You,Under My Name

Chapter 309: 309

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Wang Zimo, "here."

Lu Wanyue was too surprised to close her mouth.

Everyone was so surprised that they couldn't shut their mouths.

Wang Zimo made a clear and loud finger, "since the film payment has been finalized, the person in charge of Qin is not going to sign a contract with Miss Lu?"

Qin Weijie didn't know how he made his voice, "OK..."

The scene is like a cemetery. At the beginning, everyone thought that wangzimo was joking with Lu Wanyue. No one thought that wangzimo was playing real.

You know, Li luoran, the heroine of the movie, is in the mode of final separation from Wang Zimo. There is no film reward in the process of film shooting, and Feng qianshe, who has been promoted to the leading role in the queen of demons for a long time, only gets 100 million film reward. This is because Feng qianshe has a popularity bonus

Mr. Wang actually paid 500 million yuan to a supporting actor who had never made a play and appeared in the film less than a quarter of an hour?

What the hell?!

Wang Zimo did not explain, sitting at the chess table leisurely tea.

Li luoran looks at Shu Xinshuang for help.

Shu Xinshuang kept a secret smile on her. After Lu Wanyue went to the workshop to take off her make-up, she whispered in Li luoran's ear, "Shaochen wants Lu Wanyue to stay with you in the crew. He and Zimo have an agreement that he will pay for the graceful film."


Suddenly, Li luoran couldn't help laughing.

No wonder wangzimo is so rich!

It turns out that wangzimo didn't spend his own money at all!

But if you think about it, wangzimo is a pit. I don't know what Lu Shaochen's expression will be when he learns that he wants to give Lu Wanyue so much money.

After signing the contract, Lu Wanyue is about to fly. She feels that she is the most powerful actor in the whole drama group, and even despises and despises other actors.

Today, Li luoran and Feng Qianji filmed two groups of Wenxi scenes, reunited with Mingyue, and her father was happy. Li luoran was not distracted. He was very involved in the shooting, and the shooting went smoothly.

After shooting, Li luoran and Feng Qianji go to remove their make-up.

When Li luoran came out of the women's dressing room, Feng qianzhen was waiting for her outside the door. Li luoran was quite surprised, "look, you've been waiting for me for a long time, haven't you? Can I help you? "

The wind is shallow and raises eyebrows, "don't think I don't know what you're up to."

Li luoran was even more surprised. "How can I not understand what you are saying?"

"Ha ha ~" the wind is shallow and the skin is smiling, but the flesh is not smiling,

"save it, there are only two of us here, don't pretend to be stupid."

Li luoran's face is in a trance. Feng qianzhen is so vague. She really doesn't know which topic Feng qianzhen is talking about.

Feng qianzhen approached her and said, "as early as a year ago, Lu Shaochen wanted to impose Lu Wanyue on me. I smashed his plot with practical actions. I didn't expect that now you and Lu Shaochen join hands to sell me."

"Er..." Li luoran put out his tongue in embarrassment.

Although Lu Shaochen also hopes that Feng qianzhen and Lu Wanyue will make a couple, this time Lu Shaochen is not the mastermind. It's an Jiaren's idea to get Lu Wanyue into the cast. An Jiaren also tells Li luoran to find a chance to give Feng qianzhen and Lu Wanyue medicine

The more Li luoran thought about it, the more guilty he felt.

Seeing that Li luoran has no confidence, Feng Qianhe is more sure of his guess. He has a pretty face like a monster. "Tell Lu Wanyue that exhibitionist, don't dream. Others may think her surname is a sense. I don't like this type. She is a monster with big breasts in my eyes. I'd rather marry a pet than choose her."

“……” Li luoran, who has calmed his mind,

"which type do you like?"

"I like..." In a word, I just don't like Lu Wanyue. Just give up. I'll have nothing to do with her

Drop these words and walk on your long legs.

"Hello Li luoran thought of the medicine for Feng Qianji.

The wind stopped and turned back, "what are you doing?"

Li luoran's cheeks flushed slightly. "I ask you, are you a Cough! I mean, are you still pure and clean up to now... " Li luoran didn't know how to express it.

The wind is shallow, "you want to ask me if I'm an animal man!"

Li luoran's face is even more red, "ha ha ~"

the wind is shallow and he picks his eyebrows with pride, "nonsense, labor and capital are the world's most handsome and the idols of hundreds of millions of girls, and of course they are the perfect body of ice and jade."


In fact, in the past, Li luoran and Feng qianshe talked about this topic with ease. They didn't have any formality at all. But after Feng qianshe and Bai Qingwan got married, Li luoran didn't feel so relaxed when facing Feng qianshe.

She put out her tongue. "So, you're a very traditional person in your heart. You care about taking away your innocent girl, right?"

The wind is shallow and full of the disbelief of the eye, "of course, you are special, today is crowded by the door bad brain?"? Why so much nonsense? ""No, I'll ask casually." Li luoran laughed awkwardly.

"Cut! I don't know

The wind is shallow, muttering and striding away.

Li luoran stood in the same place, and his heart was very tangled.

"Alas Suddenly there was a sigh on the right side.

Maybe it's because of the ghost in her heart. Li luoran shivers and goes along with her reputation. He doesn't know where wangzimo is walking towards her.

She must be calm. "Mr. Wang, you're here, too."

Hope son Mo tiny hook lip, be regarded as default.

Li luoran was beating a drum in his heart. "What did you just sigh about?"

Wang Zimo, "sighs the wind shallow, this fool."

Li luoran's eyes are full of panic.

Wang Zimo, who came to her side, bowed his head slightly. His thin lips came to her ear and said in a low voice, "in fact, I think Feng Qianji and Lu Wanyue are very compatible. I support you to do so."

Li luoran said in a flustered voice, "Mr. Wang, I don't understand what you are talking about. What do you support me to do?"

Wang Zimo, "give them medicine."

Oh, my God!

If Li luoran is struck by lightning, her right hand can't hold her frivolous handbag. The handbag "Dong" hits her own feet.

Li luoran swears to heaven that she has never told anyone that an Jiaren wants her to give Feng qianshe medicine, but wangzimo still knows.

Can Wang Zimo read his mind?

"Your mind is not so hard to guess. I like doing this kind of thing, so I can help at any time." Wang Zimo said as he picked up Liluo's hand dye bag and put it into her hand. He squeezed her eyes with a little deep meaning and went to the direction where the wind was shallow before.

Li luoran, who was in a state of shock, stood still for three minutes.


Li luoran and Lu Wanyue left the cast together.

Lu Shaochen's car has been waiting outside the shooting base.

Lu Wanyue got on the bus and immediately showed off loudly, "brother, I'm a man with money and career now. I don't have to rely on you any more. I don't have to spend a cent on you any more."

Lu Shaochen, who looks like a crown of jade, "congratulations."

"Yes, you have to congratulate me!" Lu Wanyue couldn't keep her mouth shut when she remembered how much she was paid for the film.

"I knew that any actress in the entertainment industry depended on her figure and face. Acting was useless. As long as she had a good figure and a good face, she would be liked by the producers, and she could overcharge. No wonder my mother often said that if I entered the entertainment industry, I would be better than Li It's a hundred thousand times more than fire. "

"Oh?" Lu Shaochen had a meaningful arc in his mouth,

"is it true what mother said? It's not because you're her daughter, is it? "

Lu Wanyue looked up and said, "cut! Of course, it's true. I have also proved this fact with my strength. Today, Wang Zimo is astonished by my acting skills. After I put on the Witch Queen Costume, his green eyes are straight. He is astonished. He must be saying in his heart, "this role belongs to this girl. If she is willing to stay in my crew, I will give her whatever she wants."

"Well Cough... " Li luoran tried not to laugh.

Lu Shaochen a pair of very agree with the appearance, "wangzimo is also a bit of vision, he gave you how much pay?"

Lu Wanyue held out five fingers triumphantly.

Lu Shaochen nodded, "well, for an ordinary supporting actor, five million is really a bit high, but it's also worth it to you."

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

"Cut!" Lu Wanyue looked disdainful,

"keep guessing!"

Lu Shaochen's extremely handsome face was slightly shocked, "50 million?"


The role of mildness is worth hundreds of thousands of contributions, right? Wang son Mo that goods open to 50 million film pay is not ruthless point?

Lu Wanyue shook her head. "Brother, I'm the only queen with a sense of family name in the world. Can't you let your imagination go higher?"

At this moment, Li luoran, who was close to Lu Shaochen, clearly felt Lu Shaochen's body trembling.

Lu Shaochen couldn't believe, "500 million?"

"The answer is correct!" Lu Wanyue, overjoyed, didn't realize that Lu Shaochen's face was darker than Bao Qingtian's. she hugged Lu Shaochen's arm excitedly,

"brother, when Wang Zimo first asked me to ask for any film payment, I thought he was joking with me. As a result, I asked for 500 million yuan, so he quickly agreed and signed a contract with him, you know? Feng Qianji's film reward is only 100 million. Feng Qianji is a big star. My film reward is five times as much as his! At that moment, I suddenly understood that wangzimo saw my strength and potential, and I would become the most popular star. I would be even more popular than shuxinshuang in the future. "

Lu Shaochen, who had a hard time, said, "Well!"

Li luoran, "..."

Lu Wanyue said, "it's my treat to have a big dinner to celebrate tonight."

Lu Shaochen, "Well!"Li luoran, "..."

Lu Wanyue immediately called the hotel to reserve a private room.

Several people went to the kindergarten to pick up Lu Mingyue and ate together in the hotel.

Li luoran finds that he is more and more admiring Lu Shaochen. He clearly knows that Lu Wanyue's 500 million film reward comes from his pocket, but he doesn't tear it down. He always silently sees Lu Wanyue happy.

Li luoran couldn't help thinking of himself.

If she had not met Lu Shaochen, Li luoran would never have been so bright and brilliant as she is today. Lu Shaochen always silently pays for her behind her back, some of which she knows and those she doesn't know. Lu Shaochen never takes the initiative to tell her. Instead, like Lu Wanyue this time, he makes her think she is right and happy by her own efforts.


Li luoran has never seen Lu Wanyue so excited.

The next morning, before Li luoran's alarm rang, Lu Wanyue ran to Li luoran's bedroom to wake her up and ask her to wash up and go to the cast as soon as possible.

Although Lu Wanyue's plays are not too many, she attaches great importance to and invests in them. Her acting skills are getting better and better day by day, and gradually get everyone's recognition.

Lu Wanyue, who focuses on filming, seems to have forgotten her hatred for Li luoran and get along well with him.

During this period, Li luoran tried to find an excuse three times to ask Feng qianzhen and Lu Wanyue to have dinner together. Every time, she prepared the medicine, but she didn't do it.

She can see that Feng qianzhen and Lu Wanyue are very different from each other.

When Feng qianshe and Lu Wanyue are together, they are not even as warm as Li luoran when Feng qianshe and Su Yixuan are together.

So Lilo couldn't get rid of it.

She doesn't want to make Feng qianshe and Lu Wanyue lose their innocence, and she doesn't want to make them hate her.

Two weeks passed unconsciously.

That day, Li luoran, who felt uncomfortable, asked for a day off and went to the hospital for a physical examination.

"You don't have any disease. Maybe you're too tired from work. Pay more attention to rest and you'll get better in a few days." That's what the doctor said.

Li luoran didn't take it seriously. After seeing Chu Xingchen in the ward, he left the hospital.

Li luoran didn't drive to the hospital because she didn't feel well. After she left the hospital, she wore a big mask and walked alone on the crowded sidewalk.

"I'll give you a ride."

A gentle female voice came to my right hand.

Li luoran didn't need to look to know who was speaking. She didn't follow her voice. She still looked ahead and said, "thank you. The doctor said that walking is the best exercise. I just walk home."

Jinxintong sitting in the car, Li luoran go as fast as the car, "do you think I happened to be here?"

Li luoran can't help but stop.


As soon as she came out of the hospital, Jin Xintong appeared. How can there be such a coincidence in the world?

Jin Xintong said with a smile, "come on, I have something important to talk about with you."


The door was pushed open by jinxintong.

After Li luoran got into the car, he found that the driver in the driver's seat was Xiao Qianhua.

Once upon a time, Xiao Qianhua always took the initiative to say hello after meeting Li luoran. But this time, he did not open his eyes after seeing Li luoran. Li luoran caught a trace of apology in his eyes.

Jin Xintong, who sits side by side in the middle row seat with Li luoran, "have you heard of it? I've also started filming."

Although Li luoran was shocked, he was indifferent on the surface. "Mr. Xiao is obedient to you. Isn't it a matter of saying that you want to film?"

"Right." Jin Xintong smiles,

"however, I didn't ask Qianhua to do this. After you destroyed my image in Shaochen's heart, I was desperate. Qianhua was worried that I would be unable to think about it and decided to find something for me."

"Oh ~" Li luoran couldn't help laughing,

"I've always kept my promise to help you keep a secret. It's you who voluntarily confessed the truth to Shaochen. How can I destroy your image in Shaochen's heart?"

Jin Xintong's smile showed a trace of bitterness, "of course, it's you. If you didn't appear in Shaochen's world, I went with Shaochen after I recovered my memory a year ago, how could you get such a result?"

"Is it?" Li luoran pulled his lips sarcastically,

"how do I feel that you put me and Shaochen together? Four years ago, if you didn't spare no effort to ask me to give birth to Lu Shaochen's child for you, we would not have sparked after we met again. We couldn't be together, would we? "

“……” Jin Xintong was speechless.


She also often thought that she was really the matchmaker between Shaochen and liluoran in disguise.

In order to bind Lu Shaochen and herself with her children, she agreed to let Xiao Qianhua help her let Li luoran have Shaochen's child. That was the only time she cheated Lu Shaochen -

unexpectedly, that only time became her biggest regret in her life.Jin Xintong drank a bitter drink, quietly digested the desolate mood, and then smile again, "people all want to look forward, the past has passed, why mention it again?"

Li luoran watched the change.

She knows that jinxintong finds her here and pulls her into the car. It's not so easy to quarrel with her.

See brocade Heart Tong elegantly put down the water cup, "let me guess, you just went to the hospital is not simply to see Chu star, also went to check the body."

Li luoran was not surprised. "I came to the hospital just for these two things, either to see the stars or to check my body. What's so strange about that?"

At this time, Li luoran didn't find it. Xiao Qianhua on the driver's seat shook his head.

Jin Xintong, "let me continue to guess. Since last night, you have been in a trance, dizzy, buzzing in your ears, and sometimes you have nosebleeds. Your whole body is as numb and weak as a bad cold."

Now, Li luoran is a little confused, "how do you know so clearly?"


Li luoran has had these symptoms since last night. If she has a strong personality, she won't ask for leave to come to the hospital if she is just a simple discomfort. She doesn't expect that Jin Xintong can tell her symptoms exactly.

Has Jin Xintong studied medicine?

"Of course I know, because I made you like this." Jin Xintong's clear voice came to Li luoran's ears.

Li luoran's eyebrows tightened.

Jin Xintong leans lazily on the seat of the car. "Qianhua is in charge of the black market of Jiangcheng. He knows some dark organizations that are hard to touch in our normal life. One of them is a very powerful poison maker. As early as a month ago, this poison maker made a kind of chronic poison for him. People who were poisoned by this poison didn't have any symptoms at first, and they were poisoned 20 days later It'll react. That's the poison in you. "

Li luoran's mind was buzzing, "I don't believe you. You're lying to me. You must have bribed the doctor in the hospital who saw me. She said these words to scare me when she learned about my illness."

Jin Xintong shakes his head calmly.

Xiao Qianhua, who kept silent all the time, looked back at her apologetically, "Ranran, I'm sorry, what Xiaojin said is true."

“……” Li luoran had a feeling of darkness.

"It's not just you who are poisoned. Shaochen and Mingyue are also poisoned." The gentle female voice reverberates in the car with excellent sound insulation effect.

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