You,Under My Name

Chapter 312: 312

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Li luoran stopped at the same place, "can I not send it?"

Xiao Qianhua said, "I don't want to embarrass you. You are a public figure now, but once I unilaterally release the news of my marriage with you, the media and your fans will question you. In short, you can't escape. It's better to give them an account."

With that, Xiao Qianhua drove away.

Sure enough, Xiao Qianhua soon held a press conference and announced that he was going to marry Li luoran.

Xiao Qianhua controls most of the entertainment industry, which is considered to be the super tycoon in this circle. But in the past, he manipulated it secretly and never showed his face publicly.

At the press conference, he confessed that he was the legendary "black hell" in the circle, which immediately caused a huge sensation, and the news that he and Li luoran got married the day after tomorrow caused a heated discussion.

This sensation is comparable to the time when Bai Qingwan and Feng qianzhen openly "fell in love".

Li luoran was pushed to the top of the wave again. Countless fans left messages on her micro blog to verify the truth of the news. Helpless, Li luoran could only send a micro blog to show that Xiao Qianhua's statement was true.

The entertainment circle is such an incredible circle, and the star's love affair is beyond speculation.

There are always some gossip like to speculate which pair of male and female stars go together, and some even say that they are reasonable and believable. Once the real result is disclosed, fans are surprised. It turns out that the real boyfriend lurking behind a female star is the one who everyone thought was impossible and no one would disdain to doubt before Some rumors speculate that Li luoran and wangzimo are secret lovers;

some speculate that Li luoran has an affair with fengqianhe;

some even speculate that Li luoran and Jinqian are inseparable, but no one expected that Li luoran's boyfriend is Xiao Qianhua who has a competitive relationship with her crew.

The news has been released, and the headlines are firmly occupied by the news that Li luoran and Xiao Qianhua are about to get married.

Li luoran's mobile phone rings frequently. Qin Weijie, Shu Xinshuang, Wang Zimo, Xiao Qianhua, Jin Qian Everyone who knows Li luoran's private mobile phone number almost calls to inquire.

Li luoran can't tell the truth, he can only find an excuse to be perfunctory and soft spoken.

Jin Qian insists on talking with Li luoran face to face.

Li luoran came to Xiangwang bridge.

a couple of lovers standing in the middle of the bridge are still alone.

Li luoran walked over and stood on Jin Qian's right hand.

Jin Qian looked at her through the dense mist, "don't explain, Shaochen told me all about it."

Li luoran rolled his lips, "what did he say to you?"

Jin Qian, "Xiao Qianhua poisoned you all for Xiao Jin."

Li luoran did not explain.

Jin Qian continued, "Shaochen is a proud man who refuses to bow to anyone. If Xiao Qianhua only poisons him and threatens him with his life, he will never give in. But in his mind, you and Mingyue are more important than himself. In order to save you and Mingyue, he can only promise."

Li luoran just laughed, "yes."

"You've been laughing..." Looking at Li luoran's smiling face, with tears in her clear eyes, Jin Qian's heart is like being held by a small hand, with bursts of pain,

"I know you are very sad. If you cry out, I won't be so worried. You always insist on it. You are very similar to Shaochen."

"Is it?" Li luoran shrugged.

Maybe it's because of too many joys and sorrows, maybe it's because of living with Lu Shaochen for a long time. Influenced by Lu Shaochen, Li luoran is used to not shed tears in front of others, and is also used to licking wounds alone when there is no one.

Lu Shaochen!

Why does she think of Lu Shaochen whenever and wherever?

Jin Qian knew that it was useless to comfort Li luoran in such a situation. He quickly changed the topic, "if you don't speak properly, don't blame me. In fact, I always hope that you and Shaochen will divorce. I think that as long as you divorce, the next marriage object will be me. As a result, heaven doesn't fulfill people's wishes. I have to wait again. I'm afraid your third husband will take the turn It's my turn. "

“……” Li luoran was amused.

Jin Qian came closer to her. There was a certain emotion in her beautiful eyes, which seemed sad and gentle. Li luoran could not understand it.

"Can I give you a hug?" Jin Qian opened his mouth softly.

Li luoran was stunned and subconsciously stepped back.

Jin Qian embarrassed smile, eyes into begging, "once you were Lu Shaochen's wife, I can't get too close to you, the day after tomorrow you became Xiao Qianhua's wife, I still have to keep distance with you, I only have this opportunity, missed, maybe I will not have the opportunity in this life, OK?"

All right!

Li luoran's heart suddenly softened.

This time, she didn't step back. Jin Qian hugged her and her thin lips whispered,"I wish time would be still at this moment. I wish you would stay in my arms forever and never leave. If there is a God, I really want to talk to the God who is in charge of time."

Li luoran was in a trance.

Jinqian is the first man she ever loved. At the beginning, Jinqian really entered her heart. She also thought that if the accident did not separate her from Jinqian, her life with Jinqian would be perfect

But time will not go back, no one can go back to the past.

Since she met Lu Shaochen, Li luoran never thought about looking back. If she could really pause her time at a certain moment, she would choose the moment when she was with Lu Shaochen -

as long as she was with Lu Shaochen, any moment would be good.

Any moment with Lu Shaochen is enough for her to recall all her life.

Jin Qian holds Li luoran and refuses to let him go.

It took liluoran a lot of energy to push him away.

Li luoran wants to leave. Jin Qian keeps sending her off Xiangwang bridge. When he leaves, Jin Qian stares at her, "you are going to get married the day after tomorrow. What should I say? I wish you and Xiao Qianhua a good marriage forever, or do you wish your marriage to end as soon as possible? "

"Alas Li luoran sticks out his tongue,

"I don't know. Even I think it's a curse for me to say that Xiao Qianhua and I will be together forever. I hope that we can finish it as soon as possible."

Jin Qian couldn't help laughing.

Li luoran thought of something. "What do you think of jinxintong's killing Cui Jun and her own daughter?"

Jin Qian shook his head straight, "she is also very painful. Killing her daughter will become a scar that can't be healed in her heart all her life."

Li luoran wants to tell Jin Qian that the person who poisoned her is Jin Xintong. Xiao Qianhua is just Jin Xintong's shield. However, he thinks that Jin Qian has always loved Jin Xintong's younger sister. After he tells Jin Qian the truth, Jin Qian will be in a dilemma. He doesn't know which side to stand on, but he takes it back in a hurry.

And Jin Qian said goodbye, quickly walked to her parking position.

As soon as I opened the door, a clear voice came from the right rear, "I'm good with your old friend, cuddling and cuddling, playing very high."

The wind is shallow!

Li luoran immediately reflected the name in his mind.

Following his reputation, he saw the evil face -

the wind was shallow, and his hands were leaning on the poplar trees by the river. The water vapor was swirling by the river. His golden hair and ice blue eyes were still shining.

Li luoran was quite surprised. "What are you doing here if you don't go to the production team?"

Feng Qianji said, "all the heroines of the cast have been abducted by their competitors. Who has the heart to shoot?"

Li luoran thought about it.

Xiao Qianhua is the producer and general investor of Shengshi imperial concubine, and the biggest competitor of "the queen of demons". Now "the queen of demons" is shooting a sequel. Although Bai Qingwan, the former star of "Shengshi imperial concubine" is dead, Xiao Qianhua uses Jin Xintong as the female owner to continue the competition between the sequel of "Shengshi imperial concubine" and the sequel of "the queen of demons" as the sequel of "the queen of demons" The news of the marriage of Li luoran and Xiao Qianhua, the heroine of the sequel, will surely make the whole cast of the sequel of the queen of demons panic

Feng Qianyi came to Li luoran with a lazy step, "don't worry, although you won't tell me the truth on the phone, I know you have your troubles, and Godfather won't lie to me. I know all about it."

Li luoran didn't know what to say.

Feng Qianyi said, "I don't agree with you to marry Xiao Qianhua."

Li luoran raised his face sarcastically, "I don't agree, but who has a way?"

"Me Feng Qianyi gently raises his beautiful Thrushes,

"Xiao Qianhua makes every effort to do all this for jinxintong. He doesn't love you. The purpose of forcing you to marry him is to make jinxintong feel at ease, so for him, as long as you marry someone, you don't have to marry him."


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It seems reasonable!

Xiao Qianhua and her marriage is not so willing!

Li luoran nodded, "and then?"

Two eyes light of the wind shallow, "I ah!"

Lilo dyed his hair and said, "what?"

Feng Qianji patted his strong chest and said, "I'm the first handsome and invincible male god that everyone loves. Am I worthy of you at least? My ex-wife just died and you just divorced. We are a perfect couple. I'll go to talk with Xiao Qianhua and ask him to give you to me. "


Li luoran stared at the wind for at least three seconds, and then couldn't help laughing.

Looking at her like this, there was a bit of anger on her evil face, but she insisted on not breaking out. She waited patiently until Li luoran stopped laughing, then she broke her shoulder and glared at her solemnly,

"what do you think? If you agree, I'll go to talk with Xiao Qianhua now. "

"Er, cough!" Li luoran forced himself to stop laughing,"Chien Ho, if this is a game, and you can choose one person to play battlefield games with me before you and Xiao Qianhua, of course I will choose you. But marriage is not a game. It's not as simple as you think. Stop making trouble."


How she wishes it was just a game!

How I hope that her marriage with Xiao Qianhua can be as free as a game, and it can end at any time!

But Jin Xintong digs out her mind in order to set up this trap. After her marriage with Xiao Qianhua, it's like jumping into a big pit. I'm afraid it's easier to get into the pit than to get out of the pit!

Li luoran is about to get into the car.

However, the wrist was caught tightly by the big hand of the wind, "I didn't make trouble with you, what I said was all sincere."

The voice of the wind was clearly pouring into her ears,

"I told you that I have always loved a girl silently, and that girl is you. For four years, I have always loved you deeply."

As if to hear a bolt from the blue, Li luoran's body is petrified in place, and his mind is empty.

His body was shocked violently, so he turned back and was tightly held in his arms by the wind.

She was so shocked that she completely forgot to push the wind away, so she was held by the wind around her waist, and her body and wind face to face tightly together.

I don't know if I've been attracted to you for the first time, just to look at you in front of me Like, because I love you, I don't want to be defensive and excluded by you. "


Li luoran's mind seems to burst into a hornet's nest. She stares at the wind, her open lips tremble, but she can't say a word.

Staring at her face, her pretty face is only a palm away from her face, and her excited voice and hot breath flutter on her haggard face like a flame,

"I love you for four years, I never approach any other opposite sex because I'm waiting for you, and I can't fall in love with any other girl except you, now I finally wait!"

"Ranran, a year ago, I let you and Lu Shaochen go together because I didn't watch you when I was filming in other places. I can't recall it. For more than 400 days and nights, I don't regret that I didn't tell you in advance. I hate that I missed you. I don't want to regret the second time. This time, I must marry you. Now I'll go to Xiao Qianhua to talk about terms and so on I don't know

He was shocked.

When Li luoran came back, Xiao Qianhua had already driven away.

Li luoran didn't know how he got into the car.

There was crystal liquid slapping on the back of her hand. She looked down and found that it was her own tears. When she looked in the rearview mirror, her face was full of tears.


Jiang Xiaojing in the driver's seat sighed silently, knowing that Li luoran's heart was heavy and did not disturb her, letting her tears flow silently alone.

Li luoran didn't know the true face of Lushan Mountain. He was only born in this mountain. As early as four years ago, Jiang Xiaojing saw that Feng Qianhe liked Li luoran.

Who said fengqianhe didn't have acting skills?

Fengqianhe is just a playwright, OK?

For four years, Feng Qianlin has been acting in front of Li luoran. Li luoran has not seen any flaw at all.

Li luoran sat in the passenger seat.

In the past, she has always regarded fengqianshe as her "sister". If fengqianshe doesn't say it, she may never think of fengqianshe's feelings for her.

Looking back on the scenes when he was with fengqianshe, fengqianshe followed her, let her, and always asked her to fight. Li luoran really thought fengqianshe was such a second-class girl.

Now I remember the truth.

He also understood why Lu Shaochen was always so wary of the wind.

After a little calm, Li luoran kept on calling Feng qianshe, but she didn't know what she was busy with. No matter how many times Li luoran called, she couldn't get through.

"You can fight later. Maybe the goods are in negotiation with Xiao Qianhua now." Jiang Xiaojing advised.

Li luoran shook his head. "I can't let him go to Xiao Qianhua. I can't marry him."

Jiang Xiaojing, "why? Is it better to marry Feng Qian than Xiao Qian? "

Li luoran said, "I have harmed him for four years. I can't harm him any more."

Jiang Xiaojing shook his head.

This is the reason why Feng qianzhen has been hiding his real intention to be an undercover agent around Li luoran.

Four years ago, after being cheated and betrayed by Su Yan, Li luoran no longer believed in love and was especially repelled by the opposite sex of the same age. At that time, Li luoran was determined to be a bachelor. Therefore, if she knew that Feng qianshe had feelings for her, she would be far away from Feng qianshe because she didn't want to delay her——Now, she can't put Lu Shaochen in her heart. No matter who she marries, she will still have Lu Shaochen in her heart. Therefore, she still won't marry Feng qianshe.


Sister Asahi!

Why are you so pitiful!


Li luoran always called Xiao Qianhua, but he was really worried. He thought that Feng qianzhen might be with Xiao Qianhua, so he called Xiao Qianhua.

The line will be connected soon.

Xiao Qianhua seems to know that the reason why Li luoran called him is the same. He opened his mouth and said, "the God of wind is in my house. He offered me an offer to give you to him."

Jiang Xiaojing, who overheard Xiao Qianhua's voice on Li luoran's phone, stepped on the brake and said, "God! It's gone! "

Panic Li luoran, "have you hurt him, why has his phone been unanswered?"

"Your tone is so anxious, you care about him?" Xiao Qian's painting over there has a funny hook on his lips,

"I always look at men who are more beautiful than women, especially Xiao Qian's painting. So when he came to my house, I tied him up and shot him with a gun."

“……” Li luoran felt that she was strangled in the throat, and she could not make a sound,

"you You How can you do this to him? "

Xiao Qianhua sneered, "he wants to rob my fiancee. What's wrong with me treating him like this?"

Li luoran couldn't make a sound.

"Oh, you won't believe it, will you? After such a long time, do you still regard me as a murderer? " Xiao Qianhua over there couldn't help laughing.

Li luoran, in a complicated mood, "where is he? What have you done to him? "

Xiao Qianhua said, "don't worry, your beautiful man is OK. I think he should have been hit and feel that he has no face to answer your phone. It's ridiculous. How narcissistic is Feng Qianwei before he comes to the door to rob his fiancee with a man?"

"By the way, the negotiation terms offered by Feng Qianji to me are very attractive, but in my eyes, you are more attractive than the terms offered by him, so I will not negotiate."

Then he hung up the line.

Li luoran still kept the posture of making a phone call, but he couldn't get back to God for a long time.

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