You,Under My Name

Chapter 349: 349

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Li luoran had so many words in his heart that he wanted to say to Lu Shaochen. However, in the end, he only said a faint "thank you ~"

holding the prescription Lu Shaochen gave her tightly in his small hand, he felt that the thin paper seemed sharper than the sharp blade, which made her skin ache.

"Is there anything else you want to say to me?" Behind him came Lu Shaochen's cool voice.

Why do you feel that Lu Shaochen is saying goodbye to himself?

This idea made Li luoran cool. She stopped and looked back at him. "We have experienced too many unforgettable things together. Since people like us can't be lovers, we are doomed to be friends. But you will always be my benefactor. I will remember everything you have done for me. If I have a chance to repay you, I will spare no effort."

Lu Shaochen, "you don't owe me anything. I was willing to do anything for you. You don't have to think about repaying me."


What a strange and sarcastic name!

Like charity!

Lu Shaochen would rather cut off completely with her than let her keep the relationship of "benefactor" because she felt that she owed him.

Li luoran did not return.

She knows that Lu Shaochen is a proud person, not to mention that Lu Shaochen, who stands at the top of the pyramid, can't need her help. Even if Lu Shaochen really needs help, since he has made a decision with her, he will never turn back to her for help.

Perhaps, she is destined to owe Lu Shaochen a lifetime!

After separating from Li luoran, Lu Shaochen left the shooting base.

Li Ran looked at the heavy figure of Luodian standing in the crowd.

Li luoran's first love is Jinqian.

At that time, Qian was engaged to another girl, so she wanted to kill herself

It took her three years to get out of the shadow left by that feeling. After meeting Su Yan, she thought that she had finally met prince charming who saved her. However, Su Yan gave her a more painful betrayal and deception

Both of those two relationships ended when Li luoran was let down. Although Li luoran was distressed, she was completely dead.

But Lu Shaochen is different.

Lu Shaochen never failed her.

The only thing li luoran felt that Lu Shaochen was sorry for him was that Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong fell in love soon after they broke up -

however, when he met Lu Shaochen, Jin Xintong had already been deeply imprinted on Lu Shaochen's heart like a brand. After Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong had become a husband and wife, it was the same with Jin Xintong it 's only human.

In addition, Li luoran can no longer find a trace of Lu Shaochen's bad.

Lu Shaochen paid too much for Li luoran.

Li luoran also admitted that he loved Lu Shaochen too much.

And there is only one Lu Shaochen in the world. Besides, Lu Shaochen's heart belongs to Jin Xintong. If she is disconnected from Lu Shaochen, it will only harm others and herself.

There is a kind of love called letting go -

what a painful understanding!


seeing that Li luoran's worried wangzimo didn't arrange filming for him, Li luoran spent a day in the crew.

When Li luoran was driving Xiao Qianhua's car to the city, the ring rang.

On the caller ID is a string of familiar numbers -

although Li luoran didn't keep this string of numbers in her address book, she had already kept it in mind. She parked her car on the side of the road and picked up the call.

"Where are you? How are you doing? "

The sound came from the receiver immediately.

Li luoran replied that there was no temperature. "I'm going to be so flattered that I'm going to burst into tears. Is that really what you said? Do you really care about me recently? "

“……” There was silence for a long time, and then the usual cold voice and air conditioning came back,

"I'm looking for you. Where are you?"

Li luoran, "if you have something to say, don't care where I am."

He insisted on meeting.

Li luoran had no choice but to make an appointment with her to meet at a large supermarket in the city.

About a quarter of an hour later, Li luoran arrived by car.

The red Ferrari open top sports car is parked on the side of the road. Gu lianyue, dressed in a white cheongsam, moves her arms around her chest to the left of the front of the car. The windy car and the woman with a sense of family name always attract the attention of passers-by.

Li luoran also saw her for the first time.

She put on her sunglasses and mask, got out of the car and went to Gu lianyue, "say it."

"I had a big deal with Wangyuan's company." Take pity on the moon.

Li luoran looked confused, "Oh?" Does it have anything to do with her?

Gu lianyue lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and said, "Wangyuan and I both had some savings. After we got married, we decided to expand our career, so we set up a new company and invested all our savings in it. We didn't expect to encounter such a big crisis in a month.""Look, isn't the woman in white the one who took off her clothes at liluoran's wedding?" Someone recognized Gu lianyue.

"Well, it's really her. I don't know how to look familiar when I first saw her. I'm not afraid of humiliation. What's she doing outside the supermarket in such a coquettish dress?"

"It's not coquettish for people to dress like this. She doesn't think she's coquettish when she's naked at a wedding..."

People cast strange eyes.

Li luoran was glad that she was wearing sunglasses and a mask, otherwise she would be recognized with Gu lianyue, and she didn't know what news would be spread.

Gu lianyue, who is used to this kind of thing, doesn't care about people's eyes. She continues to say, "at the beginning, Wangyuan and I were very puzzled. According to our expectation, our company should develop very well, but there are almost no customers to support us. Only a few days ago did we know that Anjian was playing tricks."

Li luoran was not surprised at all.

No matter what she does to Gu lianyue, Li luoran is not surprised.

"For more than 20 years, Anjian has only wanted to get back at me, but she has never found a chance to get back at me. This time, she finally succeeded. She released a message that all the people who have business relations with my company are against her. What's more, to fight against her is to fight against Lu Shaochen. Lu Shaochen controls the economic lifeline of Jiangcheng. Who dares to fight against him? Therefore, no customer dares to cooperate with us. Our products can't be sold. If we go on like this, within a week, Wangyuan and I will not only lose money, but also bear the burden There's a lot of debt. "

"All right ~" Li luoran spread out her hands,

"I've got the whole story clear, so?"

Gu lianyue said, "go to ask an Jiaren to stop targeting me."

That's right.

"Oh ~"

Li luoran couldn't help laughing. She looked sarcastically at the woman who was at least six points similar to herself,

"if I remember correctly, you have told me more than once that you don't have my daughter, and you want me to die. When you don't need me, you try every means to kill me, and now you need me, you will command me Who do you think you are? What do you think of me? "

Turn around and go.

I regret that I promised to meet Gu lianyue.

Gu lianyue's stimulating energy is beyond her imagination, which can blow her up every minute.

"I really can't count on you. I've never misunderstood you. You are as bad and heartless as Li Qingtian! Do you know why I didn't help Li Qingtian when he was seriously ill in hospital four years ago, why I let you kneel down in the rain and beg me? Because I had expected that if one day I had something to ask you, you would stand by and watch! "

Gu lianyue's angry voice came from behind.

Li luoran stops suddenly.

It has been four years, and when the scar in his heart is opened again, Li luoran is still shaking with pain.

"Yes --" Li luoran turned around, her fingers trembled violently, but she raised her face haughtily with an elegant smile,

"you really have foresight. You have expected everything. Why do you want to ask me since you have already expected it? Is it as humiliating as I did when I asked you? "

Gu lianyue's face was blue and red for a while. In the past, she would have slapped Li luoran in the face, but now she thought that Li luoran was the only one who could help her, and she could only swallow her breath,

"this morning, I went to ask Xintong to help me plead with Lu Shaochen. She refused to help me. You are the only one who can save me. If you don't help me, Wangyuan and I will be in debt Over 100 million, we will live like beggars in the future. I don't want to live like that. After all, you are the flesh and blood born in October when I was pregnant. Will your conscience not hurt if you watch your own mother like this? "

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Liluoran had the feeling of being held tightly in his throat.


Who in the world wants his own mother to become a beggar?

Li luoran struggled to take a deep breath. "I asked you to ask me to kneel down in the rain and beg you until I knelt down until I passed out. When I sold me to the bar when I passed out, did you think that I was born in October when you were pregnant? When I was in a car accident and asked Su Jinnian to leave me alone and wish I died of serious injury, did you ever think that I was your own daughter? Has your conscience ever hurt? "

I pity the moon for a moment.

The answer, of course, is no!

Li luoran sneered, "Gu lianyue, you never regard me as your daughter, and you never deserve to be my mother. Now, why do you use it as an excuse to kidnap me morally?"

Li luoran's voice is fierce because of his out of control mood.

People stop one after another. Although they can't see Li luoran's face, some people guess from Li luoran's words that she is Li luoran, who has been regarded as a "disgrace" by Gu lianyue.

Gu lianyue blushes. She stares at Li luoran angrily. There are countless words used to stab Li luoran in her heart. But thinking of this moment, her stabbing Li luoran is more harmful to her. She can only bear to stop talking.Lilo got into the car in a huff.

Close the door of the moment, remove the cold camouflage, lying on the steering wheel crying.


the supermarket is not far from Lu Mingyue's kindergarten. It's time for parents to pick up their children. After crying, Li luoran decides to go to the kindergarten to see Mingyue.

Li luoran didn't get off the bus.

After parking at the side of the road, she hid in the car and silently watched the area at the gate of the kindergarten.

Jin Xintong is standing at the gate of the kindergarten talking with the kindergarten director. After a while, Lu Mingyue comes out with a small schoolbag on her back. When she sees this cute little cute baby, Li luoran has the impulse to get out of the car and hold her in her arms, but she can only resist it -

purely for the sake of the little cute baby.

Li luoran heard Lu Wanyue say that Lu Mingyue always gets upset for several days after meeting her. Now that Li luoran can't get together with xiaomengwa, she has to try her best not to affect his life.

Jin Xintong's car is parked in the parking space across the street from the kindergarten gate.

At this time, Jin Xintong is leading the landing moon across the road.

Jin Xin Tong got on the car, said two words to Lu Mingyue, and then patted Lu Mingyue's small head, a person on the car.

A person standing on the side of the road, xiaomengwa didn't know what attracted her. She walked across the street with her eyes shining.

Just as xiaomengwa came to the middle of the road, a black car came at a gallop.

"Bright moon! Look at the car

Li luoran screams and kicks the door open. The next second, he just watches the car crash into xiaomengwa.


Liluoran's head seemed to explode.

The car that caused the accident stopped suddenly. Xiaomengwa was lying on the ground and motionless. Stationery and books were scattered all over the ground. It was indistinct that his little hands were covered with blood.

At this time, a high-speed motorcycle straight to Lu Mingyue.

"Bright moon!"

At this moment, Li luoran, who was originally very weak in running ability, ran forward at a very fast speed and picked up Lu Mingyue like he was possessed by a sprint champion.

The motorcycle passed close to Lilo dye's back.

However, the excessive tension and sudden high-intensity running also made Li luoran dizzy. Before she had time to put down Lu Mingyue, she lost consciousness.

Wake up in the hospital.

Li luoran, who regained consciousness, grabbed the nurse and asked, "how about Mingyue? Is he OK? Is he seriously injured? "

"You mean the little baby who was sent to the hospital with you. He's OK. He just suffered some skin injuries." The nurse replied.

Think of that thrilling scene, Li luoran's mood is still not calm, she grabbed the nurse's arm, "where is he?"

The nurse didn't understand why the little baby was safe. Li luoran was still so frightened. She pointed to the next room and said, "it's in the next ward."

Li luoran had already got out of bed before his words came down.

"Hey - you wait, your feet..."

Before the nurse finished, Li luoran quickly walked out of the door.


The nurse sighed.

Li luoran hurt her foot in the process of saving people. The nurse wanted to remind Li luoran that she couldn't walk on the ground for three days.

Said, Li luoran's foot injury is very serious, deep into the bone, usually the injured will be very painful when walking down, and Li luoran ran out of the ward.


Didn't she feel the pain?


the door of the next ward was open.

Li can't push the door open and walk away quickly.

"Sister Ranran, you are awake!" Jin Xintong, who was originally sitting beside the hospital bed, stood up excitedly,

"it was really dangerous at that moment. I was in a cold sweat. If you didn't pick up Mingyue in time, the motorcycle would run over him and the consequences would be unimaginable. Thank God, you and Mingyue would be OK."

"Is it?"

Li luoran's eyes are cold,

"there's only me and you here. Who can I say such words to?"

Jin Xintong was obviously confused. "Sister Ranran, what do you mean by that?"

Li luoran sneered, "you know what you mean, this accident is your careful planning, you want to kill Mingyue."

Jin Xintong can't believe her ears. She stares at Li luoran in disbelief. Her beautiful face is full of grievances. "Sister Ranran, you have to speak with your conscience. I'm sincere to Mingyue. I don't have time to hurt him. How can I do such a thing?"

"Your so-called" sincerity "is just for Lu Shaochen. Only you know what you are thinking in your heart..."

Looking at xiaomengwa sleeping in the hospital bed, Li luoran thought that if she didn't protect herself desperately, xiaomengwa might have left her forever,"You never wanted to return the moon to me. You just wanted to stabilize me for a while when you talked about the" one year's appointment "with me. I was so stupid that I believed it If you stabilize me and have enough time to kill Mingyue, you can cover up the fact that Mingyue is my son and keep your image in Lu Shaochen's mind. "

Jin Xintong's voice trembled, "sister Ranran, it's just your imagination. I swear, I really didn't want to harm Mingyue!"

"Now you're still quibbling. Do you really think I'm a fool?" With her trembling right hand caressing xiaomengwa's forehead, liluoran burst into tears,

"I was at the scene when the accident happened. I saw you get on the bus alone, but you left Mingyue on the side of the road. As soon as you got on the bus, the black car hit Mingyue, and then a motorcycle came to him. If it's a coincidence, it's a coincidence."

Jin Xintong, "..."

Li luoran sneered, "ha ha ~ how can there be such a coincidence in the world? Of course, it's not a coincidence. It's your careful planning. Mingyue is an innocent child. It's not enough for you to arrange a car to hit him. You have to arrange another motorcycle to crush him! "

The more Li luoran said, the more excited he was,

"Jin Xintong, you are so poisonous! You not only killed your daughter, but also my son

Thinking of the fact that her daughter died miserably, Jin Xintong looks pale and trembles as if she had been pierced by an arrow.

"I don't want to see you again. From now on, I won't let you be with Mingyue any more. Go out, go out!" Li luoran excitedly points to the door.

Jin Xintong's thoughts are pulled back to reality by Li luoran's words. She trembles and says, "sister Ranran, what do you mean you won't let Mingyue be with me from now on?"

"I don't believe we're going to cancel that year." Li luoran's eyes are tearful and determined,

"when the moon wakes up, I'll take him away. From now on, no one can separate us."

Jin Xintong's beautiful eyes showed panic, "but How do you want me to explain to Shaochen... "

Li luoran rolled his lips, and his watery eyes were cold and resolute. "I won't shield you any more. I'll tell Lu Shaochen the truth. How to explain it to him is your own business, which has nothing to do with me."

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