You,Under My Name

Chapter 317: 317

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Li luoran calls Xiao Qianhua as she walks, "where are you?"

There was a lot of noise on the other side of the phone, and I could only vaguely distinguish the voice of Xiao Qianhua, "what's the matter with the customer?"

Li luoran said, "I'll talk to you about jinxintong. Where is your specific location now? I'll go to find you."

Xiao Qianhua said, "it's not convenient for you to have a car. I'd better go to you and send your specific address to me. See you later."

At this time, Li luoran heard someone on the other side of the phone shouting, "don't go, Mr. Xiao. I didn't say I won't be drunk tonight. How can I forget my friends when I marry my wife..."

"Hello! Mr. Xiao

"Mr. Xiao..."

Xiao Qian drew a line.

Li luoran calls Xiao Qianhua and comes to the park opposite the kindergarten. She gives Xiao Qianhua a place.

About ten minutes later, the Rolls Royce phantom painted by Xiao Qian stopped outside the park. Because Xiao Qian was wearing a black suit, Li luoran could not tell whether he was Lu Shaochen or Xiao Qian if he did not recognize the car painted by Xiao Qian.

Now Li luoran is sitting on a bench in the park, and Xiao Qianhua is sitting in the space on her right.

Li luoran comes to the point, "I want to go back to the moon."

Xiao Qian's deep black hole eyes show shock.

Li luoran said, "I can guarantee that I will be safe with Lu Shaochen. As long as she doesn't take the initiative to provoke me, I will never provoke her, nor will it affect her and Shaochen's marriage. The premise is that she must send Mingyue back to me, or I will disturb her."

“……” Xiao Qian's painting pondered and repeatedly measured the conditions proposed by Li luoran.

However, Lu Mingchen and his parents think that even if Lu Mingchen is willing to give up everything for you, he must be willing to please your son The real relationship of the month, when the time comes, how can you let Xiaojin justify himself? "

Li luoran said sarcastically, "four years ago, you used me to help Jin Xintong give birth to a child. Now, Jin Xintong poisons the three of us. You are the scapegoat. Don't you always justify yourself and have no loopholes? What you and Xiaojin are good at is to justify themselves. There's no need for others to teach them. "

Xiao Qian painted his eyes helplessly, "but this thing is different from those things. To return the child is to expose the secret of Xiaojin. I can't help you."

What else did Li luoran want to say? Xiao Qianhua said before her,

"I understand your mood, and I don't want to see such a result, but I do all this to help Xiaojin. I will never do anything that is bad for her, and I will never ruin her happiness because of my sympathy for you."

The voice is about to fall.

Li luoran suddenly blew up her hair. She stood up with Xiao Qianhua and looked at his back excitedly. "Xiao Qianhua, since you don't accept my condition, you are forcing me and Jin Xintong to die!"

Trembling all over, the voice went far away.

Suddenly stopped, Xiao Qianhua turned his back to Li luoran and said, "explain how you want to get in touch with her."

Li luoran strode to the back of Xiao Qianhua's tearful eyes and said, "I must return my child. If you don't help me, I will expose the truth that I am Mingyue's biological mother and take Mingyue back by legal means."

"Liluoran, you've gone too far!"

Xiao Qian's painting suddenly turns around, and his face looks like Satan.

Sure enough, Xiao Qianhua was called "black hell" for a reason. He was so angry that he was so cold and terrible. But Li luoran didn't let him. He still looked up at him haughtily,

"Mingyue is my son. You and jinxintong not only want to take away my love, but also my family. Who's been there?"

Xiao Qian's painting was criticized for a while.

Seriously, Li luoran and Li luoran looked at each other for at least three seconds before venting their way, "I said, I sympathize with you, but I will never be sorry for Xiaojin. Xiaojin has always dreamed of entering the palace of marriage with Lu Shaochen, and she finally achieved her wish. Li luoran, you remember, if you dare to destroy her happiness, it is tantamount to harming your son."

As if a basin of cold water had been poured on her head, Li luoran felt cold all over her body, "what do you mean?"

Xiao Qian's eyes were colder. "Don't forget that the poison in your son's body has not been completely removed. If you dare to recognize him, I will not give him antidote any more. My poison Master said that the next toxic attack will be half a year later. If you don't accept the antidote within three days, you will surely die!"

Li luoran is petrified in the same place, and tears fall down like a dike.

Looking at the pathetic appearance of tears, Xiao Qianhua's heart is like being stabbed by a needle. He doesn't know why he has such a feeling. In the past, he only felt so sad when he saw Jin Xintong sad.

What's wrong with him?!

Why do you have the impulse to take her in your arms and comfort her?Xiao Qianhua tries his best to suppress this impulse and keep his previous indifference, but his voice can't be as cold as before,

"I don't force you to come home with me now and leave you alone, but I don't want to live apart from my wife just after I get married. I have to go home at night."

Li Ran looked at him with hatred.

Xiao Qianhua waited for a long time. Seeing that she didn't talk to him any more, she finally turned and left.

Li luoran didn't know how long she had been in the same place. She didn't even know when she was going to sit back on the bench.

It was getting dark, and the blood red sunset light hit her haggard face. Xiao Qianhua's last words echoed in her ears like a magic spell. Every time she echoed, her tears would flow again.


Now she is as passive and helpless as the monkey king at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain.

But she will never give up, she wants to recognize Mingyue, she wants to preserve her, Mingyue and Lu Shaochen's integrity, she will succeed!


Li luoran was thinking about it when he saw Xiao Qianhua coming to her again.

She thought, this time, Xiao Qianhua is to pull her home!

Unwilling to show a trace of weakness in front of Xiao Qian's picture, she quickly wipes off all the tears on her face with a wet towel, looks up to the sun, and makes the tears in her eyes evaporate as soon as possible, without any trace of crying.

The man had long legs and big steps, and soon came to Li luoran.

Li luoran took the initiative to stand up, the corner of his mouth raised arrogantly, "I don't take your car, I'll take a taxi to go back."

"Oh?" The man hooked his lips,

"it's just the second day of marriage. Do you and Xiao Qian draw such a clear line?"

When the man said this, he seemed to have warm eyes for the whole spring. Li luoran immediately recognized that he was not Xiao Qian's painting, but Lu Shaochen

Lu Shaochen!

She and he haven't seen each other for only four days. Why is it that Li luoran is so happy and excited to see him now that he finally meets him after a century of separation?

Suddenly there was an impulse to plunge into his arms.

However, thinking that he is now another woman's husband, and he is also another man's wife, the right foot that wants to step out to him only moves forward a few millimeters and then stops.

She lowered her eyelashes to hide the joy in her eyes. "Is that a coincidence?"

Lu Shaochen, "I came to pick up Mingyue. When I got to the kindergarten gate, I knew Xiaojin had picked him up. I saw you sitting here from a distance."

All right!

This explanation is perfect!

What Li luoran didn't know was that Lu Wanyue saw Li luoran sitting in the park from the car and called Lu Shaochen. After receiving the call, Lu Shaochen immediately ended the month end summary meeting and drove all the way.

"How was your marriage with Xiao Qianhua?"

Lu Shaochen's voice is magnetic and cool, and her lips are warm. Like the fine sand on the golden beach, it pours down in her ears.

The sound of Xiao Qian's painting is obviously the same as that of Lu Shaochen. Why does Li luoran feel so warm and comfortable when he hears the sound of Xiao Qian's painting?

She said with a smile, "it's OK."

Lu Shaochen, "OK? You know what I'm asking


This is the topic Feng Qianji talked about when he saw her. So is Lu Shaochen!

Is this the only problem that all men care about most?

"Not yet. After all, Xiao Qianhua and I have no emotional foundation. This kind of thing between men and women seems a little dirty if they have no feelings So... " Li luoran was more and more unable to speak.

Li luoran found that she could talk about this topic freely with Feng qianzhen, but even though she had been intimate with Lu Shaochen countless times in the past year, she still felt very restrained when talking about the relationship between men and women with him -

or embarrassed!

How can you not be embarrassed to talk with your ex husband about the intimacy with your new husband?

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Lu Shaochen's face was dignified. "What do you mean, not yet? Does it mean that there is not yet, but there will be in the future? "

Li luoran was more embarrassed. His lips moved. He didn't know where to start.

Lu Shaochen is not willing to let go of this topic, hands excited pressure on her shoulder, looking directly into her eyes, so that she can not dodge, "this question is so difficult to answer? Answer me

“……” Li luoran sighed helplessly,

"Lu Shaochen, Xiao Qianhua and I got the marriage certificate and held the wedding ceremony. I'm his right wife. I have the obligation to do what a wife should do to her husband, right?"

I can't bear to be too straightforward and euphemistic. If Xiao Qianhua insists on her request, she will still have a close relationship with Xiao Qianhua.


Just last night on her wedding night, Xiao Qianhua asked for it, and insisted on giving her a week to prepare. Now she and Xiao Qianhua are living together, even if she can find all kinds of excuses to refuse Xiao Qianhua once, twice, three times How many excuses does she have to refuse Xiao Qian's painting all her life?Perhaps, everything is inevitable!

In this world, there are many couples who have no feelings, but how many couples have never had skin relationship?

"Well..." Lu Shaochen's eyebrows are full of loss,

"I will keep my body for you all the time, but I don't ask you to be like me. I don't care what happened between you and Xiao Qianhua, but you must take protective measures and never conceive his child, otherwise when you divorce him, it will be difficult for you to be separated because of the child."


Li luoran couldn't believe her ears. She stared at Lu Shaochen, "how do you know I will divorce him?"

Lu Shaochen raised his eyebrow. "I invited the most powerful detoxification expert in the world to develop an antidote according to the toxin in my body. The person you love is me. You have to marry Mingyue to protect me. Once the antidote is successfully developed, we will no longer be threatened by Xiao Qianhua. Then we will remarry."

Li luoran's eyes were suddenly blurred. She looked at Lu Shaochen through her bright tears, "if the detoxification experts you invited can't develop an antidote?"

"Then we'll wait three years." Lu Shaochen smiles,

"this toxin will remain in our bodies for three years. The worst thing between us is to go back together after suffering for three years. Besides, during these three years, although we can't be a real couple, we can be a fake couple."

Li luoran was moved and confused.

What moved Lu Shaochen was that although he and Jin Xintong became husband and wife, they were still thinking about her.

Confused is -

fake couple?

What do you mean?

Is there any difference between husband and wife?

Lu Shaochen slightly lowered his head, thin lips close to her ear, "I'll be your underground Qinglang, we'll find a quiet house to live together secretly, just like before our divorce."


Isn't that Stealing Sunshine?!

If Lu Shaochen had not said it himself, Li luoran would not have believed that Lu Shaochen, who has always been loyal to marriage and principles, would have said it!

"But Xiaojin, she She is the goddess in your heart, she is your wife now, you How could you betray her? " The frightened Li luoran was incoherent.

Lu Shaochen's vast and beautiful eyes were calm. "Xiaojin knew that we were forced to divorce. She said that she also wanted us to get back together, so she would not mind."

Jin Xin Tong of course will pretend to be a good person to Lu Shaochen say so?

Is it hard for jinxintong to say that she poisoned her? Her purpose is to separate Li luoran and Lu Shaochen?!


When can a man really understand a woman's heart?!

But lilov and I can't do anything, no matter what the principle is

She will never cheat!

This is a principle she firmly adheres to.

No matter how much she loves Lu Shaochen, she will never disobey him.

Lu Shaochen said, "I will never force you, but I don't think it's mean to do so. I believe that most married men and women cheat in marriage. We are different. Xiao Qianhua splits us first by vicious means. He is mean. His marriage with you is not marriage at all. In my heart, we are the same as before. You are still my wife."

Lu Shaochen's voice is as cool as water, but why does Li luoran feel that his voice is more touching than the sounds of nature?

My throat was suddenly blocked up so much that tears almost fell down.

How much she wants to tell Lu Shaochen that in her mind, Lu Shaochen is still her husband. She wants to tell Lu Shaochen that since she loved Lu Shaochen, there is no other man who can make her heart beat

But she can't say.

Now Lu Shaochen is jinxintong's husband, which is a fact that no one can change.

Lu Shaochen gently pinched her chin and slowly raised her face. "If you want to see me, just call me. I'll wait for you at any time."

Kiss her on the lips like before.

However, she pushed her away before she could kiss her.

Li luoran didn't have much strength, but Lu Shaochen stepped back because he was unprepared. His back thumped against the marble pillar of the stone pavilion, and the sudden pain made him frown slightly.

In Lu Shaochen's painful eyes, Li luoran's heart felt like he was stabbed by some sharp object.

But she didn't go to help him, still standing in the same place,

"I've made it very clear that I won't settle down with you. Don't be so close to me or wait for me in the future. Treat Jin Xintong well."

Li luoran never knew that he could be so cold-blooded when facing Lu Shaochen.

I'm afraid that if I stay in Lu Shaochen's sight for another second, I'll expose my true feelings, turn around and run away."It reminds me of when we first met a year ago."

Lu Shaochen's voice came from behind Li luoran.

Li luoran doesn't want to listen, but stops with his feet.

Lu Shaochen, leaning on the stone pillar, looked at her weak figure with his arms around his chest and bent eyebrows. "At that time, you were always very repulsive to me, and I always had to move strongly towards you. Well, the picture was beautiful."

Is it beautiful?

According to Lu Shaochen, at the beginning, Lu Shaochen's crazy pursuit of her filled Li luoran's mind like a tide. At that time, Li luoran was moved, struggling, tangled, escaping and irresistible

In the past, Li luoran always felt that those pictures were not beautiful at all!

But why does Li luoran feel beautiful when he thinks about it now?

Lu Shaochen said, "you have your freedom and your own values. You can continue to escape or despise this kind of extramarital relationship. But I also insist on my freedom and I will pursue you."


Li luoran's mind seemed to explode into a hornet's nest. She turned back and looked at Lu Shaochen with the same look as a monster,

"what are you going to do? Don't force me to split my face with you. "

Lu Shaochen raised his eyebrows and said, "well, I'll wait for you to tear my face."

Winking at her, he turned and walked out of the park.

Li luoran looked at Lu Shaochen's figure for a long time and couldn't get back to God.

I can't help thinking how good it would be if it were ancient times now!

That way, Lu Shaochen can marry many wives. He can marry her, Jin Xintong and Shu Xinshuang together. Well, let's marry Lu Wanyue as well

That way, there won't be so many women who cry because they can't get him, and they won't fight for him.

But come back to think about it, maybe even in ancient times, women who like Lu Shaochen would be extremely jealous


Lu Shaochen!


Lu Shaochen is walking outside the park, and Xiao Qianhua is walking towards him.

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