You,Under My Name

Chapter 310: 310

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Li luoran was shaking all over.

Jin Xintong continued leisurely, "remember the day when you talked with Qian Hua about the terms? You and Qianhua agreed to keep a secret for me, and I'll return the child to you. "

It was the first day that Li luoran knew that Lu Mingyue was his own son. Li luoran will never forget that day.

"Well, that day is exactly twenty days away from today. Twenty days is also the date of the attack of your poison."

Li luoran stares at Jin Xintong in disbelief, "have I been poisoned for 20 days?"

"Well." Jin Xintong nodded with satisfaction,

"remember that night I sent Mingyue to Lu's house? I put the poison in the bucket of your water dispenser. In this way, all three members of your family will drink it, and no one will be spared. "

Li luoran carefully recalled that night. Before she and Lu Shaochen went home, Jin Xintong had been waiting for them in the living room. Jin Xintong really had plenty of time to poison.

"This is a kind of chronic poison. People who are poisoned will not attack until at least 20 days later. Although the effect is slow, because it has been latent in people's body for 20 days, the toxicity has penetrated into the bone marrow. Only the people who make this kind of poison have a way to detoxify it." Jin Xin Tong said lazily.

Li luoran looked at her with hatred, "what do you want?"

Jin Xintong, "you know what I want most, and you know what I want."

Li luoran instantly understood, "don't think about it. A year ago, you and Xiao Qianhua cheated me by acting. After they misunderstood Shaochen, I asked Shaochen for a divorce. He won't agree."

"This time it's different. Shaochen will agree." Jin Xintong smiles confidently,

"because Qianhua will tell Lu Shaochen the fact that you have poisoned into the bone marrow. Of course, Qianhua will never say that I poisoned him, but will deceive him into saying that it was him who poisoned him. He will also use this to coerce Shaochen to divorce you. I think you are so important to Shaochen that he will agree to keep your life."

The car was warm as spring, but Li luoran felt cold all over.

She knows that Jin Xintong loves Lu Shaochen to the bone.

But she has always felt that jinxintong and Bai Qingwan are different, but she never expected that jinxintong would be so unscrupulous.

What a deep plan!

Jin Xintong even set up the game 20 days ago. During this period, Jin Xintong didn't show a trace of footwork, and even went to Lu's house to ask for love for Su Su. Today, 20 days later, Li luoran, Lu Shaochen and Lu Mingyue have been poisoned into the bone marrow, so she shows her ferocious face!

"If I don't agree with your terms, what will happen?" Li luoran didn't know how to make a sound.

Jin Xintong said with a smile, "I'm thirsty. Besides, you won't believe all my words. Let Qianhua tell you."

Xiao Qianhua looks back at Li luoran, "after the poison attack, the poisoned person will bleed to death in three days. If you don't agree to Xin Tong's condition, you, Lu Shaochen and Lu Mingyue will all die in three days."

There was a big void in liluoran's mind.

Seeing Li luoran's appearance, Jin Xintong was even more proud. "Li luoran, do you know that the poison maker Qianhua knew developed this poison more than a month ago, but I have been hesitant, because I know that love can't be forced. Maybe even if I use this dishonorable means to rob Shaochen, I may not be able to save his heart, but I decided to The moment Susu was asked to kill Cui Jun and my daughter, I immediately figured out - since I have done such terrible things for Shaochen, what else can I do? So I immediately called Qianhua and asked him to buy this poison for me. "

Li Luo was so angry that his voice was shaking. "I don't believe you will watch Shaochen die."

"Yes, all I did was to get him. How could I kill him? Even if you don't agree with my terms, I will try my best to detoxify him. " Jin Xintong shrugs,

"but you and your son are not so important to me. If you don't agree, I'll watch you and your son die with poison."

Later, Jin Xintong's beautiful face is a bit ferocious. Against the backdrop of her venomous eyes, she is as terrible as the female devil in the movie.

Li luoran suddenly felt a burst of sadness and tears fell down.

She doesn't want to show her weakness to jinxintong, and she doesn't want to shed a tear in front of jinxintong. But when she hears that xiaomengwa will also die, her heart is like being cut into a gap. Endless sadness and hysteria rush out of her control.

"Ha ha, sure enough, for a mother, children are always the most important thing. Otherwise, how could a proud girl like you shed tears in front of me? When I took pains to kill my daughter, I was not as sad as you are now

Thinking of her dead daughter, Jin Xintong's eyes were red and wet, she bit her lip hard to prevent tears from falling down,

"so, Li luoran, do you feel my pain now? Do you know how much I paid for this love now? How can I give up easily? How can I... ""Enough of you!"

No longer willing to listen to Jin Xintong's nagging, Li luoran coldly interrupts Jin Xintong's words,

"don't you just want me to agree to divorce Shaochen? I'll help you! "

Push the door open and get off.


Jin Xintong grabs her wrist in a hurry,

"you should not only promise to divorce Shaochen, but also marry Qianhua immediately after divorce."


Li luoran was frightened in her tears, and her eyes could not help throwing at Xiao Qianhua.

Xiao Qian's painting is in a hurry to avoid her line of sight, obviously already knew that Jin Xintong would put forward this condition.

"I don't allow you to marry Qianhua secretly. Your marriage to Qianhua should be as luxurious as fengqianyi's and baiqingwan's. I want to let the world know that Li luoran, a big star, and Mr. Xiao, who controls half of the entertainment industry, are getting married."

Jin Xintong's voice clearly reverberates in the airtight carriage.

Li luoran felt a faint pain in his heart, but he squeezed out a touch of cold pride in the corner of his mouth. "I am as you wish, but I warn you that if you dare to hurt my child, I will never let you come to a good end."

Jinxintong let go of Li luoran's hand, "don't worry, I like Mingyue very much. If you keep your promise, I will treat him like my mother."

If Jin Xintong said this before Li luoran didn't know that Mingyue was her own son, Li luoran would feel better. If she said this now, it would only make Li luoran more sad.


Li luoran kicks open the door and gets off the car in anger.

At the moment when Li Luo gets out of the car, the smile on Jin Xintong's face cools down gradually and turns into a face full of loss.

Xiao Qianhua also looked at Li luoran's figure anxiously, "Ranran is your sister who has half blood relationship with you after all. Do you really want to be so unique?"

Jin Xin Tong sneers, "isn't this what you want?"

"What?" Xiao Qian painted a confused face.

Jinxintong's eyes are more ironic, "you like her."

“……” Holding the hands on the steering wheel clearly trembled, "Xintong, you know I only love you, otherwise why do I do these things for you regardless of the consequences?"

The expressionless Jin Xintong said, "men make mistakes when they feel guilty. I said you like her, but I didn't say you love her. Why are you so nervous?"

Xiao Qian's eyes were deep, his lips moved, but he didn't say anything more.

"Alas Jin Xintong sighs a long sigh,

"you know, Qianhua, others say you are unpredictable, that's because you always refuse them thousands of miles away, they can't get close to you, of course, they don't know what kind of person you are. In fact, I think you are more simple and easy to guess than anyone else. As far as I know, you are always for those female stars who are used by you to vent and entertain You call her by her first name and never call her by her nickname, but Li luoran is different. Every time you talk to me about Li luoran, you call her Ranran. Don't explain. You may not love her, but you really like her. "


Li luoran walked aimlessly on the crowded street.

She didn't know where she was going.

I don't know how long I've been walking.

Since she got out of jinxintong's car, her heart seems to have been emptied and her soul seems to have been emptied. She feels that everything is empty -

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her mood is empty too. There is no hatred for jinxintong, no sadness, no joy, anger and sadness, just like a frozen stagnant water, empty

Forget to hear who said, a person in the most painful time actually no mood, Li luoran until now to realize.

She just like a ghost wandering in the street.

She just wandered around all day.

But is it because I am too familiar with Lu's house?

She walked back to the land house.

It's already ten o'clock in the evening. Lu Wanyue is sitting on the sofa in the living room on the first floor, carefully studying the basic cultivation of actors. Lu Shaochen and Lu Wanyue are sitting on the floor in front of the French window, piled with building blocks.

After Li luoran walked into the door, Lu Wanyue put down her book and said, "Hey, didn't you ask the crew for leave to say that she was not feeling well and go to check her body? How can I find out if I didn't answer a phone all day? I don't know which underground lover I'm going to date secretly under the guise of physical examination? "

Li luoran knew Lu Wanyue was joking with her, but she couldn't laugh at all. She just shook her head.

"Why is it so abnormal today? Can't you really find out what's wrong? " Lu Wanyue asked.

Li luoran still shook his head weakly, "it's really nothing."

Then Lu Mingyue jumped into her arms and said, "Mommy doesn't answer daddy's phone. Where has Mommy gone? Daddy is worried. "

Li luoran rubbed Lu Mingyue's head. "Mommy is OK. Mommy just muted her mobile phone. She didn't hear daddy's call."

“……” Xiaomengwa blinked her big eyes. "The baby is so sleepy. The baby wants mommy to coax the baby to sleep."It turned out that xiaomengwa would go to bed before nine in the evening. Today she stayed up so late until Li luoran came home.

Li luoran nodded with a smile, thinking that Lu Mingyue had been poisoned, tears almost fell down.

Lu Shaochen always looks at her in front of the French window. She thinks that she wants to separate from Lu Shaochen, but she doesn't dare to look at him. She deliberately avoids his sight and goes upstairs with Lu Mingyue.

When Li luoran, who coaxes Lu Mingyue to sleep, comes to her bedroom, Lu Shaochen is sitting on the edge of the bed. She has no time to dodge. She is facing Lu Shaochen's four eyes. It is at this moment that Li luoran finds that Lu Shaochen's dark circles are very heavy, and her eyes are not cold -

Lu Shaochen belongs to the type of monster who will not be tired in any case. Li luoran has never seen Lu Shaochen like this Haggard.

To the eyes of Li luoran, Lu Shaochen quickly covered up the sadness, and forced a smile from the corner of his mouth. "I remember a year ago, because I misunderstood that Xiaojin and I had an affair, you asked for divorce more than once, and I always refused. Do you know why?"

Li luoran smiles, "why?"

Lu Shaochen, "because the first time I saw you in the hospital, I decided that you were my other half. At that moment, sitting on the hospital bed and looking at you sleeping, I felt as if there was a voice in my heart saying to me over and over again that you would be my Lu Shaochen's wife. In this life, nothing can separate us except life and death."

Li luoran thinks of the scene when he and Lu Shaochen first met in the hospital a year ago. The scene is so beautiful. Why is it so sad to think of it now?

Luxuriant big bed sends out slight movement, accompanying heavy footstep sound, Lu Shaochen comes to her in front, "but I have failed you finally, also failed oneself, wench, if say I want to divorce with you, will you blame me?" The voice became hoarse and the eyes became moist.

Jin Xintong is not bluffing!

Lu Shaochen took the initiative to divorce!

All this is clearly expected by Li luoran. Li luoran is also well prepared to bear this moment. Why is it that when Lu Shaochen said the divorce herself, her heart is still as if she was held by a cruel hand, and she can't make a sound?

Looking up at Lu Shaochen with tears in his eyes, Li luoran's lips trembled, trying not to let the tears fall.

"Don't ask me why?" Lu Shaochen pinched her chin with his thumb and index finger and gently raised her little face.


Of course, Li luoran knows why?!

But her voice seemed to be blocked by a rubber band, and she couldn't say a word.

Looking at her painful appearance, Lu Shaochen felt like blood dripping. However, thinking of the fact that she was extremely poisonous, he could only continue to say cruelly,

"Xiaojin suffered so much for me. I don't want to let her down. I admit that I still love you, but I love her more. I have to..."

"Don't say any more!" Li luoran didn't know how she made her voice,

"I know, I know all about it. You don't want to divorce me. Xiao Qianhua forced you Woo Wuwuwu... "

Unable to control it any more, he threw himself into Lu Shaochen's arms and burst into tears like a child.

Lu Shaochen gently hugged her. For more than a year, his feelings for Li luoran did not fade, but grew deeper and deeper. He still could not see her cry. Every trembling and every whimper of her pierced his heart like the tip of a needle, choking him with pain.

Until Li luoran stopped crying, Lu Shaochen gently pushed her out of her arms, "did Xiao Qianhua also look for you?"

Li luoran nodded and looked at him vaguely with tears in his eyes. His voice trembled vaguely. "What did Xiao Qianhua say to you?"

Even though Lu Shaochen was distressed, he still tried to smile at Li luoran, "you and Mingyue are poisoned. If I don't do what he said, you and Mingyue will die..."


She and Mingyue are Lu Shaochen's weak points. If Xiao Qian didn't threaten Lu Shaochen with her and Mingyue, how could Lu Shaochen compromise?

The more she thought about it, the more sad she was. She trembled and said, "what does he want you to do?"

Although Lu Shaochen is smiling, the smile is not from desolate, "divorce with you, marry Xiaojin immediately and arrange a prosperous wedding."

Liluoran's tears fell down again.

Lu Shaochen closed his eyes painfully.

The most sad thing in the world is that two people are forced to separate when they are in love -

Lu Shaochen knows this truth well, so at the beginning, he would rather lie that he divorced Li luoran for Xiao Jincai -

let Li luoran feel that he has failed her, at least let Li luoran die for him, let Li luoran hate him, at least more than let her know him It's better to love her but not be with her

But Li luoran knew the truth!

Xiao Qianhua does nothing to separate him from Li luoran. How cold-blooded is Xiao Qianhua to tell Li luoran such a cruel truth?!

Li luoran didn't tell Lu Shaochen that Xiao Qian's painting was just Jin Xintong's shield, and Jin Xintong was the initiator of all this.First of all, after learning that Jin Xintong was cheated by Cui Jun, Lu Shaochen didn't feel that Jin Xintong was "dirty" and "bad". On the contrary, he felt more guilty about Jin Xintong. Jin Xintong's image in Lu Shaochen's heart is still holy and beautiful. Lu Shaochen can't believe that Jin Xintong will do so vicious things.

Secondly, Lu Shaochen, Mingyue and Li luoran are all poisoned. If Li luoran tells Lu Shaochen the truth, Jin Xintong will be angry. Now Jin Xintong has lost her mind. Maybe she will not detoxify Mingyue in order to revenge on Li luoran

Now all the initiative is in Jin Xintong's hands. Li luoran has no room to resist. He has to obey

Li luoran didn't sleep all night.

In my mind, I echoed the scenes that I met Lu Shaochen so far. Tears were wet and dry again and again.

Lu Shaochen didn't sleep all night. He hugged her behind her, as if to squeeze her into his body and integrate with her forever.

Li luoran feels Lu Shaochen's chest trembles occasionally. She knows that Lu Shaochen is a person who is used to burying his pain in his heart. Only when he is in extreme pain can he have such performance.


the next morning, Li luoran and Lu Shaochen went to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

I don't know what happened today. There are only a few people who apply for marriage certificates, but there is a long queue at the divorce window.

Li luoran thought that the divorce certificate would be handled quickly, but the procedures were more complicated than she imagined.

She remembered that it was a night when she and Lu Shaochen came to collect the certificate. Lu Shaochen forced the staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau to work for him. In such a big Civil Affairs Bureau, there were only two new people, Lu Shaochen and she. At that time, she felt as if all the processes had passed in the blink of an eye, but now every second seemed as long as a century.

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