attractive. I've slept with countless actresses. Really, no actresses I really like, but I can see you. If you agree to sell, I'm willing to spend tens of millions of money to buy you for one night. Will you?"

“……” Li luoran felt that he was going to explode.

She tried not to lose control.

Xiao Qianhua said with a smile, "of course you don't want to. I just say that I appreciate you, but my true love is only Xiaojin. I don't insist on principles like your father. I'm willing to do anything for Xiaojin."

With these words, Xiao Qianhua gently pinches Li luoran's chin,

"so even if I like you any more, if you threaten Xiaojin, I will kill you myself when I have to."

Li luoran's body trembled.

Xiao Qian chuckled, "I don't want to be at odds with you. Don't force me. Thank you!"

Let go of Li luoran, turn around and walk to the direction where he stops without looking back.


The door is pulled open by Xiao Qianhua.

The luxurious streamlined super run started and quickly drove in front of Li luoran. At this moment, Li luoran could no longer support himself, and sat on the ground with his thin back and smooth body.


it is difficult for Li luoran to concentrate on driving.

Xiao Qianhua and the threatening words she said before parting always echoed in Li luoran's ears like a magic spell.

In fact, in the past, Li luoran and Bai Qingwan were so fierce that she had never been afraid or flinched.

But now, she is a little afraid -

Xiao Qianhua is a terrible opponent, otherwise, he would not be called "black hell".

And fear does not mean that liluoran will shrink back.

She knows that even if she doesn't take the initiative to provoke jinxintong, jinxintong, who has never given up on Lu Shaochen, will certainly make trouble. She and jinxintong are destined to fight fiercely.

Therefore, she should also be prepared to face Xiao Qianhua, a powerful opponent.

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