You,Under My Name

Chapter 303: 303

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Because the surveillance video Xiao Qianhua gave to the police came from the original surveillance disk, it was easy to distinguish the true from the false. This time, it was different from the time Li luoran secretly recorded the conversation with Bai Qingwan, and the police quickly came to a conclusion.

That morning, Bai Qingwan was arrested by the police.

The evidence is solid. No matter how Bai Qingwan defends himself, it won't help.

On the same day, the media revealed that Su Yan was killed by Bai Qingwan.

After su Yan's death, Bai Qingwan not only successfully got rid of the crime, but also wrongly cried that she had been raped by Su Yan. She took the opportunity to make a big fire and earned people's sympathy. People were surprised to find out the truth. In addition, Bai Qingwan's reputation was ruined recently, and Bai Qingwan's image in the public was completely destroyed.

Li luoran went to the police station to see Bai Qingwan.

Bai Qingwan, whose hands and feet are locked, is still wearing her signature pearl white skirt, but because she is in a trance, she is different from before. Li luoran sits opposite her, and she still lowers her head and turns a blind eye to Li luoran.

Li luoran looked at her indifferently, "I said I would come to see you, now I'm here."

Bai Qingwan opened his lips difficultly, and his voice trembled. "Officer Zhang told me that I would be sentenced to death, executed immediately, and finally succeeded by you."

"Succeed?" Li luoran tasted the meaning of the word,

"whatever you say, I think Su Yan's spirit in heaven should very much hope to see this scene. Unfortunately, all I can do is this. I can't find the evidence that you killed Yingye brother."

Because in the heart a dead ash, although by Li Luo dye such stimulation, Bai Qingwan's voice is still very calm, "just prove that I kill Su Yan enough to let me die, you still want to kill me twice?"

Li luoran shook his head helplessly.

Bai Qingwan is a person of incomparable self. She never thought that she had come to this step, and it was her own suffering, which was also the end she deserved. However, she wishfully felt that she was the victim - Li luoran wanted to harm her all the time.

"I always don't understand that I'm a tool for Xiao Qian to make money. He gets more money from me every month than all the other artists he works for. As a businessman, he even gives up so much interest to help you destroy me. Why on earth?"

Although Li Wan's voice in the custody room is still weak and clear.

Li luoran stood up, "he is for another woman."

"Another woman?" Bai Qingwan seems to understand something,


Li luoran nodded.

"Ha ha ~" Bai Qingwan couldn't help laughing,

"yes, Xiao Qian loves Jin Xintong so much. If it wasn't for Jin Xintong, how could he give up my chess piece? Unexpectedly, in order to get close to Xiao Qian's painting, I did not hesitate to promise to accompany customers for him. In the end, I still died in his hands, fame and fortune! Ronghua! At the beginning, I tried my best to pursue them, but in the end it was nothing. Why bother? If I had known this, I might as well be an ordinary person, find a job to muddle along, and find a man who is not so dazzling but loves himself. What's wrong

Tears of remorse filled the haggard face.

Looking at this kind of Bai Qingwan, Li luoran was suddenly very sad.

Recalling the grudge between her and Bai Qingwan, Bai Qingwan made an opportunity to get close to Su Yan and become her "best friend" at the beginning. Later, Bai Qingwan worked hard to get rich.

In the end, Bai Qingwan achieved her wish and became the most popular female star.

However, she will pay the price of her life because of the evil she did.

Why should we have known earlier?

When Li luoran came to the door of the detention room, Bai Qingwan called her, "is Su Yixuan still alive?"

Ranli stops walking in an instant.

In order to protect Su Yixuan, Li luoran never told anyone about her rescue of Su Yixuan. She was surprised that Bai Qingwan could guess it.

Bai Qingwan raised her pale face and looked at Li luoran in a trance,

"from my understanding of you, if Su Yixuan really died, you would be sad for a long time, but after the police announced that she was executed, you were not sad at all. You even went to the cast to film normally. I guess you must have done something."

Because there are monitoring and monitoring equipment in the detention room, Li luoran can't say it out loud. She goes to Bai Qingwan and whispers in her ear, "Yixuan has an identity, a mansion and a job in Haicheng. She lives very well."

“……” As if hearing a bolt from the blue, Bai Qingwan's body trembled obviously. The next moment, her eyes lit up,

"I know, Ranran, I knew you must have a way to help me out."


Li luoran suspected that he had a auditory hallucination.

Bai Qingwan, with bright eyes, said excitedly in Li luoran's ear, "Ranran, now I'm ruined. I've got what I deserve. I don't want to die. You must give me a second chance to save me. I promise to be a good man like Su Yixuan, OK?""No..." Li luoran's cold lips,

"brother Yingye doesn't want to die, neither does Su Yan. Have you given them a second chance?"

The voice fell down and went to the door again. This time, I didn't look back.

"Ranran, listen to me. We were good friends like sisters, weren't we?"

"Ranran, you are the only one who can help me now. You must save me!"




The heavy door is thrown by Li luoran, Bai Qingwan's shaking hands still hold the posture of grasping Li luoran, and the tears of despair flow down hysterically.


not long after Li luoran walked out of the police station, Feng qiantai also came out.

She and her husband stand side by side, but don't forget her innocence

Li luoran, "what did you say?"

The breeze shallow Chen picks eyebrow, "I said all that I know, but Bai Qingwan does everything without leaking, police tea can't find the evidence that she ordered shadow night to kill Su Jinnian, that thing can only be like that."

Li luoran didn't know what to say.

Looking back, Ying Yeming knew that Bai Qingwan used him, and she was willing to kill Su Jinnian for Bai Qingwan, and she was willing to take poison to die. She thought that Ying Yeming really wanted Bai Qingwan to be happy, and Ying Yeming never wanted to see Bai Qingwan end up like this.

"God, I feel relieved. I haven't been so relaxed for a long time." The sound of the wind came from Li luoran's ears.

"Oh?" Li luoran rolled his lips,

"are you tired all the time?"

"It's more than tiredness. I'm always in fear." The wind is shallow, and her eyes are full of enchantment.

"it's ridiculous that Bai Qingwan always wants to sleep with me since she married me. Once I saw her naked and lying on my bed waiting for me after taking a bath in the bathroom. This happens every day. If it goes on like this, it's hard to guarantee that she will give me medicine in my food or wine one day, and then she will give it to me Go to sleep, Tema! I'm still a pure and perfect person. It's a pity if I'm broken by a woman like Bai Qingwan. "

Li luoran couldn't help laughing.

Before parting, Li luoran asked Feng qianshe, "what do you think of the girl Yixuan?"

"Su Yixuan?" When I think of that girl, I can't help but feel sorry.

"she is very similar to Jiang Xiaojing. She is savage and has personality, which is very similar to you. It's a pity that people can't come back to life after death. I still miss that little fan sister."

Li luoran laughs mysteriously, "if she can survive, will you want her to be your girlfriend?"

"No!" Feng Qianji shakes his head decisively. At this moment, his eyes are very serious,

"although I'm a bohemian, I'm stubborn in love. My heart has been given to that girl for a long time, and that girl is also the only one I love. It won't change in my life."

Fall this words, as if to escape something, immediately get into the car.

Standing outside the car, Li luoran looked at the evil face of the wind through the translucent window, "who is that girl?"

"Don't ask. I'll never say it." "By the way, although Bai Qingwan and I have never been married before, I will be a married man after Bai Qingwan's death. If you divorce your godfather, you are also a divorced woman, so we can make up a couple."


Is this a curse on her marriage with Lu Shaochen?!

Li Luo ran Dun is not in a good mood.

The wind has already started the car, quickly fled the scene.


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after Li luoran was shot, Wang Zimo gave her a week off to calm her mind. Therefore, Li luoran was very free in a week.

After leaving the police station, Li luoran drove directly to the hospital.

When they came to Chu Xingchen's ward, two doctors were talking at the door.

Doctor a, "this boy is really lucky. He is so seriously injured that his chance of waking up is less than one in ten thousand. He actually woke up miraculously. I really doubt that he saved the galaxy in his last life."

Doctor B, "well, it's a miracle in the history of medicine. It can be written into textbooks."

Li luoran immediately walked forward with his eyes shining. "Are you talking about the boy as a star?"

Because Li luoran was wearing a mask and heard Li luoran's voice, doctor a recognized her. "It's Miss Li. Yes, we're talking about Chu Xingchen."

Li luoran was overjoyed. "Did you just say he woke up?"

“……” The doctor fell silent.

Seeing that someone was listening in the corridor, doctor B raised his voice and said, "yes, the child woke up miraculously. Go and see him quickly!"Li luoran rushed into the ward excitedly.

Although Lu Shaochen is also in the ward, Li luoran, who is full of thoughts about Chu Xingchen, ignores Lu Shaochen's existence and goes straight to the hospital bed.

Chu Xingchen is still like yesterday, lying quietly on the hospital bed, eyebrows closed, like a sleeping baby.

Li luoran's first reaction was that Chu Xingchen was sleeping, so he shook him hard, "Hey, sister-in-law came to see you, don't sleep."


"Wake up

"Wake up

However, no matter how hard to shake, Chu Xingchen did not react.

"He didn't wake up at all. The two doctors said that at the door at my command." A very magnetic sound sounded like a flute in liloran's ear.

Li Luo dye a face is muddled, embrace Chu star star the hands of the arm is stiff, "why?"

Lu Shaochen, "lead the snake out of the hole."

Li luoran was more confused.

Lu Shaochen and Li luoran sat side by side with their right hands on her shoulder. "I believe the murderer who killed the star must still be in Jiangcheng. She will pay attention to the news of the star. If she hears that the star wakes up, she will ask him to kill her again. As long as she dares to come, I want her to go back."

Oh, my God!

Li luoran first admired Lu Shaochen's foresight, but when he thought of Su Su's shooting skills, he couldn't help worrying, "that killer is very powerful. She killed everyone with one shot. If it wasn't for the mobile phone blocking my chest, I would have been killed by her. It's very dangerous for you to do so."

"So, I want to get rid of her more." Lu Shaochen holds Li luoran in his arms, and her dark eyes are cold.

"she didn't kill you. It's also a threat to you in the future. I can't let such a threat exist in this world."

Li luoran's moved eyes are full of tears.

She thought that Lu Shaochen did this simply to avenge Chu Xingchen. Unexpectedly, Lu Shaochen did it for her.

Suddenly I felt a chill.

The coolness came from Lu Shaochen's hand. She put her hand on the back of Lu Shaochen's hand and found that Lu Shaochen's hand was cold as if there was no temperature. Looking back at Lu Shaochen's face, she found that Lu Shaochen's face was pale and gaunt like Bai Qingwan.

Li luoran didn't know that Lu Shaochen had been guarding Chu Xingchen since he came to the ward yesterday afternoon. Up to now, he didn't eat anything or drink a drink.


jinxintong family.

Su Su is sitting on the soft sofa, idly playing with her silver pistol.

Today's entertainment industry is more lively than at any time in history, and there are similar reports in all major media -

Bai Qingwan, once the most popular actress, was exposed to the truth of "debauchery", and then he was exposed to kill her ex boyfriend. Within two days, "goddess" turned into "female devil", and Li luoran, the popular star, was shot and nearly died

Su Su is not a gossip. She is tired of such information, but she still pays attention to it all the time. She should pay attention to the trend of Li luoran and Chu Xingchen all the time.


The door was pushed open.

"Who?" Su Su hastily takes up the pistol to aim at the door, and finds that the person who comes in is Jin Xintong.

The brocade Heart Tong secretly sighs, "Su Su, why are you suffering? You don't want Qianhua to send you away. You insist on staying in Jiangcheng, but you are always worried. A little wind and grass is just like a bird in shock. Isn't it good to live a peaceful life in the distance

Su Su put the pistol on the table, "I said, this matter is not over, I can't go."

Jin Xintong sits beside Su Su, holding Su Su's right hand in her white hand. "Cui Jun is dead, Chu Xingchen will never wake up, and Li luoran will keep a secret. This matter is over. You don't need to worry any more."

"Not yet." Su Su shook his head stubbornly,

"I just got the news that Chu Xingchen woke up. He would tell Lu Shaochen everything he knew. I must kill him."

A mobile phone is lost on Jin Xintong's leg.

Jin Xin Tong looks at the past. On the bright mobile phone screen is a news message issued not long ago, which is about the recovery of Chu star miracle who was hit by a bullet in the head.

"I read this report carefully. Although Chu Xingchen wakes up, he is still in a state of amnesia. The doctor says that this kind of amnesia is a short-term amnesia caused by brain hypoxia. He will think of everything soon, and I will wipe him out before he can recover his memory."

Su Su said obstinately.

"How many times do I have to say it to make you understand?" Jin Xintong can't explain any more,

"it's a mistake to shoot at the stars. Lu Shaochen has deep feelings for him. I'm glad he can wake up, so Shaochen won't be sad any more. I will never allow you to kill him again."

Su Su's hands were sweating, "but he will tell Lu Shaochen the truth..."

"The truth?" Jin Xintong is helpless,

"like Shaochen, Xingchen is an irreplaceable goddess in their heart. Xingchen just saw you shooting at Li luoran. He doesn't know what happened between us. He doesn't know anything. What truth does he have to tell Shaochen?"Nothing to say.

Thinking of Lu Shaochen, Jin Xintong's beautiful eyes can't help but show concern, "the night after the star accident, when I went to send the moon, I met Shaochen. He is a person who likes to hide his negative emotions deeply. He tries not to let others see, but I can still see how sad he is. Su Su Su, you know, even if Chu Xingchen really knows my secret, I'd rather take the risk With the risk of being exposed, I don't want to see Shaochen so sad. Do you understand? "

Su Su lowered her head, "I understand."

Jin Xin Tong is not at ease, "what do you understand?"

Su Su pursed her lips, "if I kill Chu Xingchen, Lu Shaochen will be sad, you will be sad, you don't want me to kill him."

Jin Xintong is finally relieved.

Su Su stares at her silver pistol for a moment -

sister Xintong is so stupid. She always thinks of Lu Shaochen by all means. She is not as naive as sister Xintong. She will never let sister Xintong bear the risk of being exposed!


it's getting to early morning.

Jin Xintong has gone to sleep, but Su Su put on a nurse's suit and mask to cover her face in her bedroom, and walked out of the room like a shadow.

The hospital in the middle of the night is not as overcrowded as it is in the daytime. The corridor is empty, and occasionally people walk through it.

Su Su, disguised as a nurse, goes straight to Chu Xingchen's ward.

The door was locked, she only used a pin to open the lock, like a ghost like silent into.

There is no light in the ward, can't see five fingers, Su Su put on the night vision mirror to see, a person is lying on the bed, looking like sleeping.

Who said Lu Shaochen was brilliant!

Lu Shaochen is just like this. He didn't want to send someone to protect him after Chu Xingchen woke up, so he left him alone in the ward.

However, even if Lu Shaochen sent someone to protect Chu Xingchen, what could he do?

For her, those people are just decorations. She can solve one problem with one shot. For her, more people are just one more shot

Su Su carefully installed the muffler on the barrel of the gun while thinking, "bang" shot hit the head of the man on the hospital bed.

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