You,Under My Name

Chapter 342: 342

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Lu Shaochen, with his back to Li luoran, has no expression on his extremely handsome face. His eyes like black gems are like two bottomless black holes. There is no temperature, but endless cold and despair.

Xiao Li and Luo lie's heart are drawn in a net.

He seems to turn into a walking corpse, constantly attacking Jin Xintong's body, trying to find some balance.

Lying on the ground, Jin Xintong faces Li luoran, so she finds Li luoran for the first time.

But she turned a blind eye to Li luoran and called harder.

"Shaochen, don't go too far. It's not good to be heard by people outside Well - "

" Shaochen, you are so bad! "

"No - want -"

with eyes slightly closed, she looks so helpless and intoxicated, as if she is telling Li luoran that she doesn't want to be so indulgent with Lu Shaochen, just because Lu Shaochen is so infatuated with her, and Lu Shaochen is so hot and strong that she can't refuse


If a man does not love a woman to the extent that he can not extricate himself, how can he be so eager to occupy her?

What's more, Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong are both people who pay attention to influence. They don't even care about the door, so they are so selfless that they are addicted to love, which shows how deeply he is infatuated with Jin Xintong.

Ha ha

Li luoran gave a sneer from the bottom of his heart.

She tries to step forward. In order not to disturb Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong, she tries not to make a sound when she walks.

Her mobile phone is lying quietly on Lu Shaochen's right hand. Maybe it's because Lu Shaochen is too devoted to Jin Xintong. Even if Li luoran comes to him, he doesn't notice.

Li luoran quietly picked up the mobile phone, turned around indifferently, and walked out of the private room without expression.

Out of the door, and kind to help Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong close the door tightly.


even though Li luoran's heart was like a knife, he never shed a tear.

Suddenly I feel ridiculous.

Mingming knew that Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong were real couples on the night of their marriage. Even before she returned to the private room, Xiao Qianhua reminded her that Lu Shaochen might be in love with Xiao Jin, and she was ready to deal with everything. However, after seeing the hot eyes with her own eyes, she was still very sad

Maybe it's one thing to know something and another to see it with your own eyes.

Perhaps, in the past, I still had some illusions about Lu Shaochen, and I was lucky to think that maybe the words that Jin Xintong said about Lu Shaochen were deceiving. Now, all the illusions are completely gone.

The luxury car painted by Xiao Qian is still in its original place.

Lilo ran got on the car without expression.

"You look so bad. I'm right?" The sound of Xiao Qian's painting comes from his side.

Li luoran's cold lips uttered a cool syllable, "is..."

She never looked at Xiao Qian's painting directly, and didn't find it. At this moment, Xiao Qian's painting gazed at her haggard face, and her dark eyes clearly showed strong apology.

"As the saying goes, seeing is believing, but some things may not be true even if you see them with your own eyes. Things may not be what you think." The sound of Xiao Qian's painting sounded again.

Li Luo dyed his lips and said, "is that right? You mean I've got the wrong person again? Isn't the man lying on Jin Xintong in the private room Lu Shaochen? "

"It's not, in fact -"

thinking that he promised Jin Xintong that he couldn't say, Xiao Qianhua wanted to talk and stopped, and could only look at Li luoran's exquisite side face with remorse,

"I can only say sorry to you."

Li luoran looked at the world outside the window in a trance, "excuse me? Because of what? "

If I don't want to make up for you, I will do too much


Li luoran had countless questions in her heart, but she opened her lips and found that she was too tired to say a word.

Close your eyes and lean on the back of the car.

Xiao Qianhua starts the car silently. On the way home, Li Luo smelt that there was a strong perfume in the car. She seldom used perfume, and the perfume she used occasionally was also a faint type. So she decided that the perfume in the car belonged to another woman.

But Li luoran didn't ask.

She's really tired.

What's more, in the past, Xiao Qianhua had an affair with many women. Although Xiao Qianhua, who married her, promised not to cheat on her, it's no surprise that Xiao Qianhua has such a woman's affinity and occasionally has a opposite sex in his car.


after returning home, Li luoran went straight into the bedroom.

The first thing is to take off the ring on the ring finger of your right hand.This "Queen's heart" is the ring that Lu Shaochen gave her more than a year ago.

Lu Shaochen gave her the "Queen's heart" and asked her to promise never to take it off again. Since then, she has kept her promise and never took it off even when she was sleeping. For more than a year, the ring seems to be integrated with her fingers. She has been taking it off again and again, exerting more and more force, which makes the whole finger ache badly and still fails to take it off Take it off.

Later, Li luoran covered his fingers with hand sanitizer, and it took a lot of effort.

Standing in the bright light, looking at the ring carefully for a long time, finally put it into the ring box and put it into the envelope.

She doesn't want to meet Lu Shaochen again, so she will send an express to return the ring to Lu Shaochen.

Since then, she and Lu Shaochen broke up completely, her life has nothing to do with Lu Shaochen.


but have you completely lost heart to Lu Shaochen?

Li luoran used to lie in bed every time because she thought of Lu Shaochen, but she couldn't sleep. Tonight, she fell into a deep sleep.

I sleep until I wake up by the alarm clock.

When I wake up, I occasionally think of Lu Shaochen. But when I think of Lu Shaochen, it's no longer the kind of concern and can't let go, but a cold and despair from my heart.

In any case, Lu Shaochen was no longer as sad as she had been in Luoli for a long time

Perhaps, as early as a year ago, Jin Xintong's return from the dead was doomed to the end.

Jinxintong is the unique true love in Lu Shaochen's heart. If jinxintong never comes back, Lu Shaochen may treat her well all the time. Once jinxintong returns, Lu Shaochen's heart is not on her even though she is good to her due to the shackles of marriage, and she should have quit with interest.

If she had given up earlier, she would not have been so embarrassed!

Li luoran walked out of the room.

The most handsome face immediately came into her eyes.

Xiao Qian's painting, of course!

Xiao Qianhua is still wearing the black suit he wore yesterday. His black eyes are heavy and his face is very pale. It's obvious that he didn't sleep all night.

"I thought all night and decided to be honest with you." Xiao Qian's head is slightly lowered, and he dares not look directly at Li luoran like a child who has made a mistake.

"I promised you that I would be loyal to you and never have an affair with other women outside marriage. I didn't do it, and I'm cheating."

All right!

Li luoran finally understood why Xiao Qianhua apologized to her last night.

She shrugged. "Mr. Xiao is a big man. It's worth apologizing for this mess."

Xiao Qian's painting "! @#Yuan% "

Li luoran sighed," Xiao Qianhua, I remember when you promised me, I made it clear to you that you don't have to promise me anything. You can play with the girls you like as you did before you got married. " Little hand patted Xiao Qianhua's shoulder,

"you don't have to blame yourself at all. In this marriage, I can't give you anything. You are such an unruly person. You always abide by the rules and regulations for me and this nameless marriage like a monk. On the contrary, I feel guilty. Everything is difficult at the beginning. I think it's natural for you to cheat for the first time Oil, ha

Xiao Qian's eyes on Li luoran are like looking at an alien monster.

He didn't have hallucinations because he stayed up too late, did he?

Even if Li luoran and his marriage are nominal, it should not be such a reaction, right?

In addition to this woman, is there a second wife in the world who persuades her husband to come on and cheat?!

Li luoran had already gone down the stairs haughtily.

"Do you have such deep feelings for Lu Shaochen? Would you rather defend your husband like a wolf for him all your life? " Behind him came Xiao Qianhua's angry voice.

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

Li luoran stopped and looked back freely, "No."

Xiao Qian's eyes shine, "isn't it?"

"Ah ~"

Li luoran's lips are crooked and his clear eyebrows and eyes are shining with pride,

"don't mention Lu Shaochen in front of me in the future. From now on, I am myself and Lu Shaochen is Lu Shaochen. I don't need him to touch my life any more."

Fall this word, proud step begins afresh.

"Liluoran!" Xiao Qianhua focuses on Li luoran's thin but arrogant figure,

"I promise you that I will never be unfaithful to you again. If there is another time, I will..."

"All right!" Li luoran interrupts Xiao Qianhua and turns to squeeze his eyes at him.

"I said, you don't have to take care of anything. I really don't mind!"

Without waiting for Xiao Qian's painting to recover, she has walked out of the door gracefully.

Looking at the location where she left, Xiao Qian's painting was absent-minded for a long time. Finally, the thrush was high——More and more understand why Lu Shaochen that eye above the top of the guy just have a special liking for this girl.


Li luoran is a girl who can hold and let go.

And after experiencing the two failed relationships with Jinqian and Suyan, Li luoran already knew to let go when it was time to let go.

Although she is deeply in love with Lu Shaochen, since she knows that the person Lu Shaochen loves is Jin Xintong, she will still feel sad when she thinks of it, but she is no longer over tangled.

Her relationship with Lu Shaochen is too heavy. Now she is determined to put it down, but her heart is much more comfortable than before.

Li luoran came to the crew.

Seeing her, Shu Xinshuang warmly held her, "I heard that you had dinner with Shaochen, Xiao Qianhua, Jin Xintong and an Jiaren last night. My God, I thought how embarrassed it would be for you to get together. I was so excited that I didn't fall asleep all night. Tell me, did anything interesting happen?"


Li luoran, who was full of mixed feelings in his heart, said, "yes, is it really interesting? I've had enough nightmares last night. "

“……” Shu Xinshuang pulls Li luoran to the corner with his eyes shining,

"tell me what happened."

Li luoran spread out his hands, "to put it simply, I witnessed Lu Shaochen sleeping in jinxintong."


Shu Xinshuang, who let out a scream, attracted countless strange eyes. After a long time, she reluctantly recovered,

"Shaochen is not that kind of person. With my understanding of her, he will always keep a distance from jinxintong. He should be under your eyes with jinxintong Well - there must be some misunderstanding. "

Li luoran laughed, "maybe you think Lu Shaochen too well."

Li luoran tells Jin Xintong what happened last night from beginning to end.

Even Li luoran didn't expect that she could be so calm about the things she was angry about last night, as if a bystander were telling other people's stories.


Last night, after the most cruel moment, Lu Shaochen completely became "others" in Li luoran's heart.

Lilo vowed that he would treat Lu Shaochen like a stranger and never shed a tear for him again.

After listening to Li luoran's story, Shu Xinshuang falls into silence. She stares at Li luoran like a lost soul.

"Hello Li luoran tugged at her,

"you were in the cast to take care of me for Lu Shaochen. Now I have made a complete decision with Lu Shaochen. Won't you just make a clean break with me?"

"What are you talking about?" Shu Xinshuang rolled his eyes,

"you are my closest, dearest and favorite sister. Compared with my good sister, Lu Shaochen is a fart!"

Li luoran was amused straight smile, "you say so in front of me, won't say I am a fart in front of Lu Shaochen?"

Shuxinshuang, "cut! When did I cheat you? Wait and see if you don't believe me

Li luoran of course knows that Shu Xinshuang will not make a decision because of Lu Shaochen, but she still makes an expression of disbelief.

Shu Xinshuang raised his hand and pointed far away, "go and get ready. I'll see how he will face you later."

Dai Li ran first.

Looking in the direction Shu Xinshuang pointed out, she could see the scene clearly. She felt her head was big.

It turned out that the "he" Shu Xinshuang said was Lu Shaochen.

This is Lu Shaochen standing in the outdoor shooting site, wearing elegant ancient costume and waterfall wig. It seems that he has the magic that people can't look away from him at a glance.


What's he doing on the set today?

Li luoran, who had just adjusted his mind, was not calm.

"Ranran!" With a warm cry, Qin Weijie came to Li luoran for a short run,

"I'm going to shoot a love play between you and Mr. Lu in a moment. The staff are ready. Please recite the script quickly."

A play was put into Li luoran's arms.

There was a "buzz" in liluoran's ear.

This is really an emotional play.

When Lu Shaochen first came to the troupe, Li luoran and Lu Shaochen tried to make a love play. In that love play, Lu Shaochen pretended to kiss Li luoran, and her acting skills were recognized by everyone.

In today's play, Hua Moli, who is played by Li luoran, is determined to go to find Mr. mo after learning that Mr. Mo is still alive. Biluo (played by Lu Shaochen), who is deeply in love with him, doesn't want to let her go. Unexpectedly, she is out of control and wants to fight against Hua Moli. Hua Moli's clothes are torn. She is so angry that she slaps Biluo three times in the face and finally wakes her up.

The drama of emotional explosion is extremely challenging.

When Lu Shaochen came to the troupe for the second time, director Song Yi arranged the play for Lu Shaochen. It can be seen that director Song Yi is very confident in Lu Shaochen's acting skills.Li luoran recites the script while making up in the dressing room.

Xinshuang came to the shooting site with her about half an hour later.

As soon as he saw Li luoran's dress, he paid close attention to Li luoran's wind. He stopped Li luoran's way and said, "Hey, do you want to wear this? Are you going to film or show off? "

Say words, not good spirit of stare Shu Xinshuang one eye, is to Shu Xinshuang this clothing division is very dissatisfied.

Shu Xinshuang disdained, "what do you know? After a while, Dyan will be torn. Of course, I will choose the thinnest and most transparent clothes for her. Otherwise, what if Lu Shaochen can't tear her clothes when she tears them? "

"Do you believe that?" The wind is shallow and angry,

"it's not a day or two since you know my godfather. He's such a beast in clothes. He wants to tear a girl's clothes. What clothes can stop him? It's obvious that you have ulterior motives to wear such thin clothes for Ranran! "

Shu Xin is ready to laugh and cry, "how can I have ulterior motives?"

"Who knows? Maybe you want to see her body, so you should dress her in this kind of clothes, so that Lu Shaochen can tear her up completely for a while, and you can have a good look down there! "

"Special!" Shu Xinshuang is about to hit someone.

Li luoran quickly blocks between Shu Xinshuang and Feng Qianyi. She looks at Feng Qianyi pointlessly,

"stop making trouble, Qianyi. This matter has nothing to do with Xin Shuang. I must choose this ancient costume myself."

"What?" Feng Qianji's enchanting blue eyes are almost staring out,

"what are you doing? Don't tell me that you deliberately wear such thin clothes to make Lu Shaochen tear them up! "

Li luoran looked up and said, "yes! I just let him tear it! Dare I tear him

With that, I'm leaving.

"Liluoran!" Feng Qianji doesn't care about other people's eyes. He grabs Li luoran's slender arm,

"don't think I don't know that your last performance with Lu Shaochen was a fake. Isn't it enough for you to kiss him in public? Do you have to do it with him in public to enjoy it? " When making a bed play, it's not uncommon for the circle to make a real play.

Li luoran didn't get angry either. He just said with a meaningful smile, "if you want to know the answer, you can see for yourself!"

He left Xiao Qian's hand and went to Lu Shaochen.

Xiao Qianhua still wants to catch her, but Shu Xinshuang grabs him and winks at him. "Ranran is so abnormal. It's her reason. Let's watch a good play."

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