You,Under My Name

Chapter 318: 318

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Two one meter apart as like as two peas, two as like as two peas, and two pairs of identical eyes as coldly staring.

People cast surprised eyes.


What the hell?

Seeing this picture, I really doubt that it is not two people standing there, but only one person looking in the mirror. How can there be such two people in the world?

Xiao Qian first opened his mouth, "I see you are very close to her."

Lu Shaochen raised his eyebrows and said, "well."

Xiao Qian painting eyes suddenly cool, "you hold her."

Lu Shaochen hooked his lips and said, "well."

Xiao Qian's eyes were colder, "you even kiss her."

Lu Shaochen winked, "yes!" Actually, no, but since Xiao Qian's painting was misunderstood because he couldn't see it clearly, why didn't he continue to misunderstand it?

Xiao Qian's eyes were so cold that he wanted to eat people. "What did you say to her?"

Lu Shaochen pick eyebrows, hook lips and then squeeze eyes, "it's nothing, just want to engage in extramarital love with her, do the underground couple."

“……” I didn't expect that Lu Shaochen would be so undisguised. Xiao Qian's painting was silent for a long time. It took at least three seconds to make a sound again.

"just because you are so brazen, she won't go along with you."

Lu Shaochen smiles brightly, "she really won't go along with me for the time being, but I will make trouble, maybe one day she will be soft hearted and follow me."


Knowing that Lu Shaochen deliberately annoys himself, Xiao Qianhua's mood is still out of control. The next second, he sneers,

"I can't imagine that Lu Shaochen, who is famous, is nothing more than a scoundrel. He just seduces other people's wives and shows off his power in front of her husband. What's so good about you? How can Xiaojin fall in love with you? "

Lu Shaochen looked innocent. "I'm also very strange. What's good about me? Why are so many women so devoted to me? Why do you and I have the same face, but no one loves you? "

"My God, you

For the first time, the unbearable Xiao Qian's painting exploded in front of people.

as like as two peas, he grabbed Lu Shaochen's collar, his handsome face and Lu Shaochen's face almost identical to him. The syllables were cold and chilly, and

, "Lu Shaochen, I warn you, the present Luo Luo dye has nothing to do with you. She is my wife of Xiao Qian's painting. Stay away from her and have a good command of Xiao Jin!"

Although Lu Shaochen has the same face as Xiao Qian's painting, the contrast between his playful face and his sinister face is so sharp that he opens his thin lips lightly, almost opposite to Xiao Qian's painting, and says slowly,


Xiao Qian said coldly, "don't forget that the lives of you, your son and Li luoran are in my hands. If you dare to be arrogant, I will let your son and Li luoran all die."

"Oh, I'm really scared by you ~" Lu Shaochen's dark eyes are so ironic,

"the purpose of poisoning us is to complete Xiaojin. Before you achieve your goal, I fully believe that if I don't agree to your conditions, you will jump over the wall and kill one of us, so I can only let you succeed. ”

Xiao Qian's cold eyes are like a knife, "it's the same now!"

"No, it's different now." Lu Shaochen smiles,

"I just said that, didn't I? When the dog is in a hurry, he will jump over the wall, but once the dog's goal is achieved, he will not dare to act rashly, otherwise, you will destroy Xiaojin's happiness, and Xiaojin will hate you. "

Xiao Qian's paintings are speechless.

Lu Shaochen pushes away Xiao Qian's painting with great force, and the fun in his eyes fades away like a tide, and turns into a bone chilling cold,

"Xiao Qian's painting, remember what I say next, even if you destroy my marriage with Li luoran, you can't separate our souls. As long as I still have a breath, I will pursue her. She and my son are my favorite people, you know If you dare to harm the person I love the most, I will give it back in the same way. "

Xiao Qian's painting is a bit trance, "what do you mean?"

Lu Shaochen's face was cold, and his words were cold. "If anyone between Li luoran and Mingyue dies, I will be the first to kill Xiaojin."


It seems that Xiao's body shakes away and his brain blows up like a big bomb.

"I, no, Xiang, Xin..." The excessive shock made Xiao Qian's painting tremble.

"I know you love Xiaojin. Xiaojin is a goddess that no one can replace in your heart. You can't poison her!"

"Is it?" Lu Shaochen's eyes are as deep as a devil,

"in order to maintain the image in my heart, Xiaojin is willing to kill her beloved woman. How do you know if I am willing to kill Xiaojin for Li luoran and my son?"

Xiao Qian's painting was stunned.

So I watched Lu Shaochen's fist smash down on his face.

With a loud "Dong", Xiao Qianhua was beaten black in front of his eyes, vomited blood, staggered and nearly fell to the ground."This punch, for Ranran."

Lu Shaochen's low voice rang in front of him.

The voice fell, and the second punch followed.


This time, Xiao Qianhua was beaten back two steps in succession.

"This is for the moon."


Another punch.

After the second blow, Xiao Qianhua, who has not yet stood firm, lies on the ground solidly, and his white shirt is dyed red with enchanting blood.

"This punch, for myself."

After these words, Lu Shaochen did not look at Xiao Qian's paintings any more and walked by them indifferently.


"look, there's something wrong over there!"

"Isn't it just two people fighting? What's the fuss? "

"But that man is still lying on the ground. He is bleeding. Will he die..."

Hearing people's comments, Li luoran, who was standing in a corner of the park with his back to the direction where Lu Shaochen left, looked back.

One of the two men, Lu Shaochen and Xiao Qianhua, was lying on the ground. The other was walking outside the park. I didn't know who beat whom. I didn't know whether the man lying on the ground was Lu Shaochen or Xiao Qianhua.

Li luoran ran quickly to the man lying on the ground.

Xiao Qianhua, who was just stunned by the beating, was just reviving. He tried to pretend that he didn't care. "I'm ok. Lu Shaochen's fists are like tickling for me."

Knowing that it was Xiao Qianhua who was beaten, Li luoran's heart suddenly fell back to his stomach when he mentioned it in his throat, and the hands that he was going to help Xiao Qianhua slowly retracted.

Xiao Qian's expression is slightly dull, "don't you help me up?"

Li luoran, "you just said you're OK. You don't need me to meddle."

Xiao Qian's painting, "..."

Li luoran had already stood up and walked by Xiao Qianhua indifferently.


Li luoran took a taxi to the hospital.

Push open the door of the intensive care unit, Chu Xingchen lying on the bed has a quiet face, like a sleeping child.

Every time Li luoran saw such a Chu star, he would think of the way he used to talk with exaggerated wine red hair and big earrings.

In front of the bed was a burly woman -


Alan has been Bai Qingwan's bodyguard. After Bai Qingwan died, Li luoran never saw Alan again. She was surprised that Alan would appear here.

"Mr. Lu arranged for me to do so." Alan said faintly.

Li luoran was surprised, "did Lu Shaochen hire you to protect Mingyue?"

Alan nodded, looked away and stopped talking.

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Li luoran knows that Alan and Falcon belong to the same type of silent person. He expects that Lu Shaochen worried that the same thing would happen again after he came to the hospital to kill the star. He specially hired Alan to guard Chu star 24 hours a day.

Sitting at the edge of the bed, Li luoran looks at Chu Xingchen carefully.

Chu Xingchen is a miserable child. He was abandoned by his parents before he had a memory in his childhood. Lu Shaochen said that Chu Xingchen was a street thug before he met Lu Shaochen. Eight years ago, Lu Shaochen drove past a casino and ran over Chu Xingchen who was knocked unconscious and left in a pool of blood

Lu Shaochen saves Chu Xingchen. Although Lu Shaochen is a gangster, he is loyal and affectionate. So he keeps Chu Xingchen around for eight years.

Whenever I think of Chu star, Li luoran is sentimental. At the same time, he blames himself for not taking revenge for Chu star.

She thinks that Lu Shaochen's feelings for Chu Xingchen are much deeper than hers. Lu Shaochen had to let Su Su go because Jin Xintong pleaded with her. Lu Shaochen must feel ashamed of Chu Xingchen


Lu Shaochen sat in the window, looking at the bright world outside through the dark black window.

Take a deep breath and exhale.

For men, smoking is nothing more than one of the most effective ways to relieve their worries. Lu Shaochen has smoked all the way, but his worries, which are deeply rooted in his heart like a knife, can never be dispelled.

Along the way, I always thought about Li luoran.

To be more exact, he has never stopped thinking about her since he broke up with Li luoran.

I think about her when I eat, I think about her when I work, I think about her before I go to sleep, I think about her when I send wedding photos with jinxintong, I think about her when I hold wedding with jinxintong

After meeting her today, I miss her more and more. Whenever I think of Li luoran, the whole person is surrounded by warm current.

However, thinking that she has become someone else's wife is like falling into the ice.

"Mr. Lu, it's time for you to get off."

The driver's voice came.

Lu Shaochen then realized that the car had already driven back to his home.The door is opened by the driver, and Lu Shaochen walks back to the living room. Lu Wanyue is lying on the sofa playing with her mobile phone. The door of the living room on the second floor is open, and the sound of Jin Xintong accompanying Lu Mingyue on her homework can be heard.

Lu Shaochen came to Lu Wanyue and said, "did the filming go well today?"

"Cut!" Lu Wanyue raised her face angrily,

"how do you want me to answer your question? Since you don't believe what I say, you just believe your own subjective judgment, and you just want to think about the answer yourself. Why don't you ask me what I'm doing? "

After getting off the sofa, he strode into the bedroom with long legs and slammed the door heavily.

Lu Shaochen looks helpless.

When he was with Li luoran, Lu Wanyue always said bad things about Li luoran to him. Now he married Xiao Jin, and Lu Wanyue often said bad things about Xiao Jin to him. He refused to believe it, so Lu Wanyue got angry with him.

Lu Shaochen went upstairs.

At this time, Lu Mingyue just finished her homework and was tidying up her schoolbag. Lu Shaochen looked at Lu Mingyue, but xiaomengwa turned her face aside,

"hum! Don't talk to the baby. The baby hates you. "

Lu Shaochen, "..."

Lu Mingyue falls off her schoolbag and walks into the bedroom like Lu Wanyue, slamming the door.

Lu Shaochen doesn't show emotion on the surface, but his eyes are lost.

The light footstep sounds, and Jin Xintong comes to him. "Mingyue met Ranran earlier than I did. She has deeper feelings for Ranran than me. In Mingyue's mind, Ranran is his biological mother, and I Hehe, it's all my fault that I abandoned him when I gave birth to the moon. If I had been with him all the time, it would not have caused such a tragedy. "


Jinxintong said everything is right!

Lu Shaochen also sympathizes with Jin Xintong.

If he had been in the past, he would have comforted Jin Xintong in a soft voice and said something like "don't blame you, you are also the victim", "I didn't protect you so well that you caused all this".

But now he doesn't want to say anything.

It's not because I'm tired.

Instead, after experiencing so many joys and frustrations with Li luoran, I suddenly find that I don't care about Jin Xintong as much as I used to, and her joys and sorrows are no longer so important to me

"I know that you have deep feelings for sister Ranran. I'm helpless for Qianhua to do such a twisted thing, but he is as stubborn as you. He is determined to do so. I have no way." Jin Xintong looks up at her beautiful face and smiles,

"Shaochen, have you ever thought about it? Although you can't accept it for a while now, if you think about it in the long run, I think it's good for all of us. Our family is reunited, Qianhua will be good for sister Ranran, and he has married a good man who loves her. This is the most perfect ending for all of us."

Lu Shaochen opened his thin lips, "maybe."

Unwilling to say a word more, he walked to his bedroom with long legs.


Jin Xintong strode to catch up with Lu Shaochen, holding his wrist with his small hand,

"shall we sleep in a bed tonight?"

Lu Shaochen did not look back, only eyes a deep color, "before marriage, I have said before, our marriage is nominal."

"Because of sister Ranran?" Jin Xintong's voice trembled.

Lu Shaochen, "yes."

Leave jinxintong.

But Jin Xintong held him tightly and refused to let go. "Shaochen, you are the smartest person I have ever met. Can't you see that since Xiao Qianhua has brought us together, he will try his best to never let us separate again? Can't you see the fact that you and sister Ranran will never be reunited? "

Lu Shaochen's tall body was obviously shaking as if he had been pierced by a sharp sword.

Jin Xintong pours on Lu Shaochen and hugs him behind him. "Shaochen, do you know how much I love you? In order to be with you, I would rather go to the hospital for test tube surgery and give birth to your child in the body of Wanbi. Four years ago, I met Cui Jun because you jumped into the river to commit suicide. In order to maintain my image in your heart, I did not hesitate to let Su Su Su kill our child. All I did was because of you

"Shaochen, I love you! I'm willing to give everything for you

Lu Shaochen's Adam's apple was sliding violently and his face was more painful.

Jin Xintong's beautiful face is buried on Lu Shaochen's back, and her crystal tears are flowing on her face.

"Shaochen, I know you still love me in your heart, and you will slowly forget Ranran. Now I'm your right wife. It's your dream that Auntie an turned against us and married me. Now our dream has come true, and you are happy Don't alienate me any more. We'll start sleeping together tonight. I'll have another baby for you. No! I'm going to give birth to another bunch of children for you. Let's live a good life together? "

“……” Lu Shaochen calmed down his complex emotions, and his eyes became cool gradually.

"you know, I didn't respond to any woman except Ranran.""You lied! Now you and the normal man are the same, no longer have the physiological problem Jin Xintong's voice trembles with excitement.

Lu Shaochen was shocked. "You How do you know? " There was a clear sense of panic in his eyes.


Before meeting Li luoran, Lu Shaochen had no physiological reaction to any opposite sex, but Li luoran was an accident.

After meeting Li luoran, Lu Shaochen became normal in that aspect after so many sweet and lingering experiences. It's just that he never had the idea of intimate relationship with other women, and never told anyone the secret

Jin Xintong affectionately holds Lu Shaochen, "Shaochen, you never know how much I love you. When I'm with you, my eyes don't stay on you for a second. Any change of you can't hide from me. I've been married, I know men, and I've seen your reaction more than once."

Lu Shaochen had no more emotion than shock.

"Shaochen, do you forget that when we were together, you wished you could fall in love with me and have children with me like a normal man. Now all our dreams have come true. It's a favor from God. Don't refuse, OK?"

Gently said, hands along Lu Shaochen's waist slowly down, take the initiative to untie his belt.


Lu Shaochen called for a cold stop.

Jin Xin Tong is not willing to let go, shaking hands are still excited to pull Lu Shaochen's belt.



Lu Shaochen suddenly gave a sharp drink.

The brocade Heart Tong frightens to tremble all over, hands not from relaxed strength.

Lu Shaochen coldly broke off Jin Xintong's hands on his body, threw her away and walked forward indifferently.

Jin Xintong looked at his figure in pain, "what did I do wrong? Why are you so cruel to me? "

Lu Shaochen turned his back to her, and his dark gem like eyes were cold. "When I don't want to sleep with you, I think about another woman."

Lu Shaochen's voice has calmed down, but Jin Xintong is more frightened than just hearing Lu Shaochen's cold drink. Her legs are weak and she is sitting on the ground.

Lu Shaochen walked into the bedroom without looking back and slammed the door heavily.

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