You,Under My Name

Chapter 320: 320

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Li luoran fully understands the reason why Shu Xinshuang pulls on Zhao Yang, but she doesn't quite understand why Shu Xinshuang pulls on Feng qianshe. She casts confused eyes at Feng qianshe and says, "what are you going to do?"

"You need a driver, and in case you can't subdue the one eyed woman, I can seduce her," Feng said

Li luoran, "..."

Shuxinshuang, "..."

Zhao Yang, "..."

All right!

In fact, the first half of Feng Qian's words are very pertinent. The driving skill of this product is really powerful.

Four people got into the windy car.

The girl who followed Su Su sent a message to liluoran that Su Su was driving westward along the outer ring road now, and the target was moving at any time. Therefore, liluoran asked fengqianji to drive to the outer ring road first, and try to keep the distance from the target.

Along the way, Li luoran and the girl have been keeping a video call to determine each other's position at any time.

About half an hour later, Li luoran got the exact news that Su Su had arrived at his destination by car. Li luoran immediately entered the specific location of the destination into the navigator and called Lu Shaochen.


the western suburb of Jiangcheng.

A two-story building is located at the foot of the mountain. The yard is full of red roses. Butterflies and birds are flying among the flowers. In the clear river outside the yard, fish spring out of the water from time to time.

At this time, Su Su was standing under the loquat tree in the yard, quietly enjoying the beautiful flowers in the garden.

Sister Xintong is nothing but the best person to her in the world.

Not long ago, in order to save her, sister Xintong did not hesitate to tell Lu Shaochen the truth and knelt down to beg Lu Shaochen. She did not want to leave Jiangcheng. She was worried that she would be caught when she was wanted, so she helped her to buy this fairyland like courtyard in the suburbs.


There was a noise from an unknown location.


He has been wanted since he killed people, making Su Su look around like a bird in fright.

The birds in the yard were scared to flee.

However, in addition, there is no exception. Where is anyone?


Sure enough, it's better not to be guilty. When she shot and killed herself, she was so decisive, so simple and so cool. She enjoyed the moment very much. Later, when she went to the hospital to kill Chu Xingchen, she still enjoyed it. However, with the passage of time, the enjoyment and pleasure gradually faded away, and the worries and feelings that had been covered up by the enjoyment and pleasure Only after that can I see clearly

She was always frightened.

Fear of being caught again.

I'm afraid I'll be shot like Bai Qingwan.

I'm afraid I'll never see the beautiful world.


Another sound like that.

Su Su's just calm heart suddenly raised again, "who?! Who the hell are you? "

No response.

This time, Su Su clearly saw a stone flying in from the open door, accurately landing on her white car, making a "click" sound.

Su Su's body trembled. She habitually went to her waist to get the pistol, but her little hand was empty. It suddenly occurred to her that she thought she would be safe when she came to this secluded place in the suburbs, and she carelessly dropped the gun on the car.

She strode towards the white car.

"It's true that people who have ghosts in their hearts are most afraid of ghosts. Is it because of the guilty conscience that they are so flustered?" A cold female voice suddenly rang out.

Although the voice is not big, Su Su seems to hear a bolt from the blue, like a sculpture petrified in situ.


She read out the name coldly and turned her eyes slowly to the gate. Then she saw Li luoran walking towards her calmly.

Li luoran is followed by three people. She knows that two of them are star Shu Xinshuang and Feng Qianyi. The other man is big and muscular. She feels that she has seen him on TV, but she can't remember his name for a moment.

"Li luoran, you are still haunted. Have you forgotten the lesson of last time? I just need to shoot a few shots at random to make all four of you dead. Do you want to come here to die? " Because of Jin Xintong, Su Su was angry when she saw Li luoran.

Li luoran is not afraid at all.

She stood in front of Su Su straight away, and her beautiful face rose haughtily, "yes, I will never forget that lesson. That day you fired four shots, Cui Jun died on the spot. He and Jin Xintong's daughter died in my arms, and my hands were covered with blood. The stars may never wake up. If I hadn't been lucky, I would have come to the end of my life that day, and you wouldn't even have seen me There is a blink, calmly set fire to leave... "

After that day, Li luoran often dreams of similar scenes, and often wakes up with a scream full of sweat.

It will become a nightmare of her life, such as a badge in her heart, such as her own figure, always with her."Well! If only you knew you were afraid! " Su Su pretended to put his right hand into his pocket,

"although Lu Shaochen pulled out my index finger, I still shot with my middle finger, but I don't want to kill any more. You'd better get out of here, or if I change my mind, you won't even have time to run."

His right hand moved wildly in his pocket, as if holding a gun.

Shu Xinshuang looks at each other with the wind.

Zhao Yang also looks incredible.

They all met Su Su for the first time. Although Su Su was blind in her right eye, she was a beautiful and sweet girl. From the appearance alone, who could have thought that she would be a murderous devil?

Li luoran looked indifferent and said, "Alas! I'm really scared by you. I really want to turn around and run. "

Su Su's arrogant eyebrow raised, "who's scaring you? You'd better run now. I don't have patience. I'll kill you now!"

Secretly for Li luoran pinched the sweat of the wind shallow, immediately want to block in front of Li luoran, Shu Xinshuang pull him, send a confident smile, wind shallow this just did not move forward.

Li luoran's haughty lips,

"ha, don't you want to kill me long ago? I haven't had the patience to see you play for a long time. You are so special. Now I'm dead! "


How also didn't expect Li Luo dye unexpectedly so not to die, the right hand in Su Su's pocket can't help trembling.

Li luoran sneered, "if you had a gun, you would have shot. You didn't have a gun at all. I think your gun should be in the car."

Su Su's left eye was round and her pretty face showed panic.

Li luoran shrugged and looked at Su Su's eyes coldly and sarcastically. "Do you know why I'm so sure? Before I went into the yard, I threw three stones into the yard. You were more and more nervous when I heard the news. In the end, you pulled out your gun obviously, but you didn't pull out your gun. Instead, you walked to your car, which means you left your gun in the car Is there anything wrong with my analysis? "

Su Su knew she couldn't play any more, but she still said, "hum! So what? Even if I don't use a gun, killing you is as easy as killing an ant. "

"Really?" Li luoran's stubbornness was aroused in an instant. She rolled up her sleeve,

"do you know? I don't think it's better for you to bully people with guns! Come and kill me

"You asked for it! I'll kill you

Out of control Su Su suddenly showed a ferocious face, opened his hands and pinched Li luoran's neck.

Li luoran calmly avoided, at the same time firmly grasped Su Su's left arm, turned, a standard over shoulder fall.


Su Su, who was thrown to the ground, let out a scream.

All over the pain made her even more angry, she got up and rushed to Li luoran again.

Once again, Li luoran easily avoided and grasped his arm.


It's another neat over the shoulder fall.


This time, Su Su struggled to get up after a long time. Her red left eye and twisted facial features were crowded together with excessive anger and hatred. She gasped in indignation and rushed to Li luoran again.

This time, Li luoran didn't wait for Su Su to pounce on him, so he took the initiative to meet him

"Ah -"

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

"Wu -"


Su Su, who was lying on his back in the rose bushes, was panting in pain, shaking himself into a ball, and it was hard to get up again for a while.

Li luoran looked down at Su Su, his eyes were cold.

In the past, Li luoran had fallen Lu Wanyue, Jin Xintong, and her black powder. But in the past, when she fell anyone, she left her face and didn't try her best. Today is the exception -

every time she fell Su Su, she tried her best.

For Chu Xingchen, for Lu Shaochen, for himself, for everyone who cares about Chu Xingchen.

"Me, my, my..."

See silly Shu Xinshuang until now just issued incoherent exclamation.

Shu Xin - Liang had heard wind and Tucao once a year ago, but sometimes she make complaints about her.

Feng Qianji looked at Shu Xinshuang with pride, and his eyes clearly said -

"do you believe now?"

Zhao Yang stood in front of Su Su's white car, his face a little unhappy.

Special well, early know oneself so superfluous, he safely stay in the crew is good, he superfluous to join in what lively?

The sound of low footstep reminds me at the moment.

Entering the gate, Lu Shaochen saw a scene in the yard with a slightly different expression, "am I late?"

Shu Xinshuang spread out his hands, "what a pity, you missed the most wonderful scene."

Lu Shaochen, "..."Li luoran glanced at Su Su, who was still struggling on the ground. "You care about the stars more than any of us. It's up to you to decide what to do with her."

Thinking of Chu Xingchen, Lu Shaochen's heart seemed to have been cut, and he covered the pain at the bottom of his eyes. There was no expression on his paralyzed face. "I want to drag her to the hospital and execute her in front of Xingchen's bed. What do you think?"

"Isn't it?"

Before Li luoran had time to speak, Feng Qianhe had already blown his hair,

"Hey, godfather, you are a clean and law-abiding citizen. Even if your enemies are badly punished by you, you always punish them gracefully with economic means, OK? When did you become a barbarian? How can you kill like an executioner? Execution? Do you want to take it for granted? Do you think you are an ancient emperor? "

Shu Xinshuang's eyes at Lu Shaochen are as shocked as the wind.

Some people in the circle call Lu Shaochen "Yan Luo Ye", because Lu Shaochen is never soft on his enemies. Many people who have offended Lu Shaochen are forced to have no way to go by Lu Shaochen. But Lu Shaochen has his principles. As Feng Qianji said, he has thousands of ways to make his enemies pay the price, but he never uses violence to control violence and never touches the red line of the law

At the moment, Lu Shaochen's words of "executing" Su Su shocked and worried Shu Xinshuang.

At the same time, I can't help but feel sorry for Lu Shaochen -

Lu Shaochen is a man of principles. If it wasn't for Lu Shaochen's deep affection for Chu Xingchen, how could he violate the principles in order to avenge Chu Xingchen?

Lu Shaochen white wind shallow one eye, "did not ask you."

"I'll go!"

The wind was so shallow that his teeth clucked, but he had no choice but to look at Li luoran with Lu Shaochen's eyes.

Li luoran took a deep breath,

"I fully understand your feelings. If I had a gun in my hand just now, I might not be able to control myself and shoot Su Su, but I still want to quote the sentence when you advised me. It's not worth ruining my hands for revenge on poisonous snakes, and it's not worth making myself restless all my life."

Lu Shaochen looked at Su Su on the ground for a moment. The emotion hidden in his bright ice eyes was suffocating.

At this moment, everyone seems to feel his pain and silence with him.

Zhao Yang peeps at him -

he should be Mr. Lu who is famous, right?

Sure enough, Mr. Lu Mingshan always feels a kind of hurt in his heart, but why doesn't he feel like a person in a thousand li?

I don't know why. I suddenly feel that Mr. Lu is very pitiful.

Lu Shaochen never said another word.

I just took out my cell phone in my pocket and called the police.

When she heard Lu Shaochen calling the police, Su Su didn't know where her strength came from. She struggled to get up and ran outside the hospital in a panic. However, after a few steps, Zhao Yang caught her and pressed her wrist behind her.


standing under the loquat tree, Lu Shaochen kept fiddling with his lighter in his hand. Feng Qianji tried to make a conversation. He provoked the topic several times, but he was rebuffed by Lu Shaochen before successfully entering the topic.

Li luoran knew that Lu Shaochen's heart was heavy and he didn't want to speak.

If she had been in the past, she would have gone to her side to comfort her

Lu Shaochen would also hold her in his arms and look at her with four eyes. All his worries would be thrown out of the sky, only his eyes were warm Confucianism and evil spirit.

However, now that she is someone else's wife and Lu Shaochen is someone else's husband, she can no longer comfort Lu Shaochen as before.

At this time, the sound of car flute came from outside the hospital.

A car sped up.

"Shaochen, let Su Su go!"

A clear voice came from outside the hospital.

Li luoran was very surprised.

She thought it was police tea, but unexpectedly it was Jin Xintong.

The wind is shallow, and Shu Xinshuang's face is full of surprise.

Only Lu Shaochen remained expressionless.

Jin Xintong walked into the yard quickly, but Lu Shaochen didn't look at her. He still looked at the unknown position with deep eyes. "Last time you asked me to let her go, what did I say?"

Brocade Heart Tong tiny a stay.

Of course, she remembers that she knelt down on the ground that day and begged Lu Shaochen to let Su Su go. Finally, Lu Shaochen tenderly agreed to her and warned her that if he saw Su Su again in Jiangcheng, he would never show mercy again.

Jin Xintong was confident that she had hidden Su Su well. However, she never thought that she had just finished decorating Su Su's house in the suburbs when Su Su was caught by Lu Shaochen.

"I'm sorry, sister Xintong, I've caused you trouble again ~" Su Su, who was escorted by Zhao Yang, burst into tears when she saw Jin Xintong,

"I don't want you to ask Lu Shaochen for me, but I don't want to die. Sister Xintong, please help me..."Hearing Su Su's words, Jin Xintong's tears also fell down. She nodded to Su Su, "don't worry, you will always be my sister in my heart. I won't give up on you."

Su Su closed her eyes sadly.

Jin Xintong went straight to Lu Shaochen and looked at him with tears. "Shaochen, you heard what Su Su said. Last time you caught her, she would rather die than say a soft word. At that time, she didn't know how to be afraid or how beautiful life was. Now she knows how to be afraid. She knows that there will be more beautiful people and things waiting for her in her life I'm sure she'll turn over a new leaf. Give her a chance

Lu Shaochen cold eyes in a cold, "I have given her a chance, will not have a second time."

Coldly turns around, the back faces the brocade Heart Tong.

"Shaochen!" Jin Xintong walks around to Lu Shaochen and grabs Lu Shaochen's wrists with both hands.

"at the beginning, you let Su Su off in my face. You love me. Since you can let her off once, why can't you let her off for the second time? Why can't you make a good person to the end and let her hide in this quiet place to be a new person? "

Lu Shaochen said, "I've made it very clear. Don't ask why. Police tea will come soon. You ask for love to ask for love from police tea!"

Get rid of Jin Xintong and stride out the gate.

"Ha ha ~" looking at Lu Shaochen's cold back, Jin Xintong laughed, and her tears became more turbulent.

"Shaochen, do you think it's Fair for you to do this? Have you done your duty as a husband to me? When Li luoran was your wife, you could take the initiative to cover up a murderous devil for her. How could you be so cold-blooded when your wife changed into me, and you refused to take the initiative to give up the principle for me? My sister didn't say it, but I begged for nothing? "

Lu Shaochen immediately stops, tall figure back to Jin Xintong, "what do you say?"

Jin Xintong sneered, "don't pretend to be confused. Su Yixuan didn't die at all. The night before she was executed, you found someone to rescue her. In order to save her, you spent 500 million!"

Even Lu Shaochen, who is very good at controlling his emotions, trembled after hearing these words.

Li luoran looks frightened.

The wind is shallow to throw to Li Luo dye to frighten and seek the eye of proof.

Shu Xinshuang and Zhao Yang are stunned.

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