You,Under My Name

Chapter 321: 321

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Jin Xintong approached Lu Shaochen step by step. "I also know that Su Yixuan has changed her identity and lives in Haicheng now. For Li luoran, you even arranged Su Yixuan to be the department head of your branch in Haicheng. At Bai Qingwan's wedding, Su Yixuan splashed Bai Qingwan's sulfuric acid and stabbed Bai Qingwan in front of the public. Su Yixuan's work is more excessive and terrible than plain Because she is Li luoran's good sister, you are willing to save her from prison. Su Su is my good sister. I didn't ask you to spend so much money and risk a crime to save Su Su in prison. I just want you to let her go. Has my request passed? "

Lu Shaochen completely unmoved, is still indifferent to the water that sentence, "I have said very clearly, you ask for love to the police tea."

Voice down, the head did not return out of the courtyard.

"Lu Shaochen!"

Jin Xintong, completely out of control, screams hysterically,

"since you are merciless, don't blame me for being unjust. If you give Yixuan to police tea, I will tell jingcha that Su Yixuan is still alive and take police tea to arrest her in person!"

Lu Shaochen suddenly stopped.

Slowly turn around, not to see jinxintong, but to cast his eyes from jinxintong, to Li luoran behind jinxintong.

Although Li luoran didn't say anything, her lost eyes clearly showed that she was afraid and didn't want any more changes to Su Yixuan

"You won." Lu Shaochen opened his mouth lightly, and the coldness in his ice eyes became more and more profound.

"this is my last compromise with you. Next time I catch you, I will avenge the stars myself."

Jin Xintong was so surprised and happy that she couldn't say a word. She had to read it silently in her heart -

don't worry, Shaochen, I will send Su Su to a place you can't find, and you will never catch her again.

Su Su turned a white eye at Zhao Yang, "are you deaf? Didn't you hear Lu Shaochen promise to let me go? "

Zhao Yang didn't know what to do.

Lu Shaochen's eyes cast to Zhao Yang, "release people."

Although the voice is cool and indifferent, it has the prestige that can't be violated. Zhao Yang seems to be controlled by Lu Shaochen and can't help letting Su Su go.

Su Su quickly runs to Jin Xintong and holds Jin Xintong's hand excitedly. "Sister Xintong, this is your second time to save me, and also to save my second fight with Lu Shaochen. I will be grateful to you all my life."


Jin Xin Tong is so care about Lu Shaochen, to him, she used up all her tenderness is not enough, if it is not a last resort, how can we quarrel with him? Jin Xintong recalls that no matter when she and Lu Shaochen fell in love or after she came back, she only quarreled with Lu Shaochen these two times.

Jin Xintong has a lot to say to Su Su in her heart. At this time, she pushes Su Su Su's hand away in a hurry. "Fool, police tea is coming to catch you. Don't you run quickly?"


Su Su does not give up of see brocade Heart Tong one eye, quickly got on her white car, start with the fastest speed, hurried out of the yard.

With tears in her eyes, Jin Xintong watched Su Su's car drive farther and farther on the Loess Avenue. She thought that as long as Su Su escaped the disaster, she would be able to fly in the sky and fish in the sea. She could not help but smile a little contentedly.

She will ask Xiao Qianhua to send Su Su abroad and leave her a large sum of money. Su Su can live happily like Su Yixuan.

Seeing Su Su's car out of jinxintong's line of sight, three police cars are coming.

Very bad premonition suddenly spread like electric current all over Jin Xintong's body, that silk smile is as stiff as crack in her mouth.

The three police cars surrounded Su Su's car in the shape of "human". Su Su Su's white car was forced to stop in the middle of the road. More than a dozen police officers got out of the car nervously, and a pistol was aimed at Su Su's car. Some people kept shouting with loudspeakers,

"you have been surrounded, get out of the car and surrender as soon as possible, or we will take military measures."

"You are surrounded. Get out of the car and surrender as soon as possible, or we will take military measures."


The door of the white car was kicked open by Su Su.

The next second, Su Su stepped out of the car.

Immediately, three police tea walked towards her, and one of them took out the handcuffs.

However, when the three constables were about to come near Su Su, Su Su quickly took out the silver pistol she had hidden in her sleeve, and pulled the trigger gracefully and calmly.




The three bullets flew out almost at the same time and hit the three policemen's eyebrows accurately. Without a hum, they all lay upright in the pool of blood.

Police tea is also scared silly.

Su Su picked eyebrows and sneered, aiming at a police officer hiding behind the door.

This time, before she could shoot, she was shot through by a bullet coming from her right rear.

The deafening gunfire continued to ring, countless bullets flew to Su Su, blood was flying, Su Su, who lost her heart beat, fell on her back beside her car, and her car was also devastated."No!"

"Su Su..."

"Su Su!"

The brocade Heart Tong hysterical shout, flurried toward the accident location to run, at the foot don't know what trip for a while, she knot solid lie on the ground, in front of a black, fell into a coma.


With this low call, Lu Shaochen holds Jin Xintong for the first time.

Wind shallow, Shu Xinshuang and Zhao Yang all look at the bloody land in front of them, and have no reaction to Jin Xintong's coma.

For one thing, none of them could have imagined that this kind of gunfight scene, which they only saw in the movies, would be staged before their eyes;

for another thing, although they had heard how cold-blooded Su Su was when he shot and killed people, they were skeptical because they didn't see it with their own eyes. They were so calm and understated when Su Su shot and killed the three people's public servants with their own eyes It's like committing a crime, but it's like an artist playing the piano gracefully, which makes them doubt life

Only Li luoran and Lu Shaochen's actions.

Now Lu Shaochen has taken off his black suit and wrapped Jin Xintong's body tightly. He squats on the ground with his left arm encircling Jin Xintong's waist to make her tightly cling to his arms. While pinching Jin Xintong's people with his right hand, he gives Jin Xintong mouth to mouth artificial respiration.

Lu Shaochen has always been indifferent to Jin Xintong. At this moment, he has no time to hide his affection and concern. It's suffocating.


Looking at this scene, the corner of Li luoran's mouth is silent, and then quickly hangs down.

She knew that Lu Shaochen's deep heart to Jin Xintong was not as cold and heartless as he showed.

Lu Shaochen is a person who attaches great importance to love and righteousness. In his heart, jinxintong is always the irreplaceable goddess of first love. What's more, jinxintong has suffered so many misfortunes because of him. Lu Shaochen always feels that he owes jinxintong. How can he be merciless to jinxintong?

Li luoran thinks that Lu Shaochen now pretends to be indifferent to Jin Xintong only if he wants Jin Xintong to give up completely.

Lu Shaochen knows that he can no longer respond to Jin Xintong's love. He doesn't want Jin Xintong to spend his youth waiting for him.

Just like Li luoran to Jin Qian.


Jin Xintong was sent to the hospital.

Li luoran, Lu Shaochen, Shu Xinshuang, Feng qianzhen and Zhao Yang were taken to the police station to make statements.

Li luoran only tells the story of Su Su's killing Cui Jun, Cui Jun's daughter and Chu Xingchen, but does not say that Su Su was instructed by Jin Xintong.

When Cui Jun was killed, Lu Shaochen, Shu Xinshuang, Feng qianzhen and Zhao Yang were not present. The police officer only inquired about the cause and process of their arrest of Su Su Su today and released them from the police station after knowing the facts.

It's just three o'clock in the afternoon. Shu Xinshuang, Feng qianzhen and Zhao Yang are going to report back to the cast. Li luoran decides to go to the hospital to see Jin Xintong.

When she leaves, Shu Xinshuang takes Li luoran by the hand and calls her alone to a quiet place,

"if you tell the truth that Jin Xintong instructs Su Su Su to commit murder, you can take this opportunity to bring Jin Xintong down. Why protect her?"

Li luoran said with a smile, "I think Cui Jun should have died. If I had been cheated by a dirty man to sleep for three years, and cheated me into giving birth to a baby for him, I could not help killing him when I learned the truth. I sympathize with Jin Xintong."

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

"Is it?" Shu Xinshuang kept a secret and narrowed her bright eyes,

"is that all?"

Lu Shao Tong feel dirty, because she can't be sent to prison for another reason

"Well!" Shu Xinshuang nodded,

"this is the most important reason."

Li luoran did not speak.

Shu Xinshuang shook his head again. "The most difficult problem in the world is love. No wonder so many talented scientists can solve all kinds of problems. Their love is also in a mess, and they can't catch up with their true love all their lives. Alas! Love is hard

Li luoran didn't know what to say.

Take a look at the present situation -

she is already Xiao Qianhua's wife, and Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong have also become a husband and wife. Jin Xintong loves Lu Shaochen to the bone. Although Lu Shaochen is indifferent to Jin Xintong on the surface, he still retains his true love for Jin Xintong in his heart

When Li luoran and Lu Shaochen were together, she firmly believed that any difficulties could not separate her from Lu Shaochen. She firmly believed that she would come to the end of her life with Lu Shaochen. Now, how can she continue to believe?

"What are you secretly talking about?" I don't know when the wind came to the right hand of Li luoran.

Li luoran was scared to death.

Shu Xinshuang despised the white wind, a glance, "what to install? You've been sneaking around behind the car three minutes ago. Don't you think I saw it? "

"Er ~"Feng Qianyi smiles awkwardly, then squints her blue eyes,

"don't get me wrong. Recently, it's said that you two are lovers, and you two often spend half an hour alone in the dressing room, so some people can't help wondering if you are doing something intimate that men and women usually do, ha ha ~ of course, my mind is pure and my soul is clean I don't think so, but no fire without wind. Everyone says that. I can't help but doubt it. So I'll hide in the dark to verify it. "

Shu Xinshuang rolled his eyes, "cut! I don't think that's what other people think, but you think so, right? Are you the one who spread all those rumors? "

“……” The wind is shallow and the evil face is full of grievances.

All right!

He admitted that when he saw that Li luoran and Shu Xinshuang were very close to each other, he could not help but have some evil thoughts occasionally. But he just thought about it. It was impossible for him to pass it on, OK?

Li luoran also felt that the goods were boring. He said "goodbye" to Shu Xinshuang and went to Lu Shaochen.

"Wait!" Feng Qian's legs were long and her steps were big. She stepped in front of Li luoran and blocked her way.

"I ask you, is Su Yixuan still alive?"

Li luoran looks up, "Ang, what Jin Xintong said is true. She changed her identity and lives well in Haicheng."

The wind scratched his cool blonde hair.

Li luoran winked, "how, want to also Xuan?"

"How can it be!" "I tell you, I'm a dedicated person. I only love once in my life. I love once in my life. I'm consistent with you. You can insult my body. Don't insult my love."


How can this kind of words make people moved when they are spoken by others, and make Li luoran have the impulse to beat people when they are spoken by Fengqian?

When Li luoran thought about it, Feng Qianji didn't want to let Li luoran say that he didn't want to beat him because he felt guilty about his feelings, and his heart was warm.

"Shallowly..." She stood on tiptoe and rubbed her hairy blonde hair with her right hand.

"there's something I've been hiding for a long time, but I don't think it's a good way to hide it. I'll confess to you today. Yixuan is infatuated with you. This infatuation is not fans' infatuation with idols, but love. Although I promised aunt an to match you with Wanyue as much as possible, I'm calm In other words, I think you and Yixuan are more suitable. If you have feelings for Yixuan, I can be your matchmaker. "

The wind is shallow

Li luoran took a step to the left with a smile, and walked past the wind.


Lu Shaochen drove the car himself.

Lu Shaochen was silent.

Li luoran knew that Lu Shaochen's heart was heavy.

But she could never really understand how heavy Lu Shaochen's heart was.

Although Li luoran is also very concerned about Chu Xingchen, after Chu Xingchen's accident, Li luoran also suffered a big blow, but Lu Shaochen's feelings for Chu Xingchen and Li luoran's feelings for Chu Xingchen are totally different. Li luoran can't know how much damage Chu Xingchen's accident caused to Lu Shaochen.

Li luoran also doesn't know how deep Lu Shaochen's feelings for Jin Xintong are -

What's more, she doesn't know how guilty Lu Shaochen is to Jin Xintong after Lu Shaochen has been sullied by the dirty man for three years and forced to die. He not only killed the dirty man, but also killed his daughter together.

Now, Su Su, who was regarded as a sister by Jin Xintong, died.

On the one hand, Lu Shaochen hoped that Su Su would die, and that would avenge Chu Xingchen.

On the other hand, Lu Shaochen will inevitably feel more ashamed of Jin Xintong because of Su Su's death. After all, if Jin Xintong promised to let Su Su go when he first asked for help, Su Su might have run away before the police tea arrived

Li luoran knew it from the beginning!

In this period of innocent and helpless feelings, the most injured and suffering is not her, not Jin Xintong, but Lu Shaochen!

When Lu Shaochen and Li luoran came to the hospital, Jin Xintong had woken up.

Jin Xintong, who is wearing a white hospital uniform, stands in front of the window quietly. The cold wind blows her black hair, and she is so gaunt that she is also beautiful and shocking.

Xiao Qianhua sits on the hospital bed and watches Jin Xintong silently -

because Jin Xintong doesn't like Xiao Qianhua to wear a black suit like Lu Shaochen. Xiao Qianhua, who has been wearing a black suit since he married Li luoran, wears a white suit today.

Seeing Lu Shaochen, the tenderness in Xiao Qian's eyes suddenly faded and turned into a chill,

"as Xiao Jin's husband, you won't let go of her best sister. Don't you blame yourself? What qualifications do you have to be her husband? "

The expressionless Lu Shaochen said, "you are forgetful. After a few days, you forget who forced me to be her husband?"

"You Xiao Qianhua stood up angrily, his clenched fists shaking violently,"What if I forced you to marry her? Now she's your right wife, so you should protect her. "

Lu Shaochen hooked his lips and covered his guilt. "Listen to your resentful tone, you want to protect her very much. You love her and care about her so much. Why don't you marry her and protect yourself?"

"You! Asshole

Xiao Qian's painting has exploded again.

as like as two peas in the picture, Xiao Qian found himself in the presence of others and kept himself in control for minutes. He was standing at Lu Shaochen's feet for a minute. He was now on the move, and grabbed Lu Shaochen's suit at the distance from Lu Shaochen's body, which was almost close to Lu Shaochen. His handsome face was almost the same as that of Lu Shaochen. "Lu Shaochen, you have changed! You are no longer the former Lu Shaochen who is affectionate and righteous! I knew you were so ruthless to Xiaojin. I would never force you to marry her. "

Lu Shaochen pick eyebrows, a face of provocation, "now regret still in time, give me the antidote, we both divorce."

Xiao Qianhua trembled all over, "you - Special..."

"Enough!" Jin Xintong lightly interrupts Xiao Qianhua,

"Shaochen is a man of love and righteousness. The stars are like his brother. How can he not hate Su Su? It's very valuable for shaochenken to let Su Su go twice for me. You will never understand his hardship. "


Xiao Qianhua can't think of helping Jin Xintong speak. In the end, he is satirized by Jin Xintong. He looks at Jin Xintong in amazement, hurt and pain Complex emotions flickered in his dark gem like eyes

Jin Xin Tong slender fingers pointed to the door, "I don't want to see you, please go out."

“……” Xiao Qianhua tried to calm down,

"Xiaojin, I..."

"Please go out!" Jin Xintong coldly interrupts Xiao Qianhua's words.

Xiao Qianhua's throat knot trembles. He forcibly suppresses his grievances. He angrily lets Lu Shaochen go out of the ward.

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