You,Under My Name

Chapter 350: 350

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"Li luoran, don't deceive people too much!"

Jin Xintong suddenly lost control, and she excitedly pointed to Li luoran, with some resentment on her beautiful face,

"you don't know what I have done in order to maintain my image in Shaochen's heart. For him, I can do anything, you dare to destroy me, you and I will die."

A dead fish catches a broken net?

But I'm threatening her and Mingyue's poisoning again

Sure enough, Jin Xintong continued to say, "Li luoran, don't forget that you, Shaochen and Mingyue are all poisoned. Your life is in my hands. If you dare to mess around, don't blame me for being rude."

If change to do before, Li Luo ran already afraid of compromise.

Li luoran was forced to divorce Lu Shaochen by Jin Xintong.

And this time, she did not give in, still firmly said, "well, I'm waiting for you and me

I didn't expect Li luoran to be so tough. Jin Xintong was obviously stunned. At least three seconds later, her cherry petal like lips just issued an unwilling syllable, "Li luoran, are you crazy? Have you heard me clearly? You and Mingyue's life are in... "

"I know what you're talking about, and I know what I'm doing --" Li luoran interrupts Jin Xintong's words coldly, her eyes are colder and more determined,

"I don't want to see you play in front of me and my son, get out of here."

“……” Jin Xintong suspects that she is dreaming. She never thinks that Li luoran no longer cares about her threat.

Jin Xintong of course knows that Li luoran is a crazy woman.

But Li luoran not only didn't want to die, but also ignored the life safety of Mingyue and Shaochen!

Is this woman really crazy?

"Go away!"

Li luoran's voice rang out again.

She pointed to the door, and even though she was haggard with tears in her eyes, she was still proud,

"give you three seconds to disappear from me, or I'll beat you out."

Remembering that she was beaten by Li luoran in the past, Jin Xintong was afraid, but she was unwilling to leave like this. "We are all adults. We should deal with the problem calmly, otherwise it's not good for anyone. For you and Mingyue, you'd better Ah - "

the following words were interrupted by my own painful cry.

Because a glass of water hit her in the chest.

She calmed down, and the next second she saw that Li luoran had smashed her with a water cup and picked up the fruit knife on the bedside table.

Brocade Heart Tong where still dare to stay again, she shrieks a, lose one's soul to run toward the door.

Ran to the door of Jin Xin Tong just want to open the door, the door was pushed open.

A tall man came in, she had no time to stop, solid hit the man.

"Ah -"

the violent impact makes Jin Xintong scream again. Her delicate body shakes violently. When she is about to fall to the ground, the quick eyed man puts his arm around her slender waist and pulls him into his arms.

Seeing this scene, Li luoran's right hand holding the fruit knife trembled vaguely.

This man is Lu Shaochen.

Now, his right arm is tightly around Jin Xintong's waist, and Jin Xintong is as soft as a doll in his arms. This touching scene reminds Li luoran of the past when he was rescued by Lu Shaochen when he was in danger

"Shaochen..." Jin Xintong, who has come back, looks at Lu Shaochen with tears in her eyes.

Lu Shaochen's eyes did not stay too much on Jin Xintong's face. After he let Jin Xintong go, his eyes immediately turned to Li luoran, "what's the matter?"

Li luoran didn't reply. He still held the knife tightly in his hand.

Just now she is not intimidating Jin Xintong.

If Jin Xintong doesn't know what to do, she will stab Jin Xintong.

No matter what jinxintong had done before, she didn't hate her to the point of gnashing her teeth. She still pitied jinxintong. This time, jinxintong completely trampled on her bottom line, and she would never leave jinxintong any more feelings.

Jin Xintong takes action to kill Li luoran's sympathy for her.

Now jinxintong in Li luoran's heart is completely reduced to a mortal enemy.

Li luoran will never be soft hearted again when he treats this kind-hearted woman!

"Well, sister Ranran loves Mingyue, so she cries very sad. I was just about to go to the bathroom when I met you. When I left, sister Ranran didn't pick up the fruit knife. I think she picked up the fruit knife to cut the fruit." Brocade Heart Tong Qiao smile Qian Xi of explanation.

Looking at Jin Xintong's harmonious expression, without any violation and affectation, even Li luoran almost believed it.

What's more, Lu Shaochen, who just walked in?

Lu Shaochen doesn't pay attention to Jin Xintong any more. When Jin Xintong talks to him, he also looks at Li luoran all the time. Li luoran, who has no expression on his face, doesn't respond to him directly. Then he pulls away his sight from Li luoran's face, walks to Li luoran with his long legs, and sits side by side with Li luoran on the hospital bed.Jin Xin Tong is so left out in the door, she stood in situ, extremely beautiful face slightly embarrassed.

"I think of the scene when we met for the first time. That day, Mingyue was almost hit by a car. You saved him from the middle of the road. You were in a coma. I was guarding you in front of the hospital bed until you woke up." Lu Shaochen opened his mouth.

Li luoran thought back to the past.

She clearly remembers that when she woke up in the hospital, she saw Lu Shaochen sitting in front of the hospital bed at the first sight. When she learned of Lu Shaochen's identity, she was so scared that she was completely bewildered that she accidentally pressed Lu Shaochen under her body and bit his lips

Lu Shaochen and that is not a knot.

It's been more than a year!

Why are these things still so clear in Li luoran's mind, as if they happened only yesterday?

"I've heard that if you didn't sacrifice your life to save each other, Mingyue still doesn't know what it will be like. No matter what you want, as long as I can afford it, I will give it."

Lu Shaochen's voice is so magnetic and beautiful, like a warm spring breeze carrying continuous catkins to Li luoran's face.

At the beginning, she was so infatuated with Lu Shaochen that when she heard Lu Shaochen's voice, she would be very excited. Li luoran thought that she would not be touched by him after she made a decision with him, but she didn't expect that when she heard his voice, she would still have uncontrollable palpitations in her heart.

Her lips slowly opened,

"I want the moon."

Lu Shaochen was shocked.

Jin Xintong was shocked.

The whole ward seemed to shake.

"What?" Lu Shaochen obviously did not fully understand what Li luoran meant.

"I, Yao, Ming, Yue!" This time, Li luoran was firm and clear.

Lu Shaochen's expression was slightly stiff, and his dark gem like eyes were confused.

He was sure he had heard right.

He also knows that Li luoran likes Mingyue, but Mingyue is the child of him and Xiaojin after all. Li luoran wants to rob the child with his parents. Is that too ridiculous?

What's the matter with this girl?

Will you break your brain when saving Mingyue?

Thinking of this, Lu Shaochen's extremely handsome face was worried.

Li luoran can understand what Lu Shaochen is thinking.

She insisted, "you said, no matter what I want, you want you to afford, you will give, I want the moon, I want you to give the moon to me, let him live with me from now on."

Hearing Li luoran say this, Lu Shaochen is more worried, "Ranran, your mental state is very bad now. You go back to the ward to have a rest first, and wait until you calm down, OK?"

Stand up and help Li luoran.

"I'm sober. I don't need peace!" When Lu Shaochen was pushed away excitedly, Li luoran's eyes and voice were firm,

"maybe you think I'm strange, maybe you think I've broken my brain, maybe you think I'm crazy i don't care! I don't care what you think, I want the moon back to me! I want the moon! I want to be reunited with my children


Seeing that Li luoran was so excited, Lu Shaochen couldn't bear to help her. He could only look at her anxiously and murmur her name between his thin lips.

Lu Shaochen has decided not to interfere in her happiness, so he let her go and gave her the antidote of Xiao Qian's painting. He did not expect that, even though he had drawn a clear line with her, once he saw her pain, his heart would still be like a knife cut pain -

as before.

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"Tell me whether you agree or not. I want your answer now." Li luoran looked at Lu Shaochen firmly and resolutely.

Lu Shaochen stares at her, confused, compassionate, worried

Complex emotions tangled in his eyes.

Jin Xintong stands on one side quietly. On the surface, she looks confused, as if she doesn't know what's wrong with Li luoran, but in her heart, she smiles -

Li luoran's so-called "death net" with her is just cruel words!

She doesn't believe that Li luoran dares to gamble her life and Mingyue's life with her.

Even if Shaochen loves Li luoran, how can he be willing to please her with his own son?

As long as Shaochen doesn't agree, Li luoran will be forced to make trouble without reason, and Lu Shaochen will hate her more and more

Therefore, Jin Xintong will never be the peacemaker of Lu Shaochen and Li luoran. She just quietly watches Li luoran force Lu Shaochen. She wants to witness Li luoran tear her image in Lu Shaochen's heart to pieces

Lu Shaochen, "well."

Li luoran was slightly stunned.

Brocade Heart Tong tiny a stay.

For a moment, no one understood what Lu Shaochen meant by the word "Er".

Lu Shaochen continued, "from now on, the bright moon belongs to you."

What?!As if to hear a bolt from the blue, jinxintong moment like sculpture petrified in situ.

Just now, she felt confident that Lu Shaochen would never please Li luoran with his own son. Reality threw her a slap in the face.

Even Li luoran didn't expect Lu Shaochen to be so straightforward. She was stunned for a full second before she was able to speak again,

"I'm not joking with you. I want to be with Mingyue all my life. If you promise, you can't go back. You want to be clear."

"I think very clearly." Lu Shaochen nodded decisively,

"I see that you are a true love for Mingyue. You will take good care of him, and you and Xiaojin are half sisters. Here, my aunt is like a biological mother, and I am very relieved to give him to you."

All right!

"In this case, I will take him away when the moon wakes up," said Lilo

Lu Shaochen nodded.

Li luoran's heart finally fell to the ground.

At the beginning, she predicted that Lu Shaochen could not agree to give Mingyue to her, so she made up her mind to tell the truth that Mingyue was her own son. Since Lu Shaochen agreed so simply, there was no need for her to say any more -

after all, he jinxintong completely tore his skin, which was not good for everyone.

However, before Li luoran could breathe a sigh of relief, he heard Jin Xintong say excitedly,

"I don't agree!"

Li luoran was surprised.

This should be the result that Jin Xintong likes to see and hear, right?

Now, Jin Xintong has successfully married Lu Shaochen. Lu Mingyue has become a burden to Jin Xintong. Jin Xintong should be eager to return Lu Mingyue to Li luoran. She is just worried about causing Lu Shaochen's suspicion and can't find a reason to return Lu Mingyue to Li luoran

Lu Shao Tong is not forced to cause such a heart?

Jin Xintong should not follow Lu Shaochen's words and say something like "the Virgin Mary". Although she is reluctant to give up the moon, she believes that Li luoran will take good care of the moon. For Li luoran's sake, she still decides to give up her love

Why is she against it!

Lu Shaochen's eyes then turned to Jin Xintong, "if Ranran didn't give up her life to save each other, we might never see the moon. Ranran's state is not very good. She will be better for her if she lives with Mingyue."

Speak, don't listen to make a wink to brocade Heart Tong.

The implication is that "Ranran's mental state is not good enough to make such a crazy request. In order to help Li luoran tide over the difficulties, he agreed to give the moon to Li luoran. When Li luoran returns to normal, he will naturally return the moon."

However, Jin Xintong doesn't seem to understand Lu Shaochen's suggestion. Instead of calming down, she seems to be more excited.

"Shaochen, I know you are doing this for Ranran's sake. I saw Ranran's desperate rescue of Mingyue with my own eyes. I am also very grateful to her. I am willing to repay her in any way, but Mingyue is our own son, for me The bright moon is more important than my own life. Even if we owe sister Ranran a great favor, how can you take our son to repay it? "

His teeth clenched his lower lip, and his whole body trembled, as if in great pain,

"Shaochen! You just try to please sister Ranran. Have you thought about my feelings? Have you ever thought how hard it would be for me to lose my son? Shaochen Shaochen... "

Sobbing in pain, tears fell down.

Li luoran was no longer shocked, and he took up a trace of irony in the corner of his mouth.

Listen to Jin Xin Tong "pain" cry sound, looking at her this pair of pear flower with rain of pitiful appearance, in the heart instead relieved.

Lu Shaochen's face was cold and cool. "I have promised Ranran that you should go out first and calm down. I will explain to you slowly."

There is no choice in the beautiful eyes.

He thought that Jin Xintong would understand his intention, but Jin Xintong was very abnormal, not only had no tacit understanding with him, but was willful, which made the situation more chaotic.

"I don't want to be calm, I don't want to listen to your explanation! Woo - you just want to please sister Ranran. Where are you going! Wu -- Wu -- "Jin Xintong's tearful eyes look at Lu Shaochen,

" Shaochen, I don't care. I will never give my own son to anyone else, even sister Ranran. Wu -- I don't want to -- Wu Wu -- "

" Wu Wu Wu Wu -- "

it's so sad and painful to cry It makes people cry.

Who can think of, at this time of brocade Heart Tong heart how proud!

She never wants liluoran to succeed!

She would like to see what liluoran can do!


Lu Shaochen also wants to persuade Jin Xintong, but Li luoran says, "in this case, I can only tell the truth."

Lu Shaochen withdrew his later remarks.

Jin Xin Tong's fingertips tremble slightly. She looks suspiciously at Li luoran through thick tears.Li luoran looked up calmly and said, "jinxintong is not Mingyue's biological mother. Mingyue's biological mother is me."

Lu Shaochen's thin lips open, staring at Li luoran, his eyes are more worried.

The brocade Heart Tong but seem to be poured down a basin of cold water by the head, her facial expression instantly becomes pale.

"I know what you're thinking. You think I'm crazy and talking nonsense. I don't want to be talking nonsense. But these are all solid facts. When I learned the truth from Xiao Qianhua, I was as surprised as you and doubted life..." Li luoran has mixed feelings in her heart and is still indifferent on the surface. She tries to be concise and straightforward,

"four years ago, Xiao Qianhua secretly planned that we should be intimate in the car for one night. His purpose is to let me help Jin Xintong give birth to your child. After I gave birth to the child, he was immediately taken away and acted as the child born by Jin Xintong. This child is Mingyue."

The eyes of brocade Heart Tong stare of roll round, the extremely beautiful face didn't have a silk blood color, the distance can see her body tremble of fierce.

She never thought that Li luoran was already under her control and dared to tell the truth openly.

And after Li luoran said these words, it was like pulling off her last fig leaf, which made her whole person collapse.


Lu Shaochen's eyes cast to Jin Xintong.

Although he did not say a word, there was a clear suspicion in his eyes.



Although Li luoran was shocked and surprised by what he said, it's not unreasonable to think about it carefully

However, he is extremely afraid to think carefully -

if that is the case, how terrible would Xiaojin, who has always been regarded as a goddess by him, be?

"It's not true. Don't believe her!" Jin Xintong panics at Lu Shaochen's suspicious eyes. She rushes to Lu Shaochen excitedly and holds Lu Shaochen's arm tightly with her cold hands.

"sister Ranran has always been unkind to me. She is jealous of me, so she wants to take my child away. That's why she makes up such a mean lie to plant me. Shaochen, sister Ranran has planted me not once or twice Believe her, don't believe her... "

As if the end of the world is coming, the voice is trembling.

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