You,Under My Name

Chapter 326: 326

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On the high-end gold card, there is a line of words written in elegant handwriting

for my dear wife -

Lu Shaochen.

Looking at these two lines of words, Li luoran's eyes were blurred.

Now she is Xiao Qianhua's wife. Is Lu Shaochen not afraid to annoy Xiao Qianhua by doing so blatantly?

Even if Lu Shaochen is not afraid to annoy Xiao Qianhua, is he not afraid that Xiao Qianhua will tell Jin Xintong that Jin Xintong will misunderstand?

"Just now I asked you if you are excited. You answered me that you are excited purely because of these beautiful roses, which has nothing to do with me. Now that you know who the flower sender is, I think your answer should be different?"

Xiao Qian came to Li luoran while talking.

The big rose on the carpet left a series of clear footprints.

Li luoran's thoughts were pulled back to reality. She didn't answer Xiao Qianhua directly. She just gracefully threw the rose back to the ground and said with a smile, "I don't understand. Mr. Xiao is also a man with dignity and dignity. Other men have sent your wife's roses to your home. This is chiguoguo's provocation. How can you allow him to send the roses What about your living room? "

Xiao Qianhua, "maybe I just want to see your reaction?"

Take a look at her reaction?

Li luoran was first surprised and then relieved.


Xiao Qianhua doesn't love her. Her position in Xiao Qianhua's heart is nothing more than a heterosexual who lives with him. It's no surprise that Xiao Qianhua is as interested as an outsider in watching her and Lu Shaochen's good play.

Li luoran said with a haughty smile, "you have seen what you want to see. Can you give way?"

“……” Xiao Qian's painting moves away calmly.

At this time, there were beautiful roses everywhere. As long as Li luoran entered the room, she had to step on the roses. She hesitated for about a second, but she stepped on the roses.

Xiao Qianhua always stares at her feet. As Li luoran goes farther and farther away, his ice eyes are more and more clear.


This woman's performance really shocked him.

He thought Li luoran would be overjoyed when he knew Lu Shaochen had sent her roses, but Li luoran was calm and abnormal!


Where is the peace?!

It's just apathy!

These roses represent Lu Shaochen's love for her. She didn't think about how to collect these flowers well. She walked on them cruelly. What she trampled was not roses, but Lu Shaochen's love!

"What do you want to do with the flowers? I can let the gardener put it in the open space in the yard for you to enjoy and miss at any time. " The sound of Xiao Qian's painting came from behind.

Li luoran didn't look back, but said faintly, "don't be so troublesome. Just deal with it as simple as you want."

"Oh?" Xiao Qianhua stroked his bright bald head with his right hand,

"if I say it's the easiest to throw them into the garbage can like garbage disposal."

Li luoran, "whatever you want."

“……” Xiao Qian's painting was speechless.

Li luoran walked along the revolving stairs to the second floor without looking back.

Gradually back to God, Xiao Qian's eyes became cold, "Li luoran, you are the most merciless woman I have ever seen. I doubt you have no heart at all."

Li luoran didn't come back, just walked into the living room on the second floor and slammed the door heavily.

Doesn't she have a heart?

If only she had no heart?

That would never hurt.


Xiao Qianhua's servant is a middle-aged woman who doesn't speak much. After Li luoran lived here, she only heard this servant talk twice. Both times, she asked Li luoran to have dinner. When she talked, she also lowered her head and never looked at Li luoran.

Whenever I see the maid, Li luoran can't help thinking of Zhao Haixin in Lu's house.

In the evening, the maid came to the second floor and asked Li luoran to have dinner. Li luoran replied faintly, "I won't eat any more, thank you."

The maid went downstairs without saying anything.

Li luoran is not tormenting himself.

She is not a person who likes to have a hard time with herself. She just has no appetite.

She lay in bed early, still can't sleep, still think of Lu Shaochen, think of Lu Shaochen gave her countless doting and beautiful, also want Lu Shaochen to her disappoint.

In fact, she knew that Lu Shaochen had never let Jin Xintong go. Even when Lu Shaochen was with her, Jin Xintong could not be replaced by her. Therefore, since Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong became husband and wife, it is reasonable for him to share the bed with Jin Xintong.

Li luoran was just not willing to let Lu Shaochen be so half hearted.

After all, Jin Xintong appeared in Lu Shaochen's world so many years earlier than Li luoran. When Li luoran and Lu Shaochen met, Jin Xintong had firmly occupied Lu Shaochen's heart. Lu Shaochen mistook Jin Xintong for dead to pursue Li luoran;Li luoran also knows that if Lu Shaochen always knew that Jin Xintong was still alive, she would never have the chance to walk with Lu Shaochen.

Therefore, Li luoran never blamed Lu Shaochen for not letting Jin Xintong go. Instead, she blamed herself for taking advantage of Jin Xintong.

Therefore, Li luoran believes that Lu Shaochen is a true love for her, but also believes that Lu Shaochen is a true love for Jin Xintong.

This is not for Lu Shaochen to choose.

And she owes Lu Shaochen too much.

Therefore, if Lu Shaochen confesses to her that he loves Jin Xintong and must continue to maintain a relationship with her, Li luoran may be in a better mood.

Lu Shaochen can't let Jin Xintong go, but he always tells her that he only loves her. He hopes to remarry Jin Xintong after divorce.


Li luoran, who has been sleepless for several days in a row, is also tired and has no insomnia tonight.

The next day, all the roses in the living room on the first floor disappeared. When Li luoran went out, she saw that two big garbage cans in the yard were full of roses. She watched this scene for a long time, and finally walked out of the yard again.

Lu Shaochen didn't come to the troupe today.

In fact, this is normal.

Lu Shaochen is in charge of more than ten large companies. He has a lot to do every day. In order to realize his dream of acting as an actor, he has surprised Li luoran by coming to the cast to be No.3.

Today we are going to shoot a play between Li luoran and Lu Wanyue.

When Shu Xinshuang personally makes up for Li luoran and Lu Wanyue, Lu Wanyue says to Shu Xinshuang, "I want to have a word with Li luoran alone. You can avoid it."

Shu Xinshuang can't stand Lu Wanyue's domineering style. Although she disdains the tone of Lu Wanyue's orders, she doesn't bother to quarrel with Lu Wanyue, so she picks up her mobile phone and goes out.

Only Li luoran and Lu Wanyue are left in the dressing room.

Lu Wanyue opened the door and said, "you knew the truth, why didn't you tell me?"

Li luoran looks aggrieved. She has no idea what Lu Wanyue is talking about.

"Hum!" Lu Wanyue was disheartened and sat on the dressing table with her slender legs up,

"I said that wangzimo was so rich. I was a supporting actor who only appeared for more than ten minutes. He asked me to open a movie. I asked for 500 million yuan, and he gave me 500 million yuan. I always thought that I was so special, and how rare I was in this group. It turned out that my brother was also behind this group Investors, my brother will pay me how much I want! "

“……” Li luoran knows that she can't hide it now. She confesses,

"at the beginning, I only knew that your brother paid you for the movie, but I didn't know that he was one of the investors in the show."

In fact, Li luoran was puzzled.

is not bad at all. The last one, "the devil is not alone," is invested entirely by Wang Zi Mo, and even the sponsors have not pulled it. This also makes Wang Zi street have absolute voice, and everything has the final say. He is completely free from interference from others.

After the box office explosion of "matchless queen of demons", Wang Zimo has more money. The success of the first film has also laid a box office guarantee for the sequel. Wang Zimo can invest more confidently by himself. There is no need for Lu Shaochen to step in, and Lu Shaochen has become a behind the scenes investor.

"Alas Lu Wanyue bowed her head,

"I was really depressed. I thought I had to rely on my own strength to enter the production group, because I was the highest paid person in the production group. Usually, I seemed to be superior to other actors. When my brother came, I knew that wangzimo only opened the back door to me to see my brother's face. I didn't have anything special."

A negative and pessimistic look.

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Li luoran and Lu Wanyue sat side by side and patted her on the shoulder to comfort her, "Wanyue, although wangzimo promised you such a high salary because of your brother, he chose you to join the cast because of his recognition of you. Wangzimo is a person with principles. None of us in the cast is not a powerful actor. If he thinks you are not able to play this role, he will be punished It's no use your brother threatening him. "

Lu Wanyue showed surprise in her eyes, "really? You don't mean to say that just to comfort me, do you

Li luoran shook his head. "On the day of your audition, when you appeared in front of us in your ancient costume, everyone looked straight. Even Feng Qianji, who had always had an opinion on you, kept nodding. Don't worry, no one is more suitable for this role than you. In fact, everyone agrees with you, but you look superior and invincible to everyone. It's a big deal I don't even dare to come near you. "


Lu Wanyue, who once again had the confidence, looked up with pride,

"hum! Who am I? My brother is the behind the scenes investor of this play. Other actors have to lick me. Who dares not to approve of me? I won't let my brother kill him! "

Li luoran couldn't help laughing.

Although Li luoran didn't like Lu Wanyue at the beginning, and she had a lot of friction with Lu Wanyue, after a lot of things, Li luoran found that too many people were modest and gentle on the surface. They were always dressed in suits and shoes and picked up pleasant words, but they were insincere and unpredictable, which made it impossible to prevent. Lu Wanyue was much more real and lovable than that kind of people."Didn't wangzimo tell you why I let my brother be a behind the scenes investor?"

Lu Wanyue's voice brought Li luoran's thoughts back to reality.

"Why?" she asked This question has been bothering her, but he has never had a chance to ask Wang Zimo or Lu Shaochen.

Lu Wanyue said, "because my brother only invests in the production team, without any return. Who doesn't want the investment Bai picked up?"

Is this going to happen?

All right!

Maybe Lu Shaochen and Wang Zimo have a good relationship, so why invest in Wang Zimo because of friendship?

Therefore, Lu Shaochen should not invest too much money, right?

Lu Wanyue, who saw what Li luoran was thinking, "said that you may not believe it. In the shooting of the sequel of the queen of demons, Wang Zimo didn't give a cent. All the money was from my brother."

“……” Li luoran couldn't believe his ears.

"This is what I asked after my brother last night. It can't be wrong, but no matter how I asked, he refused to say. I thought all night to understand the reason..." Lu Wanyue looked at Li luoran for a moment,

"he is for you."


What does it have to do with her?

Li luoran said sarcastically, "there are a lot of big men in this circle who invest in some drama groups in order to hold a certain female star, but I am the leading role in" matchless queen of demons ". The leading role in the sequel must still be me. I don't need him to invest in me."

"He's not trying to flatter you." Lu Wanyue shook her head,

"all the money you got in the last play was given to Jinqian. You are very strong, and you never want to spend my brother's money. Now you are so popular, but you can't even afford a car. My brother wants you to get more money in the sequel, so he does it."

Li luoran suddenly realized.

She signed a sharing contract with wangzimo. She didn't get paid for the film during the shooting period. After the film was released, she shared the net profit equally with wangzimo. The so-called net profit is to deduct all the profits after investment. If wangzimo invests, it also means that Li luoran has to share half of the investment, while Lu Shaochen takes all the investment, which is equivalent to making Li luoran earn more money from that half of the investment.

The investment in making a big movie is amazing. This half of the investment is more than ten figures.

Li luoran thought that Lu Shaochen would never tell the truth if Lu Wanyue didn't ask her again and again, so Li luoran might never know that Lu Shaochen paid for her behind her back.

Li luoran can't help but think of Lu Shaochen. No matter how much she has paid for her, if she doesn't take the initiative to find out, Lu Shaochen will never say.

Lu Shaochen!

How many things did he do for her that she didn't know?

Li luoran's eyes were sore suddenly, and she couldn't help her tears.


Lu Wanyue, who regained her self-confidence, was very involved in filming, and the shooting of the day went smoothly.

In the evening, Li luoran left the shooting base with Qin Weijie as usual.

When Li luoran walked into the underground parking lot, he saw Lu Shaochen at first sight.


She's sure it's Lu Shaochen.

After knowing Xiao Qian's paintings, Li luoran would come forward and say a few words when he saw Lu Shaochen's face. Only in this way can he tell whether he was Lu Shaochen or Xiao Qian's painting. But now Xiao Qian's painting has shaved his head, which is obviously different from Lu Shaochen's.

Now Lu Shaochen is leaning on Qin Weijie's car, obviously waiting for Li luoran.

Li luoran lowered his head slightly.

Although she is angry and resentful to Lu Shaochen now, she feels very guilty to him after learning that he invested in the production team for himself. She really doesn't know how to face him.

Languidly leaning on the car body, Lu Shaochen gave her a loud finger, "did you like the surprise I gave you yesterday?"

Li luoran's heart was palpitating, but his face was cold. "I'm a married woman. A married man sent so many roses to my home or openly sent them in front of my husband's face. It's not a surprise but a shock to me."

"Well." Lu Shaochen has an expression that I understand,

"I understand your hint. Next time I don't want to be your husband, I will send it secretly."

“……” Lilo ran smoked from the corner of his mouth.


Is she not clear enough?

Or is Lu Shaochen pretending to be a fool?

She's telling him she doesn't want him to send flowers, OK?

What did she hint at him?!

Li luoran didn't want to continue this topic. She sighed, "I heard about your investment for the crew. I'm very grateful, but I don't want to accept your favor any more. So, after the sequel is released, I will pay you back half of the investment I should bear. I don't want to owe you any more."

Lu Shaochen raised her eyebrow, "I'm not for you, but for Jinqian."


Li luoran can't laugh or cry.

What's the matter with Guan Jinqian?!

Lu Shaochen, you have to find an excuse and find a decent one, OK?Do you want to let the innocent Jinqian lie down and get shot.

Lu Shaochen said, "Jinqian is in the start-up period. He needs money very much, and he is also very strong. He refuses to accept my help. If you can get more pay, you can give more money to help him."


Li luoranming knows that Lu Shaochen is trying to be reasonable, but she can't hear any loopholes.

"All right!" Li luoran doesn't want to tangle with this problem any more,

"in this case, there is nothing to say between us. I said, I don't want to owe you any more. Don't pay for me in the future."

Then he opened the door and went into the car.

No matter what excuse Lu Shaochen makes, she will ask wangzimo to deduct half of her total investment from her movie payment when she finally shares the movie payment with wangzimo. Since Lu Shaochen refuses to settle with her, it's up to wangzimo and him!

"You said you didn't want to accept my favor again, and you didn't want to owe me anything. How can you repay what you owed me before?"

Lu Shaochen's voice came from his side.

The voice was clear and light, but it seemed like a nine day thunder to Li luoran, which made her hand, which had just opened the door half way, freeze like a sculpture.

In retrospect, she owes Lu Shaochen too much, even for a lifetime.

In the past, Lu Shaochen was afraid that she felt that she owed him something. No matter what he did for her, he always tried to keep it from her. Now, he even asked her how to pay her back?


Since she is still unclear, how can she return it?!

Lu Shaochen, who is like a picture, said, "at the beginning, you were unfairly treated when you took part in the song and dance Shengping. I called the general manager of the program to let you re-enter the program, because I was your backstage, and you repeatedly saved your life after being hacked. I have saved your life more than once, blocked the arrow for you, accepted the family law for you, and walked through the charcoal fire. Since you want to draw a clear line with me, do you want to Pay me off first? "

Li luoran felt cold all over. She looked at Lu Shaochen and couldn't say a word for a long time.

Lu Shaochen looks at Qin Weijie, who is as petrified as Li luoran,

"you are Li luoran's good friend. If you comment on him, is what I say reasonable?"

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