You,Under My Name

Chapter 306: 306

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Lu Shaochen, "is that why you killed Cui Jun?"

"I didn't mean to kill him."

Cui juntong and I had a nightmare when we met not long ago

The expressionless Lu Shaochen, "you only explained why you killed Cui Jun, but did not explain what I was most concerned about."

Jin Xintong of course knows what Lu Shaochen called "his most concerned problem". She laughs bitterly, "I never thought about what to do with ranranjie and Xingchen, and I don't know why ranranjie and Xingchen happened to be together with him when Su Su Su went to kill Cui Jun."

Lu Shaochen sarcastically said, "what a coincidence."

Jin Xin Tong a face helpless, "I know even if I said you also won't believe, but the fact is so coincident, I also have no way."

Su Su is too busy to help Jin Xintong explain, "every sentence that sister Xintong says is true. She never allows me to make Li luoran's idea. I hate her and sister Xintong for robbing you, so I make my own opinion. Lu Shaochen, injustice has its head and debt has its owner. Don't embarrass sister Xintong!"

Standing in the same place like an ice sculpture, Lu Shaochen's eyes are as deep as the sea. No one knows what he is thinking.

When Jin Xintong is thinking about how to make Lu Shaochen believe it, Li luoran, who has been watching silently, opens his mouth,

"I can help her prove it."

Su Su and Jin Xintong are shocked.

Even Lu Shaochen's paralyzed face showed a trace of surprise.

Li luoran comes to jinxintong quietly,

"on the day of the incident, Cui Jun called me to go to the old courtyard to find him. Su Su Su didn't know that Cui Jun and I were together. That's really a coincidence."

Lu Shaochen, "I know."

Knowledge, Dao, le

It is clear that Lu Shaochen said such three words, why does Jin Xintong think these three words are so cruel?

Perhaps, it is because there is no contrast, there is no harm, right?

Just Jin Xintong said so much, Lu Shaochen always maintains a skeptical attitude, Li luoran just said a word, Lu Shaochen instantly believe.

Is this the same Lu Shaochen who once believed unconditionally no matter what she said?

When Jin Xintong was dejected, Lu Shaochen's penetrating voice suddenly rang out, "you can go."

Jin Xintong was surprised and happy. "Shaochen, I knew you wouldn't blame me. You still love me in your heart."

He lowered himself to untie the rope in Su Su's hand.

Lu Shaochen, "I let you go. I didn't let Su Su go."


Jin Xin Tong eyes that silk joy has not yet arrived at the fundus of the eye turned into panic, "Shaochen, now you already know everything, why still refuse to let her go?"

"Because I knew everything, I would not let her go." Lu Shaochen, who is so handsome, has only thin cool eyes in his charming eyes.

"the grudge between you and Cui Jun has nothing to do with me. I only care about who hurt Ranran and Xingchen. Since this woman is not ordered by you, you can leave, but this woman must die."

The brocade Heart Tong whole body trembles, the tears Mou is full of can't believe.

She said so much, the purpose is to intercede with Su Su!

Although she didn't say it directly, she shed so many tears and even confessed to Lu Shaochen the dirtiest stain in her life. Didn't she just want to ask Lu Shaochen to let Su Su Su go?

Lu Shaochen, such a smart man, can't have no idea!

Jin Xintong never thought that Lu Shaochen didn't show any sympathy for her tragic experience, and even ruthlessly ignored her plea.

Even Li luoran was shocked.

I always thought that Jin Xintong was the woman that Lu Shaochen cared about most.

Li luoran even felt that Jin Xintong's position in Lu Shaochen's heart was far more important than his own.

Therefore, she thinks that Lu Shaochen will forgive Jin Xintong for what she has done after Jin Xintong says that he was cheated and played with Nong by Cui Jun -

and Lu Shaochen's performance is almost "merciless".

"Heartless" to even Li luoran can't believe it.

"Shaochen..." Jin Xintong doesn't know how to make her voice,

"there is no woman in the world who doesn't love her daughter. Do you know how painful it was when I made the decision to let Su Su kill my daughter? After my daughter died, I shed tears every day. Sometimes I stand on the balcony alone, and I even want to jump out of the window and die, but I don't, because I still miss you in my heart, and I want to see you again. You are the only thing I want to live for. "

There was no expression on Lu Shaochen's jade like face, but his fingertips trembled slightly.

Jin Xintong's tears flow more turbulent, "I do this just to maintain my image in your mind, I know my image in your mind is flawless, I'm afraid you know I was tainted by Cui Jun, I'm afraid you know I had a child, now, in order to save Su Su, I take the initiative to tell you that I would rather kill my daughter To hide the truth, Shaochen Why are you so cruel to me when you know my purpose? "Lu Shaochen's eyes are cold and his voice is cold.

"for the sake of the stars, she must die."

The voice falls, in the hand already many a silver pistol.

This silver pistol is the one Su Su used to kill Chu Xingchen. Su Su has run out of bullets in the hospital. Lu Shaochen only added one bullet to the gun, which is enough to kill a person.

He turned slightly, the black barrel aimed at Su Su's head,

"this shot, I will hit at the same position where the star was shot in the head, the doctor said that the star was lucky to not die on the spot, maybe you will die on the spot, maybe you will become a plant man like the star."

Then he pulled the trigger without hesitation.



Jin Xintong screams and pours on Lu Shaochen.

Because Lu Shaochen's hand was pushed away from the direction, the bullet did not hit Su Su's head. Instead, it flew close to her cheek and punched a hole in the rearview mirror of the car behind her.

Su Su stares at an eye, the whole person is scared silly.

Jin Xintong hugs Lu Shaochen behind him.

Lu Shaochen's face was frightfully cold, "go away."

"No! If I don't go away, Su Su is just like my own sister. I don't want her dead. I don't want to go away! " Jin Xintong hugs Lu Shaochen tightly and refuses to let go.

Even though the pain in his heart is like a knife cut, Lu Shaochen does not show any pain, showing only indifference, "I don't want to fight you, don't force me."

Jin Xintong hugs Lu Shaochen's waist and his arms are getting tighter and tighter. "I won't let go. After I let go of you, you will shoot her. I don't want to die, I don't want you to shoot."

Lu Shaochen eyes color a deep, trembling left hand force Jin Xin Tong small hand in his abdomen break off, force to push her out.

"Woo -"

the man's strength is so great that Jin Xintong's back bumps firmly into the pig cage and sits on the ground, unable to get up for a while.

Lu Shaochen took a bullet out of his pocket and quickly loaded it into the clip.

Raise the pistol and aim at Su Su's head again.

At the moment when he is about to pull the trigger, Jin Xintong suddenly raises her strength to stand up and strides to Lu Shaochen.

The next second, so "Dong" a kneel in front of Lu Shaochen.

At the moment when Jin Xintong kneels on the ground, Lu Shaochen's tall body clearly trembles. Li luoran sees a trace of affection in his cold eyes like ice and snow -


Li luoran is familiar with this kind of affection. When Li luoran is hurt, Lu Shaochen's eyes also show this kind of affection.

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"I'm a strong man. I don't want to look at people's faces. I never ask for anything. This time, I'll kneel down and beg you." Jin Xintong's face was full of tears, and her choking voice seemed to poke her heart,

"I swear, this is the last time I beg you. If you promise, I will be grateful to you all my life. If you don't promise, I will kneel forever until I die in front of you."

Li luoran had never seen Lu Shaochen's expression so painful.

His hands trembled violently. His fingers tried to pull the trigger again and again, but he couldn't be cruel again and again. Finally, he dropped the gun on the ground.

"I don't want to see her again. I'll give you ten minutes to take her away!"

"Let her leave Jiangcheng. If I see her in Jiangcheng next time, I will not be merciful."

Leave these two words behind and walk out of the garage.

Jin Xintong looked at his figure with tears in his eyes, "Shaochen, thank you ~"

Lu Shaochen stopped with a bitter smile, "and you, don't appear in front of me again in the future, from now on, we will break up completely, even friends are no longer."


As if hearing a thunderbolt, Jin Xintong's tears just stopped gurgling down again. She opened her lips difficultly,

"sure enough, men care about women's chastity. How could you be so cruel to me in the past? Now you know that I've been defiled by another man. If you think I'm dirty, you should always draw a line with me. "

Lu Shaochen's eyes clearly hurt, "you can think like this."

Step forward again.

"You stop!" Jin Xintong reluctantly pursues Lu Shaochen and grabs his wrist,

"I ask you, what would you do if Li luoran was the one who encountered this kind of thing?"

Lu Shaochen did not look back, "I will protect her very well, will never let her encounter this kind of thing."

Li luoran was moved and at a loss.

Jinxintong's bloody heart seemed to be sprinkled with sea salt. She said bitterly, "I mean if, if she lost her memory like me, she was cheated to be innocent. If she wanted to hide the secret like me, she ordered people to kill the man who cheated her and her children, would you be cruel to her like me?"

"I don't know..." Lu Shaochen looked at the unknown location in a trance,

"how can I know the answer to the impossible question?""Ha ha ~" Jin Xintong couldn't help laughing,

"what a farfetched answer, no! Lu Shaochen, you don't know the answer. You are just evading the answer. The first time I asked you this question, you had a clear answer in your heart! "

Lu Shaochen was speechless.

Jin Xintong laughs more ironically, "well, let me tell you the answer in your heart. If it's Li luoran who does all this, you won't think she's dirty, and you won't think she's cruel and cruel. You'll only feel sorry for her. You'll just try your best to help her hide the fact that she hired a murderer."

Li luoran was in a trance.

Will Lu Shaochen really do as Jin Xintong said?

It's impossible, isn't it?

Lu Shaochen, with a heavy heart, said, "maybe ~"

"maybe, ha ha, what a good maybe. In such a situation, what's the difference between saying" maybe "with a guilty heart and saying" yes "directly?"

"if I kneel down in front of her, I will never forgive her? If only I were her? "

Lu Shaochen's face is thin and cool, "but you are not her."

“……” Jin Xin Tong is like being struck by lightning. Her lips are open and she can't say a word any more.

Lu Shaochen shook off her hand and walked past her indifferently.

The brocade Heart Tong stupidly stands at the original place, like only dropped the doll like the soul son, the crystal clear tears patter patter patter patter drop at her feet.

Looking at this kind of jinxintong, Li luoran's heart is full of mixed feelings. He clearly has a lot to say, but he doesn't know where to start. He just sighs and leaves the garage in a hurry.


Lu Shaochen sat in the yard under the weeping willows, his throat was sliding violently, his clear ice eyes were full of tears, but he never let a drop of tears flow down.

Seeing Li luoran coming, he opened his eyes wider and let the tears dry quickly.

Li luoran and he sat side by side under the tree, "why don't you explain?"

Lu Shaochen, "explain what?"

Li luoran does not stop picking the grass on the ground. "Jinxintong has been cheated and defiled by Cui Jun. you don't dislike her. On the contrary, you are very distressed. It's not because of her so-called" dirty "that you draw a clear line with her."

Lu Shaochen was shocked that Li luoran could understand his mind.

Li luoran said with a smile, "don't look at me so surprised. We've been living together for more than a year. I don't know about you. In the past, the stars always said that you were a super sullen person. You always like to hide your sadness and digest it alone."

“……” Thinking of Chu Xingchen, Lu Shaochen's eyes flashed a touch of pain. He looked up at the garage with a very handsome face and lost his mind.

"four years ago, I didn't protect her well, so she threw herself into the river to seek short-sightedness. If it wasn't for this, she would not have met Cui Jun, a scum, or had such a sad experience. Now, four years later, it's also because of me that she killed Cui Jun and self My child, she is a kind-hearted girl just like you. It's a great torture for her to do this kind of thing. She won't be peaceful for the rest of her life. "

Li luoran sighed, "although we don't know jinxintong very well, I agree with what you say now. She is a kind-hearted girl. She is totally different from Bai Qingwan. If she is forced to do something bad, she will blame herself." Jin Xintong can tell the truth to Lu Shaochen for Su Su, and even kneel down to beg Lu Shaochen, which shows that Jin Xintong is a person who attaches great importance to feelings.

"Yes ~" at this time, Jin Xintong has helped Su Su out of the garage door and looks at her. Lu Shaochen's eyes become moist again after tears dry.

"all her sufferings are due to her love for me. If she continues to love me foolishly, she doesn't know what she will do in the future. I have to make a decision with her."


Lu Shaotong and Luo Chen are determined to say the same thing.

Lu Shaochen is a person who attaches great importance to love and righteousness. Jin Xintong is tragically attacked by slag man. How can Lu Shaochen dislike her "dirty"?

Jin Xintong really thinks too much.

In that tragic experience, Jin Xintong couldn't help herself, which would not affect her status as a "goddess" in Lu Shaochen's mind, but would make Lu Shaochen feel more sorry for her -

while loving Jin Xintong, she also felt more remorse.

Li luoran suddenly thinks that if Jin Xintong didn't want to hide everything but told Lu Shaochen frankly, Lu Shaochen would take the initiative to avenge Jin Xintong, Jin Xintong's daughter would not die, and all the tragedies would not have happened

And if Jin Xintong didn't love Lu Shaochen too much, she wouldn't care so much about her image in Lu Shaochen's heart. How could she maintain her image so recklessly?


Sad love!

"Is this the deal Xiao Qianhua made with you?" Lu Shaochen's voice interrupted Li luoran's thoughts.Li luoran nodded, "Xiao Qianhua is very obsessed with jinxintong. After the accident, Xiao Qianhua wants to help jinxintong, so he talked with me about the terms. I promised him to keep a secret from you, so I didn't say anything to you."

Lu Shaochen, "suddenly regret."

Li luoran looked confused, "what do you regret?"

Lu Shaochen reluctantly gently pick wipe eyebrows, "I hope I didn't catch Su Su, I hope Xiaojin didn't come to me, I hope I never know these secrets."

For the sadness in Lu Shaochen's eyes, Li luoran's heart is as painful as being stabbed by a needle.

A chill came from her face. Lu Shaochen's big hand lightly held her face. "I only understood after knowing the truth that you promised Xiao Qianhua to keep a secret from me, not only to expose Bai Qingwan, but also for my sake. You would be sad when you thought that I knew the truth."

Li luoran frankly sticks out his tongue, "in fact, I think it's thought about it, but the most important thing is that I don't have the evidence to prove that Jin Xintong and Cui Jun have been together, and Xiao Qianhua confirms that I have. By the way, I cheated Xiao Qianhua, broke down Bai Qingwan, and helped Jin Xintong keep a secret."

“……” Looking at Li luoran's lovely appearance, Lu Shaochen couldn't help but smile.

Li luoran thought of the time when Lu Shaochen didn't know the truth. He always had a black face, so cold and fierce. Now he was relieved to see Lu Shaochen's smile again.

Knowing that Lu Shaochen had many emotions to digest by himself, Li luoran stood up and wanted to go.

Lu Shaochen squinted at her with bright ice eyes, "I think you have other secrets to hide from me."

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