You,Under My Name

Chapter 307: 307

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Li luoran rolled his lips. "Yes, I promised Xiao Qianhua to keep another secret. I can't say it."

Lu Shaochen, "this secret also has something to do with Xiaojin?"

Li luoran shrugged, "I can't say anything, I can only wait for you to find out."

In my heart, I hope Lu Shaochen will find out earlier. In that way, the three members of their family can be regarded as a real reunion.

Lu Shaochen sat alone under the weeping willows, digesting all his emotions.

Jin Xintong's car stops outside the main building. When Li luoran walks indoors, Jin Xintong is helping Su Su to walk in front of her car.

Jin Xintong stops in front of Li luoran, "are you satisfied now?"

Li luoran said with a bitter smile, "what can I be satisfied with?"

"Don't get cheap and sell well. Li luoran, you wish my image in Shaochen's heart would be completely destroyed. Now that you succeed, how can you be dissatisfied?" Remembering that she was no longer the "goddess" in Lu Shaochen's heart, Jin Xintong shed tears again.

Li Luo as like as two peas, but he said, "since you think so, you should give up your heart to him. Your love for him will not be productive." Xiao Qian loves you very much. He will give everything for you. His face is exactly the same as He Shaochen.

"Ha ~" Jin Xintong can't help laughing,

"after you say that, I suddenly feel that you and Xiao Qianhua are quite a match. Why don't you divorce Shaochen and marry Xiao Qianhua?"

Li luoran, "..."

Jin Xintong raised her hand to wipe away her tears. "Don't be surprised. Nothing is impossible. I swear that you will be together with Xiao Qianhua soon. If you don't believe me, we'll see."

Drop this words, head also don't return of walk toward her car.

Li luoran looks confused.

I always feel that jinxintong has something to say, but what does jinxintong want to say?


when the car door is closed, all noises from the outside world are isolated.

Jin Xintong is hopelessly trapped in the driver's seat. Since telling Lu Shaochen the truth, she seems to have been hollowed out of a large area of emptiness and loss.

"Sister Xintong, you could have put all the responsibility on me. Why are you so stupid?" Su Su in the co pilot's seat looked at her with tears in her eyes.

Jin Xintong, whose thoughts are back to reality, "you went to kill Cui Jun just for me. Your original intention of killing Chu Xingchen and Li luoran is also for me. I can't watch you suffer."

"Sister Xintong..." Su Su's voice trembled.

Jin Xin Tong gently grabbed her injured hand, "lose this finger as your lesson, remember, don't want to hurt the stars in the future, if you are caught by Shaochen next time, even I can't save you."

Su Su nodded tearfully.

Remember, she'll never do anything stupid again.

To solve the problem in a simple and crude way will only affect sister Xintong. From now on, she will help sister Xintong regain her true love by killing without blood.


due to the bad nature of the crime, Bai Qingwan was sentenced to death and executed immediately.

Bai Qingwan knew that he was guilty and did not appeal.

On the day when Bai Qingwan was executed, all the headlines of the major media were related reports.

As early as a year ago, Bai Qingwan's family drew a clear line with her because they knew what Bai Qingwan had done. After Bai Qingwan died, her family refused to go to the relevant departments to claim the body. Only Bai Qingwan's husband, Feng qianzhen, could claim the body.

Li luoran claimed the body with Feng qianzhen.

The Bai family regards Bai Qingwan as a disgrace to the family. They are not allowed to bury Bai Qingwan in the cemetery of the Bai family. Let Li luoran and Feng Qianhe deal with it casually.

Li luoran decides to bury Bai Qingwan's ashes with brother Yingye's.

After all, brother Yingye loves Bai Qingwan most. If people have souls, Li luoran thinks that brother Yingye must hope to be with Bai Qingwan after death.

Because there was no support from Bai Qingwan's family, it was not a funeral at all. Only the staff invited by Li luoran simply buried Bai Qingwan's ashes.

Li luoran stands in front of Bai Qingwan's monument, remembering the love and hatred between him and Bai Qingwan. In the end, everything disappears. Bai Qingwan once went crazy, crazy and brilliant, but in the end, even his family did not want to recognize him.

If Bai Qingwan had known that she would end up like this, would she have done evil?

After leaving the cemetery, Feng qianzhen asked Li luoran, "I can't say why. When Bai Qingwan didn't get retribution before, I always wanted to let her pay as soon as possible. Now that she got retribution, I felt like something was missing."

Li luoran said with a smile, "me too."

Maybe it's the reason why Bai Qingwan has a great influence on her life. At that time, Li luoran tried every means to find Bai Qingwan for revenge. Now, Bai Qingwan has turned into dust. Sometimes, Li luoran still has the illusion that Bai Qingwan is still alive. Sometimes, when he wakes up, he still has the idea of finding Bai Qingwan for revengeBai Qingwan seems to be a tumor growing on her body. If this tumor is suddenly removed, it's really not suitable.

"What are your plans for the future?" The wind is shallow and asks with the bright blue eyes.

Li luoran shrugged, "what's the plan? As before, continue filming, living and taking care of children. What about you?"

The wind is shallow, "Alas! I really envy you. I'm not the same. Anyway, I'm a divorced second-hand man now. My little fans won't call me little fresh meat and shallower brother any more. Should they call me uncle? Should I also consider living like an uncle? "

Li luoran was amused.

When he was about to walk out of the cemetery, he saw Xiao Qianhua come out of his Rolls Royce phantom. He was holding a bunch of white chrysanthemums in his hand, obviously to see Bai Qingwan.

Li luoran was very surprised.

Xiao Qianhua guessed what Li luoran was thinking. He strode to Li luoran and said, "you are very surprised that I will come to see Bai Qingwan. You think she is just a tool for me to make money when she is alive. I have no feelings for her. I can't come to see her."


Li luoran finds that her heart has been told by Xiao Qianhua. What else can she say?

"There's nothing wrong with you thinking that way. Bai Qingwan and Gu Mingzhu are tools to me, but sometimes people have feelings for the tools they use, such as killers' feelings for their guns and soldiers' feelings for their swords..." Xiao Qianhua looked at the tombstones in the cemetery from a distance,

"if it wasn't for the accident, I would never betray Bai Qingwan. My clients all like her very much. After her death, I can't find such a valuable actress as her. I will miss her forever."

The wind is shallow

Li Wan is very happy to have something to do with her

I'm going with the wind.

"Wait!" Xiao Qianhua grabs Li luoran's right arm,

"I've been thinking about something recently, and I've thought about it clearly. It seems that I've been fooled by you."

Li luoran turned back in panic, "what?"

"Don't be surprised. You know what I'm talking about." Xiao Qianhua's eyes narrowed slightly and his temperament was quiet and cold. His expression seemed a bit sinister,

"you are a girl with principles. With your stubborn and arrogant nature, if you really have the evidence that can tear down Xiaojin, you will use the evidence to avenge Chu Xingchen. You will never trade with me without conscience, but you do it anyway."

"Yes." Li luoran pretended to shrug easily, "the stars have already been like that, after all, it's irreparable, and the conditions you put forward are so attractive, I think it's very suitable."

"Oh..." Xiao Qianhua's smile is very secretive,

"no! You don't think the conditions are very suitable, but you are empty handed. You don't have any evidence at all. "

Li luoran was speechless.

Sure enough, Xiao Qianhua is a smart man. After the incident, he was cheated by Li luoran because he wanted to protect Jin Xintong. When he calmed down, he would think of being cheated sooner or later.

"I didn't expect that Xiao Qianhua, such a wise man, would be cheated by you and give you everything you want most easily." Xiao Qianhua sighs,

"Li luoran, remember, I helped you to avenge the feud between you and Bai Qingwan, I helped you to find your child who has been separated from you for four years, now I give you all the most important things in your life, and you owe me."

Li luoran didn't know what to say.

To be fair, there is nothing wrong with what Xiao Qianhua said. She owes him.

With these words, Xiao Qianhua turned and left.

Li Luo ran looked at his back uneasily, "now you know that I cheated you, will you revenge me?"

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"Oh?" At first, Xiao Qian's face was shocked. The next second, he said with a meaningful smile,

"if I can be cheated by you little girl, I can only say that I am too brainless, and I want to revenge myself."

Li luoran said with a relieved smile, "well, I want to thank you ~"

Xiao Qianhua turned around in shock, "thank me for what, don't revenge you?"

Li luoran, "thank you for helping me to get rid of Bai Qingwan and find my child."

Xiao Qian's painting, "..."

Li luoran turns around and goes out with Xiao Qianhua.

After getting into the car, Feng qianzhen asked the question that had been blocking his heart. "You and Xiao Qianhua said that he helped you find your son. What about your son? Why have I never seen it? "

Li luoran, "bright moon."

Xiao Qian painted a bewilderment like face, "what?"

Li luoran said, "Mingyue is my own son. The child I was carried away after I was born four years ago is Mingyue."


the wind is so frightened that it can put an egg in its mouth.Fengqianshe is Li luoran's most trusted person. Li luoran doesn't want to keep her mind for a lifetime. Now she tells fengqianshe the whole story of Xiao Qianhua's plan to help jinxintong have a baby and asks fengqianshe to keep it secret.


the wedding of Li Qingtian and an Jiaren was held in zhijinfang.

Both of them are low-key people. They don't decorate as much as Gu lianyue did when she got married. They just set up more than ten banquets on the first floor, and the invitation cards were only sent to some important relatives and friends.

The scene was full of joy.

Li luoran looks at her father in the bridegroom's dress. She is so tall and handsome. For more than 20 years, her father seldom smiles. Today, her father's face is always full of smiles. Li luoran knows that he is very happy and that an Jiaren has entered his heart. He will never be as obsessed with Gu lianyue as before.

Lu Shaochen takes Li luoran to propose a toast to the couple.

Lu Shaochen and Li Qingtian had a good chat.

An Jiaren pulls Li luoran aside. "Ranran, I have something to ask you. Of course, I don't ask you to help. If you are in a dilemma, you can not do it at all."

Li luoran said with a smile, "what's the matter?"

When she found Lu Wanyue staring at herself not far away, an Jiaren lowered her voice. "I want to travel around the world with your father, so he wants to entrust the company to Shaochen for the time being until he comes back."

Li luoran was shocked.

Dad wants to hand over the company to Lu Shaochen. Shouldn't he go to Lu Shaochen and say? What can I do with her?

"Don't get me wrong. I don't care about your father's company. I'm worried about politeness. I used to live with her in our house. I left her alone when I went away. I'm not sure. So I want her to live with you and Shaochen for the time being. There have been many conflicts between you and her before. I think you may be a little repellent, so..."

"No rejection!" Li luoran interrupts an's words and looks at Lu Wanyue casually,

"Lu's house is so big that sometimes I feel bored at home alone. Let her come."

"Well!" An Jiaren nodded,

"in addition, tactful can't always be idle at home. She has such a good figure and looks good. I hope you can bring her into your production team to shoot with you."

Li luoran nodded happily, "don't worry, no problem."

It's not really her boasting.

In the sequel of the queen of demons, there is a character named Gan spice girl, who has a high demand on the body of the actors. When Li luoran went to the production group last time, director Song Yi once suggested to Feng qianshe that the actor she chose was not suitable for the role, but it was hard for the female artists to find such a perfect person to play. At that time, Li luoran thought of Lu Wan About -

Lu Wanyue's figure is too hot, she is like a fire.

But Li luoran didn't recommend Lu Wanyue to the crew because she felt that such a rich family as Lu Wanyue didn't want to be an actress at all. Now, an Jiaren's initiative to make this request is just like Li luoran's intention.

"In fact, I didn't arrange for her to act in your troupe." I'm afraid that Lu Wan's date will overhear that Anjian's voice will be lower.

"I'm trying to give her a chance to get in touch with shallowly."

"Ah?" Excessive surprise makes Li luoran scream.

Hearing her cry, Lu Wanyue turned her lips with disdain.


I can't stand the way Li luoran and her mother talk to each other. I miss the time when she used to make trouble for Li luoran by all means!

It's just that the good time may have gone forever with the wedding of Ma and Li Qingtian!

"Keep your voice down, don't let her hear you!" An Jiaren gently touches Li luoran,

"Wanyue is a stubborn girl. She has a secret love for Shaochen for many years. Although I supported her in the past, I also hoped that she and Shaochen would come together. Now it's different. I hope you and Shaochen will be good forever, and I hope that she will put down her love for Shaochen."

Li luoran nodded and agreed, "so do you want her to be with Feng qianshe?"

"Of course! Which ordinary boy deserves our graceful? These days, I have been looking for Wanyue, and I find that Fengqian is the only one who can match Wanyue in appearance

“……” Li luoran tried not to laugh.

To tell you the truth, although Lu Wanyue is in good shape and handsome, there is still a long way to go to match the evil spirit of Fengqian.

But in the eyes of every mother, her daughter is the most beautiful in the world. It's not wrong for Anjian to think so.

An Jiaren continued, "Shaochen wanted to make a couple of Wanyue and qianshe as early as a year ago. My parents and I agreed, but the two children are stubborn, and no one can look up to them. I have no choice but to ask you about it. You are Wanyue's sister-in-law. You must help her to do it, OK?"

Li luoran was a little confused.

What she can do is to bring Lu Wanyue into the cast and try her best to create opportunities for her to get along with Feng qianshe, right?Why does Angie want her to sit tight?

From Li luoran's eyes, we can see her bewildered Anjian,

"doesn't Shaochen have that kind of medicine? Qingtian and I can both walk together because of that kind of medicine, and graceful can also walk together because of that kind of medicine. You can find a chance to give them some


Li luoran can't believe what he heard?!

At the beginning, Lu Shaochen's "Keng Ma" drugged an Jiaren. Now an Jiaren even wants to "Keng daughter" to drugged Lu Wanyue. They are really mother and daughter!

"Although Wanyue always dresses up like this, she is very traditional in her heart, and she is still innocent now. If she has the truth with qianshe, she will stick to her. As long as he bullies my family politely, he will be responsible. Even if he wants to be responsible, Shaochen and I will force him to be responsible. "

An Jiaren's voice clearly rings in Li luoran's ear,

"it's up to you. I hope you and I can see the result after we travel around the world. It's better to let Wanyue have a baby."

Then he went back to Li Qingtian.

All that was left was Li luoran standing like a sculpture under the crystal light.

Before long, Lu Shaochen went back to Li luoran and said, "what did mom say to you? Why do you look scared? "

"Er..." Li luoran's soul gradually returned to its original position, and she did not smile,

"ha ha, no I didn't say anything

Lu Shaochen did not ask, but secretly raised her chin, "always owe you a wedding, when do you want to no longer hidden marriage?"

Li luoran's thoughts return to reality.

She never thought that she would have a wedding with Lu Shaochen?

The wedding doesn't need to be luxurious and bright, and it doesn't need to be as extravagant and luxurious as those stars. She just needs to walk along the red carpet with Lu Shaochen, as long as Lu Shaochen puts a ring on her, looks at her and tells her the wedding manifesto that accompanies her all her life

But now she can't.

As a new star, she can only choose to marry in seclusion. The wedding is a dream for a star like her.

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