You,Under My Name

Chapter 325: 325

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Hua Moli's cheeks are scarlet. Biluo walks up to her at this time, and her arms attack her. Hua Moli, who has no time to dodge, is held by Biluo and put into her arms.

"What are you going to do - Wu --"

Li luoran's lips were tightly sealed by Lu Shaochen.

Li luoran was in a panic.

Because Lu Shaochen is not acting, but really kissing her!

She struggled desperately.

However, it didn't work. Lu Shaochen's strength was so great. His arms wrapped around her waist were like diamond rings. She couldn't move at all. The more she struggled, the fiercer and wilder Lu Shaochen's kiss became.

The burning pain came from her lower lip -

Lu Shaochen was biting her!

Li luoran's body trembled violently, and her lower lip spilled enchanting blood.

After a while, Lu Shaochen let go of her. He gently licked his lips with the tip of his tongue, and his eyes were charming and playful,

"Hmm! The taste of the queen is sweet ~ "

the scene is over, and the applause can't stop like an explosion.

Those who had been skeptical of Lu Shaochen before turned Lu Shaochen's eyes into worship.

Who would believe that Mr. Lu is a newcomer who has never made a play?

I doubt that he is a top student graduated from Jiangcheng drama college!

Especially when he kisses Li luoran, it's so lifelike that it's suffocating. Then when he says the last sentence to Li luoran, his charming and evil expression can be put into the textbook for later generations to look forward to, OK?!

Li luoran left the scene sullen.

Shu Xinshuang held her happily, "Ranran, your acting skills have improved again. I'm thrilled to see you panic and struggle when you are forced to kiss by Shaochen. I've never seen an actress perform this kind of effect, even I can't play it."

Li luoran forced out a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Of course, no one can play it.

If it's pure acting, Li luoran can't play it himself!

Can't anyone see that Lu Shaochen didn't act with her at all, but brazenly kisses her in full view of the public?

Song Yi, the director who came to Lu Shaochen, was almost moved to tears. "Mr. Lu, your arrival can not only add popularity to the whole film, but also your superb acting skills can add luster to us. You are the good news for our whole crew."

Lu Shaochen, with deep eyes, "thank you ~"

Li luoran looks at Song Yi in surprise.

Director Song Yi is a serious, dedicated and modest director. Li luoran has always had a good impression on him. Li luoran did not expect that director Song Yi, who never flattered Wang Zimo, would flatter Lu Shaochen so much.

Shu Xinshuang, who saw Li luoran's mind, whispered, "Shaochen also invested in film and television, but song daohuai didn't meet him at the beginning. Shaochen saw that song daohuai was a thousand Li Ma, and asked song daoran to direct his big investment. Song Daozhi became famous because of that big work, so of course he respected Shaochen very much."

All right!

It turns out that Lu Shaochen was a bole of Song Dynasty.

Lu Xinchen and Luo Chen are blinded by the rules.

No wonder Lu Shaochen, she thought.

Which man can think that a woman who loves him deeply will poison him?

Many people are walking around Lu Shaochen.

But Wang Zimo keeps a distance from Lu Shaochen. From beginning to end, Li luoran doesn't see him saying a word to Lu Shaochen.

Li luoran can't figure out the relationship between wangzimo and Lu Shaochen. They know each other's roots and have been in contact for many years. They seem to be very close, but they are estranged from each other like a layer of indestructible glass


as a result, Lu Shaochen's entire production team has become very different from before. Lu Shaochen is as unsmiling as an iceberg. Artists who want to please him dare not take the initiative to get close to him, but try to show themselves to attract Lu Shaochen's attention.

Li luoran fully understood this phenomenon.

Although there is only a male three in the play, he is still Mr. Lu who causes a huge tsunami in the entertainment industry with his fingers. If Mr. Lu is interested in any actor, he may be the next one to be applauded by Mr. Lu.

In the past, the goods went to Li luoran whenever they had a chance. Now, as long as he was a little closer to Li luoran, he would receive Lu Shaochen's murderous eyes, which made him cry bitterly.

He found that Li luoran was in good condition today, and Wang Zimo arranged another competition between him and Li luoran.

The difficulty of the play is very high. Wang Zimo and Li luoran inevitably make mistakes. They often have to shoot a small shot many times. When the shooting is finished, it's already six o'clock in the afternoon. In the past, most of the time, the crew has been disbanded before five o'clock in the afternoon.

Lu Shaochen is a busy man. Li luoran thought that after his audition, since the crew didn't arrange for him to shoot any more, he should be busy with his work. However, he didn't leave until Li luoran finished filming and Wang Zimo announced his dissolution.Li luoran goes with Qin Weijie.

Lu Shaochen's fashionable pure gold luxury car is still parked outside the gate of the "imperial palace". At this time, Lu Shaochen leans on the door and sees Li luoran and Qin Weijie walk out of the gate. He hooks his finger at Li luoran and says, "get on the bus."

Li luoran said, "isn't Mr. Lu too invisible? Don't forget, few people in the whole drama group know about our relationship. Almost everyone thinks that we never know each other. When I get into your car, others will talk about me. "

In the past, if we all know that Lu Shaochen is his ex husband, she will be more criticized when she gets on Lu Shaochen's car!

Lu Shaochen, "if you and the person in charge of Qin get on my car, no one will gossip." The voice fell and winked at Qin Weijie.

Li luoran just wanted to say that Qin Weijie was driving by himself. She won't get on your car. Qin Weijie has pulled his right hand away from her arm and got into Lu Shaochen's car neatly.

Li luoran looks confused.

How did she know that Lu Shaochen's glance at Qin Weijie threatened him? How dare Qin Weijie provoke this Yama?

Lu Shaochen thrush light pick, "can get on the car?"

Li luoran had to get into the car.

Only when I got in the car did I find that Lu Wanyue was also in the car.

Lu Wanyue sits in the middle row seat. Qin Weijie, who understands Lu Shaochen's thoughts, also sits in the middle row with Lu Wanyue. Li luoran also wants to go to the middle row seat. Qin Weijie gives her a push. "Three people in the middle row will be very crowded. The back row seat is still empty. Go and sit."

Li luoran can only sit in the back row.

Lu Shaochen sits beside Li luoran.

After several people sat down, the Falcon who had been waiting in the cockpit started the car.

Lu Wanyue pouts her lips and looks unhappy; Falcon never takes the initiative to speak; Qin Weijie doesn't know what to say; Lu Shaochen sits upright and expressionless like a sculpture; Li luoran lowers his head

The silence in the carriage was terrible.

The pure gold luxury car is driving quietly on the road.

A quarter of an hour later, no one in the car broke the silence.

Lu Wanyue was the first to say, "ridiculous! Did you pull her into the car just to keep quiet with her? It's not convenient for you to talk to her in front of us, is it? Shall we close all our ears? "

Li luoran felt uneasy.

“……” Lu Shaochen said,

"I also have an actor dream. I joined the cast to realize my dream, not because of you."

"Cough! Cough Falcons don't seem to have a good voice.

Lu Wanyue looked contemptuous.

I really despise Lu Shaochen.

Who in quanjiangcheng doesn't know that Lu Shaochen, though not a professional actor, is a hot commodity for all major drama groups and interview programs. If he wants to realize his dream of being an actor, she will never disdain to show her face publicly, OK? Now, in order not to let Li luoran want to talk about his "actor dream", does he think Li luoran is a fool?

Qin Weijie could not help shaking his head.

Li luoran, "I know."




The Falcon's voice seemed more uncomfortable and coughing louder.

Qin Weijie looks confused!

Looking back at Lu Wanyue, who was looking at Li luoran, her eyes were almost staring out.


Is there any mistake?!

She thinks Li luoran is very exciting. How can he become a fool in front of Lu Shaochen?

Is it so easy for her to be cheated by Lu Shaochen?

Li luoran said, "teacher Zhan Wangbei is a good actor."

Lu Shaochen, "I also know that he is a good actor, I am very optimistic about him."

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

"Oh?" Li luoran can't laugh or cry,

"do you have to take his place because you are optimistic about him? Mr. Zhan is an old star. He hasn't received a play for six years. Wang Zimo only dug him out when he saw his acting skills. This play is as important to Mr. Zhan as a new comer. He also takes this opportunity very seriously. In order to realize his dream of acting, you destroyed everything of Mr. Zhan. "

Lu Shaochen said, "I think I'm making him a success."

Li luoran, "ha ha..."

Lu Shaochen said, "I have a costume play in my" universe pictures "due to start next month. I think Zhan Wangbei is very suitable to play the leading actor."


Li luoran was shocked.

Qin Weijie couldn't help exclaiming.

Lu Shaochen didn't realize that it was Zhan Beiwang who made him invest in the sequel

Li luoran relaxed and said, "everyone is dissatisfied because you replace Zhan Wangbei. Even Qian Zhen misunderstood you. Why don't you explain?"

Lu Shaochen, "I don't need to explain to them."OK ~

this is Lu Shaochen!

I never care what others think of me; I never do what I do, and I never explain.

"Didn't dad call you?" Lu Shaochen asked faintly.

Li luoran shook his head.

After Li Qingtian traveled around the world, he never contacted Li luoran. Li luoran didn't want to affect his father's mood because of his divorce from Lu Shaochen, so he didn't take the initiative to contact Li Qingtian.

Lu Shaochen said, "they will return to China tomorrow."

Li luoran was full of panic. "Didn't they say they would go out for a long time?"

"The wedding of you and Xiao Qianhua spread all over the world. They saw the news abroad, so they came back in a hurry."

Li luoran's bad mood is even worse.

After divorcing Lu Shaochen, Li luoran has not figured out how to explain to Li Qingtian, so she has kept it a secret. Unexpectedly, Li Qingtian still knows, and Li Qingtian has not called her since she knows. There must be his reason.

Li luoran thought about her mind silently.

Lu Shaochen no longer bothers.

The car was quiet again.

Along the way, no one spoke.

Lu Shaochen even knew where Li luoran lived and sent him to the gate of Yipin villa in the south of Beijing.

When Li luoran was about to get off the bus, Lu Shaochen suddenly took her hand and said, "how about that matter?"

Li luoran, "what's the matter?"

However, Lu Shaochen did not want to pull back her hand.

Lu Shaochen pick eyebrows like nothing, "be my secret wife."


Li luoran, who seems to have exploded a beehive in his ear, feels that he is not good at all.

"Lu Shaochen

She didn't know how to make her voice, and her complex emotions pricked her heart like the tip of a needle, so that she couldn't care to struggle to draw her hand,

"I have made it very clear that I will never be your secret wife, let's die this heart!"

Lu Shaochen's eyes still pondered, "in fact, I'm a traditional person like you. You are the woman who occupied me for the first time. I'll never forget your delicious food. How can you make me die?"

This is Lu Shaochen's joke!

If it had been the past, Li luoran would have laughed it off.

However, in this scene, Lu Shaochen's words remind Li luoran of the scene that he and Jin Xintong spent the whole night in the clouds and rain. It seems that beautiful pictures like that emerge again

"Is it?"

Li luoran burst out laughing with tears in her eyes and a smile on her lips.

"I'm really honored to say that. Since Mr. Lu says I'm delicious, I'd like to ask Mr. Lu, who is more delicious for Mr. Lu and jinxintong?"

Lu Shaochen, "..."

How can he answer such a question?

Looking at Lu Shaochen's appearance of pretending to be innocent, Li luoran laughed even more sarcastically, "sure enough! You men are all the same. You all want to have a wife at home to warm your bed and colorful flags flying outside. Let me help you answer this question. Maybe you think I'm as delicious as jinxintong. For slag man, different women are like dishes with different flavors. You can't give up or put them down. "

Lu Shaochen's deep icy eyes show a trace of injury.

Li luoran shakes Lu Shaochen's hand, pushes the door open and gets off the car indifferently.

Turning his back to Lu Shaochen, tears came down.

When she first met Lu Shaochen, Li luoran really thought that Lu Shaochen was a good man with special feelings. At first, although she rejected Lu Shaochen for fear of being betrayed again, she had already made a secret promise to Lu Shaochen. After she married Lu Shaochen, she felt more and more deeply about Lu Shaochen and believed that Lu Shaochen would never betray herself

However, in the end, Lu Shaochen failed her.

Lu Shaochen is OK when he is with her. No matter how entangled and seduced by jinxintong, he is not in a hurry. Once he marries jinxintong and lives together, he is in a mess and exposes the essence of a dreary man!

Are all men the same in the world!

Is it true that every man can't resist the temptation of beautiful women?!

Although Su Yan kept saying that he loved Li luoran, he changed his heart after Bai Qingwan climbed onto his bed. As Bai Qingwan flattered him more and more, Su Yan became more and more obedient to Bai Qingwan, and even cheated Li luoran to give birth to other men's children for Bai Qingwan

What is the difference between Lu Shaochen and Su Yan?

Is it true that with Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong getting closer and closer, Lu Shaochen, just like Su Yan, gradually lost interest in Li luoran?


Li luoran didn't want to be seen crying.

she walked alone to the Wutong tree under the yard, waiting for tears to stop, and washing her face in the fountain, until she could not see any trace of crying before she went to the main building of the villa.However, the figure of Lu Shaochen still comes to mind.

The beautiful scenes when she and Lu Shaochen were together echoed in her mind like lanterns.

Lu Shaochen has paid too much for her and also given her too much. Without Lu Shaochen, she would never be what she is today, and no one has ever been as deeply impressed in her heart as Lu Shaochen -

as if the brand is always clear and painful.

Li luoran went to the door of the living room and was attracted by the roses all over the room.


The 120 square meter living room is full of roses of various colors -

on the windowsill, sofa, tea table, TV kitchen All the places you can see are full of red roses, white roses and purple roses, and the carpet is full of them, so there is no place to get involved.

It's the first time I've lived for more than 20 years.

She looked at the room full of colorful, after a long time to find a person sitting on the sofa.

It's not that Xiao Qian's painting is not eye-catching enough.

However, there were roses everywhere on the sofa at that time. Compared with the bright colors of the roses, Xiao Qian's clothes were dim. If you don't look carefully, it's hard to find his existence.

"Are you excited?"

Xiao Qian said with a smile.

"Heart beat..."

Li luoran said frankly.

Any girl would be thrilled to see such a scene. She didn't want to lie.

"But my heart is purely moved by the beauty of these roses. It has nothing to do with you." Li luoran rolled his lips,

"Xiao Qian's painting, if you know about flowers, you must know that roses are for your lover. I know you don't love me, and I don't love you, so I'll be so hypocritical in the future. If you look at the roses in this room, there should be tens of thousands of bundles. How much money will it cost?"

Xiao Qianhua stood up slowly, "I really want to send you roses, but I didn't want to make it so public. I have to say that he will please you very much."


Did Li luoran hear something wrong?

Then he listened to Xiao Qian's painting and continued, "I'm not the one who sent the flowers."

Li luoran was even more surprised, "who?" It was also at this moment that Li luoran found that the smile that Xiao Qian's painting always talked about was not a natural smile, but a strange smile

Xiao Qian took a rose lazily and said, "look for yourself."

Liluoran picked up a rose on the ground and found that each rose was attached with a delicate card.

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