You,Under My Name

Chapter 345: 345

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Lu Shaochen, "in this way, you will be more confident with her?"

I didn't expect to be seen through so easily by Lu Shaochen. Feng Qianhe, who had no time to think, nodded foolishly, "Er ~ right..."

"Ah -"

so Lu Shaochen kicked him on the ground.

Different people cast their eyes.

Lu Shaochen left with a black face.

Lying on the ground of the wind shallow, a time can not get up.

Lu Wanyue spat out his tongue to him, "teach him a long lesson. I'll see if you dare to speak in the future."

The wind is shallow and the evil face is full of grievances.

What's wrong with him?

He just said what he thought, OK?

When Li luoran and Shu Xinshuang come to fengqianshe, fengqianshe just gets up.

Li luoran said, "why did he hit you?"

"Nothing..." Feng Qianji shrugged his shoulders like nothing happened,

"I just had a little itch on my buttock, so let my godfather kick it to help me stop itching."

Li luoran, "# yuan @ *"

Shu Xinshuang, "# yuan @ *"

Feng qianzhen smiles flatteringly, "it's said that Godfather can't resist the temptation of Xiaojin, and has a relationship with her that shouldn't have happened."

Li luoran's expression turned into panic, "who told you?" Unconsciously looking at Shu Xinshuang.

Shu Xinshuang looks like an innocent lying gun, but she wants to jump on the wind and strangle him.

She really didn't want to betray Li luoran!

However, after finding that Li luoran was abnormal, Feng qianzhen pestered Shu Xinshuang like a dog skin plaster, and brazenly threatened that if Shu Xinshuang didn't tell the truth, he would pester Shu Xinshuang all the time. Even Shu Xinshuang ate and went to the bathroom. Shu Xinshuang knew that Feng qianzhen was good to Li luoran, and it was not a bad thing to tell him the truth Let go

What makes Shu Xinshuang regret is that fengqianhe is not reliable. Once he gets the chance to talk to Li luoran, he will ask about it in the first sentence!

"Well, don't doubt Xinshuang. It has nothing to do with her. My godfather told me it himself." The wind is shallow and says with a smile.

Shu Xinshuang breathed a sigh of relief.

I can't help admiring Feng Qianji's impudence. He never makes a rough draft when he lies, and his face is not red and his heart is not beating when he lies. I'm afraid even ghosts can be cheated by him.

Li luoran's eyes turned into loss, "what did he say to you?"

How can we say that men talk about family affairs. In our circle, there are many people who care about Godfather and Xiaojin's private life


Men do often talk about men and women when they get together. Besides, Lu Shaochen didn't have a real relationship with Jin Xintong for physiological reasons. Now that they are married, naturally many people want to know if they have.


Li luoran used to blush whenever he thought of this topic. This time, he only felt sad.

Li luoran, unwilling to think about anything related to Lu Shaochen, took a deep breath and continued to walk towards the gate of the base with Shu Xinshuang.

"I haven't finished. Why are you in such a hurry?" Feng Qianji has long legs and big steps. He catches up with Li luoran in one big step. His right arm is close to Li luoran's left arm.

"I know you are a traditional girl. You will never accept that Godfather has an intimate relationship with another woman, so it's impossible for you to have an intimate relationship with godfather, right?"

Li luoran indifferently perfunctory, "right."

Shu Xin shook her head.

It's a bit unconscionable to say that Feng qianzhen is stupid. He has the ability to never forget. He can remember any complicated lines as long as he goes through them. In fact, he is the most intelligent person Shu Xinshuang has ever seen. But he is not stupid. He has a superficial view on problems. The emotional problems between Ranran and Lu Shaochen are very complicated, and they simply turn into Lu Shaochen in his eyes Does Shaochen sleep? Jin Xintong's question


How can there be such a strange species in the world?

"So, what's your plan for the rest of your life?"

Li luoran looked confused, "what's the plan?"

"Er ~" Feng Qian's brilliant explanation,

"first of all, you and Godfather have broken up; second, you and Xiao Qian's painting are only superficial husband and wife, and the relationship between you will not last long. In the future, you will have to find a real husband to live with you for the rest of your life."

Li luoran shook his head.


After being cheated and betrayed so many times, how can she believe in love and men?

She will try her best to win over Mingyue and put all her feelings on her son.

What is love?

It's just a lie that men cheat women!

What is a man?

Which one is not the time to coax her, sweet words, vows, once seduced by other girls to abandon, empathy?After that, she would never believe in love again.

"You can marry me."

The sound of the wind brings Li luoran's thoughts back to reality.

Li luoran opened his lips and didn't know what to say.

Fengqian dazzled, "the times are changing, the concept of love is changing, now the most popular sister brother love, I'm two years younger than you, regardless of appearance or strength are worthy of you, the most important thing is that my body and mind are clean, so far I've been for you, now I'm your ideal marriage partner."


Li luoran immediately wanted to say no as before, but he was pressed down on his lips by Feng Qianji's fingers,

"Shh! I know what you want to say. Don't rush to answer. Now I am your only choice. If you refuse, you will regret it. "

He made a gesture of "love" to Li luoran,

"love you."

Walk on your long legs.

Li luoran with a look of consternation couldn't get back to God for a long time.


Looking at the wind shallow and full of confidence, Shu Xinshuang sighed in his heart.

If you think about it carefully, it's not surprising that Feng Qian is blind and confident. Feng Qian's words are reasonable. Now Li luoran is frustrated with Lu Shaochen. Her marriage to Xiao Qianhua is nominal. According to Li luoran's attitude of not looking back, Jin qian can't get her back. The biggest winner is Feng Qian


Li luoran came here by taxi.

In the past, Li luoran always hitchhiked back to the city by Qin Weijie, but Wang Zimo didn't invite Qin Weijie to the dinner party tonight, so Li luoran took Shu Xinshuang's car to the party.

Almost as soon as Li luoran walked out of the gate of the shooting base, he saw Jin Xintong -

Jin Xintong was standing alone under the red maple tree outside the gate. She was wearing a simple sky blue shirt and white casual pants. The sun was shining on her in the evening, and the breeze blew her black hair. From time to time, red maple leaves were floating around her, which had a dreamlike aesthetic feeling.

"Who is this little sister? She's so eye-catching

"It's so beautiful that I doubt life. It's also a girl. How could heaven be so partial to her? Her face is almost the same as that of an angel. How can we ordinary girls live

"Alas! We girls can't move our feet when we see her, let alone boys. If this little sister was born in ancient times, she will bring disaster to the country and the people. "

"Cut, can you talk? What's the harm to the country and the people

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More than ten people in the crew stand at the gate and watch Jin Xintong mutter. Some people can't help but take out their mobile phones to steal photos.

It's not surprising that these people overreacted. When Li luoran first saw Jin Xintong, she was also astonished. Until now, every time she saw Jin Xintong, she could not help sighing.

Everyone loves beauty.

Maybe this is the reason why Lu Shaochen has a special preference for jinxintong!

"Sister Ranran!" Jin Xintong waves to Li luoran from a distance.

Shu Xinshuang accompanies Li luoran to jinxintong.

Jin Xintong smiles to Shu Xinshuang, "Xinshuang, I haven't seen you for more than four years. You are still so beautiful. No wonder you are the most popular female star among fans."

Shu Xinshuang responded indifferently, "I'm afraid I'll be driven down from the altar by you soon. Look at these people, they don't know who you are, but when they see you for the first time, they are full of praise for your beauty, and both men and women look up to you..." Shu Xinshuang raised her finger and looked at those people looking at Jin Xintong from a distance,

"they are all insiders. They have seen many beautiful stars up close. They will have such a strong reaction to you. When you finish shooting the sequel of Shengshi HuangFei, people will be crazy to chase you on the screen. At that time, my status will be lost."

Jin Xintong's face was calm. "I don't care about fame and wealth. It's not so important for me whether I will be sought after or not. Your crew has announced that they are irreconcilable with us. I just hope that we won't lose so badly like Bai Qingwan."

"Is it?" Shu Xinshuang sneered,

"you are so modest. At the beginning, Bai Qingwan only had Xiao Qianhua as the backstage, which almost made us overturn. You are the proud son with Xiao Qianhua as the backing and Lu Shaochen as the backing. Will you lose? Will Xiao Qianhua and Shaochen let you lose? "

Jin Xintong always does not reveal the true emotion with a smile, "what has not happened, who knows what will be the result, Xinshuang, I want to talk with sister Ranran alone, can you avoid it?"

Shu Xinshuang has long been tired of Jin Xintong's appearance. He let go of Li luoran's hand and went in a huff.

Jin Xintong's elegant smile, "thank you."


Shuxinshuang stamped her feet in anger.

People who know Shu Xinshuang well know that Shu Xinshuang is a very cultured girl and the most popular superstar. Shu Xinshuang never plays big names. Even if some unknown little characters ask Shu Xinshuang for advice, Shu Xinshuang is always patient and easygoing. Therefore, Shu Xinshuang is very popular in the cast. Li luoran never sees Shu Xinshuang as high as Jin Xintong Cold thanIt's not surprising, of course, that shuxinshuang.

Although Jin Xintong is very polite on the surface, she has a sense of superiority. It's this sense of superiority that makes her feel uncomfortable, but she can't vent it. She can only sulk in silence.

"Shaochen wanted to wait for you with me, but I didn't care how others would gossip when they saw us together. I just worried that you would be jealous when you saw us together, so I let him and Wanyue get on the bus." Jin Xintong opened his mouth first.

Li luoran wrung his lips sarcastically, "you and I don't need to talk about these nonsense. You just don't want him to hear what you say to me."

"Well..." Jin Xintong doesn't hide any more,

"I'll tell you straight, when you went back to the private room last night, I actually saw you, but at that time, Shaochen and I were so happy. I didn't want to spoil his fun, so I turned a blind eye to you. You at the scene also felt Shaochen's enthusiasm. I never cheated you. After we got married, we came here like this every night."

Li luoran was speechless.

Knowing that the purpose of Jin Xintong's words is to stimulate himself, I still feel a lot of pain in my heart. I also recall the picture of my intimate love with Lu Shaochen.

"Sister Ranran, today I'm here to help Shaochen apologize to you." Jin Xintong smiles.

She laughs so good-looking, Li luoran looks at her to lose the spirit unexpectedly.

There are more and more people gathered at the gate of the shooting base. As long as no one left the shooting base, they are appreciating Jin Xintong, the "Fairy", even Qin Weijie.

Jin Xintong doesn't care about those people at all, and still smiles leisurely,

"Shaochen is an emotional person. Although he has to divorce you, he still loves you. Last night, he didn't mean to hurt you. He didn't expect you to go back to make intimate with me in the private room. He didn't mean it. We were just too emotional at that time, so we were so forgetful Don't take it to heart

So sincere and so sorry.

But why does Li luoran feel so ironic?

"That's all it is

Li luoran's appearance is meaningless,

"don't worry, don't say you are intimate in the KTV private room. Even if you perform in the street, I don't care. What does it have to do with me if you love you?"

Drop these words, turn around and go.

"Don't pretend. I know you. The less you pretend, the more you care."

The elegant voice of Jin Xintong came from behind.

Li luoran seemed to be petrified in the same place.

Jinxintong slowly came to her, "let's open the skylight to tell the truth, Shaochen is a rare man, you have a good time with him, you can't let him go, it's human nature, I broke you up by force, in fact, I'm quite guilty, so I agree with you to be his underground wife."


Li luoran couldn't believe his ears.

Her first reaction was that Jin Xintong was satirizing her.

But at this time, jinxintong's eyes and eyes are so real, there is no irony.

"Ha ha, it's no surprise. What I say is from my heart -" Jin Xintong shrugs calmly,

"I said, I'm very grateful to you. The former Shaochen has a physical disorder. If it wasn't for you, he and I would never be a real couple. Don't get me wrong. I didn't mean to be sarcastic. People who have never experienced this kind of thing will never understand true love What kind of regret and pain it is that a person can't share the rain and dew with him, you can also be regarded as a great regret in my life. "

All right!

Li luoran can understand.

Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong really loved each other at that time, but Jin Xintong wanted her child to have a test tube operation. Any girl wanted to give her best purity to her favorite man instead of a test tube

"I was cheated by Cui Jun for three years. Although I can't help it, I still have a shadow in my heart. When I think about it, I still feel dirty. Fortunately, Shaochen has been married to you for one year, which makes me feel some psychological balance to a certain extent. Otherwise, I don't know how guilty I am." Jin Xintong's eyes at Li luoran are very grateful.

Li luoran's heart is full of mixed feelings,


Jin Xintong said with a bitter smile, "I was also a very traditional girl in my bones. For example, you can't tolerate the man you love to have skin ties with other girls, and you can't tolerate your own mistakes. But after being cheated and violated by the dirty man, I don't pay so much attention to that kind of thing any more, right! That's what happened! Intimacy with the person you love is called love. As with a person you don't love or even hate, you will pass away as soon as you close your eyes. What else can you do? "

Li luoran, "..."

Jinxintong raises her hand and points to the black luxury car not far away. Li luoran recognizes that it is Lu Shaochen's car. It can be seen that Lu Shaochen is sitting in the car.

"Shaochen is an emotional person. He loved you. It's hard to let you go for a while. I know you still love him."Jin Xintong smiles and says,

"well, if you are together, I will turn a blind eye to the things between you and continue to be his wife."

Li luoran didn't know how he made his voice,

"is that what you mean?"

"Of course, I said, I don't care about that!" Jin Xintong's face is meaningless. The next second, she seems to think of a very happy thing and smile more brightly,

"Oh, by the way, Shaochen kept a distance from me for more than a year when you and Shaochen got married. Now that he got married with Shaochen, he pestered you and asked you to be his secret lover. Don't you feel surprised?"

Li luoran was shocked.

Lu Shaochen pesters Li luoran to be his underground wife. Li luoran has never told anyone about it, and Lu Shaochen certainly can't tell Jin Xintong, but Jin Xintong knows it as well as she saw it with her own eyes.

"Have you ever thought about why Shaochen did this?" Jin Xintong's voice is clearly ringing in front of Li luoran.



Li luoran thought about why more than once, but never thought about the answer.


Lu Shaochen is a man of principle, so when Lu Shaochen and Li luoran are together, even if they still can't let Jin Xintong go, they always keep a distance from Jin Xintong. Even if Jin Xintong thinks they are pestering him, he never goes beyond the boundary.

However, Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong have no bottom line after their marriage. They not only ask Li luoran to be his secret lover, but also have strong feelings for her more than once.

"Because Shaochen didn't want to hurt me." Jin Xintong smiles brightly,

"he knows that the woman who is a junior has no dignity, so he always keeps a distance from me and never goes beyond the boundary. He doesn't want to delay my future, and hopes that I can find a good man, so even if he loves me deeply, even if he has the idea of owning me deep in his heart, he deliberately alienates me. This is true love."

Li luoran was stunned.

Just listen to Jin Xintong continue to say, "and you are not the same, anyway Shaochen and I have achieved the right result, now he still can't let you go, still want to continue to play with you, when he is tired of playing, he can throw away you at any time like a useless toy, of course, this is a kind of love, but this kind of love is physical love, right?"

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