You,Under My Name

Chapter 341: 341

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"Are you going on like this?"

Magnetic sound came from the front, at the same time, a tall figure blocked in front of Li luoran.

Li luoran, with his head down, had no time to stop. He bumped his forehead firmly against the man's chest muscle.

She stepped back in a hurry and looked up. What she saw was a face so handsome that it made her heart tremble. The bald head stood out in the beautiful light and shadow.

Li luoran said to himself, "I want to walk alone. Go home first. Don't wait for me."

Xiao Qianhua habitually holds his chin with his right hand. "I know you like to walk constantly when you are in a bad mood. I'm not saying that this way of venting is not good, but now you are a dazzling star. I don't know how many single men covet your beauty. Don't say you don't wear a mask, even if you hide your face tightly, with your enchanting figure, you are big A person walking on the road in the middle of the night is easy to attract the attention of the sex wolf. "


Li luoran was really scared.

It's a coincidence that last night a female star of my crew was robbed by three lusters in this street at this time. She didn't call the police for her reputation, but she couldn't stop writing. Many people knew about it

Li luoran trembled with fear.

"Alas Xiao Qianhua shakes his head and sighs,

"you are a proud and stubborn girl. Anyway, nothing I can say can stop you. I can only remind you that you are here. I hope you are luckier than that female star. Don't be targeted by sex wolves."

With that, he staggered one step and walked to Li luoran's right side.

"Wait!" Li luoran grabbed Xiao Qianhua's sleeve and said, "where are you going?"

Xiao Qianhua yawned, "so late, where can I go? Of course, I go home to sleep." Take long legs and walk again.

Li luoran turned to keep up with him.

"Oh?" Xiao Qianhua pretended to be surprised with a smile, "if you don't continue to press the road, why do you follow me?"

Although Li luoran was full of panic, he pretended to be cold and arrogant and rolled his eyes. "I'm tired. I can't go home to sleep!"

Xiao Qian said, "OK! Just say yes

Li luoran was so frightened by Xiao Qian's painting that he immediately came out of his loss.

Xiao Qianhua's black Rolls Royce stops quietly under the KTV building. The driver who brought Xiao Qianhua and Li luoran doesn't know where he went. Xiao Qianhua gets into the driver's seat and drives himself.

The car starts.

Li luoran used to go to her pocket to get her mobile phone, but she found it empty. Then she suddenly remembered that she put her mobile phone on the table before KTV singing. She left in a hurry, and even forgot to take her mobile phone.

Li luoran stops Xiao Qianhua.

Xiao Qianhua said with a smile, "when we left, Lu Shaochen and Xiao Jin were still kissing. According to my experience, they can't help themselves in front of others. After we left, they will release themselves more. Now they are probably doing That... " Xiao Qian's paintings are replaced by gestures.

Remembering the picture of Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong kissing, Li luoran felt a faint pain in her heart, and she seemed to be indifferent, "I'm going to get my mobile phone, who cares what they are doing?"

"Really?" Xiao Qianhua's eyes clearly say "I don't believe it",

"women are all duplicative animals. You just see Lu Shaochen and Xiao Jin kissing, and then you run away in the street with envy and jealousy. If you see them do it with your own eyes Cough! Cough! To do something more intimate, you have to jump off a building and commit suicide? "

"Who envies? Who's jealous? Who hates it? Who's gone away? " Li luoran suddenly blew up her hair. Without waiting for Xiao Qianhua to stop the car, she kicked the door open,

"what do they like to do? What do they care about me?! Who's so angry? Who's stupid


Slam on the door and stride to the golden revolving door of KTV.

Xiao Qianhua looks at Li luoran's obstinate figure through the dark black window glass, and his apology becomes clearer and clearer.


it's late at night, and the KTV hall is empty. Only the young and beautiful front desk lady is quietly waiting for her post.

Li luoran doesn't know how angry she is, so she goes straight to the elevator.

The elevator arrived in a flash.

As soon as Li luoran got in, a cry of surprise came from outside the elevator, "Li luoran! Are you really? Li luoran

Before Li luoran could recover, a girl in a cartoon costume with red hair plunged into the elevator.

"My God! It's really you, little sister Li luoran. You are my favorite idol. Wow, how could I be so lucky to meet you here? "

"Ouye, our idol has been caught by me. Come on

Li luoran, who is still in shock, watched a group of "cartoon characters" dressed like girls rush to her.

When Li luoran entered the elevator, he looked around. There was no one in the hall except the receptionist, and he didn't know where they were hiding in advance.In the twinkling of an eye, the elevator is full of "animation characters". The elevator has been prompted to be overloaded, and there are still three "animation characters" who have not crowded in.

"Little sister, the flowers you played in" the queen of demons "are not to be dazzled and fried. We all love you very much." A girl in Butterfly Costume said excitedly.

Let a boy dressed as a prince shine his eyes and look at Li luoran, "you are my only idol, not only me, half of the boys in our class are secretly in love with you, little sister, you must sign for me and take a picture with me, otherwise I won't let you go."

"Well, little sister, we like you so much. If you refuse us, we will cry to death."

When she met such lovely fans, Li luoran was in a better mood. She easily signed them one by one, and went into their reserved private room to take photos and sing with them according to their requirements.


Jin Xintong sits on the sofa and licks her lips with the tip of her tongue from time to time.

Lu Shaochen was sitting on the sofa opposite her, and there was no expression on his extremely handsome face.

At the moment when Li luoran comes out of the private room, Lu Shaochen immediately pushes Jin Xintong away and sits on another group of sofas with no expression. His cold eyes are fixed on the direction where Li luoran leaves. Until now

"I know you are all for sister Ranran. You don't want to kiss me from the bottom of your heart. You are just taking revenge on her for sending kisses to Qianhua." The brocade Heart Tong opened a mouth first.

Lu Shaochen did not return, but his eyes became colder.


He did not deny what he had done.

Everyone has jealousy, even Lu Shaochen is no exception, but there are very few things in the world that can cause Lu Shaochen's jealousy. However, when he saw Li luoran kissing Xiao Qianhua on the deck, his jealousy exploded. Since then, it seems that there is always a fire burning his heart, and he saw Li luoran After singing love songs with Xiao Qianhua, the fire seems to have been oiled and burned more vigorously

Therefore, Lu Shaochen lost control at that moment.

So, he crazily pulled Jin Xintong, tooth for tooth!

However, why, after the revenge, his mood did not get any better, but became more lost and heavy?

At the moment when Li luoran left, his heart seemed to be hollowed out, empty and dissatisfied.

Until now, her injured eyes and the pictures of her and Xiao Qian's eye to eye relationship will still appear in front of her eyes

Jin Xintong looked at him gently, "you don't have to apologize to me. I've been married with you for so long. This is your first kiss to me. Although it's funny, I still feel happy. It reminds me of our first kiss..."

With these words, Jin Xintong walks slowly to Lu Shaochen. She squats down and holds Lu Shaochen's cool right hand in her hands,

"Shaochen, do you remember the first time you kiss me? That year, I was only 15 years old, and you were only 17 years old. That was my first kiss and yours. At that moment, I gave you my first kiss and my heart. "

How could Lu Shaochen not remember?

He will never forget the day when he fell in love with jinxintong. On that catkins night, he plucked up the courage to pull jinxintong into his arms and kiss jinxintong. His heart seemed to stop and his mind was blank.

Lu Shaochen will never forget that scene.

After Jin Xintong committed suicide in the river, Lu Shaochen, who thought Jin Xintong had died, always felt heartbroken when he thought of that scene. After Jin Xintong "died and came back to life", when he thought of it, he would feel more and more indebted to Jin Xintong

However, why does Jin Xintong mention this matter to him at the moment? He doesn't have a ripple in his heart, but still thinks of Li luoran like a demon?

See Lu Shaochen without a trace of response, Jin Xintong is not angry, but suddenly like a ghost screamed, "ah?! Isn't this sister Ranran's cell phone? "

Hearing that Jin Xintong talks about Li luoran, Lu Shaochen's eyes follow the direction pointed by Jin Xintong's little hand.

Sure enough, Li luoran's mobile phone is lying quietly on the table.

"Alas! Now in the information age, mobile phones are half a life. Where can we get away from mobile phones? Ranran is so careless that she can't forget her mobile phone. She is the heroine of the cast. What if she misses the important news of the cast? I have to send it to her as soon as possible! "

Jin Xintong quickly picks up Li luoran's mobile phone, takes a step to the door, and immediately stops,

"Shaochen, I think it's better for you to go. You deliberately take Ranran's sister away, and you are also very sad. You just take the opportunity to send her a mobile phone to have a word with her. I think they haven't gone far yet. You can catch up now."

Smiling, holding Li luoran's mobile phone in both hands, he presented it to Lu Shaochen.

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Lu Shaochen looked at her without any trace, took the mobile phone, got up and walked out of the private room.

Almost the first time Lu Shaochen walked out of the private room, Jin Xintong sent a message to Xiao Qianhua,"Are you ready?"

Xiao Qian quickly said, "OK."

Jin Xintong, "Shaochen has gone to find you. Start right away."

Xiao Qian painted, "OK."

After sending the message, Jin Xintong quickly deleted the chat record with Xiao Qianhua.

Xiao Qianhua in the cockpit looks at the scene outside and is slightly absent-minded. Finally, he makes the phone call that he has already prepared.

About five seconds later, an enchanting woman opened the door and got into the car.

The woman looked at Xiao Qian's painting with a flattering face, "how about, Mr. Xiao, I'm still very punctual? Thank me when it's done.... "

Xiao Qian's voice was frightful, "what's so much nonsense? Come up

"Well! How can they say that they are also a dignified female star? Without saying a few words, they let them go straight to the theme. They make them look like they are selling. They hate it to death... "

Although she said that, the woman still took the initiative to ride on Xiao Qianhua.


Lu Shaochen walks out of the golden gate of KTV, holding Li luoran's mobile phone.

From a distance, I saw Xiao Qian's car. Through the black window, I could see the Figure shaking inside. Sure enough, Li luoran had not left.

After a while, when he saw Li luoran, what should he say to her?

Apologize to her?

Tell her that he kisses Jin Xintong to be angry with her?

However, it is a firm fact that Li luoran takes the initiative to kiss Xiao Qianhua. If he apologizes, will she feel that he is humble?

Lu Shaochen, who never hesitated in the face of hundreds of billions of decisions in the company, made a mistake at this moment.

After about ten seconds of silence, he finally walked back to Xiao Qianhua's car.

The car is shaking violently -

the closer Lu Shaochen goes, the clearer he can see.

He went to the car with curiosity and surprise. Because of the excellent light isolation effect of the car glass, he could only vaguely see that there was a figure in it that kept rising and falling. Until he put his eyes on the car glass, he could see everything clearly.


There seemed to be a loud noise in my heart.

The scene in the car petrified Lu Shaochen to the ground like a sculpture -

at the moment, Xiao Qianhua is sitting in the driver's seat, while Li luoran is lying on him. She has one hand on the car glass, and the other hand tightly around Xiao Qianhua's neck. Her body rises and falls with a fast rhythm

Lu Shaochen couldn't see her face clearly, because she and Xiao Qianhua were deeply kissing each other. Her black hair covered her and Xiao Qianhua's face tightly. Lu Shaochen recognized the skirt she was wearing. This skirt was exactly the one Li luoran was wearing. Lu Shaochen clearly remembered that Jin Xintong had talked with Li luoran about this valuable white skirt. Besides, Lu Shaochen had no idea about it He knows Li luoran's figure better than anyone else. He will never admit his mistake. It's Li luoran who is indulging with Xiao Qianhua in the car!

The luxury car was shaking violently.

Even though the car's sound insulation is excellent, Lu Shaochen can still hear Li luoran's voice. He can't help it.

In the whole process, Li luoran took the initiative.

Lu Shaochen recalled that he and Li luoran had had many sweet times, each time he took the initiative to occupy, Li luoran only in the case of being intoxicated by him will take the initiative as a flash in the pan, but never as enthusiastic as Xiao Qianhua!

The highlights in the car continue to show.

Lu Shaochen didn't know how to walk back.

He seemed to be fatally wounded and dying.

When he was forced to divorce Li luoran, he thought that it was inevitable for Li luoran and Xiao Qianhua to have a close relationship. Therefore, he was prepared to accept everything. He thought that even if Li luoran would give birth to Xiao Qianhua's child, when the time was ripe, he would still try his best to remarry her.

However, when he witnessed Li luoran and Xiao Qian's painting, he collapsed.

Li luoran and Xiao Qianhua's indulgence is like a sharp knife in his heart.

He is like a puppet, walking back with mechanical steps, holding Li luoran's mobile phone tightly in his hand.

All the scenery in front of him seemed to be fictional. All he could see was pictures of her and Xiao Qianhua kissing and loving each other. Looking back at the scene when she and Xiao Qianhua were lingering, the contrast was so sharp


The door of the KTV compartment was pushed open.

Lu Shaochen walked in without expression.

"Shaochen, you are back." Jin Xintong warmly welcomes him, and then he says, "Shaochen, how can you look so ugly? Why are you still holding sister Ranran's mobile phone in your hand? What's the matter? "

Lu Shaochen's face was cold and cold, and his dark gem like ice eyes looked at the unknown direction in a trance, "Tuo ~"

Jin Xintong's expression was stunned, "Shaochen, what are you talking about? What's the matter with you? Ah -- "So Lu Shaochen pulled it into his arms.


The mobile phone slipped down from Lu Shaochen's cold right hand. Lu Shaochen's left arm was tightly wrapped around Jin Xintong like an iron ring. The whole person was like a piece of ice with no temperature.

"Shaochen, can you say something? What happened? Shaochen -- "

" ah

The pain from the skin makes Jin Xintong scream out of control.

The gorgeous long skirt was torn open by Lu Shaochen's brute force.

She looked at Lu Shaochen in panic. Although she refused, she seemed to be too scared to stand still. Her legs softened and she took the initiative to lie on the ground.

Lu Shaochen, with a sinister face, lowered himself to attack her.

"Wu --"

Jin Xintong exclaimed.

This time, she was not acting or acting.

It really hurts.

Lu Shaochen, however, could not have imagined that the first scene of her and herself was so sad.


Miserable and desolate!

To be a real husband and wife with Lu Shaochen is clearly what Jin Xintong dreams of. It should be as warm as fire and as sweet as honey, but she doesn't feel any warmth or love.

At the moment, Lu Shaochen's whole body seems to have no trace of temperature, like an iceberg, like Satan revenge.

Jin Xintong knows.

Lu Shaochen is taking revenge!

He's taking revenge on liloran!

And she is just a tool!

Perhaps, really like what Lu Shaochen said, although he is sleeping with her now, what he thinks in his heart is Li luoran!


Li luoran took pictures with her fans and sang two songs with them. After that, her mood improved a lot.

Take a look at the time displayed on the electronic clock. It's already a quarter of an hour.

Worried that after such a long time, Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong will also have left the private room, so she walked very fast.

Fortunately, the door of the private room is open. Although no one is singing inside, there is music, which shows that Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong have not left.

So Li luoran opened the door.

See a scene in the room, immediately as if he had been fixed in the door.

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