You,Under My Name

Chapter 346: 346

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"Oh ~"

Li luoran suddenly understood what he said,

"after so much, what you really want to express is that Lu Shaochen and I are just playing, he is really true love to you! You don't mind what he and I do as a secret couple. It's just a cover

The brocade Heart Tong a face doesn't matter of appearance, "I just want you to see the fact clearly, and I didn't say a word against one's will, I don't care Shaochen outside marriage play any woman, not only you, as long as his heart belongs to me, he outside how many women I will turn a blind eye to."

Li luoran doubted life.

However, from the point of view of jinxintong, put yourself in the position of jinxintong. This kind of love is true love!

Love him, as long as he has his own heart is enough; therefore, do not do his cumbersome, let him fly self casual play -

this is a kind of selfless love!

Selfless and humble!

Li luoran admits that she can never be as humble as Jin Xintong. Even if she loves another person, she will never tolerate his physical betrayal.

Think about it, Jin Xintong is also very poor.

"Jin Xintong!" Lu Shaochen and I will never be able to separate you from my true love, but if I don't see you in the beginning of my life, I will never be able to separate you from my true love

Brocade Heart Tong Mou bottom deep buries successfully.

Li luoran raised his face haughtily, "I'm not as open as you are. I have my bottom line. You can rest assured that I will never have an affair with Lu Shaochen. I also know that he is a good man who attaches great importance to feelings. Since he loves you deeply, he will never give other women the chance to approach him. Cherish it."

Voice down, proud turn.

Looking at her weak figure, Jin Xintong's extremely beautiful face reveals an accident, "you are a man who does not admit defeat. At the beginning, Su Yan failed you. In order to get back Su Yan, you retaliated Bai Qingwan for three years. This time, you just admit defeat?"

Back to Jin Xintong, Li luoran's clear eyes are calm and cold, "I just see the truth."

It's not that she gives up, it's that she never wins.

Lu Shaochen has never let go of Jin Xintong. She just broke into an episode of Lu Shaochen's life when Lu Shaochen mistakenly thought Jin Xintong was dead. Jin Xintong is the main melody of Lu Shaochen. At the moment of Jin Xintong's return, she should withdraw from it.

She regretted not quitting in time.

Otherwise, how could everyone be black and blue?

"Do you mean it? Will you really never affect the life of Shaochen and me again? " Jin Xintong's voice is joyful and excited.

"Of course not -" Li luoran looked at Lu Shaochen in the luxury car from a distance,

"don't forget, you still occupy my child."

The brocade Heart Tong Zheng Zheng.


Mingyue is Li luoran's own son. As long as Mingyue is occupied by Jin Xintong, Li luoran can't give up and grab Mingyue back. As long as Li luoran doesn't give up and grab Mingyue back, he can contact Lu Shaochen at any time. It's hard to guarantee that they will spark again

Once upon a time, Jin Xintong used Lu Mingyue as a rope to kidnap Lu Shaochen. Now, Li luoran is dead hearted to Lu Shaochen, and Lu Mingyue becomes a stumbling block between Jin Xintong and Lu Shaochen.

"It's not that I don't want to return Lu Mingyue to you, but I can't justify myself to Shaochen. Once I do that, I'm bound to explain the truth to Shaochen, and my image in Shaochen's mind will be greatly reduced." Jin Xintong helplessly looks at Li luoran's back.

Liluoran disdained the hook lip, "I only care about my children, other things have nothing to do with me."

“……” Jin Xintong finally gave her heart a horizontal,

"well, you wait for me for one year, at most one year later, I promise to send the moon back to you unharmed."

Li luoran, "why a year?"

Jin Xintong said, "a year later, I will give birth to my child and Shaochen. When we have our own child, our relationship will be more stable. At that time, even if I confess the truth to him, he will not blame me any more."

Li luoran's fingertips trembled slightly. At this moment, why did he feel sad for no reason?

"Sister Ranran, I love Mingyue from the bottom of my heart. I promise I will be very good to him. Have you been separated from him for more than four years? One more year is nothing, is it? " Jin Xintong, who has already walked in front of Li luoran, gently holds Li luoran's hand, and her beautiful eyes are full of begging.

"seeing that we are half sisters, will you lend me the bright moon for another year?"

Li luoran was struggling.

Jin Xintong's eyes are even more pitiful,

"sister Ranran, Shaochen and I have come to the present with great difficulty. If you help us, I will treat you as my own sister forever, and I will appreciate you all my life. Please, OK?"

At this moment, Li luoran's heart can't help softening down, "you must promise not to let Mingyue suffer any injustice."Jin Xintong's eyes were full of tears! by my troth! It's a deal? "

Li luoran, "it's a deal."

After shaking off Jin Xintong's hand and walking out for a few steps, he suddenly stopped and said,

"besides, I retaliated against Bai Qingwan purely because of my personal enmity with her, not to take back Su Yan. After su Yan cheated me, he died in my heart, and now Lu Shaochen is the same."

Jin Xintong looks at her with tears. After Li luoran goes away, the success that she had hidden in her eyes before clearly appears on her eyes.

Sure enough, the routine is popular!

What if Shaochen and Li luoran fall in love?

In the end, she won?

She's the winner!


Shu Xinshuang comes up and holds Li luoran, "what did she say to you?"

Li luoran pretended to pick eyebrows easily, "what else can there be, that is to show off how much love she and Lu Shaochen have."

"Especially, people say that she is as pure and kind as a fairy. Even Shaochen regards her as a goddess, but I don't like her very much. Especially when she smiles, I always feel that her smile is more mysterious than Mona Lisa." With these words, Shu Xinshuang glances back at Jin Xintong,

"Ranran, this woman's mind is deep, you must not be cheated by her."

Li luoran said with a smile, "don't worry."

She has decided to give up Lu Shaochen. What else can Jin Xintong cheat her?


Jin Xintong gets on the bus.

After an Jiaren's return to China, Lu Wanyue no longer lives in Lu's house. Instead, she comes back to live with an Jiaren and Li Qingtian. Lu Wanyue drives back and forth to the production team every day, and she no longer needs Lu Shaochen to meet her. Therefore, there are only Lu Shaochen and Falcon on on board.

Lu Shaochen immediately asked, "what did you say to her?"

Jin Xin Tong smiles, "some trivial things." So he said, but he pretended to be worried and deliberately dodged Lu Shaochen's eyes.

Lu Shaochen's eyes darkened. "You went out of your way to find her crew, just to tell her some trivial things?"

“……” Jin Xintong looks very embarrassed,

"Shaochen, don't ask. I don't want you to be sad."

Lu Shaochen's curiosity was lifted to the roof, "say!"

“……” Jin Xintong bit her lower lip hard, as if she was very tangled before she decided to say,

"last night, you went to send sister Ranran a mobile phone. When you returned to the KTV room, it became very abnormal. I suspect you saw something you shouldn't have seen. So today, he called Qianhua to ask me. He told me that he didn't know you were going to send sister Ranran a mobile phone. At that time, he was in the car with sister Ranran ”

at this point, Jin Xintong's cheeks are scarlet, as if she is too shy to speak any more.

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

Lu Shaochen's eyes are in pain. It seems that Li luoran and Xiao Qian are painting the love of the car again.

In fact, those scenes have never disappeared in front of Lu Shaochen's eyes. Since seeing them last night, that scene has been accompanied by Lu Shaochen like a shadow all the time. No matter where he is or what he is doing, that scene will be played back in front of him at any time

"Go on!" Lu Shaochen's voice is cold and frightening.

"I know you can't let sister Ranran go. I don't want you to be depressed, so I decided to ask her in person." Jin Xintong's beautiful eyelashes are drooping, and she looks sad.

"I thought it was a misunderstanding. I wish it was a misunderstanding. But sister Ranran told me it was true, and she said She also said that she saw you outside the car when she was with Qianhua, but she was so happy at that time that she just wanted to continue to be happy with Qianhua, and didn't care about you at all - "

" bang! "

The sudden loud noise interrupts Jin Xintong's voice.

It was Lu Shaochen's fist that hit the door.

The punch was so powerful that the whole car vibrated. There was a huge depression on the door. Lu Shaochen's hands were red, and his forehead was blue with excessive jealousy.

"Shaochen, why do you punish yourself like this? It's all my fault. If I knew you would be so angry, I wouldn't say it. " Lu Shaotong's right hand hugs his heart.

Lu Shaochen threw her away indifferently,

"what else did she say?"

Jin Xintong looked at him timidly, "I I dare not say... "

Lu Shaochen's face was dark and frightening, "say!"

"This Ok... " Jin Xintong said in a low voice,

"sister Ranran also said that it's no wonder that so many girls can't stop painting Xiao Qian. Xiao Qian's painting is much more powerful than you. After being intimate with Qian Hua, she has no interest in other men any more Ah - Shaochen, I said I didn't tell you. Why are you staring at me so fiercely? Shaochen, don't scare me -- "

" Shaochen... "

Lu Shaochen's eyes were cold and breathed heavily. It took him a long time to recover a little calm. He collapsed and leaned on the seat of the car, his eyes gradually relaxed.He clearly remembers the first few days after he and Li luoran were forced to divorce. Li luoran still had feelings for him. However, with the passage of time, Li luoran became more and more indifferent to him.

Sure enough!

Women are used for sleeping clothes.

Only when a woman sleeps soundly can she be sure of herself!

In the past, Lu Shaochen and Li luoran always exhausted her when they were together. Therefore, the feelings between him and Li luoran grew stronger and stronger. Now, the person who sleeps her has become Xiao Qianhua, and her feelings have been transferred to Xiao Qianhua


along the way, Lu Shaochen didn't say a word more. He collapsed on the seat like a body with no soul. His eyes were always open, but there was no focus. His mind was full of beautiful pictures when he was with Li luoran.

Lu Shaochen loved Jin Xintong deeply.

I love him too.

But he never thought about who he loved more.

Because there is no need to compare -

after he met Li luoran, he never thought of separating from her. Even after Jin Xintong came back, he would rather aggrieve Jin Xintong and keep a distance with Jin Xintong, for fear that Jin Xintong would affect the feelings between him and Li luoran.

However, after he was forced to break up with Li luoran, Lu Shaochen realized that his love for Li luoran was far deeper than Jin Xintong. Even if he and Jin Xintong entered the palace of marriage, he still didn't have any idea of getting close to Jin Xintong. Every time Jin Xintong was with him, he thought of Li luoran. So deep, he would rather go against the principle and ignore him Jin Xintong asks Li luoran to be his underground wife

Lu Shaochen admits that he once loved Jin Xintong deeply.

But only once!

Falling in love with Li luoran also means that he has put down his love for Jin Xintong.

The girl named Li luoran has already taken away his heart. Even if Jin Xintong "came back from the dead", he can't treat her like he used to


the luxurious streamlined super run gets closer and closer to the gate of the land house, and then slowly stops in the yard.

Lu Shaochen, who was in a bad mood, sat lazily on the sofa as soon as he entered.

The servant, Zhao Haixin, came over and said, "Mr. Lu, I have your express." Finger the envelope on the coffee table.

Lu Shaochen did not take a look, understated perfunctory, "I know."

Zhao Haixin, "the courier said that this is a city plus urgent letter. The sender paid 500 yuan for the insurance. I think this one must be very valuable."

Lu Shaochen's face was expressionless, still did not look at the envelope, "I know."

Zhao Haixin said, "the sender filled in Ms. Li. Could it be Ranran?"

Before the voice fell, Lu Shaochen had already grabbed the envelope and opened it as fast as he could.

there are two red envelopes and one ring in it.

When Lu Shaochen opened the ring box, the dazzling light burst out.

"Queen's heart" --

Lu Shaochen will never forget this diamond ring, not because it is so valuable, not because he finally bought it with five companies and a $3 billion contract, but because it carries too many stories between him and Li luoran.

He clearly remembers the picture when he personally put on the ring for Li luoran. He remembers the moment when Li luoran nodded with a smile in his tears and promised him that he would never take off the ring in his life.

Lu Shaochen looked at the ring for a long time, then pulled out the letter.

There is only one line written on such a large letter paper -

"give it to your wife, cherish her and wish you happiness."

It was a gentle blessing, but Lu Shaochen felt that the words poked his heart. He couldn't hold the light letter. The letter floated on the ground. It was also at the moment when the letter landed. His heart seemed to have been dug a gap. Endless despair and loss rushed out like a flood of hysteria. His legs lost their strength, and he felt sad again Sit back on the sofa.

"In the past, I would never say these words, but I don't want to see you suffer so much from this love. For you, I must say them." Jin Xintong sits beside Lu Shaochen, holding his shaking right hand,

"Shaochen, sister Ranran doesn't love you at all, and she has never really loved you."

As if a handful of sea salt had been sprinkled on the bloody wound, Lu Shaochen pushed away Jin Xintong coldly,

"what are you talking about?"

The man's strength is so big, out of control, is even more amazing, jinxintong was pushed out of the sofa, back knot solid hit on the tea table, and then "Dong" sit down on the ground, severe pain, make her extremely beautiful face slightly distorted.

Lu Shaochen felt that he had done something hard. He tried to calm down his emotions, but he still couldn't hide the intense pain.

"I'm sure Ranran really loved me. I don't allow anyone to slander her feelings for me, and you're no exception!"Drop this word, get up and go.

"Lu Shaochen!"

Jin Xintong doesn't care about the pain, so she stands up and hugs Lu Shaochen's arm with her hands.

"don't anesthetize yourself. Don't you know now? If Ranran really loves you, how can she hurt you so cruelly and regardless of your feelings? "

It was as if a mixture of ice and water had been splashed on his head. Lu Shaochen was petrified in the same place like a sculpture, and he could not walk any more.

Jin Xintong stands in front of him, grabs his arm tightly with both hands, clings to his arms, and stares at him with tears in her eyes,

"over the years, I have always loved you deeply. I know better than anyone that a girl loves a man deeply. The most basic performance of a girl's deep love for another person is that she will defend herself for him, no matter who she loves How to let her down, no matter how forced she is, she will never let herself be influenced by other heterosexuals. I'm a living example. Shaochen, you don't know how many men like me and how many outstanding heterosexuals are chasing me. For many years, besides being cheated by Cui Jun, when have I ever had a close relationship with other men? Even if you and sister Ranran leave me alone after marriage, when did I transgress with the opposite sex? "

Lu Shaochen was speechless.

As if she was very sad for Lu Shaochen, Jin Xintong's tears streamed, "sister Ranran and Xiao Qianhua have only been married for a few days. If she has only you in her heart, even if Xiao Qianhua forces her, she will die. How can she take the initiative to throw her arms at Xiao Qianhua? But she not only kisses Xiao Qianhua in front of you, but also takes the initiative to have a husband and wife relationship with Xiao Qianhua. If she really loves you, why should she hurt you like this? In order to prevent Xiao Qianhua from being strong against her, you even drugged Xiao Qianhua's parents. Sister Ranran can wait for you all the time, but she took the initiative

"See the truth, Shaochen. Sister Ranran doesn't love you at all. She doesn't deserve your pain!"

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