You,Under My Name

Chapter 313: 313

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Jiang Xiaojing in the cockpit couldn't help sighing.

Li luoran, out of his mind, "what are you sighing for?"

Jiang Xiaojing fiddles with her Bodhi bracelet. "It's said that Xiao Qian is very good at painting flowers, and there are countless famous stars and models he has touched. He is not only very beautiful, but also very selective. Women over 20 don't touch, and women who are not perfect don't touch. Now he wants to make an exception because of you."

Li luoran panicked, "make an exception? What do you mean

Jiang Xiaojing said with a smile, "I heard what Xiao Qianhua said to you on the phone. He said that you are more attractive than the conditions of the wind. Tut Tut, think carefully, what do you mean! More! Lure! People! Since you are so attractive, when you become his right wife, he will certainly exercise his husband's rights. Do you understand? "


Li luoran collapsed and collapsed into the car seat.

Li luoran has always been drowned in the sadness of her divorce from Lu Shaochen. She has never thought about the problems she will face in the future. After Jiang Xiaojing reminds her, she considers that her married life after her marriage with Xiao Qianhua is a problem she has to face

Xiao Qianhua is by no means a male with no family. What should Xiao Qianhua do if she insists on being a famous couple with her after marriage?


What if Xiao Qianhua wants to marry her for the sake of Jin Xintong?

Even if she can escape for a while, can she escape for a lifetime?


Feng Qianji sends a video chat after Li luoran gets home.

Li luoran picked up, "are you ok?"

"Nothing..." The wind over there is like a corpse lying on the seat of the car,

"Xiao Qian is determined to marry you, but he won't agree to my offer."

Li luoran shrugs, "I know, all he does is for jinxintong, he can't sell jinxintong for his own interests."

The wind shallow skin smile meat don't smile, "that is you silly so think, Jin Xin Tong as long as you marry enough, for her, as long as you marry the person is not Lu Shaochen, anyone doesn't matter, Xiao Qian painting is not for Jin Xin Tong just don't let you go."

Li luoran did not agree.

"Let's elope," the wind said

"Poof ~"

a big mouthful of lemonade just came out of my mouth.

Sitting beside Li luoran, Jiang Xiaojing couldn't help but spray a mouthful of water all over Li luoran's legs.

"What's so funny? I'm serious!" Feng Qianji, whose eyebrows are deeply locked, has a bad face.

"today, I summoned up the courage to confess to you. You never know how important you are to me. A year ago, I watched you throw yourself into the arms of Godfather. I don't want to lose you again. Ranran, I'm willing to give up all fame and interests for you. We'll go to a place where no one can find us. We'll be anonymous and plain Light life, I promise you will spoil your life, OK

The voice of the wind is so gentle and dignified even if it is distorted in the mobile phone.

At this moment, even Jiang Xiaojing, who always likes to tease the wind, fell into silence.

Li luoran moved his eyes with tears in his eyes. "Well, it's really happy for a girl to be spoiled by Fengda for a lifetime. Alas! It's a pity that I don't have the fortune. " At this point, Li luoran became serious,

"shallow, I can't implicate you. I'd rather torture each other with Xiao Qianhua and die this heart. It's impossible for me and you."

That's the end of the video chat.

The wind came back again, and Li luoran didn't pick it up again.

Finally, Feng Qianji sent a message, "every word I say is serious. I'll wait for your reply. You can contact me at any time after you think it over."

Li luoran did not return.

As a matter of fact, fengqianhe has always been as close a friend as Jiang Xiaojing in Li luoran's heart. Even before he met Lu Shaochen, Li luoran would not accept fengqianhe's love, and now Li luoran has no choice.


the wedding was all arranged by Xiao Qian.

The extravagance of this wedding is more grand than Li luoran expected, and even surpasses the wedding of Feng Qianyi and Bai Qingwan.

But the location of the wedding is not the most representative "zhijinfang" in Jiangcheng, because it is also on this day that the wedding of Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong was held in the "zhijinfang".

Therefore, Xiao Qianhua decided the wedding site to be a five-star hotel slightly lower than the "zhijinfang" Hotel - "Wanghai master".

As the "black hell", which controls most of the entertainment circle and the whole black market of Jiangcheng, Xiao Qianhua's relationship network is all over the world. There are so many people who come to attend Xiao Qianhua's wedding that the whole 31 building of "Wanghai famous artist" is occupied. There are still more people who want to flatter Xiao Qianhua who fail to squeeze into the building and can only take gifts and red envelopes to send to people, but they can't The way of the field.

Many "movie king" and "Red Queen" stars and some big men in the entertainment circle appeared at the scene, and the media photographers were in a hurry and didn't know which one to shoot.And the 200 service personnel at the scene were all well-known second and third tier stars in the circle, with a handsome and beautiful face.

Only Li luoran and Xiao Qianhua understand that the hero in the wedding photos on display is not Xiao Qianhua, but Lu Shaochen.

Because Lu Shaochen in the wedding photo is wearing a black suit, and Xiao Qianhua, who used to be white, is also wearing a black suit today.

When Xiao Qianhua takes Li luoran to and fro at the wedding, Li luoran always has the illusion that the person beside him is Lu Shaochen.

How I wish he was Lu Shaochen!

In Li luoran's mind, this wedding is a joke. Therefore, Li luoran didn't send an invitation to her relatives and friends. She didn't want to be seen this wedding. She didn't want to be seen that she was obviously embarrassed, but she tried to pretend to be complacent.

But the wedding will be broadcast live all over the world, and everyone who follows her will see it.

From the beginning to the end, Li luoran and Xiao Qianhua toast to the distinguished guests arm in arm. Facing strange faces, they force their lips to smile as if they were drawing on them.

Li luoran found that even though he had been filming for more than a year, he still didn't learn how to act on occasion. At a certain moment, his eyes suddenly showed a trace of sadness.

After drinking, Li luoran stands alone in the corner that can't be caught by the camera lens, looking at the sea outside in a trance.

"I guess you're thinking about Lu Shaochen now."

The voice from behind is so familiar and strange.

Li luoran was surprised that Gu lianyue would come to her wedding, but she didn't look back. She just said to the clean window,

"I guess it's not good of you to come to my wedding."

The left shoulder of Gu lianyue, who came to Li luoran's right side, was close to Li luoran's right shoulder. "You can understand your resistance to me. After all, every time I take the initiative to find you, it's not good for you."

Maybe it's because Gu lianyue has never been close to her. At this moment, Li luoran's heart is filled with an unprecedented warmth.

She did not dodge, still and Gu lianyue close to each other, the voice is no longer ironic, "your heart only jinxintong a daughter, she is also married today, you should go to her wedding."

Gu lianyue said, "well, I think so too. Unfortunately, Xintong doesn't welcome me. It's her dream to enter the palace of marriage with Lu Shaochen. I just need to know that she is very happy."

Li luoran's heart is full of mixed feelings.

Gu lianyue tilted her head and focused on Li luoran's face. "When I was as young as you, I was as beautiful and attractive as you. Many men were infatuated with me, but I was not as lucky as you. All the men you met were upright men. They were infatuated with you and respected you. Those men infatuated with me were all beasts. They tried every means to occupy my body Son, Li Qingtian is one of the most beasts. "

Li luoran sighed, "yes! My father has confessed to me that at the beginning, you deeply loved another man. My father forced you to marry him by unfair means because he loved you too much. The man you deeply loved committed suicide by lying on the rails. Therefore, you hated my father all your life, and you hated me all your life. My father has been tortured by you for 24 years, and even if he owes you more debt, he will pay it off. "

"You are Li Qingtian's daughter. You always speak for him!" Because of being touched in pain, Gu lianyue, who was just calm, looked ferocious in an instant,

"you are wrong, Li luoran and Li Qingtian killed Haige and trampled our happiness to pieces. He should atone for it all his life. Now? But he and an Jiaren like to get married and travel around the world in a sweet and natural way. Li Qingtian doesn't deserve happiness, neither do you

Liluoran's fingertips trembled.

That silk because of pity on the moon's proximity and breeding of warmth has not had time to spread in the heart, turned into a cold current.

Ha ha

Why can't she wake up all the time?

Is Gu lianyue's lesson not enough?

Why always have the impossible delusion to the pity month?

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

Gu lianyue turned away.

Li luoran, who is full of worries, doesn't pay attention to where Gu lianyue has gone.

The bride and bridegroom's premarital oath has already been held, and the wedding host is putting the microphone on the wedding stage.

At this time, no one noticed the pity month on the wedding platform.

People didn't notice her until she picked up the receiver and coughed heavily.

"I think many people present know who I am, but in order to take care of those who don't know me, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Gu lianyue. Not long ago, my husband and I had a wedding in the opposite" zhijinfang. "

Gu lianyue's voice, amplified by the sound system, rings high in the huge wedding hall.

"It's her! I know her. On her wedding day, there were countless groups of pictures of her mixing up with different men at her wedding. That scene is really shocking. I will never forget it in my life. ""Yes, yes, I remember her, too. Who doesn't know her in Quanjiang city? Almost every man she's ever known is shy? "

"Ah? Is there such a woman? However, she is really beautiful. If her offer is not very expensive, I would like to buy her for one night. "

"Poof! Don't regret it. Do you know how old she is? "

"It looks like I'm twenty-four or twenty-five years old..."

"Ha ha! Don't be fooled by her appearance. She may be older than your mother. Do you want to buy her? "

"This I'll go

The crowd was in a riot.

TV cameramen who smell the news have turned their cameras on Gu lianyue.

The wedding was broadcast live on TV and on the Internet by the top four TV stations in China. Every word Gu lianyue said will be heard by the audience.

Just listen to Gu lianyue continue to say, "yes, you don't have to talk about it. It's me, the 'watch' that you secretly despise and have an affair with thousands of men."

"Special! She knew how we laughed at her behind her back? "

"What is she doing? Come to the wedding of Mr. Xiao and goddess Li to publicize how shameless she is? "

"That's right. I have the cheek to help her even if I don't help her."

"No shame!"

A pair of angry eyes staring at pity month.

The wedding host looked at Gu lianyue with begging for mercy, "aunt Gu, as for how messy your private life is, we are influenced by it. You can mess with your own, don't mess with other people's weddings, OK? Please give me back my microphone! "

Gu lianyue gives the host a wink, "what's the hurry? I'll leave in a few words. You're pretty handsome. Go to my room later?"

Host, "@ #..."

Gu lianyue raised her heavily makeup face. "After saying so much, many people may be wondering what I am doing at the wedding of Goddess Li. Therefore, the purpose of my standing here is to answer this question, because I am Li luoran's biological mother."

"My God

"This How is that possible? "

"How could goddess Li have such a mother?"

Almost at the same time, all eyes turned to Li luoran.

Li luoran looks calm, always calmly looking at the pity moon on the wedding stage.

Gu lianyue is here today to ruin her reputation!

Gu lianyue wants to tell Li luoran's fans that Li luoran has a wonderful mother. Gu lianyue wants to let the world know that Li luoran is dangfusheng's daughter!

Maybe it's because Gu lianyue has hurt her too many times. Li luoran finds that no matter what way Gu lianyue hurts herself again, she can face it calmly, just like a person who is often bitten by poisonous snakes and has been immune to snake venom.

"Well, that's what I'm going to tell you."

"Don't be sad for my daughter's loyal fans. They should learn to accept the reality. Your goddess Li has my blood in her bones."


The microphone made a huge roar because it was dropped on the ground by Gu lianyue.

People have not recovered in the last round of shock, they see that Gu lianyue neatly opened the zipper of her long red robe.

"Oh ~ my ~ Reddy Gaga -"

the boy in the front row covered his eyes in panic.

Gu lianyue's long red robe doesn't have any clothes under it, so when the zipper is opened, everything blooms.

She elegantly removed the robe, threw it into the arms of the stunned male host, and gave him a kiss, "there's my business card in the pocket of the robe, when I'm lonely, ask me."

The host's eyes were dull.

People look at it in a daze.

Gu lianyue, who was only wearing a pair of red high-heeled shoes, walked out of the wedding hall with a model step under people's eyes and camera lens.

The silence in the big wedding hall is like a cemetery.

After Gu lianyue left for a long time, someone opened the conversation, "am I dreaming? Isn't that true? "

"It's true. Everyone here has seen it, and audiences all over the world will see it."

"My God! Does Li luoran have such a mother? "

"Li luoran didn't deny it, which means that what Gu lianyue said is true. She is Li luoran's mother."

"Cut! I thought Li luoran was different from other female stars. She had her own mother and her own daughter. She was as black as a crow in the world. All the female stars in the entertainment circle were prostitutes. "

"Alas! I can't like Li luoran any more. I doubt that she's as pure as Bai Qingwan. She doesn't know what a real whore looks like. "

People are talking about it.

Even though Li luoran couldn't hear people criticizing her, she could guess something from people's eyes.This is what Li luoran expected and what Gu lianyue wanted -

Li luoran believes that the audience who saw the live broadcast of the scene just now will criticize her like the people at the wedding, which will cause a fatal blow to her reputation.

Li luoran was calm.

After her divorce from Lu Shaochen, Li luoran became indifferent and indifferent. She was like a person who saw through the world. No fame, no glory, no sorrow, no joy, no sorrow could stir up a wave in her heart.

Like a doll without soul, she walked into the rest room without expression in people's questioning eyes.


Li luoran has made numerous fans through a movie "the queen of demons", and her fans have surrounded the entrance of the hotel.

When Gu lianyue appeared at the door, everyone was shocked by her enchanting figure first, and then gave way one after another like seeing a mental patient.

"Why? Isn't this lianyue? " A man recognized Gu lianyue and immediately took off his black suit to put on her.

Another man grabbed him in a hurry. "You didn't see her smile very proud. Maybe she likes to expose herself in front of people. You have so many things. Be careful she slaps you in the face."

The man stopped immediately.

If you think about it, he and Gu lianyue had a one night relationship. He knows that Gu lianyue is really open and never cares about being seen by others. Maybe she chose to show her beautiful figure at this wedding moment.


With a exclamation, Lu Wangyuan, who strides towards Gu lianyue, takes off his suit coat as fast as he can and comes to Gu lianyue.

But was pushed away by pity month, "I don't want to wear clothes today, you don't have to mind your own business."

Because of excessive shock, Lu Wangyuan didn't grasp his suit. He was pushed by Gu lianyue and fell to the ground. He looked at Gu lianyue's gorgeous face in disbelief,

"I thought you were forced to do this kind of thing. Yueyue, I know your personality is indulgent. If you do it in the past, I won't care about you. Now we are officially married. You are a man of your own The husband of a woman, do you know that you are beating me in the face when you are loose? "

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